God’s Only Provided Place of Worship # 10

Sunday Morning December 11, 1994

Without Faith


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  I believe the church is beginning to hear the Message, and beginning to understand. But  friends, listen, we've got to lay in the Presence of the Son, we've got to be ripened. Our--our faith isn't ripe. Intellectually we're hearing the Message that God has give us, and seeing the signs that He showed us, and proving it by the Bible as that; but, oh, how the church needs to lay in His Presence till it tenders up in the heart, gets sweet in the Spirit so that it can bathe down. Sometimes in speaking the Message, you get harsh, have to break it in like that, because you've got to clinch a nail to make it hold. But when the Church once gets It, the Elected is called out and separated (then in the Presence of God), I know it'll be something like the people was there when it takes its Rapture.


Now this morning we want to continue in this Message  of Brother Branham’s and we want to further examine this thought here that he is telling us that our faith isn’t ripe. Now as we brought out last Sunday, the word ripe means to be fully mature. So if our faith isn’t ripe, it hasn’t grown up to the place where it is useful to us. He isn’t telling us that we don’t have faith, but that our faith isn’t ripe. It isn’t complete. It isn’t to a place where it will produce  what it is supposed to produce. And this is the key here as we examine this thought here. Our faith isn’t ripe. We have faith, but because it isn’t ripe we do not use it for what it is meant to be used for. Because our faith is not mature and complete in us we are not making use of it as we ought. Now with this in mind, let’s go to the scriptures this morning for our lesson on Faith.


Now in approaching this great subject of Faith I want to point out one thing. It is our knowledge that gives us power... Oh, people say money gives you power, but If you had a million dollars and I know how to get it from you, then you’d soon be out of your million. So then what good would your million dollars do you.  If I know just one little bit more than you do about a subject , then in a debate I will have the power because all I have to do is to say that one thing that you know nothing about and you’ve lost your power. And so this is what we are talking about this morning. If we know so little about faith, then how can it be of any use to us. So knowledge is power.


Hebrews 11: 1   Assurance

“Faith is the Assurance of things hoped for the conviction of things not seen. “


Hebrews 11: 6   Without Faith it is impossible to please God.

Our greatest desires as Christians is to please God. We all want to have the testimony that Enoch had, that He pleased God. If you are born again the scriptures tell us that we want to please God, you don’t want to please the flesh. But here we see God’s own word tell us that to please Him we must have faith, For without Faith we can not please Him. So Faith is of the utmost importance for us if we are to please Him.


Now the problem is that we have looked at this so wrong. When we see this scripture, instead of it bringing hope to us it has brought only condemnation. But if we looked at it correctly it would bring  great consolation. God is a rewarder it tells us. And  therefore the end of faith is reward. So then we see that God is pleased with a people in whom He can reward. In whom He can be constantly doing things for.


If He isn’t fighting your fights and healing you and caring for you, then He is not pleased with you.


Now most people do not understand this. They are of the opinion that they do not want to bother God. He has His own problems they say. Now tell me when ever God had a problem. Nothing is too big or too little for God. To say I don’t want to bother God with my problems is ridiculous. It is not a bother for Him. It is His nature and His desire to help us. He wants to solve our problems. It’s His very nature to want to provide and protect us. The scripture sets forth that God wants to take care of His Children.


Now this may sound strange but it is true. Most people think that to please God we must somehow do something that is pleasing so that we can somehow win His favor or somehow be looked upon in a more favorable way. And so we strive to do things that are heroic or that are very painful to us in order to win God’s favor and be pleasing to Him. But I tell you this morning that you can not be pleasing to Him without faith.