Christ Revealed in His Own Word #25

“Neurosis 01 Anxiety”

Wednesday Evening, July 3, 1996

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship


This evening I want to continue on with our reading of "Christ Revealed In His Own Word." So let's pickup at PP 18 and read.


18 Christ Revealed In His Own Word 65-0822M

  I was just talking to a young minister and his wife in the room just a few moments ago. And both of them are nervous just like the rest of the world, rest of the human beings on earth. I said, "Remember, Satan's got a punch coming at you." I don't care who you are, God... He's got a right to that one punch. Which had you rather be, that punch, be blind, or be an arthritic setting in a chair, or be nervous? See? He's got somewhere he could punch you. He's got a right to that open place. Now, that's the spot you got to keep covered all the time.


19 Christ Revealed In His Own Word

  And to see this nervous age that we're living in... And last week's tapes, I think, will reveal to you the great hideous things that we're going to speak on one of these days when we can get a place sufficient, of the opening of those last plagues to be poured out upon the earth--those Vials, rather, pouring out of the Vials, and the Seven Thunders... And those hideous sights that's coming upon the earth...


20 Christ Revealed In His Own Word

  Men now and people today are in such a neurotic condition, the whole world... You read this last months "Reader's Digest." You notice the subject there; it's on Billy Graham the great evangelist. He got so tired he just couldn't hold his meetings, and he--he went to Mayo's Clinic for a physical checkup. There wasn't nothing wrong with him, only he just doesn't do enough work. And they put him to running: physical exercise. He runs a mile every day. And then, the article goes on to say that science has proved, that today, that young children, these little boys and girls hit their middle age at twenty years old. And by twenty-five, many times in many cases the girls are out of menopause at twenty-five years old.

  I don't know if you knew it or not, but a few nights ago while the Holy Spirit was speaking here in the meeting, a little girl setting down here; that's exactly what was wrong with that child when It called out. I looked at her a second time, looked again, and I seen what was the matter. I thought, "It can't be; that child's too young." But it was, menopause, about twenty years old, twenty-three, something like that. See?


21 Christ Revealed In His Own Word

  My mother and your mother struck that age about forty-five to fifty. My wife struck that age about thirty-five. Now, it's down to twenty. The whole human race is rotten. Well, if them physical beings of our body is tearing down like that from eating hybrid foods, tensions, that rotten it, does not that also rot the brain cell? Then we can see how women can get on the street naked. We can see how they can speed through the streets at a hundred and twenty miles an hour, all these things. It's come to a place where the whole nation, the whole world, not only this nation, but everywhere, mentally gone.


22 Christ Revealed In His Own Word

  And then when we open up those, the Lord willing, on those Seven Vials and show those hideous things... Men will be so insane after while, till they'll imagine they're seeing ants the size of a mountain. They'll be tormenting women, be locusts come upon the earth with long hair to torment women who cut theirs off, hair like women hanging down, and long teeth like a lion, stingers in their tail like a scorpion, and so forth, to torment men upon the earth. But then it'll be too late to do anything about it. You get right now. See? Tormenting...





Christ Revealed in His Own Word #25

Wednesday Evening, July 3, 1996


Tonight I would like to look at this thought here of what Brother Branham is telling us that the whole world has come to a condition that it is mentally gone. He said, the hybrid foods and the tensions have caused our bodies to rot and our brain cells as well. Now this is not good, and don't think for a minute that because you are n the Bride of Christ that you are not affected by this condition. We are all affected by this condition, because it is caused by the food and the tensions of the hour. If the soil has nothing left in it, then how can the food have anything in it. So don't think that if you go health food crazy that this will be your answer. The answer is not in the Physical food, nor in a tension free atmosphere, but in Christ only.


Now we find that what brother Branham is telling us here is also found in the scriptures where we are warned that there is coming at the end-time, a time that will be full of tension and stress and it will hard to bear.  We are also told that the anxieties of life will be self consuming everyone on the face of the earth.


[ 2 Timothy 3: 1]  AMPLIFIED: But understand this, that in the last days there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble - hard to deal with and hard to bear.


[ Mark 4: 18 - 20]  Notice that it is the cares of this life which creep in and choke off the Life that is in the Word. And so this is a warning to us to be careful not to get so caught up into the things of this world as to allow them to take over sole dominance of our lives. Now the Greek  word used here for CARES is the word Merimna which means the anxieties of this Life.  And I want you to notice that the word anxieties is defined by Webster as being a state of being uneasy or apprehensive,  or worried about what may happen; concern about a possible future event. The Psychological effects of anxiety are worry and nervous tensions.


