Christ Revealed in His Own Word #91


Sunday, April 6, 1997 

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship



[105] God is a Person. God can speak. God can talk. God can write. He didn't have to do it that way, but that's the way He chose to do it. He didn't have to do it that way, but He chose to do it that way. Now, you say, "God wrote with His finger, His own majestic finger, the Ten Commandments. So God could write It Hisself if He wanted to." See? ( I’d like to interject the thing he is talking about God being able write Himself if He wanted to is the Bible.) But He chose to write It through prophets (See?), because it was His attributes, His Word, He expressed through them, making it all a part or a part of Him. See? He could write with His finger. He also took His finger and wrote on the walls of Babylon, "Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting." He wrote with His own finger.


[106] God can talk. Do you believe God can talk? He talked to Moses on the mount in a burning bush. You believe that? Yes, sir. He talked to John in the form of a dove. You believe that? Said, "This is My beloved Son in whom I'm pleased to dwell in." He talked to Him. He spoke to Jesus on Mount Transfiguration before Peter, James, and John. He can talk; He's not a mute. God can talk. So He spoke to Jesus on Mount Transfiguration. And He spoke to Jesus before a whole multitude of people, when the people said, "It thundered." But it was God speaking to Jesus. And almost all of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is Jesus speaking. He's God. So God can talk.


Now, if you are Oneness in your thinking, you would have to believe that it was somehow Jesus throwing His voice, like a ventriloquist,  so that it appeared to be coming from above or somewhere else. And that is about how ridiculous some of the doctrines are that men believe. Let’s look at the scriptures for a moment and examine the various times that God spoke and Jesus was Present but silent.


Now, the essence of what Brother Branham is telling us here is that God can speak, and He can write, and He can do whatsoever He wants to do, but the fact is, that He chose to use prophets instead of speaking directly to the people Himself. And God is SOVEREIGN, and He will do what He well pleases, and no one is going to tell Him what He can and can not do. And if God chose to use prophets to speak to the people, then that is His decision and just because you may not like the way God does things, doesn’t mean you can do anything about it. You tell people that God still uses prophets and they think you’re some kind of a nut or something.  You talk to anyone who doesn’t believe this Message, but have heard that we believe God sent a prophet in this hour, and they’ll  compare you to those Star Trekies who committed suicide out in California. Now, those people were crazy, and yet it is you that they think are crazy.  Those people were not even Christian people. They were more of that New Age belief which mixes Eastern mysticism with the Bible, and Mother Earth folklore, and who knows what else.  But try to explain to family members, or friends who don’t believe this Word, and it’s just about an impossible task. So what is the answer? Just let them alone. They can’t see The message of God because they are not ordained to see it, and there is nothing you can do to help them to see it. 


If you say that you believe we are living in the end-times, they will tell you that you are off your rocker, yet they themselves know that things can not keep going in the way they are without something very cataclysmic happening.  But, the thing of it is, they don’t believe the Bible, and if they don’t believe the Bible, then how could you ever think they will believe a Prophet that the Bible speaks about. You have got to believe the Bible before you could believe what someone tells you about it. Because after all, the Bible was written by the Prophets. And if they won’t believe the Prophets past, how could they ever believe the Prophets present tense. So if they don’t believe what the prophets wrote, certainly they won’t believe what he says on tape. After all, it is not the Bible, nor the Prophets that they are rejecting, but they are rejecting God Himself who spoke to the Prophets, since the Prophets only wrote down what God told them to write. People don’t change, and demon spirit’s don’t change, they just go from one  body to another.


[1 Sam 8:1-21] When the people wanted a King instead of a Prophet, God told Samuel, “ It’s not you that the people are rejecting, Samuel, It is Me that they are rejecting me”.  And we  look back through the scriptures and even though God sent men among the Jews who were prophets, and even though the Jews have a long history of having had prophets of God come among them with a Message from God, yet if you will examine the scene, it played out just about the same every time. The prophet showed up and the people thought he was some kind of strange weirdo, and they never received the prophet’s message.


No, not until after they killed off that prophet and then the judgments came upon them; then they said, “my goodness, maybe that old crackpot was right after all.”  But they never received a prophet while he was living. And people don’t change. They ever remain the same. Because it’s the same unbelieving spirit’s that inhabit them from time unto time immortal.


Now, this morning, I was going to speak on the identification of God’s presence in and with a Cloud, and show you many scriptures that will help you to better understand how that in many ages, especially the Three periods which we call an exodus, how that God has identified His Presence among us in a cloud, and actually a Cloud  has then been a peculiar witness of the Presence of God among man.


But this morning, I felt more led to speak directly on this subject of the Sovereignty of God as Brother Branham is bringing across to us, when he says, “God is a Person. God can speak. God can talk. God can write. He didn't have to do it that way, but that's the way He chose to do it. He didn't have to do it that way, but He chose to do it that way” And, then, when we look at Sovereignty we must look at choice, or will, for that is what makes God Sovereign.  Now, the word, Sovereignty according to Webster: is the state or quality of being sovereign. Simply put, it shows the power and status of the one who is sovereign. And of course the word sovereign means: Above or superior to all others in rank, rule, and power. One who answers to no other. And it comes from two words, super  meanin  above, and to reign, meaning to have dominion over. Therefore, to be sovereign means to reign over supremely.


