Christ Revealed in His Own Word #27

“Neurosis #3 Complusion”

Wednesday Evening, July 10, 1996

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship


[ 2 Timothy 3: 1]  AMPLIFIED: But understand this, that in the last days there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble - hard to deal with and hard to bear


·        [ Isaiah 9:2]

·         [ Isaiah 59: 19 - 60: 3] 

·         [ Joel 2: 1-2] .           ( let's bow our heads in prayer!)


Gracious Father, we certainly come to Thee tonight knowing the hour that we live in has been completely thrown into a chaotic condition where the people have completely lost their abilities to reason with any semblance of righteous thinking. And knowing this we seek Thy Guidance in our own lives and in our minds as well, for Gross darkness has certainly come upon the earth and men's hearts are failing for fear. This is truly a terrible hour to be living for the unbeliever, and yet it is the hour of the Greatest Light to ever strike the earth. Complete darkness and yet supreme Light. What a contrast. And so dear Father, we want to thank you and tell you how greatly we appreciate the things you have revealed to us through your vindicated channel. And we would ask that you would continue to see us through all the way into your Divine Presence, for we ask this humbly in Jesus Christ's name. 


This is truly a dark and dismal day we live in and yet when we see the nations completely going insane, yet we have the greatest Message to strike the earth. But what good is this Message doing us if we do not take it to heart. We must take it to heart, or we shall certainly perish. And how are men perishing? They are first losing their ability to think with Godly thoughts and they are fast becoming filled with every kind of evil thoughts as it was in the days of Noah.


[ Genesis 6: 5, 11-12] [Amplified ] And God saw that the purpose and intentions of man's thinking brought forth only evil and wicked inventions. ...11- the people of the earth had become depraved and actually putrid in God's sight, (to the point that God wanted to spew them out of His mouth) Doesn't that remind you of Rev 3, the Laodicean condition?  and the land was filled with violence, desecration, outrage, assault and lust for power).   12- and God looked upon the world and saw how degenerate, debased and vicious man had become; for all humanity had corrupted their way upon the earth and lost their true direction.  And so then we find that God sent forth a Message of warning to come into the ark and be saved. But just as it was then, many people heard the Midnight cry, but only a very few people took it to heart.


Now, with this in mind, this evening I would like to continue where we left off on Sunday, from pp. 20 & 21 of  "Christ Revealed In His Own Word" where Brother Branham said, (20) Men now and people today are in such a neurotic condition, the whole world...  (21) The whole human race is rotten. Well, if them physical beings of our body is tearing down like that from eating hybrid foods, tensions, that rotten it, does not that also rot the brain cell? It's come to a place where the whole nation, the whole world, not only this nation, but everywhere, mentally gone.


Sunday Morning we focused our attention on Brother Branham's statement that the whole world is neurotic. And according to Webster    Now if you caught what Brother Branham was telling us, he said it is the hybrid foods and the tensions that are rotting the bodies and the minds of the people.  So tensions or stress are a very critical thing in the undoing of the human race.  And you will notice that the Amplified Translation of  [2 Tim 3:1] tells us these times of great tension and stress will be hard to deal with and hard to bear. On Sunday we examined this neurotic condition  that Brother Branham is speaking of that has certainly and evidently taken over the entire world. Neurosis according to Webster is defined as: Any of various Psychic, or mental, functional disorders characterized by one or several of the following reactions:  ANXIETY, COMPULSIONS and OBSESSIONS, PHOBIAS, DEPRESSION, and DISASSOCIATION.


On Sunday we examined the first attribute which is anxiety and we found out that anxiety is defined by Webster as being a state of being uneasy or apprehensive,  or worried about what may happen; concern about a possible future event. The Psychological effects of anxiety are worry and nervous tensions.   So we see that it has nothing to do with today, but what might happen tomorrow.


 [ Mark 4: 18 - 20]  Notice that it is the cares of this life which creep in and choke off the Life that is in the Word. And so this is a warning to us to be careful not to get so caught up into the things of this world as to allow them to take over sole dominance of our lives. Now the Greek  word used here for CARES is the word Merimna which means the anxieties of this Life.  And I want you to notice that the word anxieties is defined by Webster as being a state of being uneasy or apprehensive,  or worried about what may happen; concern about a possible future event. The Psychological effects of anxiety are worry and nervous tensions.


[ Luke 21: 31 - 36] Notice, this condition is to come upon every one who dwells upon the face of the earth. So it is a world wide condition, and it has to do with our focus.  If our focus is on the things of this world, then we will be caught up into these anxieties which are a snare to us. But if our focus is upon Christ and His Promises that He has for us at this end-time hour,  then we will be able to overcome this snare or trap.  Did not Jesus tell us "if the man of the house had know what hour the thief was coming, he would have prepared his home and he would not have suffered the thief to break in." Our focus should be on standing in the presence of the Son of Man as Jesus tells us here. We should not be concerned with the cares of this life, because they are considered a snare to the real things that God has in store for us.


