God’s Only Provided Place of Worship # 103

Brian Kocourek,  December 20, 1995

End Time Error no 4


From pp. 264 from God’s Only Provided Place of Worship  Brother Branham said,  "No leaven among you, that brings the entire fullness of the Godhead bodily among you."  We could also say that the fullness of God in the midst of His people (which brings vindication),brings the people to a place where there is no leaven.  So we can see from this statement that we are living in the hour when there shall be no leaven. Why? Because we have "Thus saith the Lord" concerning Doctrine and Godhead. Yet this is not to say that there will not be any leaven anywhere, but what He is telling us here,  is where God's fullness shall precede and prevail, and be preeminent, the people will "have no thought coming" and among those people, who shall receive "Thus Saith the Lord", there will be no leaven, which means they will not have their own doctrines and ideas of their own or in other words, they will be in possession of a complete and fully restored Word, because the Book has been opened and the Lord Himself has descended with a Message and since He has said it all, we then have no thought coming, because God has revealed to us Himself by His Word. In other words, those who really believe The Message that God has descended with, will in no way try to add to it or take from it, but will only say what He said, and that should be good enough!


Now, I know that this doesn't sit too good among those who want to be somebody, but friends, that is the Truth whether we want to admit it or not.  I could go on some more about these doctrines that are floating about, because I'm really not finished with them, and I'm not finished yet in exposing their error. But we shall take up the Sword against these heresies some time in the future, as we must move ahead with this Message from God's Only Provided Place of Worship".   So let's pick up where we left off at paragraph


[264 GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.WORSHIP]   No leaven among you, that brings the entire fullness of the godhead bodily among you. Couldn't do it in Luther's age, couldn't do it in Wesley's age, couldn't do it in the Pentecostal age; but in the day when the Son of man will be manifested, revealed, brought back the Church together with the entire Deity of God amongst His people, showing the same visible signs, manifesting Himself like He did at the beginning when He was manifested on earth in a form of a Prophet-God. Ooh! Glory! Promised by Malachi 4, promised by the rest of the Scriptures. Where you worship at? The house of God, seated (in present tense).


Now, what is the name of this sermon that we are examining? God's Only Provided Place of Worship, Right?  Then I want you to notice how he keeps coming back to God's Presence that is manifested and revealed through a prophet or as he refers back to the Alpha in a Prophet-God or God Prophet. That's the Only place where God will choose to be worshipped! You can't come on your own, you can't come by what religion your mother had, you've got to come to where God has chosen to Reveal and Place His name in, and that is in His Word for the hour in which you live. And remember, [Amos 3: 7] Surely, the Lord God will do nothing, but what He reveals through His servants the Prophets!"  There's your Place of Worship. There's the only Place that God has Provided for us to come to Worship Him. Jesus said Himself, "They that Worship God, must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth."  And since Jesus said, I am the way the Truth and the Life," and Truth is what God reveals, Therefore the Revelation of Jesus Christ is the Revealed Truth. And it must come through God's Prophet.  Any Truth outside of what He has revealed through His prophet is not only an irrelevant truth, but is not fit for the worship of God.


[ Deuteronomy 29:29] "The secret things belong to the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do the words of this law."  Now if the things revealed belong to us and to our children and nothing will be revealed outside of a Prophet to Whom the Lord our God send to us, then where is the place of worship for our families to be at? It can be no where outside this present day truth, the Message of the hour. Look, brothers and sisters, we have no hope then outside of this end-time Revelation of Jesus Christ which God brought to us through His Servant, William Branham. And to think there is something else for us to know is absolutely ludicrous and insane. That is why I can not sit idly by when men are constantly trying to replace what God has revealed to us through His Prophet wit ideas and conceptions of their own minds. It is blasphemous to think that we will receive anything from God outside His ordained way of revealing it. And so here we must stay.


This is where the brethren of the first church age made their big mistake. They left their first Love  for God and His word. Now, I don't say they left His Word as though they departed it altogether, but what they did was to open themselves up to others who also claimed to know the Truth, and in listening to these others who preached another Jesus, they brought with it another Gospel. Not a different Gospel, but they used the same Gospel in a perverted sense of the word. They presented a twisted Gospel and thus the people received another spirit which was a twisted spirit. I have preached sermon after sermon to you on this very same subject because we war not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. These men don't think what they are preaching is false no more than you and I believe what we teach is in error. But when you can go back to the Alpha and see the error that was presented in that day, it is easy for you and I to see that the same things are being presented in our day.  And where they all missed the boat is that they quickly had forsaken the Words of Jesus, and Paul and Peter and Jude and John et al, who warned them day and night without ceasing that grievous wolves would enter in amongst them not sparing the flock. And thus we have seen the emergence of this picture played out before us. Grievous wolves did enter in amongst the early church despite the warnings to beware, and Brother Branham warned us in this hour, but despite the warnings, the same thing has occurred once again.


