Christ Revealed in His Own Word #31

“Neurosis #7 Disassociation”

Saturday Evening, July 27, 1996

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship


This evening I would like to continue our mini study of pp’s. 20 & 21 of  "Christ Revealed In His Own Word" where Brother Branham said,  (20) Men now and people today are in such a neurotic condition, the whole world...  (21) The whole human race is rotten. Well, if them physical beings of our body is tearing down like that from eating hybrid foods, tensions, that rotten it, does not that also rot the brain cell? It's come to a place where the whole nation, the whole world, not only this nation, but everywhere, mentally gone.


In examining Brother Branham’s statement that the world is now in a neurotic condition we have found that the AMPLIFIED version of [2 Timothy 3: 1] is the most fitting scripture for what Brother Branham said: “But understand this, that in the last days there will set in perilous times of great stress and trouble - hard to deal with and hard to bear”  We found Websters definition of Neurosis as: Any of various Psychic, or mental, functional disorders characterized by one or several of the following reactions: (1) ANXIETY, (2) COMPULSIONS and (3) OBSESSIONS, (4) PHOBIAS, (5) DEPRESSION, and (6) DISASSOCIATION.”


Now to this point we have covered :  ANXIETY, COMPULSIONS, OBSESSIONS, PHOBIAS, and DEPRESSION, We have found that the scriptures speak of these five characteristics of neurosis and actually prophecies of their end-time manifestation as concerning the mental condition of man at the end time. In our study thus far we have found first and foremost that anxiety is the main condition that is to be manifested in the end-time. Actually, Anxiety is the precursor in which the other characteristics stem from. Anxiety is spoken of in the scriptures mostly in reference to the cares of this life, which can be translated as  the anxieties of this life. It is manifested by the person who worries about what may happen. And since the worry is about what MAY happen, it shows that it is a worry about a possible future event. So it is not speaking about worry that is caused by a present event, but about what MAY happen in the future. And we know that worry is just a manifestation of a symptom which shows a much larger problem. Namely,  worry shows a  lack of understanding, and a  lack of trusting God, and a focus that is out of perspective with the reality of God’s plan for our lives.


We read from [ Romans 8: 29-31] which tells us that all things shall work together for our good because we are predestined, our paths are predetermined. We find also in [Proverbs 16: 9] “ A mans heart deviseth his way, but the Lord directeth His footsteps” And  if we take these scriptures to heart we should never fret nor worry about any possible future event because after all, worrying is not good for your health. From  Q & A  COD  64-0823M] Brother Branham said, “If you worry, it'll break your health down, and that's what Satan wants to do.


Now, not only does worry  cause health problems, but it also shows evidence of a deeper rooted problem. And that is unbelief and lack of trust in God. In Hebrews chapter 4 we are told that the Children of Israel did not enter into their rest because they did not believe. Rest and worry are at two extreme poles from one another. Rest shows a great deal of confidence and therefore trust and relaxation while worry shows a lack of confidence and therefore a lack of faith.  Not only this, but as we have already seen in our study, anxiety or worry brings on further complications. We see according to Webster that the next manifestation of neurosis is compulsion which is a disorder that stems from pressure. Either peer pressure, political pressure, religious pressures or internal pressures. And the result of these pressures is that you begin to act in an irrational manner. Then after a while these irrational actions become habits or traditions and once you have surrendered yourself over to them, they then take over your life and you enter into a state of obsession which Webster defines as: “the act of an evil spirit in possessing or ruling a person.  Having such a persistent idea, desire or emotion that one can not get rid of it.”  So you can see how these different characteristics actually are defined stages of  Devil possession.  From the message Go Wake Jesus pg 18, Brother Branham said,Because he is so fully surrendered to the evil one, it took possession of him, and he had not his own understanding. He only did what the evil spirit put in him to do. And the purpose of Satan is to bring you first under his influence.


Once he has you under his influence, then he tightens down the screws and brings you into bondage to himself. Now how does he do this? We find our answers in the scripture.


[ John 8: 34] (read)  First, we see here that sin (is unbelief), and it is caused by entering into an undo influence of an unbeliever. When you enter into sin or unbelief, then you become a servant of that influence. Next we find in [ 2 Peter 2: 19] we also find that when we are overcome by a certain influence, we thus become in bondage to that influence. (read)      And in  [Gal 2: 4] Paul tells us as much. (read)


Now thus far in our study we have found that this bondage is a result of an influence that begins with anxiety. The Devil has laid out a snare or trap for every one in the whole world. And that snare or trap is in the guise of the economy. He knows that people have to make a living. He has known that since the curse that was placed upon man for his disobedience in the garden. Let’s go back now and read how this all got started and then we shall have the background for these conditions in the end-time.