[ Luke 8: 18]  Notice that it is not just the anxieties of this life, the bills and the mortgage and the auto loans, and the utilities etc., but it is the pleasure seeking and other things as well that will creep into our lives and choke off the Life that is in the Word.


Now notice that brother Branham used the term neurotic which comes from the word neurosis. Neurosis according to Webster is defined as: Any of various Psychic, or mental, functional disorders characterized by one or several of the following reactions:  ANXIETY, COMPULSIONS and OBSESSIONS, PHOBIAS, DEPRESSION, and DISASSOCIATION.


Brother Branham said, Men now and people today are in such a neurotic condition, the whole world.  Notice that he is telling us that this condition is a world wide condition. He said, it is not just confined to the United States, but it is world-wide.


[ Luke 21: 31 - 36] Now, I want you to notice that this condition is to come upon every one who dwells upon the face of the earth. So it does affect us. We are not supposed to be some kind of super human that can not be affected by these things, but we are merely mortal in this flesh and we need to know what it is that is affecting us before  we can find the cure. Because after all, if we think this doesn't pertain to us then we won't want the cure when it is given to us.  What is causing this condition is the focus we have in our lives. If our focus is on the things of this world, then we will be caught up into these anxieties. But if our focus is upon Him and His Promises, then we will be able to overcome this snare or trap.


Our focus should be on the Son of Man in our Midst. Not on the cares of this life, because they are considered a snare to the real things that God has in store for us. Now for the rest of the evening I would like to examine these attributes of neurosis that Brother Branham said has taken over the minds of the people throughout the entire world in order to see how they are affecting every one of us as well. Once we can see what it is that is affecting us, then we can begin to deal with the fact that we are not super humans and that we really need help from God to overcome this condition.

Christ Revealed in His Own Word #25

Wednesday Evening, July 3, 1996


One other Point I want to make concerning what Brother Branham said here. He said, if the bodies have turned to mush then what about the brain cells. And if this is true then everyone without exception in the world is losing their minds. This includes the Bride of Christ as well. And if we believe the Scripture, then we should believe that "all these things are working together for the Good for those who Love God and those who are The Elect according to His Purpose." So then, actually our losing our minds is to our advantage, because after all, we must lose our minds first in order to receive his.


In fact if we still have our own minds, then we have a problem, because God said, "My ways are not your ways, and your thoughts are not My thoughts."  So then  if we still kept our own minds and tried to receive His mind as well, we would only end up with a hybrid mind and we know anything hybrid has no real life in it and is dead while it yet lives.  So we must lose our minds before we can receive His mind. And God has allowed this thing to come on the earth in order to hasten the day along and the Promise of our receiving His mind. "In that day when He is glorified IN His saints." After all, he said if he did not shorten the day no flesh would be saved. So don't look upon what is happening to the world as something innately bad. After all, aren't "All things working together for the good to those Who Love Him and are The Called according to His Purpose?" So then this is working out for our god as well.


Now as we examine these attributes that make up the neurotic condition that is in the world every where, let's begin by examining Webster's definition again. Webster defined Neurosis as: Any of various Psychic, or mental, functional disorders characterized by one or several of the following reactions:  ANXIETY, COMPULSIONS and OBSESSIONS, PHOBIAS, DEPRESSION, and DISASSOCIATION.


And so let's begin our little study here by focusing on the first attribute Anxiety.  When Jesus spoke about the cares of this life he was speaking of Anxieties. Anxieties is defined by Webster as being a state of being uneasy or apprehensive,  or worried about what may happen; concern about a possible future event. The Psychological effects of anxiety are worry and nervous tensions. 


So we see that it has nothing to do with today, but what might happen tomorrow. And what did Jesus tell us about such things as this?


[ Matt 6: 24-34] we are actually commanded to take no thought for tomorrow, pertaining to what she shall eat or wear  Don't worry about tomorrow, because after all each day their is enough to think about? And if you worry about tomorrow, then you only compound your troubles. Because not only do you have today's troubles, but tomorrow's as well.


Now what is the one thing that many men and women go through in this message. I know of a few brother that got all tore up recently because their wives left them and went back into the world.  Let me tell you what brother Branham said about that.


