Christ Revealed in His Own Word #16

Men will not Endure Sound Doctrine

Wednesday Evening, May 15, 1996

Brian Kocourek  Pastor, Grace Fellowship


The last few Messages we have focused our thought on Vindication and showed that those who reject the Vindicated mindset of God speaking through His Prophet are actually turned over to a reprobate mind concerning the Word. So we see that we either move in a vindicated mindset or a reprobate mindset and there is no in between mindset.


[ 2 Tim 4: 3-4] NIV "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, they will gather around them a great number of  teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear."


Now this scripture tells us plainly that the people will come to the place that they will no longer put up with the True Doctrine. The King James version tells us they will not endure sound doctrine any longer. By using the words "put up with" or "endure",  it suggests to us that they not only have no use for the True doctrine, but it also suggests to us that it is a trying thing, a painful experience, to even hear it. And I suppose that is because it doesn't fir into their way of thinking. When you say, "I don't want to put up with that any longer," you are in fact saying that you have no use for it and it is inconvenient to your way of thinking and it is troublesome and maybe even boring. To put up with suggests a labouring and in this day of Laodicea that is the furthest thing from the peoples minds. Why with televsion and movies made so convenient, people are getting lazier and lazier every day. It used to be that if you wanted to escape your daily grind, you would pick up a good book about the West or some exotic place and read an adventure stroy. Then as you would read, you would be sending your mind off into some distant land and this form of escapism was good and healthy because it was stimulating to your mind and as you ventured off into the unknown your mind would be busy at work. You had to conceptualize the scene and the lands and the people for yourself.  And the authors would painstakingly be very correct about their historical facts and data. You learned Geography, Spelling, Grammar, and writing techniques all while you enjoyed the adventure in your mind.


But today everything is done for you even to the point that the weird creations of the perverted minds of men are openly displayed via the television screen and as brother Branham said, it is preparing the young minds of the people for the blast.  The mind is not being used much today. You work on a machine and the machine makes all the calculations for you. It used to be that in order to be a good machinist you would need to know calculus and geometry and trigonometry. The ones who learned best became tool and die makers while the others usually worked a simple tapping and drilling machine. But today this has become a dying breed. Just push a button and the machine will move in the access you want. And the same holds true in just about every field.


Now [ 2 Tim 4 ] was given to brother Branham by the Angel of the Lord as His commission and in this we see that the people will come to the place where they will no longer have any endurance for the Truth, but they will be led into fables which is only a made up story. A fable is not a True story but a make believe one and that is what the Gospel has become to so many in this day. Make-believe.  You hear them talk on the radio about a 50 day spiritual adventure where the people are to imagine that Jesus is with them every where they go for a 50 day period. And so then they report back at the end of this 50 day spiritual adventure


[ 1 Tim 4: 1-2 ] There must be a falling away, and this falling away we are told is from THE Faith. And their is only One Faith...One Lord...according to [ Eph 4: 5 ] And so we se that the falling away will be from this Message. I know men who have served this message what seemed to be faithfully for 27 years and then turn and say they never really believed it and walk away from it?  What is it? Have they gone loony?  Ministers who understood vindication and preached it for years and suddenly they plunge into polygamy, and adultery and fornication. Others who have been so faithful for years and then all of a sudden they quit supporting the work of  God.


And others who followed the message for years and then go back into the world. Some don't even believe in God any more. In [ Luke 18: 8 ] Jesus asks the question, " When the Son of Man cometh, Shall He find Faith on the earth? And that is what we are looking at this morning. Shall He find Faith? Shall He find Revelation? But what we see in the end time is a picture of men rising up who proclaim to be ministers of  The Faith but as we see them manifest themselves, we find they are actually only impostors. [ 2 Tim 3: 1 - 14] So we see the importance of knowing the one who is teaching you. Not just knowing the man but knowing what it is he is  teaching you and knowing his motives for doing so. This is very important, because we know that these false teachers will be causing many to lose there place in The Faith and these men will cause a great falling away from THE FAITH. And notice that these men are not only deceiving, but they themselves are deceived as well. So they are sincere about what they teach. The scripture tell us that Judas himself was sincere when he kissed Jesus with the kiss of betrayal. The actual Greek says, he kissed Jesus affectionately again and again. [( kataphileo) To kiss much, again and again, tenderly.]


