Christ Revealed in His Own Word #66

The Old and New Testament

Sunday, January 5, 1997

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship


This morning I would like to continue with this Message of Christ Revealed in His Own Word, and we will begin reading at PP. [70]


[70] The continuity, how that Enoch translation, a type of Israel being carried over in the ark... So perfect... The Word of God is so perfect, even to the Old and New Testament is two halves and one whole. Right. Old Testament's half of It, and New Testament's half of It. Put It together, you got the whole revelation of Jesus Christ. There's the prophet speaking; here He is in Person. See? Two halves and one whole.


Now before we go any further, I would like to examine this thought here just a little because brother Branham will be explaining the importance of this in a few paragraphs as we read further. Now notice here that he is telling us that it takes both the Old Testament and the New Testament to make up the complete Revelation of Jesus Christ. He told us that the Old Testament is only half of this Revelation and the New Testament is only half as well. And so we see that One without the other will not give us the whole Revelation of Jesus Christ. Throw out the New Testament and you have Judaism. Throw out the Old Testament and you have an incomplete Revelation of Jesus Christ making Him a Trinity or some other strange sort of three headed God.  And, so we are being taught here that the essentially of having the complete Word of God is absolutely necessary in order for us to receive the full disclosure of  Jesus Christ. When Jesus was taken up to the mountain with Satan,  Satan quoted various Scriptures but Jesus said “It is also written”.  And this is what we see brother Branham telling us here, that it is essential to have the full Word if we are to have an accurate description or identification of the Who and what Christ is.


 [71] Now, we don't want to take too much. Now, remember, the Old Testament is not complete without the New. And the New could not be complete without the Old. That's the reason I said, two halves: one whole. For the prophet said, "He'll be here; He'll be here; He'll be here. ( Now I want to ad this, Notice that he is speaking in the  future tense for these things.) They'll do this to Him; they'll do this to Him." ( You see, that is speaking of a future event, therefore the prophets spoke in a future  tense, a looking forward to. And then brother Branham goes on here to speak in the present and past tense, as he describes the New Testament to us).  And here He is, "He was here; He was here. And they did this to Him, and they did this to Him." I just preached on that a few nights ago. 


And so we see, the way in which Brother Branham presents the Old and New testaments are this: First of all the Old Testament represents the Promises made by God, concerning Himself and His Son. And Secondly the New Testament represents the manifestation or fulfillment of those promises. Therefore, what He is trying to get across to us, is that the Promises alone do not fully tell us the whole picture, because it’s still left open to interpretation of what it means. And as long as we can  guess or surmise  what it means, then there’ll be still room for error. But God interprets His Own Word by bringing it to pass. Therefore, when we see this interpretation, we then have a Word that has been made more sure, as we are told in  [2 Peter chapter 1]. 


Therefore what we are hearing from Brother Branham is this,  the Old Testament (which we know as the Promises) could not be made complete without the fulfillment of those Promises (which then were written in the New Testament). And the New Testament, (which expresses the fulfillment, manifestation or interpretation of the Old Testament promises,) could not be made Complete without having first had those Promise recorded (which is the Old Testament).  Now, as we study this Message,  I don’t want you to forget, that it is called ,“Christ Revealed in His Own Word”, and therefore the theme of our study is how Christ is revealed. And if we are to see Him the same today as He ever was, then we must be able to recognize the difference between the Word in a condition of promise, verses that same Word in it’s condition of fulfillment or manifestation. Because as long as the Word is still in a condition of Promise, it is yet to be viewed as being somewhere in the future. But when we recognize the fulfillment of the promise, we then are made partakers of the Revelation as well, and, we having received the full disclosure of the Promise, are therefore recipients of that promise.  And so we shall continue with this study of Christ Revealed in His Own Word as we read from the next paragraph of this Message.

