Christ Revealed in His Own Word # 8

To Be Ready for that hour

Sunday Morning April 14, 1996

[ Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship]


This morning I would like to once again continue in Christ Is Revealed in His Own word, and this is number 8 in our series. This morning I would like to move on to pp. #2-5 and finish up Brother Branham's opening prayer. PP. 2  "And we believe that we're ending up this world's history now, and soon time will fade into eternity; and we want to be ready for that hour. That's why we have assembled here this morning, is to prepare for that time. I am told that there are many of the telephone hooks-ups this morning across the nation, from coast to coast. Wherever our voices is coming, may that little group be blessed. Heal the sick that's among them. 3 And I pray that You'll cleanse their souls from all evil. Help us here this morning at the Tabernacle that we also may enjoy that great privilege. And we ask that You'll speak to us today through Thy written Word, and may the Spirit reveal to us the things that we have need of, as we have gathered nationwide now, feeling that we are a small people, but have a place among the redeemed, because we have believed on Jesus Christ. 4  Grant these things to us, Lord, and when we close the service and we go to our different homes across the nation, may we say like those from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us along the road?"   5  Now, Father, I know that whatever I would say would be certainly insufficient. With the--the fine Christians throughout the nation now that's tuned in, it wouldn't be--it wouldn't be adequate. It would not be something that I could say that could do any good, because we're all in the same category. We're human, mortals, but let the great Holy Spirit speak; may He take ahold the Word and just reveal Himself. We're waiting on Him now, in Jesus' Name. Amen. (May be seated.)


This morning I would like to focus our thoughts upon one little statement  that Brother Branham makes in this prayer, and that is this: "we believe that we're ending up this world's history now, and soon time will fade into eternity; and we want to be ready for that hour. That's why we have assembled here this morning, is to prepare for that time.   What does it mean for time to fade into Eternity.  We use the word fade to suggest certain things, like those jeans are faded. What do we mean when we use the word fade or fade out? And can any one give me a few examples of  something that fades out?  Webster say the word  fade means  to become less distinct, to whither ; wane.; to disappear slowly.  And  I think that this is the key, to disappear slowly.  And so we are looking at  not only a disappearance of time as we know it but a slow disappearance. to disappear sloooooowly! 


Now I think that most Christians would agree that we are at the end - time, and most would also agree that there is coming a time when "Time shall be no more".  In fact we read of this ending of time in          [ Revelations 10: 1 -  7 ] Read ... Now the thing I want you to notice here is the events that surround the ending of time as we know it. First, there is a descent by a Mighty Angel of Whom it was said by Brother Branham that this Mighty Angel is the Angel of the Covenant, none other than the Lord Jesus Christ.  Now he also taught us that the Angel of the covenant, was the same Pillar of Fire that led the Children of Israel out of  Egypt and that Appeared to Paul on His road to Damascus. And Who did this Angel Identify Himself to Be when Paul asked 'Who art thou Lord?" He said, " I am Jesus Whom thou persecutest.. "  And in the Movie we have of Brother Branham where He is being interviewed by brother Kopp, Brother Branham is asked to explain to the people about the Pillar of Fire that Had it's Picture taken with Him and he explains it like this, 


Very well, Brother Kopp. Let's go back to the beginning. I was born in eastern Kentucky, in a little log cabin near Burkesville, Kentucky. The morning of my birth, I'm told of my parents, that there was a Light came into the room and hung over me.  My people was not a religious people. They did not go to any church. Of course, this caused quite a stir among them. It's followed me all the days of my life. Recently, they took a picture of It in the scientific world as shown here. You're probably familiar with this picture. It was proven by science that it was the only supernatural Being that was ever scientifically photographed.  To my opinion, It's the same Angel of God that followed the children of Israel from Egypt unto Palestine. You know as a scholar yourself, that was the Angel of the Covenant, none other than our Lord Jesus Christ. And when here on earth, manifested in flesh, He did not claim to be a great Person. He said, "The Son can do nothing, just as the Father shows him."


Christ Revealed in His Own Word # 8

Sunday Morning April 14, 1996


So I believe that we are a most privileged people because we have seen the manifestation of  Revelations Chapter 10 and verses 1 - 7 take place in our very life time. We are Witnesses of One of the greatest events to ever take place in the history of mankind. The Very Angel of the Covenant, Jesus Christ Himself, in the same form as he came to Paul and Moses, as the Pillar of Fire.  And so we see that when He came down He brought with Him an open Book. Now this is very significant, because we also read of the opening of the book in chapter 5 of the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ.  Let's read it for ourselves.


[ Rev 5: 1 - 6:1] Read... and so we see the book is opened by the Lamb of God.


."  The first things I wish to point out here is that the mystery of God will be finished when this scene unfolds. In other words, until this scene happens God and Godhead will continue to be a mystery. But, when this happens, then the mystery is done away. Secondly,  this scene begins with a descent of this Mighty angel who brother Branham called the angel of the Covenant, none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. From The Breach pg. 74 he says, " And when the seals are broken, ( Rev 5) and the mystery is revealed, down comes the Angel, the Messenger, Christ, setting His foot upon land and upon sea with a rainbow over His Head. Now, remember, this Seventh Angel is on earth at the time of this coming." 


