Christ Revealed in His Own Word #75

Three must not’s

Wednesday, February 5, 1997

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship





[Psalm 1: 1-3] & [Matt 7:16-20] From the Message, Anointed Ones at the End-Time, PP 59,  Brother Branham said, “and what is the fruit? It is the teaching of the season.” [Luke 12:37-48]  Prayer...


Now, this evening we have read from both the Old and New Testament to show you that  God changes not, and in His Word, whether Old Testament or New, He informs us that the righteous will be like a Tree, which is a planting of the Lord, and the characteristic that distinguishes the difference between the righteous and the wicked is that the righteous will be aware of the season in which he lives and will produce fruit accordingly, whereas the wicked will either not produce the fruit at all or they will cast forth their fruit in a wrong season.  And we know by vindication that the fruit id the teaching of the season. So we can see the importance of being are of what season we are in and having an awareness of the seasonal teaching.  Notice as we read from [Matt 7:19] again.


Now, before we move on tonight I would like to begin by recapping what we have read so far concerning these thoughts of the Word being a seed and the conditions needed for this Complete Seed to come forth in a Complete Manifested Bride Body. So let’s go back to [PP 73] and read through the context of Brother Branham’s thoughts here.


73 Now, you must not misinterpret the Word. You say, "Well, I believe It means this." It means just what it says. It needs no interpreter. And you must not misplace the Word. And you must not dislocate the Word. And if we would do either of these, it throws the whole Bible in a confusion and in a chaos.            74  Notice. To misinterpret Jesus in the form of God in a man you would make Him--you would make Him one god out of three. To misinterpret Jesus Christ being the Word, you'd make Him one god out of three, or you'd make Him the second person in a godhead. And to do that, you'd mess the whole Scripture up. You'd never get nowhere. So It must not be misinterpreted.


75 And if you say that a certain thing, you put an interpretation on It, and you apply It to another time or It's been applied to another time, you also make an incorrect interpreting.  76 If anybody misinterpret Jesus Christ in the Bible of not being God Himself, make Him the second person, or, one god out of three, this would upset every Word in the entire Bible. It would break the first commandment, "Thou shalt not have any other god before Me." All right. It would make the whole Christian race a bunch of pagan worshippers worshipping three different gods. See what kind of a Bible you'd have? Then it'd make us what the Jews say we are: said, "Which one of them gods is your god?" See? So you see, you can't--you mustn't misinterpret the Bible, for Jesus Himself is the Interpretation of the Bible when He's made manifest in the age that the part of His Body is being made manifest. If it's a hand age, it must be a hand; it can't be a head age. If it's a voice age, well then, it can't be a foot age. See? And now, we're at the eye age. And now, the next is Him Hisself to come. Seeing, prophetic...


77 See, down through the age we started off from the foundation, from the first church age when the Seed went in the ground, the complete Seed. Then it come out through the feet, Luther, come back out then through Wesley, then into Pentecostals, the tongues and the lips. See? Now, it's in the eyes, prophetic, of Malachi 4 and so forth. And now, there's nothing else left for it to come, but Him Himself to step into that, 'cause that's the last thing there is. The next is the intelligence, and we have no intelligence of our own; it's His. See? We have no sight of our own. How can a man foresee those things? He can't do it; It's God Himself. See, it's--it's becoming to a place... And He's governed the body all the way through. Then the complete Body of Christ is revealed in the form of a Bride that was taken out of His side, like Adam did at the beginning--like Adam's was, rather, at the beginning.


78  Yes, God... This would set the whole Bible in a confusion, break the first commandment, and make a god, a pagan god of three. It would just--it would just ruin the whole picture of the Bible, so you must not misinterpret the Bible. Now, that's just one thing. 79  When every Scripture in the Bible has the same application, you got to set It in It's place. And to misplace It, you might make Him God in one age, and the next age you'd make Him a history: to misplace It. So you mustn't misplace the Scripture. He's God all the time. If you made Him today a God of history, what was back yonder, and He isn't the same today, what are you going to do with Hebrews 13:8? See? He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.


