Christ Revealed in His Own Word #64

 Investigating Judgment Angels

Christmas Evening, December 24, 1996

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship


[Luke 2: 1-20] I want you to notice here first of all that it was the angel of the Lord that appeared, and this word angel is with a small “a” meaning messenger. It was not angels in the plural although after he gave the message to the shepherds, a host of heaven began  to sing. But first things first. First the angel of the Lord Appeared with a Message, Secondly we see the first ones to receive this message were the shepherds, thirdly they went to see the fulfillment of this Word, and fourthly they began to preach it or tell it all around the country. The shepherds did not waste any time going to see the Word which was in the process of coming to pass as we see in verse 15.


As we read from the scriptures tonight  you will notice that the Scriptural account is not the same as what tradition has told you. First of all, you will notice that the Wise men were no where near Jesus when he was born. The first to see Him were shepherds, which is a natural type of the spiritual. It represents the ministry.  As brother Branham has said, in his message, “Why it had to be shepherds”. Secondly you will find that the Wise men came seeking a young child. The child was not a new born, but a young child of about two years old according to brother Branham. secondly, when the wisemen arrived they did not arrive at a manger, but at the house where Jesus lived with his parents.


[Matt 2:1-15]


Now, tonight, I would like to continue with our study of Christ Revealed in His Own Word and we shall examine this verse with the Omega of the First Coming of the Lord.


 [68] You see these little pockets going through the air they call "saucers," so forth. People so that... Well, we better leave that alone. "Hear how these people come up missing?" you say. Don't hear from them; they're standing there, and they're not there. That's the way the rapture's going to be. One of them would drop right down, and this terrestrial body will take on a celestial body. And they'll be hide, hair, or bones left. It'll be transformed in a moment of time, dropping right out of space and taking home that... We see all this going on now, and the--and the Pentagon wondering about these lights, and mystic lights, and everything they're seeing in the--in the sky. You seen they had one here in the paper at Jeffersonville this week and so forth, a mystic light saw. Oh, they don't know what that is. But listen, little children, it's going to pick you up one of these days (See, see?); don't worry.


Now being that we are here this Christmas evening I would like to take these thoughts of Brother Branham’s here and tie them in with a Christmas theme. Now, the reason I can say this is because we find brother Branham speaking of a certain phenomena that is taking place and it happens to tie very nicely with the same type of phenomena that took place at Christ’s fist coming. And since Alpha has become Omega, I think we are safe in making a point that the two events are similar.


First of all we find him speaking here of these mysterious lights that are seen in the skies above in which no one is quite certain as to what they are. If we look at nearly two thousand years ago we had a similar appearance of a light that hung in the sky over the hills of Judea. Shepherds were fixed upon it and so were the wise men who followed this star. I know many of you have seen those Christmas cards that say “wise men still seek Him” and this is true, however, those wise men followed a Light that led them to the Christ. As it was then, so is it the same today for we have we followed this Light that has led us to the Christ again.


Now there are certain points that brother Branham makes pertaining to these lights that I would like to point out as we examine this  paragraph.


Þ    He called them little pockets of light


Þ    He said that people do not know what these Light are.


And so, through their misunderstanding, they place a label on them and call them saucers. Actually, the official term is called UFO, which is UN-Identified Flying Objects. Now this term in itself tells us that these lights are un-identified, or not identifiable to them. But as we spoke the other day, every life can be identified by it’s characteristics. And if this is so, then why not these lights. 


Now for us to identify them by our own understanding still will not tell us anything. But for us to identify these lights by their characteristics using God’s Word as our Absolute, will bring us to the right identity as to what these things are.


Secondly we do have another advantage over the scientist who research these things. We have a vindicated Prophet who has told us what these things are, and since we already know what they are, then it is a matter for us to simply search he scriptures for evidence of this very thing that he told us seeing that He is a Word Prophet.


And so then, the key here is to take the description that was given us by God’s Prophet and by these identifiable characteristics, we shall search for them in the scripture.


#1) First of all, Brother Branham tells us that they call them saucers, but actually they are lights.

#2) Then he tells us that these lights are here for a two fold purpose, #1- they will be used to bring forth a

      change in the Elect and to take us into another dimension one of these days.

#3) And next he tells us that the other purpose is that they are here for an investigating judgment.


There’s the blessing and cursing again, just exactly with the continuity of the Scriptures. Now listen carefully as we read, beginning at PP. 68 and read through PP. 70.


[68]  You see these little pockets going through the air they call "saucers," so forth. People so that... Well, we better leave that alone. "Hear how these people come up missing?" you say. Don't hear from them; they're standing there, and they're not there. That's the way the rapture's going to be. One of them would drop right down, and this terrestrial body will take on a celestial body. ( so we see here that they have to do with receiving our change). And they'll be hide, hair, or bones left. It'll be transformed in a moment of time, dropping right out of space and taking home that... We see all this going on now, and the Pentagon wondering about these lights, and mystic lights, and everything they're seeing in the sky. You seen they had one here in the paper at Jeffersonville this week and so forth, a mystic light saw. Oh, they don't know what that is. But listen, little children, it's going to pick you up one of these days (See, see?); don't worry.


Now the word he uses to describe these light is the word mystic. He calls them, Mystic lights. Now the word mystic or mystical according to Webster means, “beyond human comprehension but having a spiritual significance.”  Then we hear brother Branham give us some scriptural clues as to why he calls them this.


 [ 69]  You remember, Jesus said, "As it was in the days of Sodom..." What happened just before Sodom? God came down with some Angels, and they had an investigation judgment. Said, "I've heard the cry that is so sinful, so great, so I've come down to find out whether it's altogether the truth or not." Is that right? Watch, that main One that stayed with Abraham could discern the thoughts was in Sarah's heart behind Him. ( and I would like to add, and the others went on to investigate Sodom. Also , I would like to ask you this question, “How did God manifest Himself in this Hour? And since brother Branham is speaking of these lights in connection with our Exodus from here, I would like to ask, “how did God manifest Himself in the other two Exoduses under Paul and Moses?” As a Light, right? The Pillar of Fire! And notice that He said they. So we are speaking of other lights as well. The Pillar of Fire with the Elect, and the others to the world.   Now, you'd look around just a little bit and notice (See?); watch what It's doing, the same thing today. It's an investigation judgment. When after while the church, when It can stand that place and every seed has been brought to it's spot, they'll be gone. They won't know what happened to them. One will be going one way. See? One will be going over to the pastor's house, and one will be going here or down there; and the first thing you know, they're not there. For Enoch which was the type, God took him, and he was found not. Come down to investigate...


[70]  The continuity, how that Enoch translation, a type of Israel being carried over in the ark... So perfect... The Word of God is so perfect, even to the Old and New Testament is two halves and one whole. Right. Old Testament's half of It, and New Testament's half of It.


Put It together, you got the whole revelation of Jesus Christ. There's the prophet speaking; here He is in Person. See? Two halves and one whole.