[Matt 6: 24-34] we are actually commanded to take no thought for tomorrow, pertaining to what she shall eat or wear  Don't worry about tomorrow, because after all each day their is enough to think about? And if you worry about tomorrow, then you only compound your troubles. Because not only do you have today's troubles, but tomorrow's as well.


·        Q & A  COD  64-0823M] If you worry, it'll break your health down, and that's what Satan wants to do. So you see worry will only tear your health down and that is what Satan wants to do. He wants to distract you from where we should really be focused, and that is in Christ.  So just commit yourself and your family to Christ and keep moving on.


[ Eccl 11: 9-10] Be happy young man while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you to judgment ( so, in other words, just keep your life lined up with His Word) So then, banish anxiety from your heart, and cast off the troubles of your body, for youth and vigor are meaningless. 


·        [ 1 Peter 5: 6 - 10] "Casting all your cares (or  anxieties) upon Him for He careth for you."

·        [ Proverbs 12: 25 ] "An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up."

·        [ Phil 4: 6-7] Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.


Now, tonight I would like to focus on the 2nd attribute of neurosis that Webster speaks of and it is COMPULSION. Compulsion is a compelling or being compelled; ( And the word compel has to do with a forcing of the issue, an "in your face attitude"). We hear so much today the expression, "with an attitude!" But did you know that this was spoken of by the Word of God to be this way?  Webster goes on to describe COMPULSION as being an  "irresistible, repeated, irrational impulse to perform some act." 


Now we are warned that men will be this way in [ 2 Tim 3: : But understand this, that in the last days there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble - hard to deal with and hard to bear. For people will be lovers of self and utterly self-centered,...    Now, I want you to notice verse [ 3 ] it tells us that they will be incontinent. This word incontinent means they are without self control which is why they are compulsive. They have no self control and therefore they are out of control.


Now, I want you to notice how this attribute is picked up in [ Rev 3: 14 - 19 ] (read) They have a mindset that is fixed on material things and they don't even know that these things has blinded them the reality of the hour.  It's not uncommon today to hear the expression, "He's a compulsive gambler." In fact there was a time that gambling was not only considered sinful, but even those who were not Christians, but were just average citizens considered gambling to be a sickness that needed to be treated medically or psychologically. It was considered an illegal, immoral blight upon society that only the low moral societal misfits would get involved in. The Crooks and lowlifes. Yet today just about every state has gone to gambling to fill up their coffers.  Casino's flourish and state lotteries are even pushed upon the people.  There was a time that the common folks in America would not go near a gambling hall, now the papers are full of stories about how many people are being employed by these casino's, and how the waiting lists are filled with people wanting to go to work for them.


The ME generation. The, "I want it and I want it now, generation!" The people no longer have the patience to wait for anything. They have got to have it now, now, now. Years ago a couple would get married and work hard to save what they could so that one day they would be able to afford to own a home. Then their first home would usually be a starter home with a couple bed rooms and pretty small in general without much of the trappings as they call it. Eventually, after they have worked hard for twenty years or so they would move up into a larger home and use the equity they had built up to do so. But today, the kids get married and they have to have a  Palace and two new cars and a race boat and what ever else their minds can think of and yet they don't have the money to really afford these things. So what happens is they go way into debt. And as a result the tension between them is so great you can cut the air with a knife and their marriages are dissolving at a 50% clip. In fact I heard just the other day that the latest statistic is that young people getting married today have only a 30% chance of their marriage lasting for the duration of their life.  And what is causing much of it. The Me first generation of spoiled rotten kids. And who is to blame? The parents are to blame. Brother Branham said, it isn't child delinquency, it's parent delinquency.  I heard another survey on the radio the other day where they had interviewed parents who had children in their forty's and fifty's who were still asking mom and dad to help them out financially. One man who retired as a painter, has already helped his son to buy his third house, this one laying out $55,000.  Another Father, gave his 42 year old daughter $4,500 to buy a large screen TV because they didn't have the money because they had just spent $2,000 on a stereo set, and this couple made good wages, but they take two skiing vacations every year, and two cruises. And yet they have no shame in going to mom and dad for help. Their dad said, he still drives his 1979 Buick while the kids are living high of the hog and have the gaul to ask for his help, and yet he complains, but still dishes out the bucks.


It's incredible what is happening today. The kids are used to living high off the hog and they do not know what it means to do without. And so they can't wait to have it all and even more than their parents have and after they get to the place of insolvency, and bankruptcy, they are left with nothing.


Huge houses standing empty with no furniture because they can't afford the house and that too. Homes with no children, maybe just a mutt or cat so they can mother something.  That is what compulsion has brought. Kids murdering their parents because they want the inheritance now. Kids killing kids for their tennis shoes, because mama says she can't afford to buy them now and junior will have to wait for Christmas, but he can't wait. COMPULSION.... and Brother Branham called it NEUROTICS!


