Christ Revealed in His Own Word #99

“God’s Education”

Sunday, May 4, 1998 

Brian Kocourek, Pastor Grace Fellowship



Now, as you know we began studying Christ Revealed in His Own Word, since March 17, 1996, which is over a year ago now, and we have examined this message for 99 gatherings so far, and it seems to be getting richer with each time we get together.  Now, before we go any further in this message, I would like to ask the question just to make sure you are following and your understanding is correct.  If Christ is Revealed in His Own Word, And Christ is the Mystery of God Revealed, Then are we dealing with the words of Jesus? The Words of God? Or the Word of God which is Christ? Now, before you answer this let’s pick up where we left off on Wednesday night.


Now, Wednesday night we read from [114] where brother Branham said,  There's many tried to impersonate them prophets, like priests or so forth. And what do they do? Just messed up; that's all. They couldn't do it, 'cause God had selected the man for the age, and selected the message, and even the nature of the man and what would go over in that age--what He could put over, how He could... With the nature of that certain man, He could blind the eyes of others. The words that that man would say, the way he acted, would blind others and open other's eyes. See? He dressed the man in the type of dress that he was, the nature, the ambition, and everything, just the way he had to be, just perfectly selected for that certain people that He'd call for that certain age. While others would stand, and look at him, and say, "Well I can't... There's... I can't..." See, they were blinded.


[115]  Jesus came the same way, dressed. Immortal God dressed in human flesh, and because He was born in a manger in a stable full of manure, not a place to lay His head, born, thinkingly with a illegitimate name tacked to Him... See? All these things that He was, and how He come up a carpenter's Son, how He had no schooling, more or less in the world, the wisdom of this world, He didn't have nothing to do with it. None of this world's civilization, education, or anything, He had not one thing to do with it, why, He's God. It would clash. If He tried to go to a seminary somewhere and learn something that these world's churches was doing, what in the... Why, it wouldn't even--why, it wouldn't even--wouldn't correspond at all with His understanding, for He was God. So education, schooling, seminaries, and things is absolutely contrary to the will of God. The whole educational system is contrary to God. Everything teaches away from God all the time. When I hear a man say that he's Doctor, Ph.D., L.L.Q, that just makes him that much farther from God to me. See? He's just educated hisself that much farther from what he really was called to do. That's right.


There is quite a lot of things to look at in these two paragraphs that we just read. Let’s first begin by examining paragraph [114] and the first part of [115] where the focus is on the fashioning of the prophet by the very hand of God.  Brother Branham, by saying,  that God selects the man and the age, He selects the Message and even the way that the Messenger will say it, and how he will say it, and He selects the Messengers nature, and the way that he acts, and even the way he dresses, and it is God that gives him his ambition, and everything about him. And we find brother Branham telling us that God does all of this for a dual purpose, and that is to catch the attention of a certain ordained group of people and to blind the eyes of every one else.


Then what we are looking at here is predestination in it’s highest form, because the age is set, the message for that age is set, the messenger for that age is set and even the people to receive that message are set, which means they are put in place, in order for the time and season to brake forth. Therefore, anything outside of this plan will not, and can not, accept the plan of God, for they are not ordained to receive it. Therefore what happens outside of this setting, or this plan of God, is not important to us, and is only significant as it may pertain to the over all plan of God for the age. Now think about that. Nothing that is going on in this world, with all the politics that is happening, and all the setting up of a new world order, and all the power struggles that are going on, and all the immoral living which is swallowing up the world, these things don’t have one thing to do with you and I.


Now, this morning I want to look at a short thought from paragraph [115] Where Brother Branham is talking about the education system and in reference to Jesus, He said, He had no schooling, more or less in the world, the wisdom of this world, He didn't have nothing to do with it. None of this world's civilization, education, or anything, He had not one thing to do with it, why, He's God. It would clash.


If He tried to go to a seminary somewhere and learn something that these world's churches was doing, what in the... Why, it wouldn't even--why, it wouldn't even--wouldn't correspond at all with His understanding, for He was God. So education, schooling, seminaries, and things is absolutely contrary to the will of God. The whole educational system is contrary to God. Everything teaches away from God all the time.


Now, let’s stop here for a moment this morning and look at what Brother Branham is telling us.  He is saying that because Jesus only knew what the Father told Him, then if he would have been educated in a seminary, of the churches theology, he would have not done well at all, because it would be so foreign to what He knew was right. After all, what they teach doesn’t correspond to what His understanding was.  Now, let’s see this in the scriptures for ourselves.


[John 7: 14-29]


[John 5:19 - 32] 


[John 8:38 - 47]


[Matthew 23: 32-33] Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers. Now, why would Jesus say, “fill ye up the measure of your fathers? Notice how he calls them a generation of serpents. That word generation is the word for begotten from or the offspring or progeny of. In other words Serpent Seed is what He called them.


And in [Mark 4:24] & [Luke 8:18] we’ll find our answer.   Jesus said that their measuring stick was what they had heard from their fathers in [St. John 8], that’s why he said “fill ye up the measure of you fathers.”  And so, who then was their father? Satan of Course, that’s why he called them a lineage or seed of the Serpent.


Remember, we are told in [Proverbs 22:6] “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” That is why you see so many people when they get older, going back to their roots and if they were Catholic, they return to the Catholic Church even stronger in their Catholic belief than when they were younger. Train them up in righteousness and when they get older, they will not depart from it.


