Christ Revealed in His Own Word #63

God: The Center of the Universe

Sunday, December 22, 1996

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship


[67] No, we could've got--get any continuity amongst medics, amongst scientists, different ones. If Einstein had only had the spiritual application, as he had the physical application, as he studied the laws of light and so forth, he could've told us something. When I heard his message on that great center somewhere into the skies, that ever contacted with that center, you could create earth’s, do anything that, the power would be unlimited. See? He had seen that.


You know it is very interesting to note here what man went on to do with that statement of Einstein. Brother Branham said, “. When I heard his message on that great center somewhere into the skies, that ever contacted with that center, you could create earth’s, do anything that, the power would be unlimited. And other scientists went over board with that statement because they could not see the Spiritual implication involved. And what came out of that statement was the big bang theory itself. Now Einstein was not the author of the big bang theory, but the author was inspired by what Einstein said pertaining to this great center of the Universe, and if any one could ever come in contact with it, worlds could be created.


Now the Spiritual application of this is that God is this Center of the Universe. He is the Central Power in the Universe and the Creator of all things and therefore to come in contact with Him all things become possible.  [Psalm 19:1]The Heavens declare the Glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork.


[Isaiah 42:5, 45:18]


[2 Peter 3: 4-15] Notice verse 10, there’s your big bang. but that speaks of the end of the world as we know it and the creation of a new heavens and a new earth. Now the fact of it is that if God is the same and changes not, then if the new heavens and the new earth will be ushered in by a big bang, then the same must be true for the beginning of the creations of the world. But where science went wrong is that they try to preach a big bang without a Creator Who is all knowing and all powerful. And to eliminate this element from the creation of the world is so ludicrous that it takes a mind that is sufficiently void of any real intelligence to even think in those terms.


[Psalm 19:1] “The fool has said in his heart, there is no God!  And that is what they are.

[Romans 1: 20-22] And this is exactly what I want to speak about this morning. Because when they knew God by seeing the things that He had created, and instead of recognizing the author of these creation, and attributing these things to the very One Who fashioned and created them, they instead attempted to glorify these things as though God these things were created out of nothing on their own, and because they refuse to recognize and attribute to God what is God’s, God then turns them over to their own thinking and thus they became fools. 


And so we see the importance of recognizing God in every aspect of His handiwork. Not only in the things He created, but in the plan in which He uses to catch our attention and turn our hearts toward Him. Let me for a moment put this into words which will be easier for the young ones to understand.  In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. How did He do this? We are told by the Holy Scripture that He created the heavens and the earth by His own Word. Now did God Whisper when He spoke those most powerful words that created the Worlds? NO! We know that when He will create the new heavens and the new earth, that it will come via a loud noise. We know that when God does anything with His Own Word, that it is never done in a corner. That is not His Way of getting out attention. In [Rev 10: 1-7] we see that when the Lord descends, He comes forth with a Loud Voice. This Loud Voice in [2 Thess 4: 17] is called a shout. And we also see this Loud voice likened to that of a Lion roaring in [Amos 3:7-8].


Now, in this message, we hear brother Branham tell us that Einstein actually caught a glimpse of this great Center of the Universe, and Brother Branham tells us that there is a Spiritual application that Einstein missed in his definition. Now, we know that Einstein was a firm believer in the Great Creator God, but what brother Branham is emphasizing here, is that when Einstein spoke concerning this great Center of the Universe in which contained enough power to create worlds, those who heard him did not take it to the correct conclusion and therefore they left God right out of it. And they are doing the same thing yet today. Science, without the spiritual application, will never realize a right understanding.

Christ Revealed in His Own Word #63

Sunday, December 22, 1996


I remember not long ago hearing on the radio the head of the Center for Disease Control out of Atlanta telling the media that they have found that the aids HIV virus enters into the human and attaches itself to the DNA strand and causes it to alter it’s genetic code and change from it’s preprogrammed nature. In other words, if he had only caught the spiritual application of this event, he would have recognized that this virus causes a rebellion in the genetic code.  And if this virus causes a rebellion, it is because it is a rebellious spirit which had entered into the person.   [Romans 1:24-32]


The same thing with these viruses that you get in your computer from having unrestrained intercourse with other computers. These viruses that affect computers are not an entity to themselves. They did not all of a sudden develop on their own, but an intelligence, a perverted intelligence brought forth from their own inner twisted minds a means in which they can cripple other peoples computers. And so they write a program and place it in a socially active network where there is frequent and casual intercourse between computers. And this virus which is a creation that sprung forth from their evil mind, affects the other computers by altering the programming in those computers it enters.   Now, if it takes an intelligence to create it and place it in a certain environment, then the attributes of that virus are identifiable, and have a nature which is a reflection of the one who created it. That is how the FBI and CIA and other Law enforcement branches are able to trace down the virus origin, and in many instances are able to find the perpetrator of that virus. Then if this kind of virus comes forth from an evil one, why do we think the viruses that effect the human body are any different. If our doctors and scientists would attack the origin of these human invading viruses with the same logical approach that the FBI and CIA use to track down and deal with the authors of computer viruses, then we would see real cures. But in order to do so they would have to acknowledge God and satan and the spiritual application of these diseases. And then they would have to acknowledge the ones in whom God has sent to bring forth His Word through and thus the instruments of  healing.


