Christ Revealed in His Own Word #52

Doctrine brings order

Saturday, October 19, 1996

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship


[55] Now, notice this Bible. Some of them said, "Oh, well, It's done this; It's done that." But let me tell you something; let's just go into the history of the Bible just a minute and see where It come from. It was written by forty different writers. Forty men wrote the Bible over a space of sixteen hundred years apart and at different times, predicting the most important events that ever happened in world's history, and many times hundreds of years before it happened. And there is not one error in the entire sixty-six Books. Oh, my. No author but God Himself could be so accurate. Not one word contradicts the other. Remember, sixteen hundred years apart, the Bible was wrote, from Moses to--to the death of--of John at Isle--or the Isle of Patmos: sixteen hundred years. And was wrote by forty different authors. One didn't even know the other one, and they never had It as the Word. Some of them never even seen the Word. But when they wrote It, and was understood to be prophets, then when they put their prophecies together, each one of them dovetailed one to the other.


[1 Peter 1: 10-12] Notice what Brother Branham said, the prophets who wrote this Word didn’t even know each other, and some of them did not even know each other and some of them had never even seen the Word. That is true with Job. This Book was written in the time around or even before Moses wrote the first five books called the Pentateuch. Yet every thing that Job wrote fit perfectly with the rest of the Word. Now why was this? We can’t hardly even get 5 five-fold ministers to agree together on what this Word  says much less get ten people to agree. And yet we have forty writers who wrote 66 books over a period of one thousand six hundred years and there isn’t one flaw in the entire 66 books. There isn’t one contradiction, there isn’t one error in the doctrine of God. Why?  Well, let’s see what else  brother Branham has to say about this.


[56]  Look at Peter, who announced on the day of Pentecost, "Repent every one of you and be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins." Paul had never heard nothing about it. He went down to Arabia for three years to study the Old Testament to see Who this Pillar of Fire was that spoke to him on the road, saying, "Saul, why persecutest thou Me?" How could he be wrong? He never even consulted the church at all. And fourteen years later when he met Peter, they was preaching the same thing, word by word. That's our Bible. Let other men's words fail. This... No man can add to It. You don't add no more to the Bible. No, sir. This is a complete revelation. That's all.


Now, not setting myself up to be any body, but I have found time and time again I will teach you a certain thing using certain scriptures to do so and then I come to find out that Brother Vayle taught the same thing using the exact same scriptures, and some-times on the exact same day, and yet we had not gotten together and talked to each other and told each other what we were going to preach. Now what would cause that? I believe it is the same Holy Spirit that spoke to the Prophet, is here revealing it. He has already revealed it to us through the end-time prophet William Branham, but The Great Holy Spirit is still here making it more real to us and quickening us to the Revelation of Jesus Christ.


Now what could it be? Paul told us the answer in [1 Cor 2: 10-16] And so if we have the mind of the Lord we will have to not only say the same things, but we will have to see the same as well. [1 Cor 1:10] And when is this to happen? Notice verse 7 which tells us this will be at the Revelation of Jesus Christ. At the time of the Apokolupsis or unveiling or revealing of Christ. We also find this in [2 Thess 1: 10] when He comes to be Glorified in His Saints.


Now Brother Branham goes on to say,   [57]  Like the Seven Seals. Someone kept saying to me. "The Lord will speak to you, Brother Branham, when these seals are revealed and will tell us how to get closer to God, and how to do..." I said, "No, sir. It can't be, because the Bible, the Seven Seals on It had the Seven Mysteries hid. It was already wrote, but they didn't understand what it was." Watch how they plowed along with that being baptized in Jesus' Name. See? That wasn't it: the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. See? All those things, how it was... 'Cause there's many Jesus’s... I got several friends here on earth named Jesus, minister friends. It isn't that; It's our Lord Jesus Christ. No author but God could be so correct.