Now another thing I want you to understand is that we read in verse 8 we are told that these men that resist THE FAITH are also corrupt concerning THE FAITH. Paul told us in [ Gal 1: 6-8] That they are preaching not an altogether different Message, but a perverted one. And this word perverted that Paul uses is a Greek word  Metastrepho which means to turn your mind from and away from. So what these men are preaching is a Gospel that will actually turn the minds of the people away from THE FAITH. And we also find in [ 2 Tim 3: 8] That the way they will do this is to do just like Jannes and Jambre did. Now Jannes and Jambres never disputed with Moses and said, " Hey there, you can't do that!" No, they agreed that it could be done and they did it themselves thus trying to diminish the power of vindication by their own magic. So they were imitators of the One Who was Real. But notice the scripture tells us that these men are men of corrupt minds, and they are reprobate concerning THE FAITH.


Now I would like to ask you this simple question,  what does it mean for these men to have reprobate minds concerning the Faith? [ Romans 1: 28  & Titus 1: 16] They say that they believe every word, but in their works they deny Him. Reprobate concerning THE FAITH.  Now the word reprobate is a Greek word adokimos which means, "one who has been rejected not having stood the test and therefore unproved and unfit."  And who could that be?  Could God ever reject His own?  [ 2 Cor 13: 5 ]  We are told to test and scrutinize our own selves to see whether we be in THE FAITH. And then he let's us know that we are to thoroughly acquaint our own selves and to know and understand how that Christ is in us, and if He is not in us then we are reprobates and fit only to be rejected, ad fit only for the burning.


Now [ Hebrews 6: 8 ] tells us that the reprobates are fit only for the burning. And we find out that these are those who were spoken of in verse [ 6 - 8 ] who themselves rejected THE ONCE FOR ALL ENLIGHTENMENT OF THE FAITH and thus they proved themselves to be reprobate concerning THE FAITH.  So then what are those people who are reprobate since they are those who only are fit for burning?  We find our answer in [ Matt 13: 26 - 43 ] Who does the scripture tell us is fit for the burning? The tares right? And who are the tares? Serpent Seed right? It says they are the children of the wicked one. And how do we know this? They were sewed by the enemy, which is the devil, right?  So we must ask ourselves this question. When the scripture speaks of a people with reprobate minds, who is it speaking of? Serpent seed, right? It is the Serpent Seed who is incapable of  coming to the knowledge of The TRUTH. The attributes of the Elect on the other hand is one which let their own thinking go and thus they pass the test and are given the mind of their Father. Let's face it. In Bible times a Father would have his son trained up in the ways of His business. He would be trained under tutors and governors until the appointed time of Adoption.  When the child reached a certain age and he showed that his mind set was the same as his Father's, he would then be adopted into His fathers house hold and given the privileges of a Son with his name on the check book as brother Branham put it.  But what have we got today. Young people raised in this message well up in their years and yet still run around with a teenager mentality. When are they going to grow up? When are they going to become responsible, or maybe we should ask the question, can they become responsible. Or have they been rejected. Is it later than we think?


 I hope you can see that a reprobate mind concerning THE FAITH is a mind that shows that it comes from a certain lineage. It is a Serpent Seed lineage. We bear long with people I know and we hope for the best, but after two admonition we are told to simply reject or avoid those who just will not receive the Truth. Why? Because there is nothing in them capable of receiving the Truth. They have a broken cistern for a mind. You cram in to their minds the Word of God in it's Entirety and within days they have forgotten what they were excited about. Why? Because it all leaked out. Broken Cisterns.  Now you say what does this have to do with this Message? Brother Branham is preaching Christ is Revealed in His Own Word, and thus I am trying to tell you that if you can not receive the Truth of the Message, What Paul calls THE FAITH then you can not be a part of God or a Son or Daughter of God. And if you are not One of His then you have got to be one of the Devils Kids. That's all there is to it. There is no in between place to hide.