Christ Revealed in His Own Word #66

Sunday, January 5, 1997


[72] Now, in order to study the Scripture... Paul told Timothy, "Study It, rightly dividing the Word of God which is Truth  (Let’s look at this statement here. [2 Tim 2:15]( The word rightly divide here is a Greek word which means to teach directly and correctly).  Now, notice how brother Branham puts this. He says, , "Study It, rightly dividing the Word of God which is Truth”.  Now is He saying, study by rightly dividing the Word of God and this Word of God is Truth? Or is he saying, Study God’s Word and if you rightly divide it, you shall receive the Truth of His Word?


Now to see the difference, first of all let me explain that every denomination that calls itself Bible believers, believes that this Bible is the Truth. Yet many of them, in fact all of them, teach it in error. And so what they are doing is taking the Truth, and presenting the Truth in such a way as to present it in error instead of as Truth. And so we see here, that Paul is telling Timothy, that the Word of God, though it be the Genuine Word of God, must be rightly divided, in order for it to be True. For if you do not rightly divide God’s Word according to the right division of that Word, it will not be true.  And that is why we see Jesus in [Matt 4] doing battle with Satan over the Word of God. Because Satan is using it for one thing, and Jesus is telling Him it is not to be used for that thing, because there are other scriptures that bring into balance the things which Satan is saying. [Matt 4:1-10]


Now, what does sit mean to rightly divide the Word. Well, before we give you the definition that brother Branham gives to us, let’s look first at the effects of a wrongly divided Word of God, Because we know according to [Deut 28] That if you take the Word One way it brings blessings, but if you take it the wrong way it will bring curses. [Deut 28:1-2, & 15]. Again, we have an example with Eve in the garden. The serpent did not rightly divide the Word, and so he gave Eve a wrong understanding of the word and therefore, caused death to enter. [Gen. 2: 16-17]  Now in [Gen. 3] we see that he was able to convince Eve that there is another reason other than death, that they were to avoid sexual contact. And that was that by having this union it would actually make them wiser, and give them more knowledge. And so he altered the Word by changing it’s meaning, and in altering it’s true meaning, it actually brought error and death instead of  Truth and Life. [Gen. 3: 1-14]


We also find in [Gen. 4] The same thing. Both Cain and Able offered sacrifices unto God. Now a sacrifice is what you give back to God. But before you can give it back to God, you must first have received it from God. And so we find that the Scripture tells us that Cain’s sacrifice was an excellent sacrifice, and yet it was also a wicked sacrifice. [Heb 1:4] (read) Now notice here that Abel offered a more excellent sacrifice than Cain. So Cain’s sacrifice was excellent. And why was it excellent? Because it was based upon the word of God. [Exodus 22:9 & Deut 26:2] But we also find that Cain’s sacrifice was considered evil.

[1 John 3:12] Notice here that we are told that he slew his brother because his works were evil. The slaying of his brother, although this was a wicked deed, was not the evil works. The evil works is what caused him to slay his brother in the first place. And the evil works was his own sacrifice to God which was rejected by God, while Abel’s sacrifice was received by God. [Gen. 4: 2-8] Now notice that after he talked with Abel, he slew him. And why did he talk with Abel? Because God had accepted Abel’s sacrifice and not his own. And God had told Him that “if he did well, he would be accepted, but he didn’t do well, and therefore he was not accepted. Now the Septuagint translates this here as: “If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?  You did rightly offer, but you did not rightly divide.”


And so we see the right division of the Word is essential in our relationship with God. Cain’s offering, although it was scriptural and a first fruit offering which is a resurrection or harvest offering, was rejected, because it was out of season. For in [Hebrews 9] we are told, “without shedding of blood there is no remission of sins”.  And therefore, because Abel offered blood first, it was accepted, whereas Cain offered another scriptural sacrifice, but because it was not in the continuity of God’s plan, and it was therefore out of the season of God’s plan, it was therefore rejected. 


Br. Branham continues [72] Now, in order to study the Scripture... Paul told Timothy, "Study It, rightly dividing the Word of God which is Truth, And then he goes on to tell us what this means. He tells us:  "Then there's three musts in the Scripture. In using God's Word there is three things that you must not do.