 Now, most people don’t believe that God is Sovereign, especially in their own lives until something happens that they have no control over. Then they seem to melt and will acknowledge that God and only God can help them through that particular hurdle.  Otherwise, they seem to have no time for the Great Sovereign God.  So, really, then, what most people have  is a God of convenience. One who is there only when they need Him and then when they are not in a bind, they forget all about Him. which then, doesn’t make Him sovereign, for by the definition of sovereignty, they would be the ones who are controlling, since they can turn Him on and turn Him off in their lives whenever they please. But don’t let this attitude fool you. “God is not mocked. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.


Now, to begin with, in order to establish our understanding of what the Sovereignty of God is all about, we must first establish what it is that God is sovereign over. For the Word sovereign we have found means to be the Absolute as brother Branham would put it, the final say, and the ultimate. To be sovereign we found according to Webster, there are 3 basic things, rank, rule, and  power. He must be Ruler, Supreme Ruler. And since God is perfected in three’s, we shall begin by examining these three attributes of the sovereign God.


#1) Now, let’s begin by examining Rank. What do we mean by rank? In the Armed Service we use the system of rank, can any one tell me what the word rank refers to?  Rank has to do with Authority!  The level of authority.   The word rank comes from the word range which means to place in a certain order. So we see by definition, that God in order to be Sovereign, has no equal, and there is none beside Him.  In [Isaiah 37:16] we hear Hezekiah speaking to God of His Sovereignty. (read)  And in [Exodus 20:1-7] We hear God telling man just how this acknowledgment of Himself and his relationship to God should be carried conducted., because remember, if God is above all in rank, and this rank has to do with a certain prescribed order, then God is a God of order, which must be followed. (read)


In [Exodus 34:14] we read that God is a jealous God and will not allow for us to worship other things in His place. Now the word worship according to Webster comes from two words, worth and ship. And worth is the value we place on something, and the word ship is a suffix which means the state or condition. Therefore our worship has a rank as well, and that rank is the result of the order in which we place God. He is to have the pre-eminent place in our hearts, and minds and souls. Then any other would have to be a lesser being than He for if He is the Sovereign, He is the Top in rank, in order, and class. That is why I cannot for the life of me figure out how people can be so stupid when it comes to God in their life.


[Matt 22:36] when Jesus is asked what the greatest commandment is, He replied.. “To love the Lord your God, with all your heart, all your soul, and mind.” But in [Mark 12:30-33] He adds one other ingredient, and that is strength, which we find God Himself speaking of in the Book of [Deuteronomy 6:4-18]. So actually when God speaks in His Word about loving Him with all of our heart, He is speaking about Loving Him with all of our understanding. Then when He speaks of loving Him with all of our Soul, He is speaking of loving Him with all that we are as a person, because our soul is who we are, it is our life, our breathe and our being. Then finally He tells us to love Him with all of our might or strength, which is to say, with all of our energies. Because, we could say that we love Him and even do perhaps in our understanding, and in our being have a love for Him which supersedes our love for anything else, but that is still coming up short of what God wants. He wants us to place our energies into this love.  He said, teach them diligently to our children! That takes an effort, and that shows your love to God.


For what woman would love a man, and never show it. She may say, I love you but if there are no outward movements of Love then it really means nothing. For love in itself is self sacrificial in it’s nature. Paul tells us that “Love suffers long, and is kind, and does not envy, and is not over inflated, and does not behave itself unseemly, and is not self seeking, and is not easily provoked, and thinks no evil, rejoices not in iniquity, but only in Truth, it beareth all things, hopes all things, and endures all things, and it never fails.”   Now, what is He saying? That Love is something that is very difficult to have because you can’t have it by keeping it to yourself. You must give it away, in order to possess it. You must exert what energies you have in the process of showing this Love, and proper worship, or worth ship. This proper showing of your love and devotion to the most valuable person in your Life, Your God.


I should stop here and say the same thing about marriages today as well.  The Spirit of this age is women worship. No where on earth is it stronger than in this country. That shouldn’t be strange considering the Message to the Bride of Christ has come out of this country as the light ends up in the West. Therefore, if there is a True Message to get a Bride ready, then satan will create a false message to make her unprepared, and will destroy the correct Bridal atmosphere. That spirit elevates women in a position of rank that is equal to that of husband.  And rank has to do with authority, & women want man’s authority. [Isaiah 4:1] “And in that day, seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, ‘we will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.”   What reproach? Not having what they call equality.  We will eat our own bread, What does that mean? We will be the bread winner, and we’ll by our own clothes, but we want to be called by your name to take away our reproach. Mrs. so and so, but she has her own mind, her own heart, and her own energies are poured into her own soul, and her concern is no longer for her children, and husband, but herself. That’s the condition of the women of this nation. And it shows we are at the end-time!


