Christ Revealed in His Own Word #35

How Our Five Senses Work

Wednesday Evening, August  7, 1996

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship


[Jude 1: 24] Unto Him who is able to keep you from falling... Prayer. . .


[Christ Revealed in His Own Word], ( pp. 23)  “And last Sunday when we was going into those cycles about how that the five senses on the outer realm... That's the inlet, five senses to the body. There's only one way you can get into the body, that's by those five senses: See, taste, feel, smell, and hear; there's no other way to contact the--the body. (24) On the inside of that man is a man called spirit. And he has five senses: Think and thought, and love, and conscience, and so forth. All right.  (25) Now, you can't think with your body; you think with your mind. And in there is where too many of Christians only stop. And they can, just like the corn in the field and the weed in the field, they can be anointed with the same Holy Spirit that the real believer's anointed with. But down on the inside of that next realm, the third realm, is the soul; and that's predestinated by God. There's where the real seed-germ lays, is in there.  (26)  And remember, if I'd take a cocklebur and cut it open, graft into it the heart of a wheat and put it there, bury it, it would bring forth a wheat out of the cocklebur, no matter what the outside is, what the emotions. ]


[53  Super Sense 59-1227E]  God gave those senses, but they're given to you as a gift. And it depends on how you, what you yield these senses to, will be the way that your life is controlled: the way you yield those five senses, you're... What you see, what you hear, what you taste, smell, or feel, whatever those senses are yielded to, they will dominate you.  And we are grateful to God that we have the five senses, but by no means was these five senses given to you to guide you. They were given to you for earthly contact. But there was given you the sixth sense, and that sixth sense is--belongs only to the Christian. And you cannot have this sixth sense until you become a Christian, is the only way that you can ever have any more than the five natural senses for the natural person. The sixth sense is better known, to the Christian, as faith. It's the one that governs and guides you, and it is superior to all the other senses. It's a superior to all of the senses, the other five senses.


[127  Perfect Strength 61-1119]  We're controlled by five senses, and those five senses: see, taste, feel, smell, and hear is very fine until they interrupt the sense of faith. Then when they come against faith... And how do you know which one's right? Because faith will always agree with the Word. And then if your faith is contrary to the Word, or you think it is, then you haven't got faith. You've got a make-belief. You've got a boast in your senses of some scholarship that you've learned about, or something. But when you get away from that and depend completely upon faith, and faith can only be built upon the Word of God: correct faith.


[58 Super Sense 59-1227E]   The five senses does not control the sixth sense, but the sixth sense controls the five senses. The super sense controls the natural senses. And the--the five senses is see, taste, feel, smell, hear. And the super sense is something that'll make you believe God's Word, for that's the only thing it'll speak about. And it'll make you believe for things that you can't see, taste, feel, smell, or hear, 'cause it'll take God's Word. And it will deliver that Word to you, and make you walk contrary to any other thing there is but God's Word. By faith, faith does it.


This evening we want to examine further these thoughts on the five outer senses and also the fact that he said, we d not think with these senses but we think with the inner senses. Although these five outer senses govern and control us we know the sixth sense which is faith is not controlled by them. So then we have something in us which is Faith which is more powerful than the other five senses. What I would like to do tonight is to begin examining these five outer senses and the five inner senses and I want us to come to the place where we can see the relationship between these two pairs of five senses.  Now remember, he said the inner senses are the ones that we do our thinking and reasoning with, but then he also said the outer ones govern and control the inner ones. And yet he also said there is an Inner/inner one that comes forth from the very soul which controls them all and that comes from the sixth sense which is Faith. Now also remember that he told us as we read to you last Sunday that only the Believer can posses this sixth sense.

Christ Revealed in His Own Word #35

Wednesday Evening, August  7, 1996


And so in our dialogue and  examination of how these senses outer and senses inner and this sixth sense work, we must take into consideration that we are speaking of only the Believer. I can not speak for the unbeliever. He is unregenerate in his mind and therefore no more than a mere brute beast. And this ought to make you young people pay close attention because if only the Believer may possess a sixth sense which is Faith and also which is The Holy Spirit then to marry someone other than a real true believer you will be joining yourself to a mere brute beast just like Eve did with the serpent back in the beginning. And I hope you all know by now that the source of every trouble you have in the body and in the spirit is a result of that false union. And further more, what are the odds that your children won’t be nothing but brute beasts. And then what sorts of trouble will you have with them down the road. Now just because you marry a believer does not necessarily mean that all your children will be believers, and able to posses the Sixth sense of Faith, but they stand a far better chance of carrying on the Gene of God life coming from the product of two believers who possess this Gene Life of God than they would if only one of the parents has it.