Let me tell you how they do this. Jesus told us in [Matthew 7]  that there would be wolves in sheep's clothing. Now what would a wolf be doing dressed up like a sheep except his motive is to get close to the sheep without being recognized. So these men know that they are not the same as the sheep but they have an inner desire to be lords over the sheep and so they come on into the fold where the sheep are at and dress and act like and even make sounds like a sheep, In other words, they use the same words: (Token, Prophet, etc.). Paul called them false brethren who have come in privily to spy out our heritage. Peter called them false teachers and said they would bring into the Truth from the outside damnable heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and He warned us that they would come in and sit with us as and eat from the same table of the Lord.  Jude warns us that they will come in and partake with us around the Word of God which he called our Love feasts. And of Course John doesn't mince words, he just says they are of  the Devil and he tells us to have nothing to do with them. He also tells us to try every man's  spirit to see if he is in The Faith. And since there is only One Faith then it should not be too difficult. And then John said "If they do not abide in The Faith, but persist in transgressing it, which means to go beyond the limits of True Doctrine, then we are not to have anything to do with them. Not even to say Godspeed for we are not to accompany them nor give aid to them.


In fact Irenaeus tells a story he had heard from Polycarp about John's utter loathing and contempt for these false brethren. He says, "There are also those who heard from Polycarp  that John, the disciple of the Lord, going to bathe at Ephesus, and perceiving Cerinthus within, rushed out of the bath-house without bathing, exclaiming, "Let us fly, lest even the bath-house fall down, because Cerinthus, the enemy of the truth, is within." And Polycarp himself replied to Marcion, who met him on one occasion, and said, "Dost thou know me?" And Polycarp replied, "I do know thee, the first-born of Satan." Such was the horror which the apostles and their disciples had against holding even verbal communication with any corrupters of the truth; as Paul also says, "A man that is an heretic, after the first and second admonition, reject; knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself."(3) There is also a very powerful(4) Epistle of Polycarp written to the Philippians, from which those who choose to do so, and are anxious about their salvation, can learn the character of his faith, and the preaching of the truth.


In the Book of Revelations we even find that in the first church age the Church was praised for being those who  "tried them which said they were apostles and found them to be liars". And of course Jesus said, by their fruits you shall know them and Brother Branham told us that the fruit is the teaching of the season. And if the teaching of the season is "To declare Him that He is Here!" then, when we hear anything that does not declare Him and His Presence, then we are to reject it as false and as an impostor. Sp when they come declaring a Bride, that She is here, they are totally off the Message.


In fact Jesus Himself said, "If I bear witness of myself My witness would not be True, but there is another that bears witness of Me. And so if the Bride bears witness of herself then her witness is not true either and therefore is not True Bride. These are the Bride boys who preach all about the bride and make their prey to feel so good about themselves because after all, by what these men tell them, they are in fact God. Yes, indeed, they teach the people that the fullness of the Godhead is indeed in them. Then if this is the case, who needs Jesus? And so blasphemous is their doctrine that they even take the words of God's prophet and twist them and where possible they only use parts of  sentences or thoughts and try to piece together enough bits and pieces so that their scheme may be hidden in the obscurity of what they preach. They have made a female counter part of our Sovereign Lord and Father and have given her female sexuality and attributed to her all the attributes of our beloved Father which they deem to fit her role. Then they attribute this feminine quality to the Holy Spirit and divide it from the Father. Then of course they believe that this feminine Spirit entered into Jesus and afterwards  into the Church. And this is what they call the fullness of the Godhead. It is not a hard thing for me to speak out against such. What would be asking a lot from me, and something which you would be asking the impossible of me, and that is to keep still on this matter. For I can not.  The Revelation of Jesus Christ is under attack and I can not stand idly by and see the sacrilege and desolation of His Holy Name. Therefore I speak out.


Now, had these men been outsiders in costume, I could have let it go. They are outsiders, but through their dress and mannerisms and speech they claim to be one of us, but they are not. Had they presented themselves as unbelievers and without the cloak of sheep's clothing, I would not feel as compelled to disclose them for they would be already disclosed. But because they proceed to hide behind the mask of this Message in the guise of being shepherds of the sheep, I can not but cry out in warning against them.


As I have said many times, Brother Branham taught us that [ John 14: 12] is identified with his ministry. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.  And so we have seen and are witnesses of the greater works in this hour. Now if these men claim this scripture to be the Bride as they place it, then where are the greater works. It's one thing for a man to say something and then back it up but when some one makes a claim as great as this without any evidence, it's just all fluff and no feathers.


