Christ Revealed in His Own Word #43

Genuine Love for God

Wednesday Evening, September  11, 1996

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship


The last two Sundays we spoke about how brother Branham said, We should never pray to change God's mind; we should pray to change our mind. God's mind don't need any changing.”  Brother Branham goes on to tell us that this attitude that will accept God’s will above our own will is how we express our  Love for God. He then goes on to illustrate how this love works in paragraph. [36]“I been this week down in the country staying with some very dear friends. I asked some of them at the table yesterday when we was eating... (We always set around and have like a little study on the Bible). Talking about love; there's a certain person said to me; he said, "I believe you're an antichrist."  I said, "If that would be pleasing to my Lord, that's what I want to be. I want to be whatever He wants me to be. I love Him. And if He should cast me into hell, I still will love Him, if I go with the same spirit that I have now." He looked at me kinda strange. I seen four or five of them there, young men, young wives, fine women. I knowed how them boys loved their wives, so I said to them; I said, "Here's the way to test it. If your wife before you were married... Now, you go back, and say -- this married life, you only been dreaming you were married. You really wasn't married, but you dreamed you were. And you woke up, and you went and talked it over with your girl friend, and you said, 'You know, I dreamed that we were married, and we had children, and we were living happy, and waiting for the coming of the Lord and everything." And then, this girl would say to you, 'You know, I love another man better than I love you. I could be happier with the other man. ‘Could you from your heart love her well enough to say, 'God's blessings rest upon you, my dear. Go with this other man.' Now, check that, each of you men or you women. See? Well, if your love is correct you'd do that, for you are interested in her welfare. What... You know you could have her; you could live with her, she's your wife -- she will be, she'll marry you, but she won't be happy. She'd be happier... And then, if you love her, then you want her to be happy. Therefore, whatever the will of God is, let God's will be done whether I'm happy with it or not. I want to live so He will be pleased with what I do. Therefore, check your objective and your motive by that, and you will know whether you love God or not."  What if He'd say, "You've served Me, but I'm going to cast you away"? you’d say  "I love You anyhow." [38]  Therefore, if the churches would see that and could believe it in that manner, it wouldn't be one trying to jerk the football away from the other fellow when he's running with it. He'd be protecting that one (See?), when real true motive and objective. Wouldn't be one trying to say, "Hey, I got this too, I--I... This is me; this..." See, God can't use a man like that. There's so much impersonation follows it, and that's Satan; and the people can't realize that. They're trying to take the ball from somebody that's been give it. Let God raise up a certain ministry and watch how many goes after it. See, see?   [39]  Now, genuine love for God, "No matter what part I am, Lord, if I can only say a word for It to help protect It, let me do that." See? That's the same thing would be about your wife. If you really love her (See?), it's not a Phileo love, it's an Agapao love, a genuine love. If she could live with somebody else happier... You're not married now, 'course, you can't...?...


Now, tonight I would like to begin our examination of this Love that Brother Branham is talking about here. Notice he said, “it's not a Phileo love, it's an Agapao love, a genuine love. So then in order to understand what it is that Brother Branham is explaining here we must know the difference between Phileo love and Agapao Love.  You see, this is where so many people today make a terrible mistake. They think all love is the same and it is not. In fact that is the biggest criticism we receive who identify with Brother Vayle is that we have no love, and we do not have the right Spirit. And so we see men come in with a seductive message and because it is so sweet and nicey, nicey in it’s presentation, the people get caught up with the presentation and not the truth. The same thing is going on in the political world. Mr. Clinton talks about feeling your pain even though in actuality he could care less, and because he talks nice, and he uses seductive words, the gullible people swallow his pitch, “hook, line and sinker”. But we know that this is the hour for seduction and gullibility anyway, for we have ample scriptural proof of this. But the thing of it is, is that this gullibility is a condition of the people today and it doesn’t matter if it’s in church politics or government politics. Gullible people are marked by error and ignorance because they want it that way. It is not forced upon them. They love to have it so as we read from various scriptures on Sunday morning. [Hosea 4:6-12] Read.