So we see that self constraint is a very important thing which will be hardly found in the end-time. Just look at our President. He can hardly constrain himself when it comes to money, women and popularity. He's not satisfied with adultery, but he is a breaker of every one of the ten commandments. And not just once in a great while. It seems that he repeatedly  breaks them day by day. Compulsion is a compelling or being compelled; irresistible, repeated, irrational impulse to perform some act.  Which is basically a losing control of oneself.  Now there is nothing wrong with having desires for things. But when the desires become overwhelming and they take control and the person loses control of their ability to constrain themselves, then something is definitely out of kilter somewhere.


Now, there is another part of this COMPULSION that I want you to take note. It is the thought that COMPULSION is a compelling or being compelled.  So this is not only an attribute of neurosis here that may be self inflicted, but it can also be inflicted by others, as in being compelled. This shows an outside influence upon another. Now, I am going to read you a few scriptures where we shall see this in action and I want you to look for a common thread that will be easily spotted throughout these scriptures.


·        [ 2 Chron 21: 5 - 15]  I want you to notice that it was politics that compelled these people to do what they did not want to do.

·         [ Acts 26: 9 - 11] Saul had been in with the IN crowd, and therefore had the power or authority to get away with murder.


[ Gal 2: 1-14]  Now if you noticed, the common thread is politics. Being Politically correct. You are compelled by law to do certain things and to think certain ways and if you don't, they will shut you down or turn you out. The devil rules the nations and he is inserting laws into every nation that wants to control what you think and say.  But God wants to control our thoughts as well, but with Him He doesn't force it on you.   As you know this is the hour that [ 2Thes 1: 10] is to take place. He has come to be Glorified IN His Saints. And yet He does not force Himself upon us, but He is patiently waiting for us to hunger and thirst after His Right-wise-ness.  But with politics it is always different.  Through Politics, we have lost more personal freedoms in this nation alone since Mr. Clinton took over control than in any other period in the history of this nation.  Teddy Kennedy's car's have killed more people than my guns have, yet they want to outlaw my guns and not his driving. It's all this in your face stuff to try and influence you by force if need be to kowtow to the mind control police. Today, If they heard Brother Branham say, "when a  woman gets out of the kitchen she's out of her place," They would try and send him out to some culture diversity training or mind control police to set his thinking straight or they would take his church away from Him. They are trying to pass laws that will take away our freedom of expression and freedom of  speech, and they call it hate just because we oppose the devilish lifestyles of their gay constituency,  and yet the gays have been given unlimited freedom of expression.  Poor old  Marge Schott, she can't seem to say anything that would please this big bunch of mush headed, media loving,  sissified, Greedy baseball commission.  The funny thing is, the NOW gang won't stand in her court because she doesn't support their organization. She is one woman in a man's world and they look for any old excuse to get rid of her. She has lost her freedom of speech.  It's terrible when you own a company and you can't even run it. We are talking about an attribute of neurosis called, COMPULSION. And we have found whether we search the scriptures or individual examples in every day life, that COMPULSION has to do with a forcing of the mind into a certain condition or mental mind set. Why do you think that education is compulsory in this Country. So they can force their way of thinking into the young minds of your children. I have a book called ROMANISM A MENACE TO THIS NATION that was printed around 1902 and in it Cardinal Martinelli, the Prelate of Chicago, and who was Jesuit trained, was quoted as saying, "the goal of the Catholic church was to destroy the educational system in America."  And I think they have been very successful in doing so by corrupting the teachers unions and forcing their liberal agenda's in the schools, the people have lost confidence in a system that at one time was very Bible based and actually held the Catholic church at bay because of the kind of text that was used. Today the text, even history itself has been rewritten blotting out any acknowledgment of God and His Influence upon the history of the nations.


[ Mat 23: 13]  & [ Romans 1: 16]  And how do they suppress the Truth? By holding it back from the people. Not just the churches, look at our Media today. They will not print anything that would expose their way of thinking and it's error. Even the Europeans have more in their papers about the Clintons escapades than we do in our press here. The devils way has always be misinformation because after all it works. Brother Branham said a lie that is 99 % true is the most powerful lie because it tells almost all of the story true but then puts a spin on it to make it a lie. Well, what then are the spin doctors but liars who take the truth and twist it to fit their political objective. Now, I want you to notice how they force or compel others to follow them. In the beginning to eat caused death, but now, not to eat is death. And  I want you to notice that back there,  Satan didn't rape Eve, He seduced her through the serpent. These men do not beat up their congregations in order to force or compel them not to eat. They seduce them away from the truth by telling lies about it.


[ Proverbs 7: 7-27]  I want you to notice verse 21 again ( read) Notice by her flattery she forces him with her fair speeches.


[ 1 Tim 4: 1]  Seducing Spirit's and Doctrines of Devil's.  The People being seduced into believing The Lie and then they are damned by it. Why, Because you can't turn them away from it. They love a lie and will be damned by the thing they love. [ 2 Thess 2: 10 - 12] Now the Wuest Translation says that this deception is geared tot he gullibility of those who are perishing and that this gullibility is caused by the fact that they did not have a love for the Truth.


 [ John 3: 19 - 20]  & [ 2 Tim 3: 7 ] They can't come to the understanding of the Truth because they will not give up their own thinking.