Christ Revealed in His Own Word #116

The witness  of  our Own Spirit

Wednesday, July 9, 1997 

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship



In our latest studies of Brother Branham’s Message, “Christ Revealed in His Own Word” in paragraphs 144 -151 we found brother Branham speaking about the evening Light time. In our study we found that there is to be an evening light that bears witness to the Light which is Christ. Just as an Epiphanea shines forth and bears witness to whatever it is that it is lighting up, and in this day, it is the Presence of Christ Himself among us.  In Genesis chapter 1, God created two light in the heavens, the Greater Light to rule by day and the evening light to rule during by night. [Zechariah 14:6-7] (read) This evening I would like to re-preach Sundays Message since our recording did not take and I would like to subtitle this message tonight,  “The witness of our own Spirit”.                 


Now, as I just mentioned, in paragraphs 144, 148, 150 & 151 Brother Branham referred to the evening light, and in these paragraphs it is apparent that he is speaking of two lights, a greater Light and the lesser light as we saw in the book of Genesis, because he speaks of this evening light being a witness, and if it is a witness, then it is not the main thing, but what it is witness too is the main thing. We know that the moon which is the lesser light of Genesis 1, has no light of it’s own,  and represents the Church and therefore can only reflect the light of the Son. But both lights, the Greater and lesser are said to rule.


In [2 Peter 1:19] we see that this light will shine in a dark place, or have rule over the night until the day star takes over. Now, when the day star takes over, we can see by simple common sense that the lesser light will come under the rule of the greater light, just as Jesus Himself is in subjection to the Father, so too the Church or Bride subjects herself willingly to the Son. In [2 Cor 4:4-7] we see that the light is to shine or rule, but those who do not see this light have been blinded by the god of this evil age, or as the verse says, the god of this world. So when the world gets between the Moon and the SON, it hinders that reflection of the SON and therefore the witness of the Son’s influence upon the moon is diminished. I want you to further notice in verse 7, that this light is in earthen vessels as we also hear Jesus speak of in [Matt 5: 13-17].


So in essence, then what we have when we hear the scripture speaking of Light at the evening time is a Light bearing witness to The Light, which is Christ Himself. And in the Message, Indictment, Brother Branham said, “ And today, by the Light of the Gospel reflecting from a Light, a Pillar of Fire visibly seen among us....And Science has seen It, It’s in the Magazines, and across the world, and It’s both scientifically and spiritually recognized as the same Pillar of Fire, by the same signs and the same things as it did always.” 


Now, to this point we can see that the entire ministry of the lesser light is to act as a witness to the greater light which is Christ. Therefore with this in mind, I want to show you  how the next paragraph that brother Branham is speaking here ties together with these thoughts on the evening light. Because it appears at first that he goes off track and starts talking about this incident where he is walking through the woods, and he comes across a pack of cigarettes, and our first thought are, “how does this illustration fit in with the rest of what he is saying about the witness of the evening light?” So let’s read paragraph ...


[146] I found a cigarette pack, the other day, laying in the woods, and I got a message from that cigarette pack for tonight, the Lord willing. See? So I've got these Scriptures here, and I don't want to run overtime so you can get back. A cigarette pack speaking... All right. [147]  I was starting down through the woods, and there laid a cigarette pack. And I just walked on away, I thought, "Well, somebody's ahead of me."  And something said, "Turn back and pick that up."  I thought, "Pick up a cigarette pack, not me."  Something said, "Turn back and pick up the cigarette pack." And I went down; there was an old empty pack, and I seen something. I will tell you about it tonight, the Lord willing. All right.  


Now, before we go any further, keep in mind that He is Speaking on the subject of how “Christ is Revealed in His Own Word”, and he begins here to tell us of a little incident that took place where his thoughts were contrary to the thoughts of God, and yet, I’m sure he thought that he was thinking God’s thoughts at the time of this incident, because after all as a Christian, he wanted nothing to do with a pack of cigarettes. But God was persistent, and so Brother Branham had to yield his own thinking to Gods thinking in order to better understand what it was that God had for Him to know.