[2 Thes 2:10-12] KJV (read) AMPLIFIED And by unlimited seduction to evil and with all wicked deception for those who are going to perdition, perishing because they did not welcome the Truth but refused to love it that they might be saved. Therefore God sends upon them a misleading influence, a working of error and a strong delusion to make them believe what is false. In order that all may be judged and condemned who did not believe - who refused to adhere to, trust in and rely on - The Truth, but instead took pleasure in unrighteousness.


WUEST translations says,  this deception is geared to the gullibility of those who are perishing, this gullibility being caused by the fact that they did not accept the love for the Truth tot he end that they might be saved.


Now Webster tells us the word gullible means “one who is easily tricked, credulous.” They are marked by credulity which means they are not only too easily led into false hoods, but they become convinced of it with very little or no proof at all. And we find the reason for this is because they do not want the Truth. They actually hate the Truth.


[2 Timothy 4:3] KJV first and then AMPLIFIED For the time is coming when the people will not tolerate  or put up with sound and wholesome instruction, but having ears itching for something pleasing and gratifying, they will gather to themselves one teacher after another to a considerable number, chosen to satisfy their own liking and to foster the errors that they hold. And these people will turn aside from hearing the Truth and they shall wander off into myths and man-made fictions.


[2 Timothy 4:3] WUEST For the time will come when they will not endure our wholesome doctrine in that they will hold themselves firmly against it, but, dominated by their own personal cravings, they, having itching ears shall also avert the ear, and as a result, they shall receive a moral twist which will cause them to believe that which is fictitious.


Now, you might be asking yourself how this has to do with these things that brother Branham is telling us about love?  he is telling us that if we have the Real true Agapao Love our motives will be right and one won’t be trying to take over what God has given to another. And he even brings it down to the marriage and tells us if our love is Right, it will have the correct motives and be guided by right principles. In other words, it boils down to intent, motive and purpose. If our Real purpose is to see the Word of God flourish in His People, we won’t care by whom it comes, and when we see God using a Brother to bring forth this in the people we won’t be jealous and try to gain some of the attention and focus off of this channel, but we will simply recognize what God is doing and by whom He is doing it and we will get out of the way so that the work can go on unhindered.


But that has not been the case with man. Man is jealous and because of this jealousy they won’t allow others to go in, and since they won’t go in themselves, they will try and prevent those who would like to go from going. [ Matt 23:13] Therefore they end up holding back from the people that which could help the people. [Romans 1: 18] Jealousy, that is all it is. And jealousy is the opposite of True Love, or Agapao Love.  And so we must check our motives in every thing that we do.


Now the second thing here that we must be able to see is that these men who hold back the Truth do not right out deny it. Brother Branham never said those men try to stop the ball from moving, they just try to pull it away from the one who has it and run with it themselves.  I have seen a lot of that around Brother Vayles ministry. Many have come and gone who felt like they had to step in a grab the ball away from him and run with it themselves. It boils down to motives. Brother Branham is not telling us that we are not in the game. But our function in the game is to support the one with the ball. Not fight amongst ourselves over who gets to run with it. But help in whatever way we can without interfering with the carrier. And so we see how he is using this illustration because it has to do with motives and so does the subject of Love.


Now the best way to suppress down or hold down the truth is to place the wrong emphasis on it or to make other things Truth as well. Just like the best way to hide a diamond is to place it in a room full of counterfeits, because who wants to take the time to have to examine every single one in order to ascertain the real. And yet that is exactly what we are supposed to do. We are commanded to “Try the Spirits to see whether they are of God.” And yet how many people will do this.


Now, the same thing applies to love. I think common sense will tell you that love for your family is different from having a love for some thing. Love for money and love for things, is a different kind of love than love for family. And love for God is an even greater thing than love for family although you can love God with Phileo type love as well as an Agapao type love. But what really matters is not the phileo love but the Agapao love. And Brother Branham points that out when he says, "Here's the way to test it. And then he goes on to describe a way in which you can test your own motives to see whether they are selfish or not. In paragraph [39]he says,  Now, genuine love for God, "No matter what part I am, Lord, if I can only say a word for It to help protect It, let me do that." See? That's the same thing would be about your wife. If you really love her (See?), it's not a Phileo love, it's an Agapao love, a genuine love.” And notice he calls Agapao love a genuine love. Webster tells us the word genuine means being of the original source. That which is real and authentic, and not just put on.