Christ Revealed in His Own Word #66

Sunday, January 5, 1997


Now, let's study those for the next ten minutes: Three things that you must not do... And all out in the land wherever you are across the nation, be sure to put these down in your mind if you haven't got a pencil. You must not do these things. We tell you all the time how you must do; now, I'm going to tell you what you must not do. Now, you must not misinterpret the Word. You say, "Well, I believe It means this." It means just what it says. It needs no interpreter. And you must not misplace the Word. And you must not dislocate the Word. And if we would do either of these, it throws the whole Bible in a confusion and in a chaos.


Now before we go any further, let’s just break this down as he said it.  We know there are three must not’s that we must never do with the scripture.


#1) You must not misinterpret the Word.

#2) You must not misplace the Word

#3) You must not dislocate the Word


Now, first, let’s see what Webster tells us these three words  “Misinterpret, misplace, and dislocate” mean. We shall try to make these as simple as possible:


#1) Misinterpret :  Simply means to interpret wrongly, to understand or explain incorrectly.

#2)  Misplace :  Simply means  to put in the wrong place. To wrongly place or to improperly place.

                          To take away from the proper, or natural position, time, or character

#3)  Dislocate :  Simply means to upset the order or connection  of.


Now let’s examine this first MUST NOT from what Brother Branham has told us.   [74]  Notice. To misinterpret Jesus in the form of God in a man you would make Him--you would make Him one god out of three. (Now, he is not saying here that Jesus was not God dwelling in Human flesh, but he is saying, to misinterpret Jesus in the form of God in a man, you would make a trinity. So we see here the misinterpretation of Jesus in the form of God in a man, is a trinity of persons. Then he says,  To misinterpret Jesus Christ being the Word, you'd make Him one god out of three, or you'd make Him the second person in a godhead. And to do that, you'd mess the whole Scripture up. You'd never get nowhere. So It must not be misinterpreted. ( now he can not be saying here that Jesus Christ is not the Word, for the Bible tells us the Word became flesh. And there are many other times that Bother Branham tells us the He is the Word, But what he is telling us here is that the misinterpretation of Jesus Christ being the Word, would make two Gods. Then he says, And if you say that a certain thing, you put an interpretation on It, and you apply It to another time or It's been applied to another time, you also make an incorrect interpreting.  Now by this last statement here we see that to misinterpret is to incorrectly interpret and therefore brings a wrong understanding and error. And in this case we are talking about the Revelation of Christ.  So, then to misinterpret the Word Concerning Jesus Christ will give you another Jesus, Andother Spirit. [2 Cor 11]


  [76]  If anybody misinterpret Jesus Christ in the Bible of not being God Himself, (in other words, making him strictly human and not deity in flesh, as the Jehovah witnesses do), or  make Him the second person, or, one god out of three, this would upset every Word in the entire Bible. It would break the first commandment, "Thou shalt not have any other god before Me." All right. It would make the whole Christian race a bunch of pagan worshippers worshipping three different gods. See what kind of a Bible you'd have? Then it'd make us what the Jews say we are: said, "Which one of them gods is your god?" See? So you see, you can't--you mustn't misinterpret the Bible, for Jesus Himself is the Interpretation of the Bible when He's made manifest in the age that the part of His Body is being made manifest. If it's a hand age, it must be a hand; it can't be a head age. If it's a voice age, well then, it can't be a foot age. See? And now, we're at the eye age. And now, the next is Him Hisself to come. Seeing, prophetic...


I hope we can see the importance of  saying it just like he said it, and not trying to interpret it ourselves. But in order to do so you must understand it. There are many who claim to believe this Message who say,  say what the tapes say, and only what he said.” And yet they do not know what he said, and therefore can not say what he said. 

