God’s Only Provided Place of Worship # 6

Wednesday evening November 23, 1994

Sunday School?



 15 GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.WORSHIP - SHP.LA - V-7 N-4 - 65-1128.1M

  Now, I haven't got too much time for this Sunday school lesson, and I'm hoarse.  Say, Brother Pearry Green done a noble thing. He heard me say, last night, "I missed my little piece of hair to keep me..." He called out there and tried to get somebody fly it in for me. I said, "You're too late, I'm already hoarse." I tried for years to find some accomplishment, but when I got that, it cured it. But I forgot it this time, so I'm a little bit hoarse. So you bear with me, if you will, in speaking.


 17 GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.WORSHIP - SHP.LA - V-7 N-4 - 65-1128.1M

  Now, how many likes Sunday school? Oh, my, that's right. It's a good thing to send your children to. No, let me correct that, a good thing to bring your children to. That's right, to bring your children; you come also. How many knows how our Sunday school was first originated? Where was it originated? England. What was it called first? Ragged school. That's right, called "Ragged school." As I forget the man's name now that established it. What was his name? [Someone says, "Robert Raikes"--Ed.] That's right, exactly right. And he got the little fellows off the street (was ragged, and wouldn't have no place to go, and very bad), and he brought them in and started giving them lessons on the Bible. And it's growed to one of the greatest orders of the church, nearly, today, Sunday school. It's good to go. Be sure to come, bring your children. I think the tabernacle here has teachers, equipped rooms, ages, and so forth. And you new converts that's just coming to Christ, follow right on along the Message; and here at the Life Tabernacle, and they'll do you good.


I am not so sure that brother Branham is giving his full hearted approval of Sunday School here. At least not in the way in which Sunday school is being conducted by most churches. Let me read to you some of his thoughts on this subject. Because you will see by what he says that he is not at all for Sunday school in the way that most conduct it. And toward the end of these comments you will see how it should be conducted if it is conducted at all. 


37 REDEMPTION.BY.POWER -- LVL.KY -- V-25 N-7 -- 54-0329

  Then at the last plague that struck the earth there, or struck Egypt, was death. All you Bible readers here, know your Sunday school lessons and so forth, has taken this, perhaps, many times. But, death was the last enemy that struck Egypt. And the last enemy that's going to strike the church now is death, spiritually speaking. Those who will not follow Christ, in--in baptism of the Holy Spirit, will spiritually dry up and die; the churches, you can see it now. After many, many great revivals and evangelists has passed through the land, and, yet the church is, that is, politically-church speaking, is getting worse all the time. Its members are just living any way they want to, doing anything they want to, yet, calling themself  Christians, and say they're all right.  To be a Christian, means to be "Christ-like." Go no place you wouldn't want to be if Christ would come. Say nothing you wouldn't want to be saying when Christ comes. Doing nothing that you wouldn't want to be doing when Christ comes. Think nothing you wouldn't want to be thinking when Christ comes. Keep your one motive, your heart centered on Calvary. Amen. "Walk in the Light, as He is in the Light, and we have fellowship one with another, and the Blood of Jesus Christ, God's Son, cleanses us from all unrighteousness." That's Methodists, Baptists, and all of us, together, makes us all one in Him.



  Here the other day, me and my buddy back there was going squirrel hunting, and we got out... And I've used guns all my life. And we put up a great barricade of steel and everything else and shot a couple of bullets in there to see if our sights was in up there in a yard. And they called the police. And they come up there and said it was dangerous to live in the neighborhood.  I said, "I ought to call the police then and tell them, 'It's dangerous to have them naked women laying out there in that yard, the people driving up and down the street.'" They know better than that. Nature itself will tell you better than that. But it's got to a day, they ignore every law of God. They make up their own man-made fences and serve that way. Brother, we've got nothing in the world but another Babylon. Just exactly. We've got a modern way of Babylon.  And a great, drunken party, lay out. And church, not only just the sinners, but church members do that on Sunday afternoon, riding away, drinking. Little old girls out on the street with a coat on like this so cold, nearly freezing to death with no clothes beneath...



