Christ Revealed in His Own Word #13

Christ Revealed Through His Word

Sunday Morning, May 5, 1996

Brian Kocourek Pastor, Grace Fellowship


This morning I would like to continue in our study of Christ Revealed in His own Word and this is number 13 in our series. This morning I would like to examine the closing words of Brother Branham's opening prayer which we find in pp. 4 & 5.  So let's read..


4  Grant these things to us, Lord, and when we close the service and we go to our different homes across the nation, may we say like those from Emmaus, "Did not our hearts burn within us as He spoke to us along the road?"


5  Now, Father, I know that whatever I would say would be certainly insufficient. With the fine Christians throughout the nation now that's tuned in, it wouldn't be adequate. It would not be something that I could say that could do any good, because we're all in the same category. We're human, mortals, but let the great Holy Spirit speak; may He take ahold the Word and just reveal Himself. We're waiting on Him now, in Jesus' Name. Amen. (May be seated.)


Now I want you to notice the thoughts he expresses here that He is asking our Heavenly Father to completely take over an speak through His lips for He tells us that as a mere mortal being he really has nothing to tell us that will help us in any way, but if God were to take over and begin to Reveal Himself  to us and Speak through His Own Word then we would benefit greatly.  Now, again his exact words were thus: Now, Father, I know that whatever I would say would be certainly insufficient. With the fine Christians throughout the nation now that's tuned in, it wouldn't be adequate. It would not be something that I could say that could do any good, because we're all in the same category. We're human, mortals, but let the great Holy Spirit speak; may He take ahold the Word and just reveal Himself.


Now here we find a little subject that I would like to address and that is the revealing of Christ. It really is not a little subject because to address it correctly, we must utilize the entire Bible from cover to cover for this Bible is the entire Revelation of Jesus Christ. And so with this in mind, I would like to break down these thoughts and try to systematically cover it in a way that will leave you with a better understanding of God and His Son.


As you well know, when we study the Revelation of Jesus Christ we are talking of not only a  subject, but a person and the relation of this person to the Godhead. Brother Branham told us that there is but One God! As so does the Scripture. 


[ Deut 6: 4 - 9] This thought of One God is so important to God that he commanded us to teach it to our children.  Now we also find this in the New Testament as well.


[ Ephesians 4: 1 - 7] Notice that Paul tells us that there is One God above all, and then he also tells us that this one who is above all is also in us all. Then He tells us how in verse [7]. Read


Now, what I want to show you this morning is how this Father of all is in all.


[ John 5: 26] And this is how the Father is in us all. He is the author of Life and it is His Life that is in each One of  us Who have been born anew of His Spirit.


[ John 3: 1 - 7] You must be born again or you will never even see which means to understand the Kingdom of God.)  It will always remain a mystery to you.  And how are you born again. He said there are two births. The first one comes by water. The mother carries the baby in her womb surrounded by amniotic fluids. Basically water and blood. Then when the child is born this housing let's go and the water rushes forth and then the child comes into this world.


That is the way Jesus said He must be first born of water. Then He says, He must be born of water and then of the Spirit. And so the question remains and has remained throughout the seven church ages as to how the second birth must come. He said this second birth must come by the Spirit. You must be born of water and of the Spirit. And so we see that Pentecost recognized the Birth by the Spirit as being a necessary event in our lives which must come forth in  order for us to see and thus enter the kingdom of God. The problem is that like every other move of God, after it began men came into it and brought their own thoughts and thus perverted the peoples understanding of this Scripture.


[ 2 Cor 11: 1 - 4] These men came in and brought with them false teaching which also introduced the people to a false Gospel, which then brought the people to believe in a false Jesus and thus gave them a new birth but a false new birth which was not the Spirit of God but another spirit which was a false spirit.  And who were these men?


In [ verses 13 - 15]   Paul tells us they are Satan's ministers, posing as ministers of Righteousness.  Now to you this may be puzzling but to God it is not. He has warned His people from the very beginning to be careful what they hear and to whom they listen to.


[ Deut 13: 1 - 5] Now notice that God allows these men to rise up in order to test you. But I also want you to notice that God has never left His people without a voice. And we know that God's voice is a vindicated one. The voice of God is His Prophet's.


[ Deut 18: 15 - 22] You will notice here that God will give us a True Prophet to speak His own words, and in this Prophet God will vindicate the man by not allowing His words to fail which he speaks, because it is not the man speaking but God Himself is speaking through His lips.


But what we see in the end time is a picture of men rising up who proclaim to be ministers of righteousness but are actually only impostors. [ 2 Tim 3: 1 - 14] So we see the importance of knowing the one who is teaching you. Not just know the man but knowing what it is he is trying to teach you and knowing his motives for doing so. This is very important, because we know that these false teachers will be causing many to lose there place in the way of righteousness and these men will cause a great falling away from the truth. And notice that these men are not only deceiving, but they themselves are deceived as well. So they are sincere about what they teach. Doesn't the scripture tell us that Judas himself was sincere when he kissed Jesus with the kiss of betrayal. The actual Greek says, he kissed Jesus affectionately again and again. [( kataphileo) To kiss much, again and again, tenderly.] so there is what sincerity will get you. Brother Branham said those people who sacrifice their children to the crocodiles are sincere or they wouldn't do what they do, but they are sincerely wrong. Sincerity has nothing to do with it, "it is not him that runneth or him that willeth, but it is God who showeth Mercy" " Not by might nor by power, but by My Word Saith God."  It must all come back to this Word or it is of no good to us. Brother Branham speaking of the Gifts said, why do people want to go after the false when the skies are so full of the Real. And what was first written in the skies? The Word of God.