Then how could Jesus, who never bypassed His theophany, who had the very mind of the Father, how could He ever be able to sit through the schooling and educational instruction that they pumped down the children’s throats in that day.  I know when I went to college, that much of the garbage they taught us was false, and just some liberal persons idea’s, but if you did not take the courses that were required, you would not receive your diploma. Therefore, I told them on their tests what they wanted to hear, but in person and in class where we had open discussions, I protested much of the theories that they were pushing.  Now, today you can’t get away with that. even a few years later the liberals had become so ingrained in the educational system that when my younger sister used a speech that I had gotten an “A” in at the college level, and she used it in the 10th grade level, she failed because it was an anti abortion speech which was very good and virtually impossible to refute the facts. But because her teacher was a feminist and worshipped the female goddess called “women’s rights” and believed in children sacrifices to her goddess, therefore what was at the collegiate level considered outstanding, was given a failing grade at  level 4-5 grades lower.


There’s your educational system today. Pushing every kind of filth and moral perversion upon your children. You would be better off to have your children learn at home reading nothing but their Bibles, than to allow them to be filled with all that immoral filth that the schools are feeding them. Anyway, Jesus was trained at home and away from the mass of people because He could not have gotten along within their system.  John the Baptist at the age of nine years old left for the wilderness because he had received the Holy Ghost before he was even born and knew that he could not go the way his father had gone which would have meant that he would have had to go to the seminary and be taught in the way of the priests.


[Galatians 4:1-2] But what kind of tutors are they being trained up under? That is the question.


[Galatians 4: 6-9] Now the question we must ask is what are these tutors? who is the tutor that God has placed you under until you reach  adulthood? well, in order to understand what this tutor is that is spoken of in Galatians by Paul, we must look at the word he is using here in describing this tutor. It is the word, epitropos and it actually means one to whose care or honor anything has been instructed and entrusted such as a steward. In fact we find Jesus Himself using the same word in  [Matthew 20:8]


And that is exactly what we are looking at with our own seed. What kind of a steward are we?


[Deuteronomy 6:1-25]


37  Influence of Another   62-1013

  You know what I think? Everybody has their own opinion. But one of the greatest, and to my opinion, the greatest president that we ever had in this nation was Abraham Lincoln. Now, not because he was a Republican, but because he was what he was, a godly man. And he was raised, and he--to serve God. And he said, "If there's anything that I want to give praise to," he said, "or my life was influenced by, was a godly mother who taught me to pray and to know Jesus as my Saviour."  Oh, your family's what you are. You raise your child in a certain environment; it's got a ninety-eight per cent better chance to go right than it has to if you bring it up in the wrong way. "Bring up a child in the way that it should go, and when it's old it'll not depart from it." Be brought up right, teach your children to do right, to be honest, to be square and fair even when they're in school.


  90  Falling Apart of the World  62-1216

  They want something; they want something how they could live anyway they want to. They... That's what the church world's a-looking for, somebody that--that they can go to the biggest church in the city where all the celebrity of the city belongs. They can have the highest spire on the building. They can have the best organ. They can have the--the pews. They can have a minister that won't say a word to them about the way they live: if they want to dance, they want to put on some kind of show, they want to wear shorts, they want to bob their hair, or they want to do these things; they can smoke cigarettes or just practice social drinking. That's practices in the churches: just modern drinking, just teach your children to drink, but not too much, not to be excessive with it; smoke, but not--not to the excessive. Wear anything you want to, but just--just try to keep yourself as decent as you know how or can. See? Oh, that hypocrisy, that anointed devil, that thing called denomination, that thing called religion, it's of the devil. Back to Christ and His Word. Save yourself from this untoward generation. Repent, every one of you, before it's too late to repent. And it could be that at anytime.


  49-1  Marriage and Divorce   65-0221M

  It wasn't so from the beginning. That is right. It wasn't so, and it will not be at the end. But under modern conditions, as God's servant (I won't call myself His prophet.), but I believe that if I wouldn't be sent for that, I'm laying a ground for him when he does come. So under the modern conditions, I command you to go to your home with your wife now. If you are happy with her, live with her, raise your children in the admonition of God; but God be merciful to you if you ever do that again. You teach your children to never do a thing like that. Bring them up in the admonition of God. And now that you are as you are, let us go now to late evening hour that we're living in and press towards the mark of the high calling in Christ where all things will be possible.

  Until I see you tonight, the Lord God bless you, while we pray.


  7-4  Discerning the Body of the Lord  Chatauqua Oh   59-0812

  Sometimes I wonder if we intellectual Americans has enough discernment to discern right from wrong. Especially the juvenile courts prove that we haven't got it to discern right and wrong for our children, and they seem to have a good psychologist's answer, for instance like this: If Junior comes up to his papa, and stomps his little feet, and screams out, and shakes his head, said, "Dad, I don't care what you say, I want a hot-rod." (That's typical America.)   And the father says, "All right, Junior, I'll buy it for you." You could say to that dad, "Why did you do it?"   "Oh, I love him."  You remember, dad; Junior is going to grow up to be a man someday, and he will marry and have a family. God help that wife that lives with a boy that's been brought up like that to have his way about everything he wants: can't discern right from wrong. That's not love; that's pure ignorance. The Bible's right. Spare the rod and you spoil your son.


  E-52  Handwriting on the Wall 56-0902

  Look at the modern American home. You know where? Pop, where's he at? He's down to the barroom having a social drink with the neighbor. Where's mom at? Well, she's down at the stitch and sew party, playing cards. Where's junior at? In his hot rod, out racing on the streets, dragging with everybody with a girl wrapped in one arm and a cigarette in the other. Where's sis at? She's down at the canteen doing the rock-and-roll, out all night with a bunch of soldiers and everything she run with.  That's a modern American home. Brother, the handwriting's on the wall. That's right. Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting.