Christ Revealed in His Own Word #57

The Coming of Judgment

Wednesday, November 27, 1996   Communion Service

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship


For the last couple services we have been looking at PP.[59] You think science would ever refer back to that? Is any continuity with that now... And we have looked at this thought on repentance from the aspect of [Hebrews 6:] where we are taught by the Apostle Paul that when a person is “once for all enlightened and has tasted of the heavenly Gift, and has been made partakers or companions of the Holy Spirit, and has witnessed the of the powers of the age to come, having fallen away, it is impossible for them to ever come to repentance again.” Because repentance is a condition that when you are truly repentant, that means you have truly changed your mind. Your understanding is changed and you would never go back to your old way of thinking again.


Brother Branham is telling us here that science has repented. They no longer refer back to old misconceptions to define and identify what they are looking at. But not so the church. And to be more specific, not so the false church. Those who have heard the midnight cry, those who have witnessed the powers of the age to come, those who have walked alongside of the Pillar of Fire in following the Prophet out of  Egypt ( which we know is a type of the church system).


[PP. 59 Only Believe 61-0427]  You remember the last plague hit Egypt? What was the last plague hit Egypt which was the type of the church going out? Was death. What's the last plague's hit the Pentecostal church? Spiritual death. It's going right on back like the rest of the world: spiritual death. But the circumcised with the blood on the door took the homeward march (That's exactly.) with a Pillar of Fire going before them to lead them away.


Now I think that it is important that you see this picture in the Alpha of the first Exodus so that you might understand what is happening in the Omega of the third and last Exodus. Here we find Brother Branham type the Church with those who left Egypt (which was a going out) But just as they stopped short of entering in,  (all two million who left Egypt except the two: Joshua and Caleb. So we see a repeat again in this hour. All the old timers who followed Brother Branham back in the forties, fifties and sixties are dying off. We have wandered forty years now since this nation faced it’s Kadesh Barnea. 


[77  Israel at Kadesh Barnea  53-0328]

Perfect of the church today in our journeying. We're journeying up till I believe that the church is standing today at Kadesh-Barnea: judgment. Now, God help me. I hope God will help me to get this, it'll sink in good and deep. Sending out exploits... Remember, they had come this far because God had promised them. And all along the line they had signs and wonders and miracles, and now they're right up to the borderland.


Now I want you to notice something here. This first Message called Israel at Kadesh Barnea was preached on March 28, of 1953’. Notice here he says that the church is coming up to the border and is now standing at Kadesh Barnea. Now remember, Israel called out of Egypt, was a type of the church which means the called out ones. And they did not just come up to Kadesh Barnea and that same day go over in to the Promised land. But there at Kadesh Barnea the church came up to the border and then the big debate began if they should go over and possess the Promise or not. In [Numbers 13 we see the story of the 10 spies who were sent in to spy out the land. Here we see there report and how Caleb and Joshua were the only spies who believed God’s Word concerning the Promise. As we all know the story, the people refused to believe the Good report because they were also told that there were giants in the land. Obstacles that were too big for the people to over, they were told by the other 8 spies. In Fact the people God so mad at Joshua, Caleb, Moses and Aaron that they took up stones to kill them in chapter 14. we do not know how long they spent at Kadesh Barnea but we do know that it was for a period of time. We also know that as they wandered in the desert of  (Z).i.n. Pronounced SIN, and that they came back to Kadesh Barnea again about 18-19 years later as we see in Chapter 20.  And 18 -19 years from 1959 brings us up to 1977 when the Parousia of Christ first begin to be taught among us by Brother Vayle.


Now, for the next few minuets, I want us to look at this scenario. we are not doing this to set any dates mind you, however, I would like to paint a picture of just  how close to the end we really are.


I could be wrong on this, and if I am you can just toss it out,  but I believe that the Children of Israel left Egypt and 10 days later they came to Kadesh Barnea. And we know that after Kadesh Barnea they wandered for 40 more years.  Now, I will try to find my source on this, but to me this is significant because somewhere around  1946 God came to William Branham in the Pillar of Fire and His Angel sent Brother Branham out amongst the church to call out a people from the Church. We find around ten years later a rejection of the Gospel as Brother Branham said in From the Message...


