Christ Revealed in His Own Word #71

The Garden of the Mind

Saturday Evening Communion Service, January 25, 1997

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship




[Matt 13:24-30]  Let’s pray


Sunday Morning,  we read from the Message Christ Revealed in His Own Word, and in PP. [77]. We hear Brother Branham taking our thoughts back to the beginning as he spoke of the Complete seed having to be sewn in order for the complete body to come up at the end-time.  


[77]  See, down through the age we started off from the foundation, from the first church age when the Seed went in the ground, the complete Seed. Then it come out through the feet, Luther, come back out then through Wesley, then into Pentecostals, the tongues and the lips. See? Now, it's in the eyes, prophetic, of Malachi 4 and so forth. And now, there's nothing else left for it to come, but Him Himself to step into that, 'cause that's the last thing there is. The next is the intelligence, and we have no intelligence of our own; it's His. See? We have no sight of our own.(Now, notice here that he is not referring to physical sight because he goes on to say,) How can a man foresee those things? He can't do it; It's God Himself. See, it's becoming to a place... And He's governed the body all the way through. Then the complete Body of Christ is revealed in the form of a Bride that was taken out of His side, like Adam did at the beginning--like Adam's was, rather, at the beginning.


Now, before we begin our study tonight, I want you to see a couple of things Brother Branham is telling us here that are of the utmost importance to us in this hour.


#1) He is speaking of a Seed (or carrier of Life) that went into the Ground, and he clarifies and

      characterizes this Seed as being (The Complete Seed).                                                                       

#2) He further describes this Seed as the Foundation Seed, which means it is the original Seed, and there

      will be other seeds that will come from this Seed, and thus they will bear the same life.

#3) This Complete Seed will come forth in a Complete body , and that this Body will manifest, the same

       Life, and you will know when this Body is fully Complete in it’s growth when it comes to it’s last

       stage of Life which is the Intelligence, the same Intelligence that was in the original Seed.


Now, let’s begin by looking at point #1).  The Complete Seed. Now we know by definition that a seed is a carrier of life. And since He is speaking about how Christ is Revealed in His Own Word, we must then understand that this Complete Seed that he is speaking about, is Christ, or the Life that was in Christ.


[John 1:1-4] Notice that in Him was Life, and that is why all things were made by Him. Because It takes Life to bring forth Life. And He is the Word. So this Life is in the Word.


[Luke 8:4-15]  Now notice that the see that was sown is the Word of God, and yet we see that unless this Word of Seed is sown in the proper place it will not produce Life.


[1 Peter 1:23] Here we see that the Word is again called a seed, and yet we se here that there are two types of seed, or Word which are sown. A corruptible word and an incorruptible word. And the evidence that we have received an incorruptible Word in the right kind of soil, is that we shall live and abide forever.


Point #2, We find that this Seed that was sown into the ground is the foundation Seed, or the original Seed. Now, brother Branham is speaking about Christ here because  we find Jesus Himself telling us that it was necessary for Him to die and be buried and He typed His own death and burial with that of a Seed.     


[John 12:24] & [John 16:7]


Now, we hear brother Branham mentioning how this life came forth in Luther’s Message and then up through Wesley’s, then up through the Pentecostal message and on up until it finally comes to a rest in the intelligence, which is the very mind of God, back in the people.




Christ Revealed in His Own Word #71

The Garden of the Mind


Now in looking at these three thoughts here we see that #1) The Complete  Seed is a carrier of Complete Life, (That’s [2 Peter 1:3-4]), and #2) The same Life that was sown in the Original Seed, which is the very Life that was in Christ Jesus, shall #3) return in this hour, not only among the people, but It shall enter into the people as well. (That’s [Collosians 3:4] He said “The Complete Seed,” comes forth in It’s Complete Body (which is the complete Life that was in the Seed has got to come back into human flesh in a Bride) in this hour. So we are speaking of the Original Seed, the original Word-Life back in human flesh again. And that is why we are told our New Birth comes by a seed which is the incorruptible Word of God. In fact Jesus said in [John 6:63] “My Words are Spirit and they are Life.” 


And, so we see that the Word is a Seed carrier of Eternal Life. Now, this evening I would like to look at this thought of the Word as a Seed in a little different way. Since we are talking about the Word as a Seed, I would like to break this down to our own personal level for a few minutes. And we shall subtitle this Message “The Garden of the mind.


Now, we know that the Word is a Seed, right? Then if the Word is a Seed, what is the Life that is in that seed? Every Seed is a carrier of Life. We know this by definition of seed. But what is in a Word? The answer is thoughts. Before there were any words there were thoughts. Then the word is an expression of the thoughts. So in essence the thoughts within the word are the life of the Word, right? In other words, if I said to you, Salge, you might not understand what I am saying, because that word is Norwegian for Sale. But if I speak to you in Words that you understand, then when I say the Word SALE, it brings up many things to your mind. Immediately your mind goes into gear and you begin to think of other things which are associated with a sale. If you are in real estate, you think of a house that is on the market. If you are just a common ordinary person, you immediately think, sale of what? And, do I need anything, or if you are a house wife who has been pent up inside all winter you say, where, where, where.


So you can see that a word is not just a guttural sound, but it really has some significance. [1 Cor 14:6-11] What Paul is saying here is that every sound has some significance in some language. And just to speak words which have no meaning does not do anything for any one. But when we speak in words which can be understood, then those words can and will bring forth fruit. [Jer 6:19] Here we see God tell us that our thoughts actually produce fruit. And we know that man is likened to a tree, as we see in [Psalm 1:1-3] Here we see that a righteous man is likened to a tree that is planted by the rivers of water. And we are told that his fruit will be in the proper season and his leaf shall never wither.  Now what does God mean by this analogy? Well, we know that God likens His Word to Water and Eternal Life to the River of Life that flows from the Throne of God as we see in [Rev 22:1].