[ Gen 3:1a] “Now the Serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.”  And so here we can see that Satan had a design to take man under his control from the very beginning. He is shrewd and he caused man to fall just like he caused 1/3 of the angels of heaven to fall in the very beginning. [ Rev 12: 3-4a, then 7-9]. Now what I want you to see here is that Satan knew the weakness of man and he used this knowledge of mans weakness to control him just like he did with the angels of heaven, he knew that they were designed for worship, and Lucifer and (Michael which was Christ) were coequal and they two led the angels in worship of God, until one day Lucifer got lifted up within himself and wanted to build a better kingdom than Michael had, and so then Lucifer began to receive worship from the angels and thus began the war in heaven.


So we see that the Serpent in whom dwelt the Antichrist spirit of Satan, we know that he was shrewd and smart and he knew just how to get man to come under his influence. And he already knew that if he could get man to do what the angels would do, then they would get kicked out as well and he would have more of a following. And so man was cursed by God and the curse was that man would be subject to an economy of sorts where he depended upon his toil and labor to produce a living for himself. Now let’s see if that’s not right.


[Gen 3: 17-19] And so we see that man had to begin to labor in order to live. And this is where Satan made his decision to use the curse which God himself placed upon man against man in order to bring man under his influence. Hitler did the same thing. He promised the people a better living, two cars in the garage and two chickens in every pot, and when he had the people under his influence, he began his persecution of the Jews and the people just turned their heads and didn’t become involved because after all, look what he did for them. And so we see the influence that Satan has upon the people. He has blinded them by material prosperity. In [Rev 3: 14:17]  we see that the predominant spirit of this age is that man is so consumed with his material possessions that he is blind to his spiritual condition. (read)


And so we see then according to [Luke 21: 31-35] that the cares of this life will be the snare that will completely entrap the entire world, and they will fail to stand in the presence of the Son of Man when He comes.  (read)


And so we have found thus far in our study that Satan used the economy and the life style as a trap to not only catch you off guard, but he uses it to give you another focus, a wrong focus just like he did with Eve back in the garden. And this then, because it is of his design, brings you under his influence. And once under his influence he then step by step brings you under his full control.  He did it to Eve, he got her to step out from the protection of the Word and once he did, he implanted himself into her and brought for his own life in her. And so we have seen how this influence of the cares of this life begins to turn us from a Christ Centered focus and brings us to the place of  coming under a wrong influence all because of  our anxiety concerning the things which MIGHT happen concerning the cares of this life.


The whole Christian world is out of focus tonight. They talk about the next depression, the nation going broke, the new world order, and they are completely missing the Lord Who has come down from heaven with a shout. And so we see the condition of the church is looking at the “what ifs”, and they are missing their deliverance from those things. They are focused on the very trap and delusion instead of the way out of it. Sometimes, Satan will make those cares of life more real to you than the promises of God will appear to be. Yet Jesus commanded us to “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and ALL the things  you have need of will be added unto you.”  Now if you see a trap, the first thing you should do is look for a way out of it. But fear causes people to panic and they stop dead in their tracks. Fear causes them to crystallize in their thinking. And they do not focus on the way out which is Christ. They say He is the only  answer, but their actions shows that politics is their saviour. Just look at the Moral majority and the Christian Coalition. They have a political focus rather than a Christ centered focus.


And so we see the progression of how ANXIETY leads us to COMPULSION which we found is irrational behavior. We found in our study that this COMPULSION is a setting forth of habits and as brother Branham told Brother Vayle, “you can feed a habit or keep nurturing a habit and after a while it will take on a life of it's own becoming a spirit possession. Then it is demon possession.” And remember, we just read where he said, “You can keep believing a lie over and over and over till it's the truth to you.”


So what we have seen so far is that by getting our focus off the real things which God has for us we have actually accepted a substitute in it’s place. And that is the Trap.  And ever time in scripture when the people fell for a trap they perished. Now, I hope you are following this progression. First comes the cares of this life which chokes off the Life of the Word. Then comes the pressures, and the conforming to them. Then when you yield to these wrong influences, you begin living a lie. You are not being moved by the dictates of the Word of God in your heart and conscience any longer. And so the Lie takes on a life of it’s own, now in your body and the bodies of those who have also fallen.  Devil possession takes over which is the third manifestation of neurosis, called obsession.  In [ 2 Tim 1: 7 ]  we read, " For God has not given us a Spirit of fear, but of Power and  of Love, and of a sound mind. " So then we can see by this that to have fear shows you don't have a sound mind. Because it is not of God to fear. Every time the Angel of the Lord came to man, the first words out of His mouth would be  "Fear not! For I have come from the Presence of the Lord." And in  [Romans 8: 15] we read,  we have not received the Spirit of bondage to fear, but of adoption to be set free.[Gal 5: 1]