  There's only one thing and only one place in the Bible that has ever acted that made a person take off their clothes and they were devil-possessed. That's right. It's the truth, and it's no compliment on that--compromising. It's the truth. It's the devil that gets into those people that makes them strip their clothes off. It's the devil. You don't mean to be wrong, but woman, it's the devil doing that.  It used to be wrong for holiness women to wear paint on their face. And now, they just gob it in on any way and sing and shout and praise the Lord like there was nothing to it.

  Oh, brother, do you realize that that's the devil that's a doing that? Purpose in your heart that you'll live. If it's old-fashion, live old-fashion and serve the Lord God of the heavens and earth. Purpose in your heart.



  Notice, how they'd got away. It used to be wrong for man to drink. Why, that's popular now. Everywhere you go. In the rooms... I was in a Sunday school convention not long ago. In the room, the hotel room where we was staying, the awfullest drunken bunch I ever got into in my life. And they were riding up and down on the elevators in a Sunday school convention. And little boys and girls going in the same room together and staying all night. And their archbishop setting there permitting it. Brother, they're willfully ignorant. God's Word said separate yourself from such chaos and muck. In our American nation, it's higher rate in the...?... than all the rest of the world put together. No now, we're--we're getting ripe for judgment.  You can preach the Bible, and the power of the Holy Ghost, and the resurrection of Christ, and the signs and wonders will follow the believer, speak the gifts coming back into the church, the restoration of all things; and preachers will even laugh at you and say you've lost your mind. Brother, I've purposed in my heart, regardless of where on earth has got to stand, if I have to be excommunicated, I'd preach the whole Bible or none of it at all...?... Certainly. Purpose in your heart to do that which is right, think that which is holy.



  I had a little cross hanging down in front of my car, coming down Sellersburg, the other day. There's was a man got in the car. He said, "Billy, I want to ask you a question." He said, "Did you know that's Catholic?" I said, "What?" Said, "The cross."  I said, "Oh, no. When did the Catholics ever have the option on the cross?"Amen. I said, "That's an emblem of Christian faith." I said, "Catholicism is worshipping dead people, such as Mary and--and Saint Cecelia, and all those other little, ten thousand little saints they got. That's Catholicism. But Protestantism, is the cross and the Christ Who rose from the dead and is alive tonight forevermore, and the only Mediator between God and man." Amen. I said, "I will tell you why I hang it there." I said, "It's because I might move some of these days. They tell me that the mayor of Miami is making a proclamation that every woman that comes on the street has to be covered from her neck to her knees." I said, "I will move to Miami, regardless of how I hate it." Yes.  I said, "The reason, every which way you look, east or west or right or left, it's always some kind of vulgarity. It's before you always. And when I look at that cross, I can see something better, and I think of the ransomed price that God Almighty out of heaven Who saved my soul. And I think that on that cross, the emblem of suffering and shame. It was on that old cross that Jesus bled and died to save and sanctify me from the things of the world. And He's always before my face." That's right.



  Now, in the day that we're living and the things that... Notice, in all that chaos, they went and got the holy vessels of the Lord, and came out and drinking wine in them, and made mockery, and made fun of the holy things of God. That's just what they're doing today. That's just what they've done for fifty years. That's just what they've done since Azusa street. That's exactly what they're doing here.  They make fun of it, and they say, "There's nothing to it. They say, "The Divine gift of healing, the Divine gift to speak with tongues, the Divine gift to interpretate, the Divine gift of foreknowledge, the prophecy, all of that is soothsaying. There's nothing to it. It's all of the devil." And not realizing when they speak that word, they seal themselves from God forever.  Jesus said, "Whosoever shall speak a word against Me shall be forgiven. But when the Holy Ghost is come and does this same work, to speak a word against that will never be forgiven in this world or the world to come." And she's weighed in the balance and found worthy. And the handwriting's on the wall tonight. Right.



  Brother, we're sure to sink. I don't mean the church, I mean the nation. It's just as sure to sink as it's a nation. It's got to sink, because the whole thing has become stink in God's face. And the so-called religionists has become worse than the communists, 'cause they do know to do better and won't do it.  Just think of the day, just think. The backbone of this nation is those good, old mothers and dads out yonder, and at their prayer meeting on their knees praying. It's the people who serve God that's the backbone of any nation. And yet, they're made fun of, made fun of, called everything there is, there is under sun to call them that. And they make fun. Remember, after while the handwriting come on the wall, "MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN," Which means, "thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting."



