God’s Only Provided Place of Worship # 39

Brian Kocourek, April 9, 1995

The Father and the Son


 128 GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.WORSHIP - SHP.LA - V-7 N-4 - 65-1128.1M

  I stood yonder Los Angeles at Forest Lawn, one day, and my heart jumped. How many's ever been to Forest Lawn? There is a  statue of Moses by Michelangelo. And it's a perfect statue, all but on the right knee.  There is a nick about a half inch deep. I was looking at it and the guide pointed it out to me. He said, "Michelangelo had spent a lifetime trying to make it... He was a sculptor, and he was trying to make the image of Moses. Back in his mind, he had in mind what Moses should look like. He had that in his heart, what Moses should look like. And then he spent his lifetime; chisel a little here, and rub it, stand back and look at it. Year after year after year, he worked on it. Finally when it was completed, and he stepped back and laid down his rag and his hammer, he looked at the statue. It was so perfect the image of Moses that he had in his heart, till he got so beside himself, he grabbed the hammer and struck it, hollered, `Speak!'" It's called Michelangelo's Masterpiece.  129  That great something in that sculptor, that vision that he had of what Moses ought to be with, was only portraying in type of the great Father God.  He had in His heart, before the foundation of the world, a Son, because He is a Father. But it was still in the genes of His Word. And He created a man, and He had to put him on free moral agency, but that man fell. But the great Sculptor, God, who made man from the dust of the earth, He didn't settle for that, He started making man again. And He made a Noah, he died drunk. He made a Moses that failed to keep His Word. He made prophets that run in the time of trouble. And He kept building and molding until after awhile He wanted a--a masterpiece to reflect Him, His nature, what was in His heart what a son should be.  PP. 130 One day, down Jordan, after that Masterpiece had been formed and made, there He come sending down  on the wings of a Dove, and said, "This is Him!" He was so enthused with this Masterpiece until He struck Him on Calvary, that He would die, for the rest of us was imperfect; that through the shedding of His Blood, He might bring many masterpieces (being a Bride) to His Son. Masterpiece is scarred because the enthusiasm of God to see such a Masterpiece, He struck Him for us all. See? There He died, to perfect we who are imperfect. The Masterpiece.


Now, just what is brother Branham trying to tell us here by this illustration.  Remember, Jesus used parables and his disciples asked Him why? He told them that He used parables because parables so that certain people who heard them would come to a better understanding, but that others who were not ordained to Eternal Life could not figure out what He was saying.


Matthew 13: 10 - 17 (read)


Now this morning we read brother Branham's illustration of Michelangelos Masterpiece and this is what he was driving at: He said, "Back in his mind, he had in mind what Moses should look like. 129  That great something in that sculptor, that vision that he had of what Moses ought to be with, was only portraying in type of the great Father God.  He had in His heart, before the foundation of the world, a Son, because He is a Father. But it was still in the genes of His Word."


So now we are looking at a type of God and how He brought forth the Life that was in Him into manifestation.  So, this morning we will look into this coming forth of the Life of God. The Becoming God, as brother Branham so often put it  What I would like to do is to take this step by step and show you the three main phases of God Becoming.  In the beginning He dwelt alone. But within Him was all wisdom and power. Before there was anymolecule or any atom, there was the Great Jehovah, Elohim. The self existing One. Now in our study this morning I will be laying out the three stages of God's becoming.


I.  The great Fountain of Life

II.  The Son coming forth from the Father (Logos)

III.  Show the Flesh coming forth from the Word


I.  The great Fountain of Life


Deuteronomy 6: 4 "Behold o Israel, the Lord thy God is One Lord."


Ephesians       4: 5 'There is One Lord, One Faith, And One Baptism"


Genesis 1: 1     In the Beginning God.  But the Word God means "Object of Worship" and there was no one to worship Him so He in order to fulfill Himself He began to come forth  or to become or to execute a plan to fulfill Himself.


John 4: 24 God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in Truth.