Last week I went to the Library and noticed that they have these computers which have CD-ROM programs in which you can look up any of the scientific journals and track down any subject matter that is in print. I happened to track down an article from Science News October 94, in which this study had confirmed that there is an altering mechanism that takes place when the aids HIV virus attacks the body. I explained to the Librarian that the Aids Virus is a life form. And being that it is a life form, there is a life that is contained within this vessel which we call a virus. Now a virus is not a bacteria. It is not an animal, and neither is it a plant form. It is crystalline in it’s makeup. In other words, it is like a rock. It is a body that is more like a mineral deposit and yet it contains a life. Now we know that life itself is spirit. It is not the form that we see, but the form is only a display or manifestation of a life that is within. My body is not me, My hand is not me. My legs are not me. I am a Spirit being, but my body, and my arms and my legs are just a vessel that houses this spirit being. And viruses are no different.  Now we know that plants and animals as well are made up of different minerals that come forth from the earth, such as Calcium and potassium and phosphorous, etc. Well, a virus body is no different. It is just a housing that holds within it’s walls a life, and this life has a nature, and that nature we call a spirit. 


Therefore if you look and examine the characteristics of this Life form, you will be able to identify it by it’s characteristics. And the characteristics will identify what form of life is in that vessel.  And science will never know how to cure your body from these evils spirits as long as they refuse to recognize the spiritual factors behind it’s identity. In other words, as long as they are unwilling to call a spirit a spirit, they will continue to try and treat that life by using chemicals.  They say, “Oh, the man is addicted to a chemical called nicotine,” and yet a prophet of God came along and called that nicotine chemical a devil. He didn’t say it was a chemical, he said it was “a nicotine devil.” And he would pray and very successfully cast that devil out of the people. It didn’t matter if that devil was a cancer devil, or  an alcohol devil, or a nicotine devil, or a tubercular devil, or whatever form that evil spirit took on. [1 Cor 15:44] “There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.”




Christ Revealed in His Own Word #63

Sunday, December 22, 1996


Now, the reason why the medical profession uses chemo therapy, is because our body is made up of  various compounds and chemicals, and since science does not understand the spiritual application of anything, they then must revert to the physiological form in which it takes.


And since these bacteria and viruses that invade the body have themselves a body which is also made up of  various compounds and chemicals, the scientist sees this comparison and he then uses other chemicals to poison the vessels that house the virus life. Brother Branham was very astute when he told us that all serums and vaccinations are only a poison that is given that will kill the invading vessel. But if you are given too much of that poison, it will kill you as well. That is why I am not for chemo therapy or radiation or any of these new so called medical discoveries. Because what they do is fill your body so full of poisons that anything in your body will die as a result, including your own immune system that God placed there for your protection. But the Doctors will cross their fingers and hope that the doses they administer won’t be too much to kill the patient.


And so we see that chemical therapy is not the answer. The Word of God and prayer is our only answer. And it is this lack of understanding that prevents man from finding a cure for aids and HIV and Ebola and all these other plagues that have come upon the earth in judgment against the wickedness of man. Brother Branham made  the statement,  [PP. 134  Oncoming Storm 60-0229]   We see the newspapers and the oncoming storm. When you go home tonight, do me one favor, don't go to bed till you read Revelations the 8th chapter. You see the oncoming plagues and storms, that shall hit the earth, and thunders and lightning’s are going to shake the heavens. Woes are going to pass over the nation. Men will rot in their flesh. Diseases will strike them the doctors knows nothing about.  But remember, before that took place there was a sealing went forth. And the death angels and the plagues was commissioned by God, "Don't come near any of those who has the Seal in their forehead." And the Seal of God is the baptism of the Holy Spirit; Ephesians 4:30 says, "Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby you are sealed until the day of your redemption." No matter how hard the ark rocked, no matter how many times the lightning struck close to it, "Ten thousand shall fall on your right, and thousands to your left, and it shall come not nigh thee." The Holy Spirit..


And from the Message [PP. 88  Adoption or Placing   AD.PT.4  60-0522E]  You think cancer's something? The Bible said there's coming a time when men will rot right in their flesh, and the buzzards will eat off of carcasses before they even die. Cancer's a toothache to what's a coming. But, remember, that horrible thing was forbidden in that day to touch those who had the Seal of God. That's what we're striving for now, to get in and be positionally placed into the Kingdom of God before these horrible plagues strike. Oh, how good. The dispensation of time, fullness of time, the inheritance...


And also in the message [PP-101  God’s Provided Way of Fellowship  60-0709]  How we thank Thee, that in this great hour, that when all hopes of mortal life has finished... Atomic bombs are laying in hangers, hydrogen bombs, sickness and diseases, germ warfare... O God, and everything the way it is, knowing that the Bible said that man would actually rot in their flesh... But that Angel was given commission, "Don't you touch any of those! Don't you come near those who has the wine and the oil. Don't touch those who has the seal of God upon their forehead."  And we realize that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is the seal of God. For it is written in Ephesians 4:30 "Grieve not the holy Spirit of God whereby you're sealed until the day of your redemption." Lord God, seal this church tonight. Those who are wanting the seal of the Holy Spirit, kiss away every fear, Lord, and seal them with Thy Seal of the Spirit in their hearts, that they'll come forth as newborn babes, crying, "Abba, Father". Grant it, Lord. I commit them to Thee in the Name of Jesus, Thy Son.


And so we see that man will never be able to win the battle over these diseases because he fails to recognize the spiritual application of them. Paul said in [ Eph 6:12]”We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers and against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  And that is why Paul told us in [ 2 Cor 10: 3-5] that the weapons of our warfare are not carnal. It is not chemical treatment, but spiritual treatment that is needed.  [Romans 8:5-14]  [1 Cor 2:10-14] [Col 1: 9]