Notice, Brother Branham said, “something said, "Turn back and pick that up."  I thought, "Pick up a cigarette pack, not me."  Something said, "Turn back and pick up the cigarette pack." And I went down; there was an old empty pack, and I seen something. I will tell you about it tonight, the Lord willing. 


So we see how he listened to the Word of the Lord, and when He picked up that thing which he utterly detested, there was a message on it that said, “A thinking man’s filter”, and his first thoughts were, “A thinking man’s filter, why any man who was thinking wouldn’t have anything to do with cigarettes.  But as he began to examine that little message on the package of cigarettes in light of the purpose of His ministry, it began to grow from that inscription into the Message, “ Thinking Man’s Filter”.  So the illustration we hear has a message of it’s own to us, and we do not always understand the direction that God has in our life, but we must surely come to know that He will never let us down, and he used brother Branham’s conscience to direct him into a greater understanding of this thing.  And if you will notice, this thought on a filter is perfectly in line with the thoughts of a light bearing witness to The Light, because in order to bear witness, there has got to be a filter in which the testimony is processed through. For if we testify to an event without any understanding of what that event is, then our testimony will have no bearing on the actual significance of that event.


As an example, there were many thousands of people who saw the Cloud over the Arizona skies back in 1963, but it took one who knew what had taken place to bring the significance to our attention, and when he did, it brought out many scriptural proofs of that meeting of the Seven angels with the seventh angel Messenger. Therefore [Revelations 10:1-7], [1 Thess 1:7-10] and [1 Thess 4:15-18] as well as many other scriptures make sense to us who have heard, and believed Brother Branham’s account of this Cloud. Because the incident over the Arizona skies was brought through a filter of the Word of God before it was brought to our attention.


It sort of reminds me of when Brother Branham was preaching the Rapture and he said, “The Shout is the Message.” Brother Vayle was sitting there in that service and he thought, “Now, brother Branham, I’ve heard you say some very strange things, but this is one of the strangest.” And as he was thinking that thought something interrupted that thought and spoke from within him, and said, “when has he ever been wrong”. And then he heard himself thinking, “The shout is the message.  In other words, a filter came through for him and spoke out and said, “When has he ever been wrong?


Now, with this in mind, I would like to bring out our thoughts this evening on this filter, and entitle it...




[2 Cor 1:12] Notice in this verse we read that our conscience has a testimony, and that word testimony is a Greek word which actually means to have a witness, and therefore to make that witness known. Therefore, we could read this verse like this, “and our rejoicing comes from this, the witness of our conscience,” . Therefore, for the next few minutes this evening, I would like to approach this thought of The Witness of our own Spirit, because after all, unless we can identify within ourselves with the things that God has manifested openly in this hour, what hope have we. Therefore we have got to have an inner witness within ourselves if we are to come to a condition of “Live, die, sink or swim.”


And if our witness is not true, then what hope have we. Therefore what I propose to do tonight is to help us to see the importance of the Word upon our own conscience, that it might rule the conscience and bring it into captivity to the Presence of God who is in our Midst.  Now, previously to this we have been speaking of the lesser light which is the Gospel Light and how it’s sole purpose is to bear witness to the Greater Light, which is Christ’s Presence among us, and is represented by the Pillar of Fire which is the shekinah presence of God. The Gospel or Good news then is bearing witness to the Pillar of Fire in our midst. Just like we see in the picture of William Branham with the Pillar of Fire above him. He said, My Ministry is to declare Him, that He is Here!” And that declaration is his testimony which is the bringing forth of his being witness to the actual presence of Christ among us. I would like to propose to  you this morning, that our conscience, having been molded and formed by Right-wise-ness, does the same thing and actually bears witness as well.