[Testimony on the Sea 62-0720]  “We know the revival's over. Everyone knows that. I predicted that back in '56 when it would start ending. Billy Graham come back, and Tommy Osborn, and them. I said, "This is it. America will receive it or reject it this year." And they rejected it. We're nothing waiting but judgment. Now, you mark that down and see if Brother Branham's right or not. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. We're headed for it, and we're going to pay for what we've done. We got too much glamour in the church, and Hollywood and everything. God's sick and tired of it. The last one will come in after while, and that'll be it.”


And so we find the rejection came in 1956 right?  well let’s see what else  he said about this. From the Message...


[E-56  At Kadesh Barnea  56-0527]  What we need in this hour is a man to challenge the promise of God before the people. God promised to pouring out of a Pentecostal blessing in the last days; I mean a real Pentecostal pour out. And it's time for it to come; another Kadesh-Barnea has arrived. Yes, sir.  They said, "We can well do it. Sure we can do it." What was it? Those cowardly church members was looking to what they could see with their eyes, but Caleb and Joshua was looking to God's promise. I don't care how much opposition they had; how big the giants looked; how big the fences looked; they were looking to God's promise. Every man and woman tonight that wants to go on with God, don't pay any attention what the world says, whether we can or whether we can't; God promised it, and that settles it. God said so. I like that. When God says so, that settles it forever.


Here we find Him telling us that Kadesh Barnea had arrived.  Now in 53 they were at the border of it, the spies had been sent over, but in 56 the report came back negative. I think it is also significant that all the Big name Evangelists had canceled their overseas engagements and had combed America that year. So here we see the picture of the Spies who were sent in to spy out the Land. There were ten of them in all but only two believed the report. Joshua and Caleb which Brother Branham said  ‘our Joshua is the Holy Spirit and Caleb represents the True Believer.” And we know there was but One True Believer, the same One spoken of in [St. John 14:12]  “HE that believeth on me ( Not they but He that believeth on Me) these works shall He do and greater than these shall HE do for I goeth to my Father.”  This is the same one spoken of in [Revelations 3: 14 - 20] “If any MAN hears My Word and opens up to me, I will come in and sup with HIM and HE with ME.”  That is one man only, who came back with the true report. One man who represents the True believer + Joshua Who represents the Holy Ghost, and notice we are told that Joshua was the son of NUN.  And so we find William Branham was the only one of the major players who went in to spy out the promise who came back with a True report. It is also worthy of note that Brother Branham was the only one of the great Evangelists who did not represent any one church group. The spies that went out all represented a tribe of Israel, each was said to be the son of this one or that one but Joshua was the Son of NUN.


From the Message, [Seed Shall Possess the Gate,] preached 61-0212 Brother Branham said, “Joshua also, after He’d had a trial at Kadesh, come back and 90% of the ministers said ‘we can’t take it.’ ” 


Now, I want you to notice another thing. Israel did not immediately leave Kadesh right after that. They stayed a while before beginning there 40 years journey, and  in 1959, from the Message ... [452-173  Q& A on the Holy Ghost COD  59-1219]  “Oh, I see something. This tabernacle, this Pentecostal world is at Kadesh-Barnea right now. That's exactly right, Brother Neville. We're at Kadesh-Barnea, the judgment seat of the world, was the judgment seat). “


So we see that in 1959, they were still at Kadesh Barnea. Now after 1959, we no longer not hear brother Branham again referring to the church being at Kadesh. He only refers to Kadesh as being a judgment seat after that.


  [E-20  Testimony of Raising Dead Boy  53-1203]  And right there at Kadesh-Barnea where they come, the judgment seat, there's where they failed, because they listened to the bigger per--percentage of these men who come back and said, "Why, we look like grasshoppers up side of them." See, they were looking at symptoms, when Joshua and Caleb was looking to what God said: "I give you the land." No matter how big the city is, how big the giants are, God's bigger than all, and God's the One that made the promise.  So they wanted to go over, and they--they said, "It's a beautiful land. It's a wonderful land." And now, they come back with some evidence. I'm glad that somebody crossed over brought some evidence back, aren't you? (Yes, sir.), that there's grapes over in that land over there. Yes, sir. And they come back and brought the evidence. And finally, when God had to get away from the church age, raise up another man called Joshua, and went over into Pal--or, into the promised land and they fought down ever Philistine.