You say, well there is certain parts of the word I just can't do, but I believe it. Then you don't pass the test. There's a leak in the cistern somewhere.  Well I just don't have faith to pay my tithe. A broken cistern somewhere.  [ Mal 3: 7-9] return unto Me and I will Return unto you. There you are.  Then how can we say we believe when we don't do. James said, "what good does it do to say I believe and I have Faith when you don't do what you say you believe. He said show me your actions and I will know what you believe."  Paul also warned us of this in the book of [ Acts 20 : 26 - 31] & [ Acts 13: 40 - 41] Here we find that Paul tells the people that God will bring forth a declaration to the people and this declaration they will reject. Now this is fitting because brother Branham said of His own Ministry the following words, " " This is my ministry, see, to declare Him, that He is here!"  [FROM THAT TIME PP. 227]


Now if His Words are Spirit and they are Life it is because we also read in [ John 1: 1] That God is His Word.  (Read) And so if we see then that God is the Word and His Word is a Seed according to [Mark 4: 13 -20] Those who do not go on to produce the same life as in the Word seed are those who the devil takes the Word from their heart. Now as we have studied, when the word heart is used in the scripture it means their understanding. So when the word is not understood then it can't bring forth any evidence of the Life is the Seed into the person. [ Matt 13: 18 - 19]. So you must understand the Word of God.  We find Jesus very specifically telling this to the Apostles in verses [10 - 16].  Now, then, if the Word is meant to be understood for it to do you any good, and if not just any one will have an understanding of it, then we see that only the Elect can not be deceived, because only the elect will have what it takes to receive the Word and all others will not receive it.


The Bible tells us that at the end time people will be seduced away from the Truth by men of reprobate minds concerning the Faith. Men who can not in any way shape or form come to an understanding of the Truth because they are not ordained to understand it. And because they do not understand it they therefore will preach error concerning the Faith and therefore the Revelation of the Hour.  If brother Branham said,    " This is my ministry, see, to declare Him, that He is here!" then we can be sure of one thing, and that is those who are not ordained to understand this, will not preach this same Christ, and they will not preach that He is here. .As they did in the Alpha so shall they do in the Omega. They will bring in another Jesus, another Gospel message and therefore those that hear them will receive another Spirit. Now this brings us to this Message of  Brother Branham's that we are studying Christ Revealed in His Own Word. Now what comes to your mind when you hear the word Christ? Do you think of the Son?  Or do you think of the Father? Who then is being revealed in Whose Word?  Is the Word, Jesus the Son's Word? Or is it the Father's Word? I want you to think about these things because they are very important. Did not Brother Branham tell us that both the Oneness and Trinitarians were wrong concerning their understanding of the Godhead? Did he not tell us that God is not One like your finger is One? So then if the Godhead  is not One like your finger is one, and He is not three as the Trinitarians believe, and he also told us that God is not two-ness or fourness, then what is it? Fiveness??? No! Absolutely not, that would be absurd! So then what is the Truth of the Godhead.



  How many of you, all perhaps, have read of the virgins? Some were wise and some were foolish. "Virgin" means "purity." They were all good people, everyone of them virgin, sanctified vessels of God. But those who had oil in their lamps went in. And the others was left out. They were all virgins, everyone people that you couldn't put your finger on for anything wrong. They everyone believed in the coming of the Lord. They were ready to go meet Him, but some of them let their oil go out. Don't let that be your case. Keep oil in your lamp. Oil is the Spirit, the Holy Spirit. Never let it drain from you. When you feel your love dying away, your sincerity to Christ, and to the--the cause, quickly go to Him Who has the Fountain of Oil and buy for yourself a filling of the Holy Spirit.  Our nation gone, morally corrupted and ruined, our politics corrupted and gone, our leaders... O God, what could we do about it? You can put a good man in, and he comes out a crook. There's only One we can bring now, that's the Lord Jesus. Let's make ready for His coming. 

6  PATMOS.VISION  JEFF.IN  ROJC 69-130  60-1204E

  And we use the word sometime as predestination, but it's a sure hanger in this church age that we live in. It was certainly a great thing used in the days of the martyrs, 'cause they certainly believed it. But it's got away from it now to the legalist ideas, the legalist teaching in the church which come... Which was a good thing, because all of it had gone Calvinistic in England till they didn't even have revivals anymore, and John Wesley come along preaching the Arminian doctrine which balanced it up. God will always balance it up. So then the foolish virgin was the one who did not have oil in their lamps, that I believe that was cast out into outer darkness where there'd be weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth. If you'll compare that on your footnotes, it'll run it right back again to the great tribulation. And I think they're the ones that stays back and goes through the great tribulation. Quite a lesson there, if we had time to go into it. If you...