Thirdly, you will notice He comes clothed with a cloud and a rainbow over His head.  In Life magazine we have a picture of this Cloud which formed His Wig which is part of His clothing and if you hold the picture up to the light, you will see a rainbow over His head because there is a photo of a rainbow on the reverse side of the page and by light we can see the revelation ( rainbow).  A wig is an ornament for the head pointing to or bringing the attraction to the head. It also represents a Judge, being a white wig. We see also that His face was so brilliant it shown forth as the very Sun itself. And His feet as the Pillar of Fire. Fourth, He came down with an open book. And then He cried with a loud voice as when a lion roareth. And Fifth, we find this happening at the time when the seventh angel is here on earth.  Now let's just examine these five points.


The scene begins by a descent. So Who came down if Jesus took the book and then sat down. Brother Branham said from, THE FIRST SEAL  63-0318, "Notice now, the Holy Spirit and the revelation and Christ is: the Holy Spirit is Christ in another form. That's right. Notice, it is a Lamb that opened the Book, and the Lamb is Christ; and Christ is not seen anymore from then, but He is seen in the Book of Revelation, the 19th chapter, coming on a white horse   Now keep this in mind because brother Branham said, that the lamb is not seen again until [Revelations 19]. Again we find in pg. 25 of  SOULS IN PRISON He said,  "And John looked to see a Lion, and what did he find?--a Lamb, and it was a bloody Lamb. A Lamb that had been slain. How long?--since the foundation of the world. The Lamb came forth, walked up to Him that had the Book in His right hand, and received the Book. Climbed upon the Throne and sat down. That's it. It was over. When?--when the seals was revealed. And again in, pp. 34 WHO DO YOU SAY THIS IS?   "John, looking to see a--a lion, he saw a Lamb that had been slain, a--a bloody Lamb come forth and took the Book, climbed upon a Throne and set down. "


So we see here  that the Lamb took the book in Chapter 5 ( He opened the book and then  He went and climbed up and sat down on the Fathers Throne.  Now, remember, If we do not see the Lamb which is the body from chapter 5 until 19, because He is on the throne, then Who came down in Revelations chapter 10? I believe it is the same one we see in [1 Thessalonians 4: 15 - 18] which  tells us that the Lord Himself shall descend with a shout of which brother Branham said, "the shout is a Message going forth". So which Lord came down?   "The Lord said unto My Lord."  So then,  which one came down? Which one are we speaking of Here? The Father or the Son? Our answer is in verse [14]. [1 Thessalonians 4: 14]  “Even so they which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.” Now, is this telling us God brings with Jesus or is it saying God brings with Himself.?


Christ Revealed in His Own Word # 8

Sunday Morning April 14, 1996


Remember, in Revelations chapter 10 we are told that when this mighty Angel which brother Branham called Christ in the form of the Holy Spirit comes down, notice He comes with a loud voice which is a shout. And this Loud voice sounds like a lion. We find over in the Book of Amos that this is the voice of God Himself.  [Amos 3: 7 - 8] " Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret ( Mystery) unto His servants the prophets. The Lion hath roared, who will not fear? The Lord God hath spoken, who can but prophecy"  So we see the scripture tell us that it is the Voice of God that comes forth in the shout with a loud voice. And this loud voice sounds like the roar of a lion, bringing fear to all who hear it and yet it is also a prophetic voice as stated here in the book of Amos.  So by now we must understand that it is God Himself and not the Son of God who comes at this time to Reveal the Mystery of Himself. That is where so many have fallen short in this Message. They do not know who has come down. And that is because they do not understand Godhead. You ask them who came down, and they will tell you the Lamb. But the Lamb is on the throne until He is again seen in Revelations chapter 19. So who came down? You will find the answer in Ephesians chapter one as well. It is “The Father of Glory”.


Paul told us that it is God who will come.  [Ephesians 1: 17 - 20]  "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give unto you the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Himself  So that your eyes may be enlightened and you may know what His expectations of His calling are and what His exceeding greatness of His power is toward us who believe.." 