Now we can find the definitions of these two words, Phileo love and Agapao Love , in Vines Complete Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words.


Agapao love is used in the New Testament to describe the attitude of God toward His Son and sons. And since we were in Him before the foundations of the world, and for much longer than we have been on this earth in a manifested form, then we should be able to see that this Love was predestined to us, and therefore is not the result of something we have done that caused God to respond favorably to us. This Love then is completely selfless. For had God’s love been merely a response to us then it could not be a selfless love but a selfish love. Therefore, this Agapao love is an expression of will. Let me repeat that, Love, Agapao Love is an expression of the will. And since we know that the will is defined as a particular desire or purpose, then we can see that this form of Love has to do with expressing God’s Will, and or purpose that He alone had within Himself and that He alone chose to express.


The scriptures plainly state that while we were yet sinners, He loved us and manifested His Love and desire for our welfare before we ever asked for His help, or ever showed any signs of seeking His help. Therefore this love is completely void of any selfish desire and could never be political in it’s nature.


Now compare this to Phileo love which is based upon already established affections and relationships. Phileo love therefore is somewhat selfish in nature because it wishes to reward and preserve based upon what this relationship has done and is doing and can do for me, whereas Agapao is already set in motion by the Divine and Eternal Will and Purpose of the Father and therefore only looks out for the welfare of the benefactor regardless of the response the benefactor may have in return.


Therefore you can see that this Agapao Love is also used to convey His will and desire to His children concerning their attitude toward one another. It expresses the essential nature of God in His relationship to His offspring. And since Love can only be known from the actions that it prompts, God’s love then is seen as a gift to us, whether it be the gift of His Son or the Gift of Life. This expression could  not be shown through complacency, nor is it an expression of affection, and it certainly is not drawn out by the excellency of the object of its love, Because He loved us even before we ever loved Him. Love therefore is an exercise of the Divine will in a deliberate choice, made without assignable cause except for the fact that the very Nature of God must find expression. Therefore this love does not have it’s impulse from feelings, and it does not always run with our natural inclinations, nor does it spend itself only upon those for whom some affinity is discovered. Love seeks the welfare of all, it works no ill to any, it seeks opportunity to do good to all men, and especially those of the house hold of faith.


Vines says, “In respect of Agapao as used of God, it expresses the deep and constant “love” and interest of a being towards entirely unworthy objects, This expression thus produces and fosters in return a reverential “love” in them towards the Giver, and practical “love” towards those who also are partakers of the same, and a desire to help others to seek the Giver. 


While Phileo love merely represents a tender affection, Agapao love is an unselfish love that is ready to serve. While phileo love conveys the thought of cherishing the object above all else or of manifesting an affection characterized by constancy, from a motive of higher veneration, it therefore may come forth from an undo desire to preserve it, forgetful of the real objective of life whereas the Agapao love considers the real true purpose of Life. And this is what Brother Branham is trying to illustrate to us through his examples of the husband who truly has an Agapao love for his wife.


For years you have heard me say that Love is actually an outward expression of  your revelation. I take my stand based upon the many examples of love that I see in the scripture where this Agapao love is expressed through some out ward manifestation of charity. Whether it be in the form of God sending His own Son, or any other expression that we see where His love is extended toward us as sons.


[1 Cor 13:1-14:3] ESP 13:13  Notice how this word agape is used as the word charity because it has to do with expressing a self sacrificial nature in the attempt to better someone else’s welfare.


We see this self sacrificial nature in the following verses of scripture...

[John 3:16] For God so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten son...


[Gal 2:20] Jesus Loved, therefore He gave Himself


[2 Cor 12:15] Paul said, I will be spent for you because of Love


[John 21:15-17] three times Jesus asked Peter to acknowledge his Love, 2 times agapao, 3rd time

                          phileo was used.


If you Love God you will also love your brother [1 John 4:21]

Our Love then is to also have an outlet just as God’s did.

we are commanded to love one another [John 13:34]


[James 2:8] the royal law is to love thy neighbor

[Gal 5:14] love one another fulfills all the law

[Romans 13:9] ten commandments fulfilled in loving one another.

[Eph 1: 15]

[1 Thess 1: 3]

[Hebrews 6:10]