Christ Revealed in His Own Word #94

“Understanding Separation”

Wednesday, April 16, 1997 

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship



Sunday we examined the thoughts of “The Cloud and the Voice of God”, and we showed many scriptures where God has throughout the ages revealed Himself in a Cloud and by His Voice speaking out of that Cloud. We examined Scriptures that showed the Cloud as His Mercy, His Judgment, His Chariot, His garment, or clothing, and His white hair like wool.


In essence we have seen an association between God’s Cloud and His Presence. Usually this Cloud of God is accompanied with the Voice of God which appears to be always:  directing, guiding, revealing, or disclosing of His True Nature. And Since He is the same yesterday, today and forever, we can see that the same Cloud has taken on different forms and shapes, but is still the same shekinah presence of God in manifestation to man.


You see, man needs something to identify with. Something that He can see, taste, feel, smell or hear since these are his contacts to his earthly home which is in the first three dimensions of light, matter and time. And what we have is a God who has a heavenly home which is in another dimension, we shall call the 7th dimension. Now  it’s interesting that Enoch’s great pyramid was built so perfect that it never reflected time. No matter what position the sun was in the skies, there was never a shadow to be found. And so we can see that this great pyramid which outlasted the flood, is a token that was left to us to tell us that one day, time shall be no more. And some how in this pyramid we know that is speaks of immortality. even science has shown that things which are left in a pyramid shaped cover, will not rot. You bite an apple and within seconds it starts to turn brown with decay setting in. You leave it over night and you wouldn’t dare bite into it again. But they have build these pyramid shaped objects which are actually containers like things and when the apple is bit into and laid inside of the pyramid, the apple never develops decay. It seems to stay fresh.


Now, I don’t know as for how long the bitten apple will stay fresh, but from what I have heard it lasts for quite some time. Now, I don’t mean to get off into some sort of study on pyramid power, because I don’t believe that the pyramid itself has any power. But the shape speaks of eternity, and the three fold offices of God. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If you will notice the pyramid is a triangle that has four sides to it which are perfectly square like the New Jerusalem, whose foundations are four square. We also have the foundations of our Faith which we call the Four Gospels, and since the pyramid has three angles on four sides, it then has the number twelve in it which also represents the 12 tribes, the twelve patriarchs, and the twelve  apostles.


Now, before I get too deep into these thoughts, here I had better turn back to our subject. What I was showing is that we as man are earth bound. Dust to dust and ashes to ashes. And the earth was made for man and man for the earth. And like, man, the Great Pyramid was also made from the earth, and yet it shows us an everlasting covenant. We were not made to be heavenly beings, but earthly beings. And God used the Cloud to make an earthly contact with man and yet showing man that He is above the earth. God is not earthy, nor is He earthly. Yet there had to be a breach between the heavens and earth and so God used the Cloud to bring forth a covenant to man. A covenant of peace, and an everlasting covenant it is. Yet we find that Enoch left us with a clue as to the revelation that God had given Him. Because the Pyramid speaks of  an everlasting covenant that has come down to earth. Earthy. In other words, it speaks of immortality in the flesh. 


Now, I don’t know why I have written these things down but as brother Branham was speaking in paragraphs [105-106] that God could have spoken by Himself, and He could have chosen to write the Bible by Himself, but He chose prophets to do it.  Now, how many believe Enoch was a prophet of God. Well, the Catholic bible might have a book of Enoch, but I don’t believe it was the same Enoch who wrote that book, because the Enoch of the Bible left His book in the Great Pyramid. But their book of Enoch could have been written by the other Enoch in the Bible who was the son of Cain. And that would be more fitting, I suppose. Anyway, men who have studied the great pyramid have marveled at it’s design and how there are certain passages in it that speak of the Coming of the Lord. Even to the place where the Brides chamber has a hallway that leads upward and at a certain place goes straight up into the King’s chamber. 


Now, I don’t say that these men who have studied the great pyramid have it all right for after all, they have had this Bible to study for a long time and they still haven’t figured it out exactly right either. And with that, let’s begin to read again from this Great Message, “Christ is Revealed in His Own Word.