But any way, we’ll try to stay focused on these five senses outer and five senses inner for the rest of this sermon. Now we know by what Brother Branham said we have five outer senses and five inner senses. First of al let me state here what these are.





[ Five Outer Senses ]

[ Five Inner Senses ]

[ Choice ]

1)       See

1)        Memory

Believe or disbelieve

2)       Taste

2)        Imagination


3)       Feel

3)        Reasoning


4)       Smell

4)        Conscience


5)       Hear

5)        Affection



1)        Memory =        the ability to retain or revive in the mind past thoughts, images, ideas, etc.

2)        Imagination = the power to form( conceive or picture )  mental images of what is not actually present.

3)        Reasoning =  The ability to draw conclusions or inference from assumed facts.

4)        Conscience = The moral sense. Knowledge from within. Inner thoughts and feelings.

5)        Affection =    The emotional state of being, disposition. The prevailing aspects of our true nature.


Now that we have the description of these five Outer and Five Inner senses, I want you to be able to see how it is that the Outer actually Govern and control the Five Inner senses. And so with this in mind, let’s look at each of these, but let’s start with the Outer sense of Sight because after all, brother Branham said, from the message   [Blind Bartimaeus March 30, 1960] “Your eye is the gate to your soul. You can look at it; it almost governs the other senses. You look at it before you taste it. You look at it before you smell it, and feel it, and so forth. It's usually the eye is the gate to the soul.” And in [Matt 6:22] we read, ‘the eye is the lamp to the body” it is what brings light and understanding to you”


And so with this in mind let’s begin to learn for ourselves how the sense of sight not only in can govern the other outer senses, but how it also controls the inner senses as well. What we want to do is to see for ourselves the correlation between these senses and how the outer governs even the inner.  We really do not have enough time to study how each of the Five outer senses controls the five inner senses, but if I can establish for you the control of sight over the inner senses then you can use the same laws and principals for sight and apply them to the other outer senses as well.  Now, Sight,... What is it?  Simply put, sight is what wee see. There are three types of  sight. Outer, inner and a sixth sense which has to do with the soul. 


1). We have Physical sight which is visual and one of the five outer senses.

2). We also possess Intuitive sight which we call Insight because it has to do with the inner senses which come from the spirit and which is a mental sight. This Insight is a mental awareness of the inner nature of things.   [1 Cor 2: 11a]


3). We have Spiritual Sight which is Revelatory and is possessed only within the soul of the Believer who alone has this Spiritual sight which is also called Faith. This Comes only from God . [Matt 16:17] &      [1 Cor 2: 10-13]


Now let’s go to the Scriptures this evening and see how that Physical Sight ( which is an outer sense)  can have an effect on the inner senses.


[Genesis 3: 6-7] here we see that something happened to them and they now knew that they were naked. something physical happened to them that caused them to see things in a different perspective than they had seen those things before.


[Deut 6: 6-9] {7}NIV Impress them on your children. Talk of them when you sit in your home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  {7} Amplified And these words which I am commanding you this day shall be first in your mind heart; then you shall whet and sharpen them, so to make them penetrate, and teach and impress them diligently upon the minds and hearts of your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up.”   And so we see that to do so they were to place pictures and Scriptures and all sorts of things that the children will actually see with their eyes and when they see with their eyes it will have an influence in their minds and in their hearts.


So here we see a positive picture of using and controlling the five senses in a way which will control and guide the minds of the children and actually bring about an inner desire in them for the things of God. We see how then that sight can control the inner senses of...


1)        Memory =        the ability to retain or revive in the mind past thoughts, images, ideas, etc.

2)        Imagination = the power to form( conceive or picture )  mental images of what is not actually present.

3)        Reasoning =  The ability to draw conclusions or inference from assumed facts.

4)        Conscience = The moral sense. Knowledge from within. Inner thoughts and feelings.