 156  TEN.VIRGINS  JEFF.IN  ROJC 425-492  60-1211M

  Now, watch, they, both of them were virgins. Now, let me get this. Here, let's take these two right here. This is a virgin and this is a virgin. This was a foolish virgin and this was a wise virgin, but both of them are virgins.  Now, if you'll take that name "virgin" and run it down, it means--it means "holy, clean, sanctified." The word "sanctify" comes from the word "sainted," which means "clean." Like the Hebrew word... Now, that's a Greek word; "sanctify" means "clean." Now, the Hebrew word is "make holy." See? And ours is "clean." Now, they take the three words, like each word has the same meaning but it's spoke different, like the--the word "clean, holy, sanctified," all three the same word

 316  TEN.VIRGINS  JEFF.IN  ROJC 425-492  60-1211M

  Now, do you understand what the remnant of the Jews is, and the hundred and forty-four thousand, where they're setting, waiting, right at the hour? Can you see now that the foolish virgin that won't take the--wouldn't take the Oil, and will have to rise and be separated, the rights and wrongs at the day of the judgment? Do you understand that when the--the foolish virgin begin to receive, just like now, that she needed this, she went after it, it was that very minute that the Bridegroom came?  Then how close are we? Right now. We have now just a short time. I don't know how much longer it might be. I couldn't say when; I--I don't know. Might be another year; it might be another ten years, forty years, might be forty minutes. I--I don't know; I can't say. But I know it's near; it's real near. And the Spirit of the Lord...

197  ONENESS  JEFF.IN  V-10 N-2  62-0211

  This thing of this Council of Churches is nothing else in the world but a--a stir of the foolish virgin, to be left here on the earth for a picking for the antichrist. But the real church of God will float like old Noah did, and go on into glory just as sure as I'm standing here. That's why He's gathering them together. That's what the Voice is speaking forward today. That's what God's a-doing, is gathering one from Los Angeles, and one from Philadelphia, and one from Georgia, and so forth, gathering them together, His people that's willing to believe the Word of the living God. "As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the coming of the Son of man, wherein the few was saved, just a very few." All right, our Holy Ghost ark will float right above the judgments of God, 'cause we're already judged, as we've confessed Jesus, and He took our judgment.



  Look what's happened now. What is it? The World Council of Churches, they talk about that. And they say all these... Like our brother Presbyterian, and so forth coming, in. That's wonderful. I believe in that too.  But did you ever wake up to think that Jesus said that that foolish virgin, when she begin to call for oil, it was right then the Bridegroom come? When they woke up and begin to realize that they'd had no oil, they went to buy oil. And it's at that minute, when they went to buy oil that the Bridegroom come and the Bride went in. Can't you see that?  E-



  Fire is the confirmation of the Light coming from the Word. They will fill... The smart virgin, the wise virgin, had oil in her lamp, and she trimmed her lamp and lit it. Now, what is it? Now, the--God is the Word; the Oil is the Spirit; and the Fire is the Gospel Light on that Oil. Amen. God said so. See? That's the vessel. All right. The Oil is in the vessel, and the Fire burning it, shows that it's reflecting the Light of what the Word said. See? That's the reflection. Now, that wise virgin could do that; but that other, foolish virgin, was on the outside, had no Oil. And they couldn't reflect nothing but just their church and their denomination. See? Now, "You say the Word... You said the Word was--was Spirit?" Yes, sir. God said, "My word is Spirit." That's right.  The true Bride must be unified by the Word. Now, remember, if she is a part of Christ, she has to be the Word of Christ. In order to be the Word of Christ, you have to be baptized into Christ. And when you're in Christ, you believe Christ and Christ is the Word.


271-1  {303}  THIRD.SEAL.THE  JEFF.IN  63-0320

  Notice... Here's the good part now. Notice, "See that thou hurt not this wine and oil." Just a little bit of it left, brother. "Don't you touch that." Now, oil is--symbolizes the Spirit, the Holy Spirit.  I'll give you a few verses if you want to, a few Scriptures in Leviticus 8:12, where Aaron, before he went in had to be anointed with oil, you know; and--and Zechariah 4:12, of oil coming, pouring through the pipes and said, "This is My Spirit," oil. Another thing, if you want to see Matthew 14:25, there was a foolish virgin (25:3) the foolish virgin had no oil, no Spirit. And Matthew 25:4, the wise virgin had oil in her lamps, Spirit-filled. Spirit... Oil typifies the Spirit. Oh, glory. You get it? All right.