[E-38  Exploits of Faith  53-1213E] And men look and live." If they go to looking at their church, and how fast this is growing, how this is materializing, the first thing you know, they'll get their eyes off here on to that. Let's look here and let that go. Keep looking up. Now, He said, "I will give you the... (I, not will give you), I have give you." Amen. That's past tense. "I've already give it to you; now go in and take it."


Now what I want you to see is that they left Kadesh and wandered forty years. And we left our Kadesh in 1959. Could it be our wanderings will finally be over in a few more years?


[46-1 Three Kinds of Believers 63-1124E]  Though He may not give me the power to walk like Enoch and not have to die, but just take an afternoon's walk and go home with Him; but God, I do believe that it will happen, because I know there's to be a rapture in the last days, and the work's to be cut short. Father, so says our calendar--thirty-six more years and the work will be over, and You'll have to come sometime within that or there'll be no flesh saved. And then we're told by the chronologist and the--and the people who search such things that we are absolutely advanced many, many years from that, many years on up. They're tell us by the calendars that we're way up further than that; maybe there's only fifteen or twenty years left. I don't know, Father. But I know, even according to our calendar, we're almost there.


Now this is pretty striking, what he says here, but remember, He is not saying this is Thus Saith The Lord, But according to our calendar.


  [98  What shall I do with Jesus  63-1124M]  And we've only got... This is--this is '64, isn't it? And I think they claim about seventeen years is off of that, so... according to the calendar. And we got sixty-four--1964, which will make (what is that) thirty six years left to the 21st century. And every two thousand years the world has come to the end of it's world system, religious system, to the end of all systems. And God had to step in. He did in the days of Noah; first two thousand years. The second two thousand years, the system come back to where our text calls this morning. And He sent again His Word. He sent His Word by a prophet: Noah's time--prophet Noah. And the people rejected It for their system. He sent His Word again in the time of Jesus, the Word manifested in the Fullness. The people rejected It. And now, it's 1964, leaving thirty-six years until, the even two thousand more years; and the Word's been brought forth and the system has rejected It. How close are we? Maybe later than we think. See? At anytime it could happen. Maybe it's already happened for all we know, as I spoke the last Sunday being here. The last name might've been on that Book; when it is, there's no more coming in. The world will move on just as it was, but the church is sealed. Notice now, as we go on here.


 [ 126  World again falling Apart  63-1127]

  And if He don't cut the work short for the elected sake... There's some elected to Eternal Life; we know that; all of them are, that's got Eternal Life. And if they--and if they... Or then He don't cut it short for their sake, no flesh will be saved. The world has met its doom, every two thousand years. We know the system has fell apart. It fell apart in the days of Noah. Days of Christ, it fell apart. And here's 1964 coming up, what does it leave? Thirty-six years to another two thousand; the twenty-first, twenty-first century coming up. What happens? The work still has got to be cut short. Jesus said, the--the corruption of this day, "The elected would be deceived and wouldn't be saved, if it'd be possible." There we are. And the calendar tells us, according to science, that we're about fifteen years off of that. We're behind on the Roman calendar, according to the Jewish calendar, that we're fifteen, twenty years behind on that.  So where we at? We see nations a-breaking, and Israel awakening, the signs that this Bible foretold for this day. We see the mechanical things taking place. Now, the Spirit, the dynamics of that promised Word to get into His Church and drive them into Calvary yonder, and to the rapture... And there we are. 


[219  Man That Can Turn on the Light 63-1229M] Listen, if the Roman calendar is right... We got--we got thirty-six years left. Every two thousand years the world meets her end. First two thousand years destroyed by water; second two thousand years Christ come. This is 1964 coming up: thirty-six years. Now, the Egyptian astronomy calendar says we're seventeen years out; it's seventeen years advanced from that. That would leave nineteen years left, Jesus said the work will be cut short for the elected sake or there'd be no flesh saved. Where are we at? "The works that I do shall you also." Same kind, but greater shall you do.