[107] Took His own fingers and wrote on the sand one day. He spoke; He preached; He prophesied with His own lips; God did when He was made flesh and dwelled among us: God manifested in flesh. If He can write, speak, can't He also tell others what to do? Certainly can. He can talk to them in a human voice. He can write and show them what to do. He has done it. So God in sundry times and divers manners spake to the fathers through the prophets. And He said on this writing, that not one jot or tittle shall ever pass away until It's fulfilled, and then It's manifested. Then It will pass, because It's manifested, and It can't pass then. But just the Word Itself is made flesh. "Jot" means "small word." "Tittle" means "small mark." Not even one punctuation, one expression, anything shall ever fail in the Word of God. It can't fail, because It's God, God manifested in the form of a human flesh. For it's God Himself in letter form, prophet form, manifested in flesh. Now, that's the reason Jesus could say, "The ones who spoke to you, you call them gods, who spoke to you by the Word of God," said; "and they were gods." Those prophets when they were anointed with the Spirit of God and brought exactly the Word of God, then they were gods. It was God's Word speaking through them.


[108] It can... They can only interpret as the Author would permit them to interpret. Now, if you want to find that, that's II Peter 1 and 20 and 21. All right. 'Cause this... Where God... There's no private interpreter; He does His own interpretation. God speaks and interprets It Himself, then reveals it to whomever He will, hides from all others. He don't have to reveal It to anybody, 'less He wants to. And He don't... He's expressed His whole thing in the Scripture; therefore, the whole thing is already made known; He's just setting there watching it happen. No. Just seeing the Body be made and come back to the form of His Bride again. All right.


[109] Believers believe It, like Abraham that called things contrary to It as though it was not.

  It also, this Word discerns the secrets of the hearts: Hebrews 4:12. It discerns the secrets of the heart.


[111] Prophets did not always understand what they were writing or what they were saying, or they would in no wise have said it, if they could've understood it. See? But the Bible said they were moved by the Holy Ghost: moved. When the Holy Ghost moves you, you move. God in sundry times and divers manners spake to the prophets that were moved by the Holy Ghost. That's why all ages, the people who were spiritual consulted the prophets about the times and what was to happen. The prophet-writer must be in constant fellowship with the Author. See? He must live constantly in the Presence of the Author to know what the Book's going to be. See? The prophet-writer, he had the pen and ready anytime, constant fellowship with the Author, which was God, to strike down whatever He said put down. See? Showed what kind of a life He must... A separated life from all of his brethren...


Now, let’s just stop here for a moment and look now, at this last thought here before we move further ahead.  You get around Pentecostal people, and many times they long for God to use them like He used the prophets. But are they willing to suffer a lonely walk like the prophets had to walk? I don’t think so. They see the mighty man of God walk in front of kings with Thus Saith the Lord, and then stomp out again and they think that that is some kind of a glamorous thing to do. But how many of those prophets went forward thinking they were going to walk out alive?  God never told them in many cases the end from the beginning, and they had to learn on their own the hard lessons of life and living each day as it comes, one day at a time. Brother Branham said, they lived A separated life from all of his brethren...


Think about that. A separated life from all of his brethren... How many of us here this evening are willing to live a separated life from our brethren. Now, he did not say they lived a separated life from their enemies. That would be an easy thing to do, and it would be even a pleasant thought to do. But to live a life that has been separated from your own brethren. Think about it.


Let’s go back now and look at this for just a moment as we search the scriptures for evidence of this thought here.


I would like to ask first of all the question, “Who is the Father of our Faith?” Of  course the answer is Abraham. Now let’s look for a moment to see what God required from Abraham, so that we might know what God has called us to do.