  Something happened the other day. You read the--or heard the tape, the seven thunders, "What Time Is It, Sir?" See? It happened the other day. You know these things... The time is at hand, church. The time is at hand. Don't--don't--don't wait any longer. See, how do you know the rapture's not going on all the time? First thing you know it'll be past, one disappearing here, and there. It'll be gone the first thing you know, and you'll--judgment will strike the world.  You say, "Well, I thought this..."  "It's too late now." You remember, they didn't know it until the day they entered into the ark, and then it was too late. The foolish virgin didn't know until she come back and found the wise virgin gone. Then she was left for the tribulation period.


1032-Q-306  QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS  JEFF.IN  COD  64-0823E 306.

After the Bride is raptured will any of the foolish virgin be saved or will they all be lost? No. See, everything will be finished for the Gentile church when the Bride is taken from the earth. The Spirit of God leaves the earth: "He that's filthy is filthy still; he that's righteous is righteous still; he that's holy is holy still." In other words the sanctuary becomes smokey, where the--the Attorney stands to plead the case. Christ leaves the sanctuary; His day of mediatorial is over. The rapture comes; He leaves from the sanctuary, goes forth and takes the Book of Redemption, and claims everything He redeemed. There's no more mediatorial work. How many understands that? I got it on one of the Seals--or one of the... Yeah, the Seals, I believe it was, that Christ comes forth to claim His mediatorial work., just a minute. "Will the foolish virgin be saved." No. Whatever happens she--happens now. After that time she's in the state... Now, she will have to go through the tribulation period. And the reason of it is, is because she has rejected the Atonement in Its fullness. She is a believer, a professed believer, but she will have to go through the tribulation period. The Bible said, "And the rest of them, the dragon spurted water out of his mouth to go and make war..." And what an hour that is. The...  There's never been a time in history where that the nominal churches has become so hungry to find the baptism of the Holy Ghost. I--I speak for the Christian Business Men. Constantly, it's Presbyterian, Lutheran, Catholic, and all, Baptists by the hundreds, Church of Christ, Nazarenes, Pilgrim Holiness, Seventh Day Adventists, every one of them flocking in trying to find... See?



  Now, this is a striking thing. Please don't take it as a doctrine, but do you understand what the Scriptures said would take place when that did? Time was over. For look, there was seven virgins--or ten virgins went out to meet the Bridegroom, and half of them had oil in their lamp, half of them didn't. That's the part of the body that's dead and the part that's alive. The five's wise, when they--the cry come, "Behold the Bridegroom..." they all trimmed--woke and trimmed their lamps to go into the wedding supper. But when the foolish virgin said, "Give us some of your oil, our lamps is gone out. (See?) Give us of your oil," they said, "Not so, we just got enough for ourself. Go buy it." And while they went to buy it, the Bridegroom came.



403. When you use the expression that if we do not believe the Word, we will be eternally separated from Christ, do you mean the foolish virgin will live eternally, but they will be separated from the new Jerusalem where Christ will dwell with the Bride? Here are those who do not have the Holy Spirit, born again as the Scripture speaks of being born again. If the natural birth requires water, blood, and spirit, does not the spiritual birth require all three stages of grace before the person is truly born again?  Absolutely, I just explained that this morning--the same, on the same thing. You've got to have all stages. You're begotten of the Spirit, just like a baby's begotten into the womb of a mother, but not born until they receive the Holy Ghost. That's right. You're born then; you're not converted. You're in the procession of being converted until that time.  That's the reason that all these great mysteries could not be given to Luther, could not be given to Wesley, could not be given to the age that has just passed by us, the Pentecostal age. Why? It wasn't time. They were begotten. Now, the Person of Christ, Himself, the Son of man (You understand?) revealing Himself in human flesh, it could not have come till now


46  SEED.SHALL.NOT.BE.HEIR  LA.CA  V-18 N-5  65-0429B

  Now, there, what troubles me at this hour is knowing that we see all these denominations pulling into this what we know to be the--what you call the latter rain, or the pouring out of the Spirit. Do you realize that Jesus said that when that come to pass, it would be the end? When the foolish virgin and the wise virgin was not heirs together... For when... The foolish virgin, she was a virgin, just lacking Oil. But when she come to buy Oil, it was at that time that the Bridegroom came. And she was left out, while she was trying to buy Oil. You understand? I want that to soak in real good. Now, surely I won't have to move that subject any further. Now, neither can the spiritual and the natural be heirs together. 