From Seventy Weeks of Daniel he said, " The Spirit of Wisdom comes in to the church to make known to the church by the revelation  of the Holy Ghost bringing the church in and revealing what day that we are living in. Just as Gabriel came to Daniel, the Holy Spirit comes to the church in the last days to reveal these great deep secret things."  So we see God comes with the Spirit of Adoption and let’s us know that it is He Who has come because He is the Same One Who raised up Jesus. In [2 Thessalonians 2] : we see that God’s Holy Spirit is holding down the lawlessness until He departs and when He departs the earth He will take us with Him in a Rapture. From 161-3 THE FIRST SEAL  brother Branham said, " You can't crown a spirit,..., and when this Holy Spirit that we have, becomes incarnate to us, the One that is in our midst now in the form of the Holy Ghost, becomes incarnate to us in the Person of Jesus Christ, we will crown Him King of Kings...?... That's right. See?"  So then Revelations 10  is not speaking of the Body that comes down, which is the Second Coming. It is not the Lamb, it is the Holy Ghost Himself which the scriptures refer to  as the Appearing. From the MESSAGE of GRACE, pg. 30 he said,  "There’s only one thing different in Him being here this morning than He was amongst the people at Galilee, that would be His own body of flesh, His corporal body; because that was raised up (you believe that?) set’s at the right hand of the majesty on high, ever living to make intercessions for our confessions.


Now, what I want for us to see here this morning is that Brother Branham has told us in this opening prayer to God, that Time is fading into Eternity and we should place the emphasis where he placed it and that is that it is fading. Time is slowly  disappearing at such a slow pace that all the events which are associated with this fading out of time are overlooked and misplaced altogether. You know that is true. People are looking for a sudden coming and a sudden catching away and yet the coming of the Lord is upon us and has overtaken us and the people are so asleep that they are failing to focus on the events of the Ending of time. What we are failing to recognize is the slow ebbing tide that is coming in. It reminds me of a story I heard years ago that goes something like this:


An old man was out walking the beach when he came upon a young man walking down the beach and going in a direction that was heading away from the safety of the beach  and he was heading for the cliffs that jutted out by the edge of the sea. The old man had lived in that area for many years and he knew what to expect from the tide and so when he saw the young man he warned him not to go any further because the tides were coming in.



Christ Revealed in His Own Word # 8

Sunday Morning April 14, 1996


The young man looked out at the sea and since he did not know what signs the old man was seeing as signs of an incoming tide, he just ignored the old man's warning and proceeded forth going on his merry way thinking that when He saw the tides coming in and washing up on the shore, he could outrun it and be safe. But what he did not know was that the tide didn't come in with a lot of noise and fanfare, it came in slowly, inch by inch. The young man was so interested in exploring the cliffs that he forgot about the time and before he knew it the tides were upon him and he was soon over come by the sea and drowned.


Brother Branham said, time is fading into Eternity. Time is slowly disappearing right before our very eyes and only those who are watching and aware of the events that are associated with the ending of time as we know it will be caught up into the Eternity that has appeared before us in the form of the Pillar of Fire. For God Himself id the Author of Eternal Life. But for the rest of humanity, we see another story unfolding.


[ Luke 8: 13 ]  Notice these are those who hear the Word but do not take heed to what it is telling them and they end up with nothing. It says, the devil comes and takes away the Word out of their hearts which is he takes it from their understanding. And of course when they no longer understand what the Word is telling them, they soon lose hope and sight of the real picture and before they know it they are drifting away and drifting off to sleep.


[ Luke 21: 31 - 36 ]  The scripture tells us to take heed, to be very careful that we do not miss out standing in the Presence of the Son of Man. It also tells us that many will be so bogged down by the cares of this life that they will miss out on this great end-time event and therefore that DAY will come upon them unawares and they will miss out on it.  It also tells us that being caught up into the cares of this life will be a snare that will come upon every one who is living in that day but we are also told that there will be a small number who have been accounted worthy who will not fall for this trap and thus they will stand before or in the presence of the Son of Man and receive all that is to be given in that day.


Brother Branham said in his opening prayer of this Message Christ Revealed in His Own Word, "we believe that we're ending up this world's history now, and soon time will fade into eternity; and we want to be ready for that hour. That's why we have assembled here this morning, is to prepare for that time


So we see that the world's history is ending NOW, and that time is fading, it is disappearing slowly, ever so slowly, and because it is fading so slowly many are missing the events which constitute the end of time as we know it. In [Rev 10: 7] where we read the words, "and time shall be no more" the literal translation is " and "time shall be no more delayed."  And Brother Branham is praying that we will be ready for this entering into Eternity and so He tells us via this opening prayer that this Message and our gathering to this Message of Christ Revealed in His Own Word has something to do with our preparation for this great event of the time fading out and eternity beginning. Oh, brothers and sisters, don't get so bogged down in your every day lives that you miss what God has in store for those that Love His Appearing.


We see in [Deut 28 : 1- 2 ] That if we take heed to the Voice of God that all these blessings will not only come upon us but shall overtake us. Now this is like in a race when you have your eyes set on the goal tine. And he is telling us that as they come upon us we will not even see them coming but they will soon not only come upon us but they will overtake us and we will be swept up into the current of the tide. But this tide is God sent to take our boats home to Glory. But on the other hand, those who do not pay close heed to the Voice of God, curses will come upon them and overtake them as we read in [verse 15].


Did not Jesus Warn us to be ever watchful and praying for this hour to come? Let's read again

 [ Luke 21: 36]  and now let's close with [ Mark 13: 29 - 37] Let's bow our heads in prayer.