[59]  Now, let's just see how this Bible was written. Now, say for instance, from... What if we went now and took sixty-six medical books that deals with the body, wrote by forty different medical schools, a hundred and sixteen--or sixteen hundred years apart? Wonder what kind of continuity we'd come up with? When George Washington, our president... About two hundred years ago for pneumonia they pulled his toenail out and bled him a pint. What if we took... Let's go a little further on some things that we so attracted to today; that's science.  What if we took forty different science from--sixteen hundred years apart and see what we'd come up with? A French scientist three hundred years ago proved by science, by rolling a ball, that if any terrific speed was obtained over thirty miles an hour, the object would leave the earth and fall off. You think science would ever refer back to that? Is any continuity with that now, when they drive down the street on the road here, hundred and fifty miles an hour? See? But he scientifically proved that by the pressure of the ball rolling across the ground, that at thirty miles an hour, that any object would lift up off the earth and go away, fall off in space.


[61]  No, there's no continuity to that, but not one word in the Bible contradicts the other. Not one prophet ever contradicted the other one. They was every one perfect, and when one come in and did prophesy, that real prophet raised up and called him down. Then it was made manifest. See, see, see? So the Bible is the Word of God to all true believers.


Then why is it that out of the hundreds and hundreds of churches that claim to believe Brother Branham’s Message, why is it that you can hardly get 5 men together who will say the same thing? I believe it is because we have not as a group of people learned to let go of our own thinking. Men are still holding onto their own ideas and not forsaking everything as the Apostle Paul told us to do. And why would we want to hold onto our own thinking anyway? What good will my thoughts produce? But I will tell you why these men will not let go of their own thoughts. It is because they are not looking to Glorify only our Father as Jesus and Brother Branham did. Jesus said in, [John 7:16-18] that those who seek not their own glory but the Fathers Glory will know the doctrine. so what this tells me is that all those men out there who preach false doctrine whether it be a female holy ghost or a false understanding of Godhead or a wrong understanding of the fullness of the Godhead trying to place it in the Bride, we can see that the reason why they do these things is because God, our Father is not the focus of their Glory, but they themselves have somehow have gotten their focus all skewed, and they focus on themselves.


From the Message, Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed, Brother Branham said, “If you are borned of the Word of God, God’s Word will have the preeminence.” And that is exactly [Col 1: 18-19]. Brother Branham read this scripture and said, “He is the head of the Church which is His body, and He wants the Preeminence.”  And so until you are borned of the Word of God you will never give the Word the proper preeminence and therefore you will have to give yourself or some other the preeminence. And as Jesus said, those who give God the Glory, will also know the doctrine. 


Now, let’s go back to [John 7:18-19] again and read it. Does the preeminence come before knowing the doctrine or does knowing the doctrine come before giving God the proper glory and preeminence. The correct answer is that when you know the Doctrine correctly, you will also know how to place it in it’s proper place and you will not get puffed up, nor will you loose your focus. But you will do correctly because you know correctly. And who taught Jesus the Doctrine? God, His Father did. [John7:16 & 8:28]


And I also want you to understand that Jesus Promised us that God Himself would teach us the doctrine as well. [John 6:45] Notice here that all that have heard and have learned. So there is much more to this message than just hearing it. You must also learn it. And then you can come to Him. And who is able to understand the doctrine which is the Message? Those who are no longer children. [Isaiah 28:9] You’ve got to grow up before you can leave the milk for the meat. [1 Cor 13: 11] And when you do grow up you will begin to see Him like you have never seen Him before. [1 Cor 13: 12] “Now as children we see through a glass darkly, but when we grow up we shall know even as we are know by God.




[62]  Now, you couldn't get no accuracy in what doctors would agree upon. You can't even get accuracy of them now. You can't get accuracy in science now.” (Now before we read on, I would like to ask the question, why? Why can’t we get accuracy in science? I’ll tell you, because they’re only guessing at it. They really don’t know and they will not go to the source that does know, God’s Word. And so, just as children they act as children and therefore they see through a glass darkly. If they had an absolute that is proven to be 100% correct every time then they would all have to agree. But since it is every man to his own self, then how can they possibly ever come to the place of agreement.) “Now, you know, sometime ago they told us that when the Bible said that he saw four Angels standing on the four corners of the earth, that that couldn't be; the earth was round. But the Bible said "four corners." Well now, you seen two weeks ago (Three weeks ago it's been now.), the papers packing this article; they found out that the world is square. How many's seen that? Sure. See? I got it all copied off and just waiting for somebody to say something.