[ 1 Tim 4: 1] It tells us that some shall fall away from the Truth. Now this falling away is from the Truth. Not just from truth in general, but the Truth which is the Message of God for the people of that hour. And there will be a falling away from what the end-time Message is declared to be. The Truth of It.  Paul also warned us of this in the book of [ Acts 20 : 26 - 31] & [ Acts 13: 40 - 41] Here we find that Paul tells the people that God will bring forth a declaration to the people and this declaration they will reject. Now this is fitting because brother Branham said of His own Ministry the following words, " " This is my ministry, see, to declare Him, that He is here!"  [FROM THAT TIME PP. 227]


Now, just before he said these most notable words, he said the follow­ing.  " How many knows there’s a difference between the Appearing of Christ and the Coming of Christ? It’s two different words, Now’s the Appearing; the coming will soon be. He’s Appearing in the midst of us, doing the works  that He once did, in His church.”  Now  if we truly believe that brother Branham was God's  ordained Messenger  for this age, then we must examine carefully  what  he was  trying to tell us. If in fact Christ has always  been  here, then what do we need a prophet to tell us what we already know.  In [JOHN 1:18]  we read " No man hath seen God  at any time; the only begotten Son,  which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him.”   As Scofield noted, "He hath literally led Him forth into full revelation. The example we see of this declaring is in Jesus' answer to Philip in [JOHN  14: 9]  He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father. Jesus went on to say that this declaring of the Father would repeat.


Again we see in [1 JOHN 1:1-3] So we see then that is the Life that became manifested. Jesus said, no man has seen God but the Son hath declared Him. Now, let's go back to this thought on Life and the new birth for a moment. Remember, we read where Jesus said to Nicodemus, "You must be born again" if you are to be able to ever see the kingdom of God. Right? And this word see is a Greek word He uses which means to understand. So in essence what Jesus is telling Nicodemus is that you must be born anew of the Spirit of God if you are to be able to understand the Kingdom of God which is His Word. We find then that this is where the confusion comes in. Many people do not understand what the Spirit of God is? They think it is some mystical sensation and do not know that Jesus Himself said, "My Words are Spirit and they are Life."  Let's just turn tot he scripture and see for ourselves. [ John 6: 63] read.


Now if His Words are Spirit and they are Life it is because we also read in [ John 1: 1] That God is His Word.  (Read) And so if we see then that God is the Word and His Word is a Seed according to [Mark 4: 13 -20] Those who do not go on to produce the same life as in the Word seed are those who the devil takes the Word from their heart. Now as we have studied, when the word heart is used in the scripture it means their understanding. So when the word is not understood then it can't bring forth any evidence of the Life is the Seed into the person. [ Matt 13: 18 - 19]. So you must understand the Word of God.  We find Jesus very specifically telling this to the Apostles in verses [10 - 16].


Now, then, if the Word is meant to be understood for it to do you any good, and if not just any one will have an understanding of it, then we see that only the Elect can not be deceived, because only the elect will have what it takes to receive the Word and all others will not receive it.


And this brings us back to what Jesus said about being Truly born again of the Spirit of God. If we are born of the Spirit of God and God's Spirit is His Word, then our new birth can only come by God's Word becoming alive in us, quickened by His very Presence. [ 1 Peter 1 : 23 ] And so here in 1 Peter we see two forms of a new birth. One form is  Corruptible, and the other which is not corruptible is by the Word of God entering in and setting your Soul aflame. Hat is why we find in [ 2 Peter 1: 2 - 4] That every thing we have need of in this life comes through the Word of God. Even the Divine nature which is God's own Nature in us. Therefore you can not escape the fact that every thing must come back to this Word.  We van not go by feelings, we must go by the Word of God. Brother Branham many times said, " the Bible never asked you if you feel it, it asked you if you believed it." And that is the crux of the situation.


The Bible tells us that at the end time people will be seduced away from the Truth by men of reprobate minds concerning the Truth. Men who can not in any way shape or form come to an understanding of the Truth because they are not ordained to understand it. And because they do not understand it they therefore will preach error concerning the Truth and therefore the Message of the Hour.  If brother Branham said,    " This is my ministry, see, to declare Him, that He is here!" then we can be sure of one thing, and that is those who are not ordained to understand this, will not preach Christ, and they will not preach that He is here. And if they do it will not be the same one that He preached. As they did in the Alpha so shall they do in the Omega. They will bring in another Jesus, another Gospel message and therefore those that hear them will receive another Spirit.


[ 2 Peter 2: 1 - 3] read...  Notice that these will bring in a false message. It does not say that they are on the outside preaching there false doctrine,  for what good would that do. They are on the inside of it but they bring into it, that which does not belong in it,  thus corrupting what is inside. And notice also their purpose is to fleece the people. To make merchandise of them.