Christ Revealed in His Own Word #66

Sunday, January 5, 1997


For, in order to be able to say it like he said it, you must know what it was that he was saying. Other wise, you might be quoting word for word and still misquoting, because you will be misplacing, or dislocating the things he said from their proper context. Just like those ministers who quote brother Branham as saying, “The pastor is your husband, spiritually speaking.” They turn this into, “the Pastor is your spiritual husband”.  Now, there is a big difference between saying the pastor is your husband spiritually speaking and that he is your spiritual husband. One shows only a  type whereas the other shows a locked in fact. When Jesus said, “Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how oft I would have gathered you as a hen does her brood.” He was not saying that he was a mother hen.  He was simply saying, as a hen does this to her chicks, so would I have liked to do the same. But you see, this is where those who are not ordained to this Revelation of Christ will never be able to come to the knowledge of it. They will constantly struggle with these words of God spoken through the prophets, and they will continue to misinterpret them and misplace them and dislocate them from their proper connections.  [Matt 13: 10-16 &  2 Tim 3:5-10]


[2 Peter 3: 14-18]  wrest = twist , to turn aside, to pervert. we also find Irenaeus showing how the heretics utilize the scripture to twist it to their own assumptions in order to make their own opinions seem to have a Bible foundation.  [Gal 1:6-7] Paul called it perverting the scriptures.


CHAP. VIII.--HOW THE VALENTINIANS PERVERT THE SCRIPTURES TO SUPPORT THEIR OWN PIOUS OPINIONS.    1. Such, then, is their system, which neither the prophets announced, nor the Lord taught, nor the apostles delivered, but of which they boast that beyond all others they have a perfect knowledge. They gather their views from other sources than the Scriptures;(4) and, to use a common proverb, they strive to weave ropes of sand, while they endeavour to adapt with an air of probability to their own peculiar assertions the parables of the Lord, the sayings of the prophets, and the words of the apostles, in order that their scheme may not seem altogether without support. In doing so, however, they disregard the order and the connection of the Scriptures, and so far as in them lies, dismember and destroy the truth. By transferring passages, and dressing them up anew, and making one thing out of another, they succeed in deluding many through their wicked art in adapting the oracles of the Lord to their opinions. Their manner of acting is just as if one, when a beautiful image of a king has been constructed by some skillful artist out of precious jewels, should then take this likeness of the man all to pieces, should rearrange the gems, and so fit them together as to make them into the form of a dog or of a fox, and even that but poorly executed; and should then maintain and declare that this was the beautiful image of the king which the skillful artist constructed, pointing to the jewels which had been admirably fitted together by the first artist to form the image of the king, but have been with bad effect transferred by the latter one to the shape of a dog, and by thus exhibiting the jewels, should deceive the ignorant who had no conception what a king's form was like, and persuade them that that miserable likeness of the fox was, in fact, the beautiful image of the king. In like manner do these persons patch together old wives' fables, and then endeavour, by violently drawing away from their proper connection, words, expressions, and parables whenever found, to adapt the oracles of God to their baseless fictions. We have already stated how far they proceed in this way with respect to the interior of the Fullness.


And as you can see that these three musts that brother Branham is bringing to us here have been an important discipline since the very founding of the Church back 2,000 years ago.  You must not misinterpret God’s Word. And how do you know the interpretation of His Word? God interprets His Word by bringing it to pass. So we wait for God to do the interpreting, then we will know that our understanding is correct. But too many people try to impress one another with what they know, and yet they really do not know. For if they knew, they then would make no attempt to try and figure out what is going to happen in the future, but instead, they would be content to simply lay in the Presence of the Word as it comes into manifestation to them in their own age. Why should I care what the millennium will bring, or the New Jerusalem. Even if I did know, there is nothing I can do to add to it or take from it. So why waste the energy trying to figure out what is not necessary to figure out. Just wait for it to happen. The same thing about marriage and life in general. Don’t waste your time trying to figure out what it will be like or when it will happen. Just enjoy yourself in the state you are now in and then when that state changes, enjoy your new condition.  Keep focussed and the God of all Comfort shall stablish your heart.