129-1  {79}  FIRST.SEAL.THE  JEFF.IN  63-0318

  And how can a man say that the Bride of Christ goes into the tribulation? I can't understand it. See? She's took away from the tribulation. If--if the Church has been judged, and they have judged themselves, and have accepted the Blood, how can God judge a man that's perfectly, totally sinless? You say, "There's no such a person." Every borned again believer, true believer, is perfectly, absolutely sinless before God. He's not trusting in his works. In the Blood of Jesus that his confession's dropped into...  The Bible says so. See? "He that--that is borned of God does not commit sin, for he cannot sin." How can you make a man a sinner when the bleach of the Blood of Jesus Christ is between him and God, that would scatter sin till there'd be nothing left of it. See? How can that pure Blood of Christ ever let a sin pass there? He cannot.  Jesus said, "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect." And how could we even start the thought of being perfect, but Jesus required it. And if Jesus required it, He's got to make a way for it; and He has: His own Blood.


  35  PERSEVERANT  CHICAGO.IL  V-21 N-4  63-0802

  Now, look. To those scribes... Can you hear me? Say, "Amen." [Congregation, "Amen."--Ed.] Those scribes, even those apostles, that their very last sign, was looking for Elias... Let me repeat it. The--the... The very elected, the scribes and the apostles, called of the Lord, were looking for the Messiah to come, but Elias to come and forerun His coming. And He come it, and--and did it in such humility, and till they even didn't recognize him.  And may I say this, as my own thought. One of these days... You're looking for a lot to happen, that's happening and you don't know it. You're going to say before the rapture of the Church...  Now, I'm not here preaching doctrine. There's ministers on the platform here, that would disagree probably with this. Most all ministers believe that the Church goes through the tribulation period, for purification; I can't see it. The Blood of Jesus Christ is our purification, nothing...?... See, see? I believe that the church, the denominational church and the sleeping virgin, does go through the tribulation, but not the Bride. There's a difference between the church and the Bride. The Bride goes in the rapture. That's where you Church of God of Anderson and all got mixed up there (You see?) is in that.




  But some day those feet of brass will stand upon the earth. And the Judge of all the earth He shall be, and with equity and perfection will He judge mankind. And there will be no evading that judgment. No turning of that justice. There will be no tempering of it. He that is unjust will be unjust still; he that is filthy will be filthy still. The Unchanging One will not change then, for He never has and never will. Those feet of brass will crush the enemy. They will destroy the antichrist, the beast and the image and all that is vile in His sight. He will destroy the church systems that have taken His Name only to corrupt its brilliance and crush them along with the antichrist. All the wicked, the atheists, the agnostics, the modernists, the liberals, will all be there. Death, hell, and the grave will be there. Yes they will. For when He comes, the books will be opened. That is when even the lukewarm church and the five foolish virgins will appear. He will separate the sheep from the goats. When He comes He will take over the kingdom, for it is His, and with Him will be the thousands times ten thousands, His Bride, who come to minister to Him. Glory! Oh, it is now or never. Repent before it is too late. Wake up from amongst the dead and seek God to be filled with His Spirit or you will miss eternal life. Do it now while there is time.

97  TOKEN.THE  SHREVEPORT.LA  V-17 N-6  63-1128E

  Someone discussing that with me not long ago, said, "The church will have to go through for--for a purification."

  I said, "That is true, because she rejected the Blood."  But if the tribulation period catches the Bride, His Own Wife, in the tribulation? No, sir. The Blood of Jesus Christ has cleansed us from all sin, and there's no more purifying. And the Blood of Jesus Christ, and that Token, as identification that it has been purified (Amen.), that's the Token of the Bride wearing the ring.



