Christ Revealed in His Own Word #39

The Gene Seed Word Within The predestinated Soul

Wednesday Evening, August  21, 1996

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship


Tonight I would like to continue with our study of this Great Message of Christ Revealed in His Own Word and this is number 39 in our study.  Thus far we have covered midway through paragraph 27 and tonight I would like for us to re-read from paragraphs 27 on through paragraph 29...


[27 Christ Revealed in His Own Word] Today's so confused about the evidence of the Holy Ghost and so forth. Satan can impersonate any kind of a gift that God's got, but he cannot bring that Word, word by word. That's where he failed in the garden of Eden; that's where he's always failed. That's where them... The tape on false anointed ones or anointed ones... They can be anointed with the Spirit, speak in tongues, dance, shout, preach the Gospel, and still a devil. It's the inside. Now, remember, Jesus said. "All the Father has given Me, will come to Me. No man can come except My Father draws him first."   Now, we taken through the lesson to show that you were in your great, great, great grandfather all the way back, physically speaking. Then that's what you are in physical being, nature. Sometimes a child will be born in a family red-headed. It astonishes the father, 'cause there's nobody he knows of his people red-headed, or the mother's. But if you'll go way back to several generations, you'll find out somebody was red-headed. That seed keeps coming on down, and you come the nature of one from way back. Like Hebrews the 7th chapter said, that Melchisedec... Abraham paid tithes to Him when he was returning from the slaughter of the kings. And Levi, who received tithes, paid tithes, for he was in the loins of Abraham, when he met Melchisedec.


 [ 28]  Now, the same thing is this: If you are a son of God, and if I am a son of God, or a daughter of God, we were in God at the beginning. And when Jesus became the Fullness of the Word, then we were in Him, germ form. When He was crucified, we was crucified in His body. When He rose from the dead, we rose with Him. And now, since we have recognized it, now we set together with Him in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. See? For if we are sons and daughters of God, we are God's children; then we're attributes of God. Then we got Eternal Life. And God is the only Eternal Life there is. Then we were in Him from the beginning. And when Jesus became all that Word, then we were part of Him then. Amen. There you are. When that's in there, there's no devil, no powers, no nothing can ever move it. That's the tie post of the soul.   You can be anointed out here in this spirit, and desire, and do all these other things, but when it comes to this tie post to that Word, you'll never move from there. It'll hold right steady and true to that Word as it can be. Outside of that, regardless of what you do, you're still lost.


 [ 30]  That Laodicean church age, naked, blind, miserable, don't even know it... See, it's not anointed with the real Spirit. See that Holy Spirit can fall upon a man in his spirit, but his soul is his germ. That germ is the Word. See? And I don't care how much you preach, how well you do this, and how much you love... That's one of the inlets the spirit. You can't love with your body; you love with your spirit. That's one of the inlets. And you can love and even love God, and still not be right. You can cast out devils, and preach, and do these things, still not be right. Jesus said so; said many would come in that day. That Word settles it.     In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  And the Word became flesh and dwelled among us,...


Now, tonight I would like to focus our thoughts on just one thing  that Brother Branham said here, and that is from paragraph 27 where he said,  that seed keeps coming on down, and you come the nature of one from way back.  In order to illustrate this he pointed out Levi paying tithes while in the loins of Abraham and that what Abraham did, was attributed to Levi also.


Þ    2 Peter 2: 12-14 Cursed Children. In Numbers we read that God tells Balaam that he can not curse what God has blessed. If God is the same and changes not, then these children Paul is speaking of have never been under the blessings of God. Because had they then Paul could not call them cursed children. But these are children of the curse. Notice as we read further the attributes that lies within these children. [15-22]


Þ    [Matt 13:37 - 43] notice that there are two types of children in His field which is His Kingdom. Those which the Son of Man placed there and those which the Devil placed there. The Ones which the devil placed there will be gathered up and taken out but the atribute which is used to express them is the words, “Those who offend”. Now the word offend  is a Greek word, Skandalon in which we get our word scandal. It means a stumblingblock, and is the removable stick or trigger in a trap. In other words, it is an impediment that causes one to stumble or fall. It is then any person or thing which is used to entrap and draw others into sin.


Þ    [Eph 5:6-8] Children of disobedience vs. children of light. What brings the wrath of God down upon the children of disobedience? Deception through vain words. endeavors, labor and acts which result in nothing.


Þ    [Exodus 20:2-5] visiting the iniquity of the fathers to the children down 3-4 generations.


Þ    [Deut 5:9] of them that hate me.


Þ    [Numbers 14:17-20] The Lord will forgive, but you still can not escape your punishment. NIV “The Lord is slow to anger, abounding in Love and forgiving sin and rebellion. Yet He does not leave the guilty unpunished; He punishes the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation.”


From [Faithful Abraham brother Branham said, “When Levi was in the loins of Abraham, when Abraham paid tithes to Melchisedec, the Bible reckoned Levi paying tithes. How ought you people to live. If your sins are visited to the children, what about your Blessings?”


Þ    [2 Cor 11:2-5] These are the three main deceptions, wrong Gospel,  Spirit and  Jesus. And yet it comes by those super fine apostles. vs. 5 chiefest apostle {Wuest calls them super-fine, NIV calls them Super apostles, Amplified calls them “Precious extra-super false apostles.”} And false they are because Paul further tells us in verse [13-15]


Þ    2 Thessalonians 2:  9 - 14 (read)  Them that perish, or in the act of perishing. The Life is going out like    a broken cistern.  Wuest  9 - 12  " whose coming and presence is in the sphere of every kind of wicked deception geared to the gullibility of those who are perishing, this gullibility caused by the fact that they did not accept the love for the Truth to the end that they might be saved."


Þ    [Matt 23: 32-33] fill ye up the measure of your fathers


Þ    [John 8:38 - 47]  I do what My Father shows me and you do what your father shows you.


Þ    [John 6:28-29]  They wanted to know what the works of God were and Jesus told them to believe Whom God sends.


Þ    [Mal 3:16 - 18]  Talk the word and when you do you will find out just how well you understand it. People think they understand until they try to tell others. That is the real test. Talk it and watch it hone in sharper and sharper each time.