We find also in [ 1 John 4: 18] that perfect or mature love casts out fear because fear has to do with punishment.   Notice as I said earlier, the first is what sets the trap. Anxiety. The cares of this life. Being caught up into them and not having our focus on Christ in this Word, having come down with a shout for our deliverance.. The next thing happens is we get caught into the pressure and so compulsion results where we find ourselves doing things not because common sense tells us to, not because we really want to, but because we have been pressured into it. These irrational sorts of behavior then force us to be living a lie and thus once we have hit this stage we enter into the 3rd manifestation which is devil possession and by this time our minds are completely gone. No longer are we able to focus on the things of God, but only on the irrational behaviors which have overwhelmed us. Whether it is preparing for the next depression, or the next election. Men are obsessed with trying to save this nation when they should be worried about saving their own souls and the souls of  their loved ones. And so we see this devil possession take over because they’re believing the Lie. And that leads us to the next step which is OBSESSION. Webster told us that OBSESSION is devil possession, and so you can see the progression from anxiety and worry to compulsive behavior and after a while, this compulsive behavior actually takes on the life of the influence and then you have devil possession. Then under this devil possession there is only one thing and that is PHOBIA or fear. You become afraid of every one and every thing. At this point you are always looking for the worst in everyone and everything. You live under fear. And the only thing that can change your condition is the Joy of the Lord which comes from His Presence and His Love.


This fourth characteristic of  neurosis is PHOBIAS which means fear and we found out that Fear has a penalty according to [ 1 John 4: 18] (read). In Hebrews 2: 15 we see that through fear we are made subject to bondage. In fact the very penalty that is spoken of in 1 John 4: 18 that is brought on through fear is bondage. But we have found in our study that PHOBIA or fear has a penalty and that penalty is that you stop doing what you set out to do. Joseph feared to take Mary to be his wife, and so God had to send His Messenger to appease this fear. We found in the book of Kings and Chronicles that the people out of fear were forced to worship other Gods. And then depression sets in.


 Now I don’t have time to go into these scriptures again but as we saw last Sunday, this Phobia leads you into DEPRESSION which manifests in the fact that you don’t want to eat any more. And so you begin to shut off the Spiritual Food In Due Season. You quit eating from Gods Word and from His Message, and when this happens you become weak and sickly. This then leads us to the last attribute of  Neurosis which is DISASSOCIATION. And with this in mind I want to examine this last manifestation of Neurosis in the Scriptures.


[Eph 4:17-18] (read)  Here we find that they cut themselves off from the Life of God because their understanding has become darkened. The world alienated here is a Greek word ( apallotrioo) and it means to shut off ones self from fellowship and intimacy. Now why is this? [1 John 1: 7](read) And  Because we are told that our fellowship comes from walking in the Light. So then  if we no longer walk in the Light, then we no longer have fellowship. It’s just that simple. And the word walk here is a word (peripateo) which means “to make ones way, to progress forward in, or to regulate one’s life by, or to pass ones Life in.”  And so we see The Word of God is a Living Word in which we live out this Word. It is not only something that we believe but it is our very Life. And if it is our very Life then to leave it means death to us.  And the word fellowship here is a word (Koinonia) which means “communion, fellowship, communication, association or joint participation in.”  And so we see that it takes this Word of God to become a reality in your lives and when it does then it brings a common bond to you. It is not just a matter of knowing it is true. It is a matter of it being real to you. For to just know it is true could still place it in a historical  perspective as it does to the nominal Christian. But to know it is real, it then begins to live out in your very life. When you read this Word you can actually see it manifesting itself all around you. Because after all- Gods Prophet said, “God interprets His Word by bringing it to pass.”  And so when you read His Word, and then see it taking place, you are in actuality living out that portion of Gods Word.


We read in  [Matt 13: 10-17] That only a certain group of people will come to an understanding and all others are not meant to see and understand it. We see the interpretation of this when  we actually see this manifested before us when we try to share the Gospel  to others and we see their dead response.


We see the Interpretation of [1 Tim 4: 1] When we see the exodus from the True Message of the hour and we see people chasing after new and different doctrines and going back to Pentecost.


We see the Interpretation of [1 Thes 4: 15-18] when we look at these pictures hanging on the wall and we hear the Voice of God on the tapes and we see the Vindication of God having come down and actually proving that he is here among us.


And so we could go on and on but what I am trying to show you tonight is that to walk in this light brings fellowship. It brings a sharing and a joint participation together. We walk in it and we communicate together what we see taking place. The Word then is a living reality. Not just Truth. But a Living Truth. We see it, we feel it, we touch it, we hear it, we eat it, we breath it. We are totally immersed in it and because there are others who are experiencing the same Living Word in their own lives, we then talk to one another and this brings us into fellowship. But Neurosis brings about just the opposite. A wrong focus brings about wrong influences which brings about wrong associations which brings about wrong actions and wrong communications. And thus death instead of  deliverance and Life. [1 Peter 1:3-(5) 7-(9)] Notice this end-time revelation is to bring end time salvation and deliverance.          Let’s bow our heads.