  What will be the punishment of the harlot and her children? Well, it is going to be twofold. First He said, "I will cast her into a bed." According to the last part of verse 22 it will be a bed of tribulation, or the great tribulation. That is exactly what Jesus said in Matthew 25:1-13. There were ten virgins. Five were wise and five were foolish. The five wise had oil (the Holy Spirit) but the other five did not. When the cry went up, "Behold the Bridegroom cometh," the five foolish had to run seeking oil while the five wise virgins went in to the marriage. The five that remained outside were left to the great tribulation. That is what will happen to all who do not go up in the rapture. That is what will come upon the harlot and her daughters. Secondly, it says that he will kill them with death or as a literal translation says, "Let them be put to death with death." This is a strange saying. We might say, "let a man be put to death by hanging, or by electrocution or some other way." But this says, "Let them be put to death by death." Death itself is the cause of their death. Now I want you to see this clearly so I will take our illustration again of the daughter of Jezebel marrying into the house of Judah and thereby bringing it right into idolatry and causing God to deliver Judah to death. That is what Balaam did, too. So here was Jezebel with her paganism. Over there is Judah properly worshipping God and living under the Word. So Jezebel marries her daughter to Jehoram. The minute that happens, Jehoram causes the people to become idolaters. The minute that marriage took place Judah was dead. Spiritual death came in. The minute the first church of Rome organized, it died. The minute that the Lutherans organized, death came in and they died. The Pentecostals came along last and they organized. The Spirit left, though they don't believe it. But He did. That marriage brought death. Then the light of Oneness of the Godhead came. They organized and they died too. Then after the fire of God fell on the Ohio River in 1933 a healing revival swept the world, but it never came through any organization. God went outside the Pentecostal groups, outside of organization, and what He is going to do in the future is going to be outside organization, too. God can't work through the dead. He can only work through the LIVING members. Those living members are outside of Babylon.



  It is the second resurrection wherein the five foolish virgins come up. Notice that they were virgins. They did not have the Holy Spirit so they missed being in the bride, while the five wise who had oil became a part of that bride. But these people, being a separated, God-loving people, and trying to abide in the Word, according to what they knew of it, and being a help in the work of the Lord will come up at the end of time. They will miss the millennium, which you can begin to see by these truths is much more important and wonderful than we have ever thought or believed.


  Now let us go another step, but before we do let us review our case thus far. First of all we know most assuredly that the purpose of God stands in election. It was purposed in Himself. It was God's purpose to bring forth a people like unto Himself that would be a Word Bride. She was chosen before the foundation of the world IN HIM. She was fore-known and beloved before she was ever brought forth during the ages upon the earth. She was redeemed by His blood and can NEVER come into condemnation. She can never be in the judgment because sin cannot be imputed unto her. Romans 4:8, "Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin." But indeed she shall be with Him in His throne of judgment, judging the world and even angels. Her name (each of her members) was written in a section of the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Secondly, there is another class. Their names are also in the Book of Life and they will come up in the second resurrection. Such are the foolish virgins and the righteous as are spoken of in Matthew 25. In this class also are those who do not worship the beast or become involved in the antichrist system but die for their faith even though they are not in the bride, not having been born again. But they will come up in the second resurrection and go into eternal life. Thirdly, there are the borderline Christians such as we saw in Israel coming out of Egypt. These had their names in the Book of Life and their works written in the books. These having failed to obey God and being void of the Spirit, though even the signs and wonders were amongst them, will have their names removed from the Book of Life. Amongst this group will be the ones like Judas who though entirely void of the Spirit, but are religious, will have manifestation in their lives, and though on the books were not the elected IN HIM. Such also as Balaam will be in that group. Fourth and finally are the ones whose names have never been or will ever be written on the books. Such are found in Revelation 13:8 and Revelation 17:8, "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not: and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is." Jesus said that a certain group would accept one who came in his own name. That one is the antichrist. And that is exactly what it says of them in Revelation 13:8, and 17:8. These were ordained of God but not unto election. And with this group is such that are as Pharaoh. It says of him, "Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up. Vessels of wrath fitted for destruction." Romans 9:17 and 22. None of these would be placed on the records of life. I am not saying that there is no record of them. No doubt there is some kind of a record of them, but NOT IN THE RECORDS OF LIFE. Their purpose of existence has been dealt with slightly in the rest of this book but we can add two more Scriptures. Proverbs 16:4, "The Lord hath made the wicked for the day of evil." Job 21:30, "The wicked is reserved to the day of destruction, they shall be brought forth to the day of wrath."