80  Now, so see what this would do, and what it has done. It's already done it. Make Him deny His own Word to misplace the Scriptures.  81  To dislocate the Scriptures, you might put His body together wrong, the foot where the head should be or something. Just the same as a... In other words, you might have Jesus teaching Moses' message. You might have--or even Wesley teaching Luther's age. You might have now, our age teaching Pentecost, the Pentecostal message. You see what a mess it would be in? Pentecost has already showed its colors. Luther's already showed his: went off into denomination; it died right there. The age struck; there it went.


82 Notice, just as soon as it was organized, it died. Now, just see if that isn't right. Look back through the pages of history. Every time it organized it died right there; there never was no more to it. It become a worshipper of the god of this world. It went off into organisms, and organizations, and denominations, and illusions. A bunch of Rickys got into there and put their own objections into it, or injected their own thoughts, rather, into it. And what did it happen? It become a mess. Going to head up in the god of this world where they'll throne Satan himself, thinking that they're having a great world leader to bring them peace.   


83  I told you the other day; I say it again; that even civilization itself today is absolutely contrary to God. Civilization is contrary to God. Education is a million miles from Him. Science is a million miles. Science and education is trying to disprove God (See?) through theological seminaries, and schools, and rooms of science, and so forth. They've had their shake. How about the vision the other night of the man when he screamed to those scientists down there pouring that stuff in like that. They just turned, and looked up, and went on. There'll be one more ride.


  84 Notice. Oh, these three musts, must be. Now, you cannot... Jesus didn't come preaching Noah's message. He didn't come preaching Moses' message, or Moses didn't come preaching... See, don't mislocate the Scripture. It's got to be in the time. Now, you cannot apply... When that great man, John Wesley, come out, or the great man Luther... When Luther came out with his message of justification... Now, when... That was a... Luther was a great man. He called the church out of darkness, and he set justification by faith. And when he did it, they built a organization on top of it; and it died. The Life traveled like it is in a stalk of wheat, right out into the Wesley age to the tassel. Out of Luther come other leaves that died with it, which was Zwingli, and Calvin, and all the rest that come out in that great Reformation. 


85  Then along came Wesley, another age that bloomed out into a tassel. Wesley, and Atterbury, and all those, and John and his brother, and all of them great men of God with a message just swept the country. They organized it; it died. Then it come out looking just exactly like she was going to put forth the grain now, and come to find out, it was a shuck: Pentecost. But back in behind all of it, come a little bud. And you notice, usually... I think in about three or four years after Luther was on the field, that the Lutheran church was organized. Just a short time after Wesley was on the field, it was organized.


  86  Tucson we've had a program of how the Wesley church, or Methodist church come into existence. And when they come to America here, many of them had come back, said they'd set up a charter and so forth from England to bring it over here, and how it was all dramatized out. I seen right then what happened. There she died.   87 Well, out come the Pentecostal, them old shouters back in the long days ago, got the gift of speaking in tongues and started off with speaking in tongues. Then they named it the evidence of the Holy Ghost. Then they organized. One said he's going to do this, and the other that. And they had issues and issues. What'd it do? Each of them leaves just unfolded, just like it did in the stalk and like it did on the tassel. They had the oneness, twoness, threeness, and the Church of God, and all these others, just unfolded, unfolded, unfolded. But now, according to nature which is a perfect example, you'll never be anything to educate it out of it.


Now in examining these things that brother Branham said, I hope you can see that he is likening the growth of the church to that of a plant that comes up. And notice he is telling us that these three things which we can not do are to #1) Misplace the Word. And if you follow through with the example that he uses, you will notice that to misplace it has to do with being inconsistent as we hear him say,


 When every Scripture in the Bible has the same application, you got to set It in It's place. And to misplace It you might make Him God in one age, and the next age you'd make Him a history: to misplace It. So you mustn't misplace the Scripture. He's God all the time.”