[Daniel 12:4]  But thou, oh, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”[2 Tim 3:7] “Ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the Truth.  So we know that although knowledge shall increase, and man will be ever learning, yet they will never able to come to the Knowledge of the Truth. So what knowledge they shall have, although it will be plentiful, will be based upon deceit.  And that is our science, so called today. Based upon theories that are based upon deception. This is exactly what Paul said


[1 Tim 6:20] Now the word used here for science is the word gnosis which is the same word for knowledge and understanding. But as Paul said, it is science falsely, so called. Because if it is wrong, then is it really knowledge. We are living in a time when the educational system in the entire world is based upon false knowledge. True science is as elusive as Real Truth in this day. Because real science is real knowledge, but what we have today is based upon falsehoods, therefore ever learning but never able to know the Truth. And what good is false knowledge. What good is a degree in evolution when it’s false, and based on myth or some stupid theory of a man who was a blasphemer against God and His Word. 


Now for you kids that are in school, one day you may be told in your class that the earth is round. But It is not round. And what brother Branham means by the earth being square is that if it has four corners, then it can not be considered round, now can it. Yet it is not flat either as you would imagine when you think of a square shape. But in [Isaiah 40:22] it is called a circle and yet in the same Book of Isaiah it is said to have four corners. [Isaiah 11:12] And so the earth is a polygon in it’s shape.


[63]  And they're going to find out someday that they're not seeing a hundred and fifty million years of light space either; they're going right around in a circle.  ( By the way, that came out in the national magazines a few years ago. I remember reading the article to you when we were in the other building, back there on Clough Pike, and then Morris Ungren read it to us again during a watch night service some time later. We also find that Einstein proved that gravity can influence or diffract the light and actually bend light rays around objects. Light is transmitted through the illumination of millions and billions of tiny particles. Each particle has a mass and therefore each particle is subject to gravity. The center of Gravity of an object depends upon the center of the mass of the object. Therefore if the moon were to suddenly explode, the some of the mass of all it’s particles would still have the same center of gravity because the center of mass would still remain the same although the space of the object would be changed because it is more scattered. Any way, Science has now proven that what Einstein only theorized in his theory of relativity.)Now Brother Branham continues, :...”That's exactly. You're going to find out one of these days that when you go to heaven, you don't fly off somewhere else; you're still right here too, just in another dimension faster then this. (with all that is happening to our loved ones at this time I can only say that I am thankful that we have a vindicated word on that. We don’t have to wait for science to prove it, we already have “Thus Saith the Lord” that it’s True).  Right through this room's coming color. Every color shirt, dress, whatever you got on is eternal, laying right on records, going around and around the world. Every time you bat your eyes, it's right on record. Watch, television will prove that.




[1Cor 15: 3-8, 12-20, 33-54]   

[1 Thes 4:13-18] 

[Rev 20:4-6] 

[Hebrews 11: 36-12:2]


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  His great, glorious Presence shall strike the earth. "He cometh in clouds." Oh, I love that. "Clouds," there will be wave after wave of His glory will come across the earth, and the resurrection of the saints shall come. When that blessed Holy Spirit that's lived in their hearts, and they died with their corpses laying there, and the tear stains over their cheeks, and things like that, they're placed out here in a graveyard. A great wave of that same Spirit, and a "whoosh," wave after wave.  "He that was last will be first, and he that was first will be last." How can it be that way? That's the order of the resurrection. I won't know nobody in the generation before me or the generation after me. I'll know those in the generation of this. And every generation will come successfully, right as it went down. "They which were last will be first." Sure, it has to be. See? I'll know my people. The next fellow, my dad will know his people; his grandfather, his people, on down like that.  Wave after wave, after wave, after wave, and the saints arising from everywhere, won't that be wonderful. Amen. That makes the old people feel young again. Yes. Now, notice closely. All right.  ... comes in the--in the clouds; and every eye shall see him... (No matter how far back they died; they'll still see him.)... and they also which pierced Him: and all the kindred’s of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.


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Now, this is the order of the resurrection. "We which are alive and remain shall not prevent them which are dead; for the trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first; we which are alive and remain shall be called up together with them..." Meet one another before we meet Him, meet one another before we meet Him... "Be caught up together with him--with them to meet the Lord in the air." All together.