Jesus said,  He that followeth me, walketh not in darkness:” And while we have the light, we should rejoice and walk in the light”.  we also hear John tell us, “If we walk in the Light as He is in the Light we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all of our sins.” Further more, we find in [John 3: 19-21] That the Light will bear witness to those who walk in it and have their source in it, but to those who are false witnesses, they will not walk in the light because they do not want their deeds to be exposed, showing them for what they are. In order to understand what I mean by  the witness of our own Spirit, we must understand what is meant by the term conscience, and what the word  testimony means as well. Therefore let’s begin by examining what this word conscience means?  What is our conscience anyway? Well, Webster tells us that the Conscience is a knowledge or sense of what is right or wrong, with a compulsion to do what is right.


Brother Branham listed the conscience as one of the five inner senses of the spirit that man uses to make contact with his soul, and  is used by his soul to bring the body into subjection to the soul. #1) Imagination  #2) Conscience  #3) Memory   #4) Reasoning  #5) Affection. Now in these five senses there is only one that actually controls the Soul, and that is conscience. Imagination allows the Soul to conceptualize and reason allows it to weigh out and discern, but the conscience is that seat of control that actually causes the Soul to either accept or reject the Word and therefore bring forth a right-wise-ness to the individual. Memory, imagination and reasoning are all passive, and affection is the outlet that brings the Spirit into an active state, but the thing that ties the passive together with the active is the Conscience, because it is the seat or control. No action can take place until the conscience has filtered the situation and gives forth it’s approval. Therefore the conscience is the most important of our inner five senses.


God made us beings who can think, capable of perceiving what is present, and of rejecting or looking back on what is past. In particular, we are capable of perceiving whatever passes through our own hearts or lives; knowing whatever we feel or do; and knowing while it is passing, or when it has past. This we call a conscious being: We have consciousness, or an inward perception, both of things present and past, that relate to ourselves, our tempers and our outward behavior. But the conscience, implies more than a mere acknowledging of what is happening. It is not simply the knowledge of our present or the remembrance of our past. But, its main business is to excuse or accuse, to approve or disapprove, to acquit or condemn.  [Romans 2:15] As brother Branham said, the role of the Soul is Choice. So then our conscience has to do with the choices we make. And this choice is an assessment, this choice is an opinion that is based upon something, and therefore it is a judgment that we render.


[Romans 9:1] Now, what does it mean when we hear these words, “My conscience bearing me witness by the Holy Ghost?  Paul is telling us that there is something within His conscience that is confirming what he is saying, just like that which spoke to Brother Vayle and said, “When has he ever been wrong”, concerning Brother Branham. So we see this bearing witness is a confirming of what is said to be the truth.  A Oneness with what is spoken. And then I want you to notice that Paul ties this confirmation or bearing witness in with the Holy Ghost.  “My conscience bearing me witness, My conscience also confirming what I say in the Holy Ghost. Now, why would Paul speak of his Conscience bearing witness in the Holy Ghost? Who is the Holy Ghost? Is not Paul speaking of the Christ, the Word of God? “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” Therefore, it the Word of God upon our Conscience that will bring forth a good conscience. For Jesus told us, “call no man good but God”. Therefore to have a good Conscience we must have a God-Conscience. [1 Pet 3:16] & [1 Tim 1: 5,19]


Therefore if our conscience is the seat of our judgment, then by what means or measure does our conscience have for being able to know what is right or wrong. [John 7:24] And how will we be able to judge righteous judgment. Any man can say his judgment is true and honest, but true and honest based on what rule? Jesus wasn’t just telling the people to judge a way which is nice, but He had just told them that not even His doctrine was his own, but belonged to the Father Who sent Him. [John 7: 16-30] Notice He speaks of Moses Law and yet how it has become so distorted, but He holds fast to the fact that He has been vindicated, and therefore in vindication we can have an assurance of what rule is to rule and what rule is not to rule. 