[Gen 12: 1-4] Now, notice that God promised to bless Abraham so long as he separated Himself from his kin folk. Now for the next couple of years we see that there seemed to be more trials than blessings for Abraham. One of the trials was a famine which is one of the curses for not following the Word as God said in [Deut 28:18]. others were captivity, and lying and fear of an enemy, etc. which all happened when Abraham went to Egypt and not to where God was leading Him. Now we know that Egypt was a type of the world according to brother Branham.  Finally it got to the point that there arose problems between Abraham’s people and Lot’s people. Notice how God finally had to intervene on Abraham’s behalf in order for Abraham to finally obey the Word of the Lord which told Him to separate from family and kin. When we get to the end of  [Chapter 13] we begin to understand why God waited before blessing Abraham. It seems that the problems that Abraham had were because he had not totally separated himself away from what God had told him to do, and the problems he had came as a result of His trying to keep those family bonds together.


[Gen 13: 14-18]


Now, let’s look at other Prophets of God who had to separate from their brethren before God would bless Him.  What about Isaac? He was mocked by Ishmael when he was at the stage in his life where we was being weaned from milk to strong meat. Isn’t that the same that we have seen in this hour? When the elect of God began to take hold of this Message of God’s presence, we too have been mocked and ridiculed by those who call themselves the brethren.  [Gen 21: 5-12]...


Now, what about Jacob? He too was a prophet of God who did not receive his blessings until He departed from his kin. When he got away from his kinfolk he met Rachel and then God begin to deal with him.


And what of Joseph? God had to allow his brothers to get so angry that they themselves separated Joseph from their presence, and they sold him into bondage. Once Joseph  was alone with God and separated from His brethren, then did God begin to work mightily in Joseph’s life, and bring to pass the things that He ordained.   [Gen 45: 1-8]


And what of Moses? When he got around his brethren he tried to deliver them his own way, and God had to make him flee for his life. Once separated from his brethren, then God begin to deal with him until he was finally child trained and ready for the job that God had for him to do.


Now, in each of these cases, we find that the separation from the brethren was only a beginning. Once the person, the prophet of God, was away from his brethren, then God could deal with them for the specific purpose that God had purposed. But once they were trained, in some instances, God allowed the brethren to come back into their lives again. 


Even the Apostle Paul had to separate himself from the brethren for the space of about three years and he went to the desert where he could get alone with God. Once He knew what God had for him to do he came back around to his brethren, but they rejected Him, and once again he was forced to live about 14 years away from them working with the Gentiles. Finally he returned to Jerusalem and was welcomed by some of the brethren. But what I see here is that God had a work for Paul to do that was separate from what He had for Peter and the rest of the Apostles to do. And therefore, God will, many times bring about circumstances that may seem to put you at odds with the brethren, but that is for a purpose. God has His way of using these circumstances to bring Glory to Himself. God used them here to spread the Gospel.


And what about Jesus, raised in Galilee of Nazareth? He had to leave there as well. And it seems that so often man, being just what they are, seem to be affected by the brethren in a way which does not fit into God’s provided plan. Therefore, God has to bring about a separation between brethren, in order to bring into manifestation His divine purpose.  We should always keep this in mind, when we see these separations taking place and we just can not seem to understand the why’s and where for’s.


Finally, let’s look at [Genesis 1: 1-11] to understand why separation is important before God can bring forth the promise. Notice that when God’s word goes forth it causes separation. But notice that the separation has to do with separating unlike things. And this separation of unlike things has to take place before life can come forth into manifestation. Why? Because every seed brings forth after it’s kind. And without separating first we would have a hybrid life coming forth. Therefore God separates His Prophets who are the Word manifested away from the brethren to guarantee a manifested Word that is free from the thoughts of the brethren, or the thoughts of man.


Remember, we have a promise that “all things shall work together for the Good of those who are the Called according to His Purpose”. Therefore, when we see the brethren separating themselves over very little and sometimes trivial issues, we need to back up a moment and become aware that God is about to do something. Remember, when brother Branham tried to find a scripture in his new Bible that Meda had given him? Remember how he said, he couldn’t find the scripture, and an old priest came up and said, “don’t worry son, Go is about to do something.”  Well, I think that that would be good advise for every one of us as we see the separation of brethren away from the Body of Christ. God is about to do something. “Be still and Know!”


[Psalm 46:10-11]


[Ex 14:33]


[2 Chronicles 20:1-30]


Let’s sing that song as we bow our heads in worshipful song and prayer.