Now I want you to also see, that although they left Kadesh you will also notice in the scripture that they kept coming back to Mount Hor. We see in [Numbers 20:22 - 29] Here we see a changing of the guard. The old timers who rejected the Message back in 56 -59 are dying off and a new ministry from a younger generation  going on.  ( Now mind you,  Joshua and Caleb were still alive when they entered in but the rest of the old timers were gone).  Now in studying this message of Christ revealed in His Own Word, we know that repentance is to change your mind, which means, once you change your understanding of something, you never go back to that way of thinking again


Now we showed you that in [Hebrews 6] and [2 Thess 1] that there are two groups. One goes beyond Faith into Reality and the other turns down faith and goes out from the presence of God.  Wednesday and Sunday we focused al of our attention on the Group who move into reality. In [Romans 8:24 - 25] Paul tells us that what we see is no longer classified as hope. Then if we see it, it can no longer be called hope. In other words, we no longer earnestly expect what is already there. And so therefore as long as it is not there then we can expect it. And this brings patience. (read) Yet we also find that unless we go through the process of hope we will not receive within us the patience and thus character that God desires to be formed in us. And notice that this hope makes us not ashamed. This process removes shame from us.


[Romans 5: 1- 5] this word tribulation is not speaking of the Tribulation  but is actually a word which means a pressing together or pressure which is a sort of squeeze and that is what worketh patience.  [James 1: 2-4] We see what the process of patiently waiting is to do for us. It is to bring us to a place where we lack nothing. For if you are lacking, then you are still in need of  that thing whether it be hope or faith. But as Paul said, whether it be hope or faith, when we have received what we hoped for, we know longer will hope for it, because it is real and we have received what was promised us. Therefore the fact that God Himself has come down ought to bring rest knowing that He Who gave the Word is here to finish what He began. We are only to lay in His presence and ripen or mature.


 [E-57  Sirs We Would See Jesus 57-1211]   But remember before this happens, the Church has to go. Amen. So we're at the end time. We're right in the shadows of His coming right now. I'm so thankful to see that He's come down to prove His Word if it's before a dozen, or before a million. But it'll pass right through the people, and millions will never know about it. It always has been that way, and it always will be that way. Then they'll wonder sometime, "Well, I didn't... I really didn't know it." Got eyes, but can't see.


[22  Without money without Price 59-0802] After the taking away of the Holy Spirit out of the earth, that formal church religion will go right on, not knowing the difference. ... They don't know the Holy Spirit, so they won't know when It's gone, and they'll just be going right on just the same. When the last one is sealed into the Body of Christ; they'll still be going on, trying to bring converts to it, because they don't know what It is. ... they'll be so far away, just in religious rituals, until they will not miss the Holy Spirit, because they don't know what It is to begin with.


[69  Christ Revealed In His Own Word   V-4 N-10  65-0822] You remember, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom..." What happened just before Sodom? God came down with some Angels, and they had an investigation judgment. Said, "I've heard the cry that is so sinful, so great, so I've come down to find out whether it's altogether the truth or not." Is that right? Watch, that main One that stayed with Abraham could discern the thoughts was in Sarah's heart behind Him. Now, you'd look around just a little bit and notice (See?); watch what It's doing, the same thing today. It's an investigation judgment. When after while the church, when It can stand that place and every seed has been brought to it's spot, they'll be gone. They won't know what happened to them. One will be going one way. See? One will be going over to the pastor's house, and one will be going here or down there; and the first thing you know, they're not there. For Enoch which was the type, God took him, and he was found not. Come down to investigate...


[E-35  Jehovah Jireh .  57-0810]  And when the rapture comes, it'll have to be the same Spirit that was on Christ, will have to dovetail with that promise, or it will be rejected. No wonder He said, "Except the man be borned again, he will in no wise enter the Kingdom." It has to be the same Holy Ghost that fell on the day of Pentecost, has to baptize every believer or it won't be the same spirit, and contract, that was tore at Calvary..... And that Spirit can come into the church today, and perform the same miracles showing, and people will laugh at It and walk away from it. How do you ever expect to make the rapture or go in to see God?


[E-8  Jesus Christ The Same 58-0323]   I may not be able to make every promise manifested in my life. I might not be able to make it manifested to someone else's life. But I'll never stand in the way of anybody who can do it. I'll be for them. I'll pray for them.  I might not be able to walk where Joshua did with a shout that shook the walls of Jericho, and neither may I be able to walk with Enoch who took a afternoon stroll one day with God and went all the way home with Him. I might not be able to have that type of faith, but I'm contending for that faith, and believing it with all my heart, and praying God to give that faith quickly, 'cause that's the way His Church is going home one day, a little afternoon stroll, and the rapture will be on and we'll be gone.