In [Isaiah 28: 8-13] we hear God speaking to the people how that because they will not hearken to the voice that He will send unto them, they will revert back to another voice and they will end up going backwards and therefore they will perish.  So therefore we must know what is the rule whereby men are to judge right and wrong? Whereby their conscience is to be directed?  Paul spoke of the Word of God being “written in their hearts.” He even said in [2 Cor 3] that we are living Epistles known and read of all men.” And notice how the Word of God was placed in our hearts. Read from [2 Cor 2: 14 - 3:4].


The Christian rule of right and wrong is the word of God, the writings of the Old and New Testament; [Romans 2:14, 15] All that the Prophets and “holy men of old” wrote “as they were moved by the Holy Ghost;” all that Scripture which was given by inspiration of God, and which is indeed profitable for doctrine, or teaching the whole will of God; for reproof of what is contrary thereto; for correction of error; and for instruction, or training us up, in righteousness. [2 Timothy 3:16]


Psalm 119 tells us that the Word of God is a lantern unto our feet, and a light unto our path. And the Word alone is our rule of right or wrong, whatever is really good or evil.  The Bible warns us that in the last days men’s minds will have become so corrupt that they will call god evil ,and evil good. But we esteems nothing good, but what is either directly or through manifestation, spoken to us through the Word of God. We account nothing evil but what is in the Word of God forbidden, either in direct terms, or by undeniable inference. Whatever the Scripture declares either by direct or indirect inference is the sole outward rule whereby our conscience is to be directed in all things. Therefore as Paul said, in [2 Cor 3], we through the effect of the Word upon our conscience become a Living witness or testimony of the Word of God. “A Living Epistle read of all men.


And if our conscience is directed by the Word, then have we “the answer of a good conscience toward God.” “A good conscience” which Paul further defined as  a conscience which is void of offense.” Therefore as Paul said,  I have lived in all good conscience before God until this day;” [Acts 23:1]


[Acts 24:16] Now in order to live out this, a conscience that is void of offense,  there is absolutely required,


Ž    First, a right understanding of the word of God, of his “holy, and acceptable, and perfect will” concerning us, as it is revealed in [Romans 12:2]. For how  is it possible to walk by a rule, if we do not know what it means. [Hebrews 5:14] & [ Hebrews 12:11] & [1 Tim 4:7] & [2 Tim 3:16]


Ž    Secondly, there is required (which very few have attained) a true knowledge of ourselves; a knowledge both of our hearts and lives, of our inward tempers and outward conversation: Seeing, if we know them not, it is not possible that we should compare them with our rule.  [1 Cor 2:11-16] & [Romans 7:18] & [1 John 3: 2-3]


Ž    Thirdly, there is required an agreement of our hearts and lives, of our tempers and conversation, of our thoughts, and words, and works, with that rule, with the written word of God. For, without this, if we have any conscience at all, it can be only in evil conscience. [ 2 Cor 5:14] & [Mark 12:29-30]


Ž    Fourthly, there is required, an inward perception of this agreement with our rule: And this habitual perception, this inward consciousness itself, is properly a good conscience; or, in the other phrase of the Apostle, “a conscience void of offense, toward God, and toward men.”


And so  whoever desires to have a conscience that is void of offense, let him first make sure  that he lays the right foundation. Let him remember what Paul said,  other foundation can no man lay, than that which is laid, even Jesus Christ,” and He is the Word.  And we must also be mindful, that no man can build on him without a living faith and that no man is a partaker of Christ, until he can clearly testify, “The life which I now live, I live by faith in the Son of God;” Faith alone is that evidence, that conviction, that demonstration of things invisible, whereby the eyes of our understanding being opened, and divine light pouring in upon them, allows us to see the wondrous things of God’s Word”. It is by faith that we behold “the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ,” as we look into the mirror of Gods Word and no longer see self.