5)        Affection =    The emotional state of being, disposition. The prevailing aspects of our true nature.


Now let’s look to the scripture for some other illustrations of how sight will control these five inner senses.


[Numbers 15: 38-40] Here we see that the sight is used to control our memory so that we do not prostitute ourselves to other things.  NIV  You will have  the tassels to look at and so you will remember all the commands of the Lord, that you may obey them and not prostitute yourselves by going after the lusts of your own hearts and eyes. Then you will remember to obey  all my commands and will be consecrated to your God. “


Here we see God employing the use of sight to control the heart and minds by charging our memories with stimulus that in turn causes us to reflect within ourselves what our journey is all about.


[ Proverbs 17: 24] NIV A discerning man keeps wisdom in view, but a fools eyes wander to the ends of the earth.


Now so far we have established that there is a connection between what we see with our eyes and what we see with our inner man. And we have seen the importance of controlling our environment in order to place things in our memory so that a visual stimulus will bring a recall of what those things are all about. That is why I believe with all my heart that our homes should be filled with reminders of  what this Message is all about, and reminders of why we are here. If your heart is so filled with Gods Word you can’t help but see these reminders in every newspaper you read and every magazine you pick up. We are constantly reminded that this is the end-time and we are supposed to be ordering ourselves in a manner which will be consecrating ourselves to this end-time Message.


[ Psalm 50: 23] Now this word Conversation is a word {derek} which means a course of life. So we see that God promises that those who actually order their course in Life and set forth their path to follow Him, those are the ones he will actually show or manifest Himself  to and thus bring salvation to.


[ John 14:21]


 Now thus far we have seen that God wants us to control what we see so that because what we see stimulates the inner senses of memory and memory stimulates imagination which brings to mind images we have already seen and this stimulation of imagination then sets the right course for our reasoning and once reasoning is governed, it then will control our conscience which is our moral sense and thus governing finally our affections which is the disposition of our true nature. [Proverbs 4: 20-27]


Now let’s look at hearing and seeing and se how God uses them to work in the conscience of man seeing that this is one of the Inner five senses.


[ John 8: 1-9] Notice here that they both saw and heard what he was saying and thus the inner sense of conscience, moral right and wrong was stimulated by the 2 of the five outer senses. Notice how this came about. First they saw, then heard, then their own memories of their own sins were tweaked by the things Jesus wrote in the sand. Then this stimulated their imagination and mental images came to them one by one of their own sin and when this happened it affected their reasoning and they saw what hypocrites they were because they were every bit as guilty as she but they did not get caught until Jesus began to reveal in the sand their sin. Once their Reasoning was changed, it pricked their conscience and this changed their affection and emotion about this woman. And so you can see how that the outer senses can bring about complete changes in our behavior. That is why brother Branham said the outer five senses can govern the actions of the body.


Now what if we receive the wrong stimulus? What then? It’s just like what we have been speaking of about our focus. If our focus is off then our course is set in a wrong direction. So what if the outer senses bring us a wrong stimulus? What happens? Well, let’s look at what happens to a man whose senses have been pricked with a wrong stimulus.


[ Proverbs 7: 1-5, 6: 20 - 25] It is her speech and her looks that lead him to a path of death.


[Job 31: 1] and so we see that Job made a covenant with his own eyes.


[Ezek 28:17] deceived by his own beauty.


Now what I am trying to get you to see here  is that you control your spirit by what you see, taste, feel, smell and hear. But as brother Branham said, you also control your five outer senses by the sixth sense which is Faith.


[John 7:24] In other words, we should not just go by what we see physical but we must use that sixth sense to control our inner sight and be able to discern from the outer sight.  Because after all we can see but does that really mean we understand?  [ Mark 8: 17-18] Here Jesus asks the question. “Is there no connection between your eyes and your heart(understanding)?”


[Matt 13: 10-17]  These people see with their eyes but since they do not have that sixth sense they do not perceive what is going on.  Then in conclusion, what we are looking at here tonight is that what you see with your eyes can have an influence upon your other senses as well whether those senses are outer or the inner. So we should do what we can to create the right influences in our life. And if we happen to come upon the wrong influences we should allow the Sixth sense to over-ide the affect that those wrong influences might have upon us.