  Then them which are asleep shall not prevent those which are awake at the coming of the Lord. "For the trumpet of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first. And we'll be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air." You notice the order of the resurrection? "We which are alive and remain to the coming of the Lord (II Thessalonians, I believe about the 5th chapter) shall not prevent (or hinder) those that are asleep. The trumpet shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise first." And notice the next, "Then we which are alive and remain, shall be caught up together with them."  See, we meet them first. Now, I wonder, how God in His great mercy, when He'd be worshipped perfectly there, and when... He knew that. He knew that if we got there first to worship Him, and then we'll go to look around, wonder where baby is, and where mother is, and where this one or that one; but (You see?) He lets us meet one another first. So when you go up to worship before the Lord on that day, she'll be with you. See?


  Blessed Savior, Thou will guide us till we reach that healthful shore, where the Angels waits to join us, in Thy praise forevermore.  We think of that great day. How You have arranged it. "I would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning those that are asleep, that you sorrow not, even as others that have no hope. For if we believe that Christ died and rose again the third day. Even so, those that sleep in Christ will God bring with Him. For we say this to you in the commandment of the Lord." That we will not be as hindered. It won't hinder us when we are sleeping. And we watch the order of the resurrection.  The first thing, we get together, not until we get together will we go together to meet Him. Mothers and fathers will meet one another. Children and loved ones will meet one another, and then be caught up in the air to meet the Lord. And when we stand there, singing redemption’s songs, and Angels, with a circle around the earth will stand with bowed heads, not knowing what they're talking about. They never was lost. They don't know what it means to be lost and to be found. But, Lord, we know what it means. I once was lost, but now I'm found, was blind but now I see.




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Peter, James, and John, and them standing present, when Jesus spoke to them and said, "There's some standing here will not taste of death until they see the Son of man coming." He didn't say "all" that was standing there, but "some." And they went a few days after that, and saw the order of the resurrection rehearsed, and the coming of the Lord. Moses represented the dead saints being resurrected. Elijah represented the translated. But remember, Moses was first, and then Elijah. Elijah was to be the messenger of the last day, that with him and his group would come the rapture. Moses brought in the resurrection, and Elijah brought in the raptured group. And there, both of them was represented right there.

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  And then, remember, if we go before He comes, we will be up and in His Presence, or raised before the others are changed. "The trumpet of the Lord shall sound, the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which alive and remain shall be changed in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, and be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air." Look at the order of the resurrection. See, God knows that we long to see our loved ones. And if we got there to meet Him first, we'd be looking around to see if mother or dad and the rest of them was there. But see how, the Holy Spirit in His wisdom? We meet one another first, and then when we get there and sing "Amazing Grace," that's--that's when there's going to be a time of worship. You think I act funny now, watch me up there. It's going to be a wonderful time for me and all of us that--when we get there. ....When we get our big tent up out here somewhere, we'll take plenty of time and go through them in-between the lines. Watch the resurrection thing how it moves in there, just beautifully. Just get in love with Him and He will reveal it to you



  Now, when we come along, we remember that we live here in three dimensions. And I don't know whether I can name them or not. One of them is light, and the other is matter. Tommy, you remember what the third is? Huh? Atom--time. Right. Now, light, matter, and time. And our five senses contact them dimensions. Our sight contacts light, our feeling contacts matters, and so forth. Now, but we have contact through science, the fourth dimension, as it was. Because coming right through this building now comes pictures, voices of radio, pictures on television, that our senses does not contact that, but yet they have a--a tube or crystal that picks up those ether waves and manifests them. So, you see, right in this building now is live actions of people in the air, live voices. They're here. We know it. They're absolutely the truth. And the only thing you do, they--they catch it on... I don't understand the mechanics of--of those things that science has invented, but we know that it proves to us there is a fourth dimension.  Now, the fifth dimension is where the sinner, the unbeliever dies and goes to. The fifth dimension is the horrible dimension. Now, this man...  And when a Christian dies, he goes into the sixth dimension. And God is in the seventh dimension. Now then, you see, the Christian when he dies, he goes under the altar of God, right into the Presence of God, under the altar. And he's at rest.  To break it down. When a man has a nightmare, he's not altogether asleep, neither is he awake. He's between sleep and awake, and that's what makes him have a horrible shaking and screaming, because he's not asleep, he's not awake. And to take that, shows where a man goes when he dies unconverted. He's lived his time up; he's dead on earth; and he cannot go in the Presence of God, because he's not fit to go there without the Blood. And he's caught. He cannot come back to earth, because his time's finished here on earth, and he's caught between, and he's in a nightmare. See? He can't go in the Presence of God to rest. He can't back, come to earth, because his time's up. He's in a nightmare, and there he stays until the day of the judgment: a horrible thing to be in. See?  And now in this vision, I believe I was caught to that sixth dimension, looking back down here and could see back. See, the sight isn't exactly with the eyes; that's earthly. But it--sight is a greater thing than... The sight that they have there, their contact is far beyond any contact that our natural senses would contact. Here sometime ago I was explaining it. I was looking at a television picture where they let a man down, I think two mile or a mile deep in the ocean, and they had ray lights that went out. They was showing marine life. And there come fish by, that horrible-looking creatures. That it's midnight, ink black down there. And they had phosphorous on their nose and they had no eyes. Now, they have to be fed, so it looked like, to find their food, they were guided with another sense, not sight, 'cause they didn't have eyes, couldn't use them down there. But they were guided with another sense that they



