Christ Revealed in His Own Word #92

“Sovereignty - Rule”

Wednesday, April 9, 1997 

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship



Sunday morning we examined paragraph [105] where Brother Branham was speaking of God being able to speak for Himself, and write for Himself, but He chose to speak to man through His Prophets. And therefore we are looking at God’s choice and therefore His sovereignty in choosing whatsoever He wills.  Now, God is not like you and me. We have a free moral agency to choose, but we are limited to either God’s way or the devils way. Even if you pick your own way, it is still the devils way and will lead to death most certainly. [Proverbs 14:12] tells us, “There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof, are the ways of death.”  Therefore, a man might have a choice, but most certainly his own choice will end in death and not life.  In [Jeremiah 10:23] we read, “O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself; It is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.”  and, so we see that if man is left to himself, he will utterly choose the wrong way and the wrong steps. That is why we glory in Predestination, because the Love of God so constraineth us that it causes us to walk in the way. [Psalm 37:23] The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord: and he delighteth in His way.”


This evening, I would like to continue our examination of the Sovereignty of God. After all, Brother Branham said, “He didn't have to do it that way, but that's the way He chose to do it.” And, when we look at Sovereignty we must look at choice, for that is what makes God Sovereign.  Now, in review, we saw that the word, Sovereignty according to Webster: is the state or quality of being sovereign. and it shows the power and status of the one who is sovereign. And of course the word Sovereign means: Above or superior to all others in rank, rule, and power. One who answers to no other. And comes from two words, super and to reign.  Therefore, to be sovereign means to reign over supremely.


As I stated, Sunday morning, most people don’t believe God is Sovereign until something happens that they have no control over. Then they will reluctantly acknowledge that God alone is the only one who can help them over the hurdle. Yet all the while they are secretly hoping that they can get themselves out of whatever mess they are in. So, really then, what most people have a God of convenience. One who’s there only when they need Him, and when they don’t have a nee, they forget He exists.


Now, we began our study  of the Sovereignty of God by examining what Webster said, sovereignty is.  He said there are 3 basic attributes which make up sovereignty:  #1)  rank, #2) rule, and #3)  power. And since God is perfected in three’s, we began by examining these three attributes of the sovereign God.


We began Sunday morning by showing that rank has to do with position. And in particular, showing that this rank has to do with being the Supreme One in that rank. We are talking about  Rank has to do with Authority, although it is not authority. But it has to do with the level of authority.   The word rank comes from the word range which means to place in a certain order. So we see by definition, that God in order to be Sovereign, has no equal, and there is none beside Him. In examining the scriptures we find that they declare that God is above and all else is beneath and He will not share His Glory with no other. There is but One God period. We then examined the relationship of God and man, and the conduct expected from man by God. After all rank has certain prescribed behavior that is expected from those of lower rank, and one of these is respect. [Malachi 2:1-4] Here we see that God is God alone, and will not share His glory with any other.


In [Exodus 34:14] we read that God is a jealous God and will not allow for us to worship other things in His place. And we know that the word worship, according to Webster, comes from two words, worth and ship. Worth is the value we place on something, and the suffix (ship) is the state or condition of the assessment. Therefore our worship has rank as well, and rank is the order in which we place God.  either He is pre-eminent in our heart, mind and soul or He isn’t.


[Matt 22:36] when Jesus is asked what the greatest commandment is, He replies..“To love the Lord your God, with all your heart, all your soul, and mind.” But in the Book of [Mark 12:30] He adds one other ingredient, and that is strength, which we find God Himself speaking of in the Book of [Deuteronomy 6:4-18]. So actually when God speaks in His Word about loving Him with all of our heart, He is speaking about Loving Him with all of our understanding. Then when He speaks of loving Him with all of our Soul,

He is speaking of loving Him with all that we are as a person, because our soul is who we are, it is our life.