[Future Home]  Listen, let's just read it. Look here. “ And in that day seven women shall take ahold of one man saying, We'll eat our own bread,... wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach... (That's the end time where we're living now: marriage, divorce, and prostitution, and whatevermore.)  In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious,... the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely... them that... escaped of Israel... (How that you escaped all that damnation. See?) And it shall came to pass, that he that is left in Zion, and he that's a remnant in Jerusalem, shall... (Let's see.)... in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even every one that is written among the living in Jerusalem: (See?) Wherein the Lord shall have washed away the filth of the daughter of Zion,... (Remember that's always the Bride. See?)... and shall have purified the blood of Jerusalem... (That's the remnant of the Jews plus the Bride. See?)... and in the midst thereof with the spirit of judgment,... (Fire, that's always God's judgment. When He makes His final judgment, calls you, justifies you, and brings you to redemption, then His judgment breaks forth upon you, and the Holy Ghost and Fire cleanses away the sin. Then you're His. Same thing He does to the earth when He purges it with fire.)... and by the spirit of burning. (Now look listen, are you ready?)  And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assembly, a cloud of smoke by day, and a shining of... fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defense.   We’ll get into this cloud in our next service Lord willing.                         [Mark  12:30-33] With all our understanding, soul, mind  and strength 


Now, to this point we have established that sovereignty has to do with rank. Being, numero One and everything else is a far and distant second.  Look, even the thoughts of being equal with God got Lucifer kicked out of heaven.  [Isaiah 14:12-15] and yet at the end-time satan, when he incarnates himself in the false prophet, shall once again try to exalt himself to be equal with God. [2 Thess 2:4] but we know that God has said, “Thou shalt have no other Gods, period.


And we are talking about rank here. In the order that God has set down, we have a Father who is above the Son, [Eph 4:6](read) And in [Heb 5:8] we read,  And though He were a Son, learned He obedience to the Father by the things that He had to suffer”.  Both Paul and Peter even acknowledge this order when we read in [2 Cor 11:31] &[Eph 1:3] & [1 Peter 1:3] of the God Who is Also the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Again in [1 Cor 15:23-28] So we see that the Son is subject to the Father, and shall be still.


In [Q & A]  “On top of Mount Zion will set the Lamb. And the city will need no light, for the Lamb is the Light thereof. And above the Lamb will be the Father, which is the Logos, God, the great Light, the eternal Light that'll shine just above the throne. And Jesus will not be on His Father's throne, He'll be on His throne. And the Father will hover over the Son,..”


Now, as we said earlier in this message, sovereignty, In  looking at this first point alone has to do with rank, and this rank has to do with the will and choice, God’s Choice, God’s Will. After, all, rank is a matter of choice, position, and placement which  is a matter of order as in ordained. [Psalm 37:23] & [Eph 1:11] Our pre-dstiny which has to do with God’s order and placement, is a result of  and has it’s dependance upon His own Will. For after all, if God created the earth for His own pleasure, [Rev 4:11] then, what He does with what He has created is His own business. But we will get into that on Wednesday night when we look at rule and authority.


In [Isaiah 9:6-7] we see the ministry of Christ is to establish the order that God has ordained for His Kingdom.


We also find the ministry under the Pillar of Fire was to set the church in order. Under Moses, Paul and William Branham. That is why Moses was a Law Giver, Paul was a teacher to the Gentiles, which is a setter in order, and has to do with placement, and William Branham had to set the church in order with church order before the seal could be broke. Remember the order, ABC = Always Believe Christ!  In Moses day we read,  [Ex 27:21, 39:37, 40:4, 23, Lev 1:7,8, 12 ; 24:8]


In Paul’s day we read...[ 1 Cor 11:34, 14:40; Col 2:5, ] And since we know that the things that Moses was commanded to build concerning the Tabernacle were to be done after the pattern of the heavenly vision, we can see then that there had to be an order in Heaven as well. In [Hebrews 8: 1-5] Paul speaks of a heavenly order that was a foreshadow of the earthly ministry. And that Heavenly ministry was that of the Melchisedec order.  [Hebrews 5:6, 10, 6:20, 7:11, 17,21]


Therefore, if we are to learn of the sovereignty of God, we must first learn the first rule of this sovereignty, which is that God has the supreme Rank, He is Number One, and that He therefore  has a specific order to everything that pertains to His Sovereign Position.


During the course of our study on the sovereignty of God we shall move next time into the second rule of sovereignty which is rule, itself. And we know that Rule is authority, and then authority becomes power for power is authority.  Thus as we study the Sovereignty of God we shall also see how it is that God becomes.  For we know that God is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent. Yet the Omniscience must come before the other two, for God is not omnipresent as if He is in all places at all times and filling all space, but His Omnipresence comes from the fact that He is all knowing, (omniscient). And thus of the three,... Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent, the greatest of these, and the highest order, is Omniscience. And this is where Sovereignty comes forth from. God’s power and strength comes from His Omniscience. For could you imagine having all power and not knowing how to use that power?