  At the very start of our study, let it be known that there is NOT ONE Scripture that teaches that God is presently compiling a record of names. This was all done before the foundation of the world, as we will point out shortly. Also, it is not a question of simply involving ourselves with two groups of people both of whom had opportunity to receive eternal life, wherein one group received it and had their names placed on record while the others who refused did not have their names so placed. We will actually show by Scripture that multitudes who were not even born again will go into eternal life. As strange as this may sound, it is certainly true. We will also show that there is a group of people whose names having been placed on that record before the foundation of the world, CANNOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES HAVE THOSE NAMES REMOVED; but will also show that another group WHOSE NAMES WERE ON THAT RECORD BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD WILL HAVE THEIR NAMES REMOVED.



  The question now arises, why are these righteous ones in the judgment? There is no other place that they can come up, for there are but two resurrections and since they could not qualify for the first resurrection they must come up in the second which is a resurrection unto judgment. The ones who qualify for the first resurrection (the bride) are not in the judgment. John 5:24, "Verily, verily I say unto you, He that heareth My Word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life (that is, the believer is already the recipient of eternal life which he has in his possession now) and shall not come into condemnation (shall not come into the judgment, is what it really says) but is passed (permanently) from death unto life." But notice carefully, Jesus must have yet another group in mind who at a certain resurrection will receive eternal life. They will receive it at the resurrection, NOT HAVING PREVIOUSLY RECEIVED IT AS A MEMBER OF THE BRIDE. John 5:28-29, "Marvel not at this, for the hour is coming, in the which ALL that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." Now we all know that John 5:28-29 is NOT THE RAPTURE for only the dead in Christ will arise from the graves at that time along with the living bride who still is on the earth. I Thessalonians 4:16-17, "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." But it says in John 5:28-29 that ALL are going to come forth from the grave. This is the very same resurrection that is spoken of in Revelation 20:11-15 wherein THE DEAD were brought before the Lord and judged according to their works, and all whose names were not in the Book of Life were then cast into the lake of fire.


  Now let us go another step, but before we do let us review our case thus far. First of all we know most assuredly that the purpose of God stands in election. It was purposed in Himself. It was God's purpose to bring forth a people like unto Himself that would be a Word Bride. She was chosen before the foundation of the world IN HIM. She was fore-known and beloved before she was ever brought forth during the ages upon the earth. She was redeemed by His blood and can NEVER come into condemnation. She can never be in the judgment because sin cannot be imputed unto her. Romans 4:8, "Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin." But indeed she shall be with Him in His throne of judgment, judging the world and even angels. Her name (each of her members) was written in a section of the Lamb's Book of Life before the foundation of the world. Secondly, there is another class. Their names are also in the Book of Life and they will come up in the second resurrection. Such are the foolish virgins and the righteous as are spoken of in Matthew 25. In this class also are those who do not worship the beast or become involved in the antichrist system but die for their faith even though they are not in the bride, not having been born again. But they will come up in the second resurrection and go into eternal life. Thirdly, there are the borderline Christians such as we saw in Israel coming out of Egypt.

These had their names in the Book of Life and their works written in the books. These having failed to obey God and being void of the Spirit, though even the signs and wonders were amongst them, will have their names removed from the Book of Life. Amongst this group will be the ones like Judas who though entirely void of the Spirit, but are religious, will have manifestation in their lives, and though on the books were not the elected IN HIM. Such also as Balaam will be in that group. Fourth and finally are the ones whose names have never been or will ever be written on the books. Such are found in Revelation 13:8 and Revelation 17:8, "And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. The beast that thou sawest was, and is not: and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is." Jesus said that a certain group would accept one who came in his own name. That one is the antichrist. And that is exactly what it says of them in Revelation 13:8, and 17:8. These were ordained of God but not unto election. And with this group is such that are as Pharaoh. It says of him, "Even for this same purpose have I raised thee up. Vessels of wrath fitted for destruction." Romans 9:17 and 22. None of these would be placed on the records of life. I am not saying that there is no record of them. No doubt there is some kind of a record of them, but NOT IN THE RECORDS OF LIFE. Their purpose of existence has been dealt with slightly in the rest of this book but we can add two more Scriptures. Proverbs 16:4, "The Lord hath made the wicked for the day of evil." Job 21:30, "The wicked is reserved to the day of destruction, they shall be brought forth to the day of wrath."