  Brother, if I had a congregation like that I'd sure tear them to pieces, brother, it sure would be. Yes, sir. Oh, they wasn't going to stay and listen to that Holy-roller preacher. And then claim to be Pentecost. When I got up there, and the Sunday school teacher come out, she said, "Good morning, Rev. Branham." And all the--that red stuff on the face and this black pencil over their eyes and all the--and dress so sexy like.  And they say, "Well, now wait a minute. Brother Branham, that's the only kind of clothes you can buy." They still sell goods and sewing machines.  So they're not of any excuse for you. That's right. If you're led by the Holy Spirit, straighten up. They don't want the Holy Spirit to judge them. They don't want... There's no excuses.  God won't listen to your excuses. He wouldn't listen to Saul's and He won't listen to you. You've got to compare with what the Bible said.



  And listen. As David duPlessis once said, God has no grandchildren. That's right. We getting too many grandchildren in Pentecost. That's right. God doesn't have a grandchild. No where in the Bible says God has a grandchild. God has sons and daughters, but not grandchildren. Now, what it is, now the first Methodist revival, they were sons and daughters of God. Then their... They, the old-timers, brought in their children then just put them in the Methodist church. That's exactly what the Pentecostals done.  I went to one of the great Pentecostal churches not long ago, frankly, about three months ago and was invited down. And they knowed how I preach holiness. And every one of their women, pretty near, in the building wearing manicure and their men with flat top haircuts and down... And as soon Sunday school was over, each one walking out of the building and get away from there. They knowed they'd had a skinning coming, so they just didn't stay. That's all. They wouldn't stay and take it. That didn't help none, because they're going to have to need at the day of judgment. You might as well face it right now and get it over with when there's mercy. But there, that's where Pentecost...



  What is it? The old-timers that used pray all night long, the old-timers that had real, real genuine salvation. They come into Pentecost. They got the Holy Ghost. They brought their children and put them on the cradle roll down there. And the first thing you know, we've got grandchildren in Pentecost. But God don't have grandchildren. They're all, every one, borned in His Kingdom sons and daughters of God (Amen.), sons and daughters. Not grandchildren, God don't have any. They're all sons and daughters.  That's why today, the Message blinds the people so much is because they're not used to seeing the supernatural. We need the power of God. We need back to real Pentecost. As Billy Graham said recently, you can't ignore the Pentecostal church, because it's the fastest growing church in the world today.


33-4 SIRS.WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS - JEFF.IN - V-3 N-23 - 61-1224

  Large Sunday schools. Sure! Each church trying to outdo another one in Sunday school. And Sunday school is not even spoke of in the Bible. That's a Methodist dogma. It was first called "ragged school." Everybody now goes to Sunday school that can't stay for church, because they took something besides what God said. That's right.


E-6 PRESUMING -- CLEVELAND.TN -- 62-0408   Well, usually Sunday school lasts four or five hours at home, so... We can't do that because we just got about forty-five, fifty minutes here that we'd like to speak just a little this morning on the Word.


 E-81 IT.IS.I.BE.NOT.AFRAID -- PORT.ALBERNI.BC -- 62-0726   I believe Him. Do you believe Him? Now, each one that raised your hand... Now, I believe in making altar calls. Certainly I do. But the real... that isn't apostolic. The Bible said, "As many as believed was baptized." See? Prayer meetings has been sure. We started making altar calls, coming up and praying, in the days of the Methodist, early church in England, when they organized Sunday school, and so forth. But that's--that's fine. I believe in Christians coming around the altar praying, sinners and what more. But right now, see, there's not any room--instruments and everything here.  But I believe that you meant that. And if you didn't mean it, it wouldn't help you anyhow. See? But if you did mean it, you have passed from death unto Life. That's exactly what He said. That's right, if you meant it. There's thirty, forty hands.


 52 PROVING.HIS.WORD -- JEFF.IN -- V-9 N-6 -- 64-0816   Now, but for the stranger that might be within our gates, this, we put our Sunday School in one great class. And that's this class here, because the rooms are all packed out with the people and we can't have regular separate classes, and we study a little on the Word, have fellowship together. We don't... We are not any denomination. We have no denomination. We are just free in the Lord, and we not mean a bunch of fanaticism. We just teach the Bible, and That alone. And the Lord is so good to us, till He backs it up and shows that that is true. And It gives us great consolation.