Next we see that this man, is planted. That means he will not move, but that he is fixed in this place which means that he is rooted in, and his roots are reaching out for the waters of Life, and he is living off of the waters of Eternal Life. And of course we know what that of water of Life is. It is the Word, for we are told by Paul in [Ephesian 5:26] that we are washed by the washing of water by the word. And since this tree, or righteous man has a good water supply, his leaf will never wither, as Peter said, we are born again of a Seed, the Word of God that Liveth and abideth forever. And so we see that this speaks of Eternal Life, for the Life in this Tree will never wither. But I want you to also see that the greatest thing  this tree is that it is constant, and It will always bring forth it’s fruit in the proper season. And so we see that the fruit is tied to a season. It is a seasonal fruit.


Now we hear Jesus speak of  knowing a man by his fruit, in the book of [Matt 7:15-20] Now in a closer examination of this scripture, we see Jesus telling us that you will be able to tell what a man is by his fruit. Now remember, he begins by warning us about false prophets.  And he calls them wolves in sheep’s clothing, but then talks about fruit. He is using metaphors to get a point across. But what are these fruits that he is speaking about? Some would have you to think these fruits are the fruits of the spirit of the fruits of the flesh, but brother Branham told us the fruit is the teaching of the season. And we must ask ourselves what is a teaching but the very thoughts of God made known through Words. Therefore if we break down this thought of what a man’s fruit is we find that it is his thoughts, what he is thinking. And we find a righteous man will have the correct thoughts for the right season.

Christ Revealed in His Own Word #71

 The Garden of the Mind


Those who were Elect in Moses day did not look to Noah’s Message for their day. But they received Moses Message in Moses day. And in Jesus day, those who were looking to Moses Missed Jesus When He came. And so we see that the Righteous Man is like a tree that is planted and rooted in the Waters or Word of Eternal Life, and their thoughts will be in season for their day and therefore they shall never wither.


Now to further understand how our mind is like a garden, we shall look further to the book of  [Proverbs 23:7] Here we read, For as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” And so we see that a man is what he thinks in our heart. And we have already shown that our thoughts are likened to the life that is in a seed. Therefore, a man can be said, that a man is literally what he thinks, and therefore his character is the sum of all of his thoughts. “ as every  plant springs forth from a seed that was hidden in the earth, and could not have began without a seed, so to every action that we do, springs forth from a seed that was planted in our minds as a thought.” Therefore our actions are the manifestation of what thoughts lay in our heart.


[Luke 6:45] Jesus tells us that our words we speak all come forth from the abundance of the heart. And the word heart as we know means the understanding which is the compilation of all of our thoughts. Therefore our actions and speech are only the fruitage which comes forth to manifest the seed within,


In [Gen 1:11] We see the law of reproduction that every seed must bring forth after it’s own kind or nature. Therefore, the life that is in the seed must become manifest. And therefore, whatsoever life is in the seed will come forth in an outward manifestation in due season. Our thoughts then are the seeds of our actions.  And therefore if a man is righteous, it is because he has righteous thoughts. [Prov 12:5] And so what distinguishes a righteous man from a wicked man? His thoughts first and then his actions. [Ps 10:4]  


Brother Branham has taught us the simple principle that before you can actually do the sinful act in your flesh, you must first have to think of it in your mind. Therefore the Greatest battle ever fought is in the mind, where the seeds of righteousness and unrighteousness are sown.  Now since we know that God created man in his own image, then we must also consider that just as God brings forth into manifestation His thoughts and desires of His heart, so does man do the same. [Jer 23:20]


Your mind then is likened to a garden which will grow forth fruit, whether good or bad depending on what we do with it. In a natural garden we plant the seeds that we want to bring to harvest. We cultivate our garden so that no weeds will grow in it. It takes work, but if we sow we shall also reap. The problem is that there is another who also wishes to sow in our minds as well. Jesus tells the parable of the two sowers who went forth sowing seeds. The First was the Son of Man and the other one was the devil. The Son of Man sowed forth good seed which was the Word of God. But the devil sowed his own word seed which brought forth tares or weeds. Now we are likened as to husbandmen who are responsible for this garden. We are supposed to act a good stewards of the Good seed which is the Word of God. But if we are not really interested in what kind of harvest we shall reap, then we do not cultivate the good seed. We just let whatever grows to grow. And this will result in the weeds overtaking the seeds every time.


Weeds will always outgrow the True planting of the Lord because after all they are wild. And we know that “many more are the children of the harlot than she which has a husband.” All you have to do is to look at our nations welfare rolls today and see that most of the welfare today is do to illegitimate births. 69% of the Blacks born today are illegitimate at birth and I imagine the welfare rolls reflect the same numbers. And so we see that every deed is first committed in the heart, or mind. [Matt 12:35 & 15:19] & [Mark 7:21] &             The Bible tells us, “As he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Therefore we are the product of our thoughts just as any fruit is product of the seed that was planted in the ground.  That is why we are told to cast down any thought that would exalt itself against the Word of God. [2 Cor 10:5]       Notice that we are told to bring every thought into obedience to the Word of God.  [Matt 12:33]  [Luke 3:8-9] If we are righteous it is because we think righteous thought. And if you have your source from God then you will not be able to help but to think God’s thoughts. Remember the parable of the two sowers. They both sowed seed, but the Seed from the Son of Man was called he good seed. And we see that a good plant will only produce a good fruit. [Matt 7:17-19] & [Luke 6:43-45]