[E-33  Sudden Secret Going Away 58-1012] This secret coming of the Lord, sudden secret going of the church... "Watch, it'll be two in the field; I'll take one and leave one. There'll be two in the bed; I'll take one and leave one," showing that the coming of the Lord will not be just at any certain corner, but it'll be universal. One will be in the field working: daytime, the other one in the bed sleeping on the other side of the world. It'll be a universal rapture. And it'll come with the shout, with the voice of the Archangel. And the trump of God shall sound, and the dead in Christ shall rise. And she will be caught away secretly. Oh, I love that. The great Bridegroom coming, and the bride that got Herself ready, waiting for that secret moment that she doesn't even know herself, but she's ready and dressed, and waiting for it.


Now, what we are looking at is [Hebrews 6:1-4] (read) Notice here that we have Twins! One Group can no longer repent and therefore they can never again enter into Faith which is Revelation, and we know that without Faith you can not even please God much less receive a change in your body. The other Group on the other hand has “moved on into perfection not laying again the foundation of Repentance from dead works and of Faith toward God”... So we see this other Group has gone beyond Faith.  This Group no longer has a need for Faith because they are now entered into a living Word, a Word which has become

manifested to them, A Word which has become alive to them, and since it is real, it is no longer something they need to look forward to. And since Faith is the evidence of things hoped for, then when you have received it, then why do we yet hope for it.



Therefore we see in [2 Thess 1: 7 and 10] a difference between those in [2 Thess 1: 8-9] Notice that the same presence brings a gathering as we see in [2 Thess 2:1] and a separation as seen in [2 Thess 1: 8-9]. And since we see that those who are gathered unto Him are those in verse 7 and 10, we see that they have the same Doxa or Mind set That  the Lord comes with which there is only one Faith and One Lord and since Faith is a Revelation, it is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Therefore, those who do not receive this Revelation of Who is Here and what He is doing must separate from Him and thus from us. we however, are being gathered together in Him, and therefore we see the Rapture, all three stages or phases of it are dependent upon receiving and becoming a part of the first phase. All others who turn it down will never be able to come to a knowledge of Him [2 Tim 3: 7-8] (read) Notice they are never able to come to the Knowledge of Him and so they resist Him by trying to do the same things he did. [2 Tim 3:9-10, 14], so we see that we are in the stage of a continuing on. Or a continuing in. But as for the others, [2 Tim 3:13] they shall continue to go from bad to worse, deceiving because they are deceived.


Is it later than we think? I believe it is. Noah had Faith to prepare his household and to build the ark, but he went beyond Faith when he entered into it.


[260  Evening Messenger 63-0116]  Notice when the Message is rejected and the messenger seems to be defeated, that's when God steps on the scene, his Message is over. Noah (closing now), Noah preached in the door of his ark for a hundred and twenty years, till, when finally they laughed him to scorn, Noah stepped in the ark thinking that it would just be all right. God closed the door. And the people hung around to see what was going to happen. Seven days he set there and sweated it out, and on the seventh day the rain come. Uh-huh


Friends, Is that where we are at this evening? We know the Message has been rejected. We have seen that with our very own eyes. We have heard it with our own ears. And we know that God is on the scene. Now we’ve been standing in the door for 40 years since this nation rejected the Message and forty is the number of Judgment.  From [Testimony on the Sea 62-0720]  “We know the revival's over. Everyone knows that. I predicted that back in '56 when it would start ending. Billy Graham come back, and Tommy Osborn, and them. I said, "This is it. America will receive it or reject it this year." And they rejected it. We're nothing waiting but judgment. Now, you mark that down and see if Brother Branham's right or not. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. We're headed for it, and we're going to pay for what we've done. We got too much glamour in the church, and Hollywood and everything. God's sick and tired of it. The last one will come in after while, and that'll be it.”


The Message churches have become to  where they are in a race to see who can have the biggest church with the largest orchestra’s and choirs and the most young preachers under their wing and the largest out reach and it has become so fashioned after Hollywood, that God has become sick and tired of it. 


[22  Without money without Price 59-0802] After the taking away of the Holy Spirit out of the earth, that formal church religion will go right on, not knowing the difference. ... They don't know the Holy Spirit, so they won't know when It's gone, and they'll just be going right on just the same. When the last one is sealed into the Body of Christ; they'll still be going on, trying to bring converts to it, because they don't know what It is. ... they'll be so far away, just in religious rituals, until they will not miss the Holy Spirit, because they don't know what It is to begin with.