Finally we are told to love Him with all of our strength, which is all of our energies. Because, love without our energies is still non productive. Just talk! He said, teach them diligently to our children! That takes an effort, and that shows your love to God.


Finally we saw this rank in [1 Cor 15:23-28] So we see that the Son is subject to the Father, and shall be still. [Q & A]  “On top of Mount Zion will set the Lamb. And the city will need no light, for the Lamb is the Light thereof. And above the Lamb will be the Father, which is the Logos, God, the great Light, the eternal Light that'll shine just above the throne. And Jesus will not be on His Father's throne, He'll be on His throne. And the Father will hover over the Son,..”


Now, as we said earlier in this message, sovereignty has to do with rank, and this rank has to do with choice, God’s Choice, which is God’s Will. After, all, rank is a matter of choice, position, and placement. Therefore, if we are to learn of the sovereignty of God, we must first learn the first rule of this sovereignty, which is that God has the supreme Rank, He is Number One, and that He therefore  has a specific order to everything that pertains to His Sovereign Position.


During the course of our study on the sovereignty of God we shall move next time into the second rule of sovereignty which is rule, itself. And we know that Rule is authority, and then authority becomes power for power is authority.  Thus as we study the Sovereignty of God we shall also see how it is that God becomes.  For we know that God is Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent. Yet the Omniscience must come before the other two, for God is not omnipresent as if He is in all places at all times and filling all space, but His Omnipresence comes from the fact that He is all knowing, (omniscient). And thus of the three,... Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent, the greatest of these, and the highest order, is Omniscience. And this is where Sovereignty comes forth from. God’s power and strength comes from His Omniscience. For could you imagine having all power and not knowing how to use that power?


Notice how we begin with rank, and move into rule and then into power. Notice that this process moves from a passive into an active. Rank, rule and power.  Rank is simply order and position, while rule is an excercizable authority. An authority which has moved into action and is controlling.


Now, as we said earlier, the three attributes of sovereignty are Rank, Rule, and Power. For the next few minutes tonight I want to look at the second attribute which is rule and examine this by the scriptures as best we can.


According to Webster, the word RULE: means, “to have supreme authority, to govern. Therefore, when we think in terms of rule, we must think in terms of authority.  And when we think in terms of Authority, we are looking at the right to rule, as well as having the power to ensure our right to rule. So here we have not only a rightful placement, but also the  power to back up that placement.   You see how closely Rank and Rule tie in together. What good would rank do if no one else considered it. But when you have Authority, it means you have the power to back up your rank. And that is what we are talking about when we speak of sovereignty.


[Psalm 103:19] here we see placement and also with that placement we see the exercise of authority. The word ruleth here is a Hebrew Word which means to exercise dominion.


In [Psalm 66:7] we see that God rules by His Power. Therefore, rule, which is authority must have power behind it in order for it to have the strength needed to bring to pass whatsoever the rule declares.


And what is the reason for needing this power and might to rule? We see our answer in [2 Chronicles 20:6], here you will see that the power and might is to back up the authority so than none can resist the rule.


[Romans 9:10-23] here the scriptures speak of God having power over the things that he created.


When the people wanted to question Jesus authority, each time he reverted to the power of God behind His authority.


[Matt 9:1-8] Notice how Jesus Uses the power to authenticate His Authority, tying His authority back tot he author Himself.


[John 9:1-34] Again notice how the blind man uses the argument that power is authority, and the exercise of God power shows therefore inconclusively the presence of God.


[John 14:10-12] What we begin to see here is that Rule and power go hand in hand, and rule which is authority can not be exercised without power. Therefore, the power vindicates the position of the ruler.


In [Matt 22] Jesus told us that men err when they don’t know the scriptures nor the power of God. The problem is that many times they think they know the scriptures, but they can not make the connection between the Word and the Power.


In [2 Tim 3:5] We see that they shall have a form of Godliness but they shall deny the power, which is the vindication of the Real authority. That which vindicates is the power of God upon the Truth.