[981-Q-274  Q & A  COD  64-0823M] Brother, look, let me tell you, she's going to sue you for a divorce; that's Satan. See? You shouldn't do that, but if you're a Christian and done nothing in the world to hinder that woman, then it's Satan doing that. He's only trying to tear you up.  Now, if she is one of God's elected, she will come to Him. If she's not, she's not worth worrying about. Then if it does... If you worry, it'll break your health down, and that's what Satan wants to do. He's working, I know, at you. So you just commit the whole thing to God and go right on serving God just as happy as you can be. God will take care of the rest of it. "All that the Father has given Me will come to me." Get down on your knees; I'll pray with you or anything. I'll pray over the matter. Just say, "Lord God, I love her; she's the mother of my children," (if she is) and say, "I--I--I just commit the whole thing to You, Lord. I want them saved; You know I do; but I can't go no further. She's going to divorce me anyhow. I haven't done nothing; if I have, reveal it to me; I'll go make it right. I will do anything." Then commit it to the Lord and just let it alone then, just let it alone. Go right on living just the same as--as nothing had ever happened. And God will take care of the rest of it.

Christ Revealed in His Own Word #25

Wednesday Evening, July 3, 1996


So you see worry will only tear your health down and that is what Satan wants to do. He wants to distract you from where we should really be focused, and that is in Christ.  So just commit yourself and your family to Christ and keep moving on.


Now the next attribute of neurosis that Webster speaks of is COMPULSION. Webster says, Compulsion is a compelling or being compelled; irresistible, repeated, irrational impulse to perform some act.  Now we are warned that men will be this way in [ 2 Tim 3: : But understand this, that in the last days there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble - hard to deal with and hard to bear. For people will be lovers of self and utterly self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by inordinate and greedy desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be abusive, blasphemous and scoffers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane. They will be without natural human affection, in fact callous and inhuman, relentless-admitting of no truce or appeasement. They will be slanderers-false accusers, trouble makers; intemperate and loose in morals and conduct, uncontrolled and fierce, haters of good.


So we see that self constraint is a very important thing which will be hardly found in the end-time. Just look at our President. He can hardly constrain himself when it comes to money, women and popularity. He's not satisfied with adultery, but he is a breaker of every one of the ten commandments. And not just once in a great while. It seems that he repeatedly  breaks them day by day. Compulsion is a compelling or being compelled; irresistible, repeated, irrational impulse to perform some act. 


Now the next attribute of neurosis is Obsession: In which Webster defines as the act of an evil spirit in possessing or ruling a person.  Having such a persistent idea, desire or emotion that one can not get rid of it.  Such as over-eating, or under eating. Bolemia or anorexia,  or filthy talking, or as Mr. Clinton does, Fornicating and Adultery. These are all acts which show possession of an evil spirit.  Brother Branham said, you can feed a habit or keep nurturing a habit and after a while it will take on a life of it's own becoming a spirit possession. Then it is demon possession. I don't care if it has to do with women or sports or even food. A demon is a demon. And if it is not natural, it's demonic.


The next attribute we see Webster refer to in the defining of neurosis is PHOBIAS which we all know is an irrational, excessive, and persistent fear of some particular thing or situation. 


The next attribute we find in defining a neurotic is DEPRESSION which Webster defines as being low in spirit, gloominess; dejection and sadness.  And all these result in a lessening of activity. Usually in a person  suffering from depression, all they want to do is eat and sleep.


And finally the last attribute that makes up a person suffering from Neurosis is DISASSOCIATION.  This means that the person begins cutting off association with people and becomes secluded, wanting to be left alone.


Now although it is possible that a person may possess all these attributes, it is not necessary for them to have all these to be neurotic. Neurosis is having one or more of them, but it is not necessary to have all of them. 


And I believe what we have here is a mental disorder that actually cripples the persons functionality as a human being. If the person is a wife and mother, it cripples her ability to function in those roles. If the person is a minister it cripples their ability to minister the Word of God. If the person is a Deacon, it cripples their ability to keep order and to help as needed in the assembly. What ever the persons function, Father, Mother, Sister or brother, it cripples those functions in the home. No wonder there is so much talk today of the dysfunctional homes. If the world is under a neurotic condition, then the homes have got to be dysfunctional.   Sunday morning we shall focus our attention on what the cure for this neurotic condition is.