God’s Only Provided Place of Worship # 23

Brian Kocourek, February 1, 1995

Your Actions Prove Your Thoughts


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  So, you see, as long as there's something in the human heart a-calling for something, there's got to be something out there to respond, to satisfy that call.


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  A woman... An autopsy was held here sometime ago on a woman that died. And the reason, they--they claim, that killed her, she eat onions just constantly, all the time. If she wasn't eating onions, her head would be itching, and everything; they couldn't make it out. So holding the autopsy, they found a growth in the woman of some kind of cells; they had a--a name for it. And they could take that growth and put it in a bowl of onions, and it dissolved the onions overnight. See? What was it? It was something in the woman a-calling for onion, and if there had been no onions there'd a-been no growth.


She had a hunger in her to satisfy a life that was in her. The hunger came from the life form in her.


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  In other words, there has to be a Creator first, before there could be a creation. See?


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  Now, if in the human heart there is a longing, like Methodist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, all these others, trying to find that one true way, and they're told by their priests and pastors, and so forth, that "This is the true way." They say, the priest says, "There's no salvation outside the Catholic church."


If there wasn't  something in the peoples hearts calling out for Methodist or Baptist or whatever, then there wouldn't be a Methodist Church or a Baptist Church or whatever.


Hosea 4: 9

2 Tim 4: 3

2 Cor 10: 5


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  Well, each church takes his... their own ideas. Some of them won't admit it, but they do it by their action. Your action speaks louder than your words. It's just a... In otherwise, they're just more of a hypocrite than the Catholic is. The Catholic confesses it right out, "I believe that this is the only thing," but they won't do that. They hide it, but their actions prove what they're thinking. See?    Why?  Rev 18: 12 - 23


That's why Hebrews 4: 12 had to come. 9 read)

2 Peter 2: 3



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  Now, there's got to be then one place, because there is a desire in the human heart to find It. And I think that the Word of God has the answer for everything that we have need of. So God has the answer, and let's search for it now in the Scriptures. And then if God will show us by the Scriptures the only place, the only grounds, (the only denomination, if it's so), the only way that God will meet a man, then we should hold to that 'cause we found the Truth of the Bible, what It says.


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  Now, the word Deuteronomy, the word itself means "two laws," the word Deuteronomy. And God has two laws. The two laws: one of them is disobedient to the Word, and die; and the other one is obedience to the Word, and live. That's the two laws, and Deuteronomy means those two laws. They have both been absolutely displayed to us in the Scripture. One of them is death, the other one is Life; Life and death. God deals only in Life, Satan only in death. And these was displayed to the world publicly, openly before every eye, and there's no excuse for it. One of them was displayed on Mount Sinai when the law was given, which condemned the whole human race to death; the other one was give on Mount Calvary, that brought the whole human race to Life, when the penalty was paid in Jesus Christ. The two laws of Deuteronomy was fulfilled in these two great things.


Deut 29: 19

Psalm 62:4

Deut 30: 15 - 20

James 3: 10

Deut 28: =>

Prov 11:19,  12:28, 13:14, 14:27, 18:21,

John 5: 24

Romans 5:21, 6: 23, 8: 2 - 6

Psalm 109:17

Luke 6: 45, 12: 34

2 Cor 2: 16

2 Tim 1: 10

John 3: 14 - 23


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  I want you to notice again, there was also two covenants give. One covenant was given to Adam, which was on conditions, like law: "If you will not touch this, then you will live; but if you touch this, you will die." That was a law. Then there was another law given to Abraham, which was by grace, unconditionally: "I have saved you and your seed," after him. Amen! That is a type of Calvary, not the type of--of--of Adam covenant, it's a Abrahamic covenant.


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  But now we hear Him say there is only one place where He will meet man to worship. You heard it right here in my text. We will refer to it, back, in a few minutes.


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  Then if there's only one place that God meets man, we had better be very careful. Now let's lay aside our traditions this morning, and... in this Sunday-school lesson, and be very sure that we find that one place. Because, God has said here, He will not receive you in any other place. Any other church, He won't receive you in. Only in His Church, the only place He will receive you.


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  Now, "What'd you say, Brother Branham? If I'm sincere?" No.


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  Remember, Jesus talked to some sincere people, the worshipers for His day, and He said, "In vain do you worship Me." True, genuine worship from the bottom of their hearts. "In vain do you worship Me, teaching for doctrine the commandments of man," or their denominational creed. Sincere, reverently, just as religious as they can be. And that wasn't new just with the Pharisees. Cain and Abel, the first two worshipers that was borned, natural birth here on earth, absolutely came in the same attitude.


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  Cain was just as religious as Abel was. They both built altars. They both loved God. They both made sacrifices. They both worshipped. They both paid tithe. They both done everything just alike. But Abel, by faith which is "the revelation" (the Word of God revealed, made plain, showed out, and vindicated.) Glory! Cain made an offering, but God didn't vindicate it. God required worship, and Cain made the offering; but God didn't vindicate it. But by the true channel...


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  You say, "Well, my church is It. My..."Wait just a minute. God interprets His Own Word by Its terms that He spoke in. See, Cain said, "I am religious. I am a lover of my Maker. I offer to Thee this fine altar. I offer to You this sacrifice. I built all these things up, Lord, because I love you." Abel said the same thing. Now it's the one that's vindicated, the one that's proven. And God come down and received Abel's sacrifice, because by revelation he had struck the true channel of God that was accepted.


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  Now watch that Cain spirit come right down through the Scripture, right on to this very last day. Fundamental? Just as fundamental as the other one was.


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  Look at the prophet Balaam and the prophet Moses. Both of them with seven altars, Jehovah's altars, blood on each one; and not only that, but rams on each one. In numerology, exactly the right number, seven, "perfect," seven rams. Just exactly alike, both altars. As fundamental as one was, the other one was also. But who did God vindicate? See? See? The one that was in His Word. Fundamental doesn't mean too much; it's the revelation of God.


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  Now think! These man, why was they called and was put in this condition (these Pharisees) by Jesus, said, "In vain you worship Me"? Worship Him: genuine worship, true worship from their hearts. "You... In vain you worship Me." Why? "Teaching for doctrine their tradition of man, therefore you make the commandments of God of no effect to the people."


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  If I brought you a Methodist message, it would take no effect on you, this is Bride time. If Moses taught the message of Noah, it would take no effect. If Jesus taught Moses' message, it would take no effect. Because the predestinated seed are laying there that will only be watered by that type of water that's give for that seed. See? It won't grow any other condition. It must be the condition that grows it.