Secondly, we hear him speak of dislocating the scripture which he tells us is to use be looking at the  word for the wrong age, and not knowing that you are doing this. Here he illustrates this by saying, “To dislocate the Scriptures, you might put His body together wrong, the foot where the head should be or something. Just the same as a... In other words, you might have Jesus teaching Moses' message. You might have--or even Wesley teaching Luther's age. You might have now, our age teaching Pentecost, the Pentecostal message.” 


And, Thirdly, we hear him speak of  a third must not, which is actually the most important of the three and that is to misinterpret the Word. And we find brother Branham telling us that to mis-interpret the Word is to add your own thoughts to It when your thoughts are contrary. This MUST NOT, can actually become manifested by being at fault in any of the other two. Therefore, you may mis-interpret by not having the correct Word for the season, or by not placing it togeher to get the correct understanding.


He said, Now, you must not misinterpret the Word. You say, "Well, I believe It means this." It means just what it says. It needs no interpreter. And you must not misplace the Word. And you must not dislocate the Word. And if we would do either of these, it throws the whole Bible in a confusion and in a chaos. And so we see that Chaos is the result of this Misinterpreting of the word.


Tonight we are going to look at this inability to receive the Fruit for the season that it lives. This inability is not to be found in a good tree, but only a corrupt tree. [Matt 7:17-18]


Now we have read about the Complete Seed that is to bring forth a Complete body. Then what can we call this other seed that brings forth a corrupt Tree? I guess it is either a corrupt seed or an incomplete seed.


Now, tonight I would like to begin our comparisons of these two trees. To begin, let’ look at this saying of Jesus again in [Matt 7:16-20]  Here we see that we are to be able to identify a good tree versus a corrupt tree by examining their fruits which we know is the there teaching for the season.


Now let’s look at this word corrupt for starters. It comes from a Greek word, sapros which means rotten or putrified. To rot off, to be Worn out and no longer fit for use, and in [Matt 13:47-50] we see what is done to those who are of this nature. (read)


Now the first question I have is this. Is God the same yesterday, today and forever, or is He not? We all know the answer. So let’s read it for ourselves in [Malachi 3:6] and [Hebrews 13:8]


Then if God is the same, He must act the same today as he did yesterday, is that right? And so if we want to find out who and where this corrupt nature comes from we only have to look back to the beginning to get our answer. For surely Jesus told us that at the end-time those who are corrupt will be cast out from the kingdom of God and all we need to do then is to find out if any have been cast out from the kingdom of God before and we will know what seed those at the end-time have their source in.


[Rev 3:12:3-11] Here we see a few more attributes of this originator of the corrupt seed. #1) he is an accuser of the brethren. #2) In verse 3 we see that his tail drew a third of the stars. Secondly we are told who this dragon is, he is called the devil or satan, and  he is also called a deceiver in verse 9. #3) Finally we see that there was a battle in heaven first, and it was with Michael.


Now let’s look at these three points.


#1) he is an accuser of the brethren. kategoreo = an extra judicial accusation, in other words, it is beyond the limits of the law. [Romans 2:15]


#2) he is called a deceiver and he drew with his tail a third of the stars.


      A) Deceiver: Planao = to go astray. to err, to lead away from he truth [Matt 24:4,5,11,24]

                           [2 Tim 3:13] [Hebrews 3:10] [2 Peter 2:15] [1 John 3:7]


      B) Drew:  Suro is a Greek word used of a net. [John 21:8] The Gospel net is a type of casting the word

                     upon  the seas of humanity, and Jesus tells us the parable of this when he says that the corrupt

                     stuff will be cast out.


      C) Tail  [Isa 9:15]


      D) Stars: [Job 38:7] [Psalms 148:3], [Isa 14:13]


#3) we finally see him cast out. And along with him went all of his angels as well.


      A) angels: This is a small “a” and is the Greek word aggelos which means messengers.

           [2 Cor 11: 13-15]

           [Luke 10:18]