could contact their food. And I thought, "If I could have control of that little fish with my sight, how much greater could I supply his food and lead him places, how much greater my sight is than his radar he contact." See? And I thought, "If I could just lead him..."  Then it come to me, "If I could only surrender myself to God, how much greater is the sight and senses of God, Who could guide us much more than the things that we see, because the faith that He supplies us is the evidence of things not seen with our eyes. Then if that little fish could never come up to the top of the water like other fish, because he's pressurized. You bring him up, he'd explode. No more than we can go up higher and keep from exploding... We are pressurized for the--the place that we live. But now if that little fish could ever come up here and be me, would he ever want to be that little fish again down in that midnight blackness? He'd never want to be a fish no more, because he's something greater than a fish; he's a man; his senses are greater; his understanding is greater; his intelligent is supreme. Then multiply that by ten million; then you get what it is when you pass from this into the Presence of God yonder, where the human being is so much farther than what we are here. You'd never want to be a human being like this no more, down in this pest-house of sickness and corruption. It's been that in my heart, that I've tried these thirty years to preach the Gospel around the world to tell people that there is a heaven to--to gain and there's a hell to shun, and there's a God that loves you, and a--a redeeming power that's laying ready to pick you up at any time that you're ready to receive it.  Like a man drowning, a rope hanging there, he thinks, "Well, the rope, I could pull myself out, but I'm not worthy to get the rope." The rope was put there for that very purpose for you to pull yourself out there. That's the reason Jesus Christ died, for the very purpose of saving sinners. And He dangled the rope of Eternal Life, which this very night will pass over every sinner's head in here, and a welcome sign hanging on it, "Come up out of it." If--if you--if you wish to do it, the preparation is made.  Now, when I seen that place and that condition that those people were in, and how beyond anything that this world could ever think of, it was glorious. There could not be sin there, no death nor nothing could enter that spot. And there was no different between men and women, only the--the sex glands was gone from them, and there could never be no more adultery and no more nothing. But she was still a woman in the way of figure, and man was still figure, and they'll forever be that way. Because when God...


Now, this might be good, some of you high school kids that's getting this stuff taught into you here about evolution. Now, I believe in evolution, but not in the way that man evoluted from--from some lower specie. Their own theory backfires upon them: when they try to hybreed anything, it won't breed itself back. So, you see, it--it's backfired on them. Now, I believe that when God begin to bathe the earth, maybe the first thing He did come forth with was a jellyfish, and from that to a frog, and on up. But, you see, it continually come closer and closer to the image of man, and man was a reflection of God. And that's the reason that grass become evoluted, maybe grass, and then from grass come flowers, from flowers come shrubs, from shrubs come trees. Why? It's a picture of the Tree of Life standing on the other side. And everything on this side that's natural is a shadow of the supernatural or the eternal on the other side. Therefore, as long as there's a born again Christian on the earth, and we got a body here like this, it's the very reflection of one that's waiting on the other side where there is no death and sorrow. And that's what makes our hearts hunger for such as that. See, there's something in us that calls out. We just... There's something that tells us it's there. I believe through these years... I apologize before God and the people of being stupid and being--making many mistakes. But through these many years I have been privileged to see many millions of people come into the Kingdom of God, and have been thankful to the Lord to let me lead them there. And I believe they'll be there on that day.