After the seals were presented, brother Branham told us that there could only be One that this scripture is talking about, and since he claimed this under Divine vindication, I think we had better leave it that way. It is enough that we have [Mark 16] for ourselves, which says, "These signs shall follow them that believe, they shall lay their hands on the sick and the sick shall be healed."  Now if you understand the language, The words, they and them are plural and speak of more than just one. But this [John 14: 12] does not say it in plural, but in singular. And while we are looking at this in the singular, let's look at


[Revelation 3: 20] Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my Voice, and open the door, I will come in to Him, and will sup with Him, and he with me.  Now Jesus did not say "every man" who hears him, that He will come into that man. But He said, if any man, ( singular) hears My Voice and opens up to Me, That is the One I will come into. And Brother Branham said himself, "I wasn't the One that Appeared down on the river, I was only standing there when He appeared."  And what happened when the Lord appeared down on that river? A Voice spoke out and said, "As John the Baptist foreran My first coming, so will your Message forerun My second Coming." We see then that Brother Branham was the One to Whom the Word of the Lord came. We know that it is the Word of the Lord who was knocking on the door trying to gain entrance and who was it that opened the door? It was God's Prophet who was ordained to open the door. For years your denominational thinking has placed this scripture as for "who so ever will", let him come. But it is not so. And neither is [John 14: 12] for every one in the way which you might think, but it is for you in the same way that Jesus said [ John 6: 29] "This is the work of God, that ye  believe on Him Whom He hath sent."


Brother Branham said in  [SUPER.SIGN] pg. 171 63-1129  "It's on your hands, tonight, throwed right back in your lap! Hebrews 13:8, regardless of how many Council of Churches we have, still remains as "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever." "The works that I do!" (John 14: 12)  If His Life is in you, it'll manifest Jesus Christ. Amen.  Now you all can't be that one, but you can be a part of that, with your faith.  All of them couldn't be a Jesus, when they was on earth, but they could believe Him and accept the message. There was one Moses, one Elijah, one Noah, on down, always been that, but the rest of them could accept it. And they would a--had no ministry unless there had been somebody believe it. Jesus would a--had no ministry unless somebody believed it. Paul would a--had no ministry unless somebody believed it."


So what  we have then is mere men who desire to be what they are not and who attempt to use the Scripture, The Words of God's Prophet, or what ever other means they can utilize,  in order to exalt themselves and thus over come the sheep of the fold.  So we see their false doctrines began way back in the Alpha and were uncovered by Irenaeus when he said,  " Such, then, is the account which they all give of their Fullness, and of the formation(12) of the universe, striving, as they do, to adapt the good words of revelation to their own wicked inventions. And it is not only from the writings of the evangelists and the apostles that they endeavor to derive proofs for their opinions by means of perverse interpretations and deceitful expositions: they deal in the same way with the law and the prophets, which contain many parables and allegories that can frequently be drawn into various senses, according to the kind of exegesis to which they are subjected. And others  of them, with great craftiness, adapted such parts of Scripture to their own figments, lead away captive from the truth those who do not retain a steadfast faith in one God, the Father Almighty, and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  And committing many other abominations and impieties, they run us down (who from the fear of God guard against sinning even in thought or word) as utterly contemptible and ignorant persons, while they highly exalt themselves, and claim to be perfect, and the elect seed. For they declare that we simply receive grace for use, wherefore also it will again be taken away from us; but that they themselves have grace as their own special possession, which has descended from above by means of an unspeakable and indescribable conjunction; and on this account more will be given them.,.... but that to them who are called "the spiritual and perfect" such a course of conduct is not at all necessary. For it is not conduct of any kind which leads into the Fullness, but the seed sent forth thence in a feeble, immature state, and here brought to perfection."


And then,  in CHAPTER. VII .which is entitled, --The Mother Achamoth ( Sophia) , When all her seed are perfected, shall pass into the Fullness, accompanied by those men who are spiritual.  We see the title alone tells you what is being preached today is  the same falsehood that was taught by Simon Magnus and his followers in the first church age. Irenaeus goes on to say,  #1. When all the seed shall have come to perfection, they state that then their mother Achamoth ( Sophia)  shall pass from the intermediate place, and enter in within the Fullness, and shall receive as her spouse the Saviour, who sprang from all the Attributes that make up the fullness, that thus a conjunction may be formed between the Saviour and Sophia, that is, Achamoth. These, then, are the bridegroom and bride, while the nuptial chamber is the full extent of the Fullness. The spiritual seed, again, being divested of their animal souls, and becoming intelligent spirits, shall in an irresistible and invisible manner enter in within the Fullness, and be bestowed as brides.... but nothing of an animal nature shall find admittance to the Fullness. When these things have taken place as described, then shall that fire which lies hidden in the world blaze forth and burn; and while destroying all matter, shall also be extinguished along with it, and have no further existence."


Now, I rest My case. Is this what is being taught today or is it not. If it is not, then Alpha has not become Omega and we are warning you about nothing. But if it is then we have come full circle. And as we also showed you last week, these doctrines are not just something that is peculiar to the Message people, this is being preached all over the world  and as Peter said, is being brought from the outside and mixed with The Truth thus bringing the Truth into Disrepute. New Age Doctrine right amongst the Message Believers today.