1 John 1: 1 - 3  W eare dealing with Life.       


1 Timothy 6: 16


II.  The Son  coming forth from the Father (Logos)


Psalm 2: 6 - 7  this day have I begotten thee


Show there are two of them:


Matthew 22: 41 - 46

2 John 3, 9

1 Peter 1: 3

Matthew 17: 1 - 8

Romans 1 - 9

Collosians 1: 3

Ephesians 1: 17


The son must bear the name of the Father:

John 5: 43

Philippians2: 9 - 11

Acts 9: 1- 5  He is the one who appeared to Paul

Revelations 3: 14 Through the son He created all things      

Collosians 1: 12- 19  God created all things through Him

Proverbs 30 :4 What is the creator's name and that of His Son?

Phillipians 2: 5 - 8 Preincarnate in God

Hebrews 1: 3         The exact representation or likeness of the Father

Hebrews 7: 1 - 3 a son has a beginning

Proverbs 8: 22 - 30 pre-existing

Job 38: 4 - 7    same with us...

John 1: 1 - 4   Life

John 13: 3 He came from God

John 17: 5 He knew what Glory He had shared with His Father


III.  Show the Flesh coming forth from the Word


John 1: 18   no man hath seen God, the son declares Him.        

1 John 3: 2  We can't receive our change without seeing Him.

1 Tomothy 3: 16 God manifest in the flesh

2 Corinthians 5: 18 - 19  God in Christ

Romans 8: 2 - 3 The law of life God sent forth His own son into flesh to die for flesh

John 3: 16

John 1: 14

Luke 3: 21 - 22  This is when the fulness of God entered into Him

John 10: 30 'I and My Father are One"


John 15: 23- 24 & 17: 21 - 24

John 8: 29  The Father Hast not left me alone, for I do only those things that please Him

Collosians 2: 9 The godhead dwelt in Him

Matthew 26: 36 - 46  This is when the Fulness of God left Him to die as a man.

John 13: 3 In His Theophany before He became flesh

1 John 3: 2 We must see Him to get our chage and be like Him

Hebrews 2: 11 - 12   Jesus  is not our Father, He is our brother

John 20: 17


The role of the Father and Son at the end time. 1 Corinthians 15: 20 - 28

1 Thessalonians 4: 16 Notice there are two here . The One who descends & the one we meet in air.


So who came down?  Revelations 10: 1 - 7 Not the lamb 

Revelations 5: 5 - 7


146 HE.SWORE.BY.HIMSELF -- 54-1212   When God condescend, overshadowed virgin Mary, He was a Life. And a Life overshadowed and created a blood cell around Itself.



  And we are redeemed through the Blood of Christ. And God Almighty is a Spirit. And He overshadowed the virgin Mary and created... God the Creator, created the Blood Cell in the womb of that woman, knowing no man by sexual desire. You believe it? And that Blood cell developed into the Man which was the Son of God. And through that unadulterated Blood of the Son of God, creative Blood by Jehovah, without sexual desire; through the shedding of that Blood on Calvary's cross redeems us from sin and sickness. Hallelujah.


E-19 EXPECTATION -- SHAWANO.WI -- 55-1001 Almighty God overshadowed Mary and created the Blood cell that brought forth the Son, Christ Jesus. And God tabernacled Himself, Jehovah, in that body, in His Son. The Father dwelt in the Son, being the tabernacle.


E-22 WHAT.IT.TAKES.TO.OVERCOME.ALL.UNBELIEF -- 60-0729   When the Son of God... God once lived in a Pillar of Fire, led the children of Israel, then He came down and lived in a Man, His own Son, a created body.


E-114 PARADOX -- TAMPA.FL -- 64-0418.1M  So, God created a blood cell which was his own son, Jesus Christ. And God came in and lived in there, and lived... identified Himself in Christ. That was God Emmanuel. Jesus said, "I and my Father are one. My Father dwells in Me," see, God in Christ reconciling the world. Jesus was the body, the tabernacle, God was the Spirit that lived in Him.


137-4 SMYRNAEAN.CHURCH.AGE -- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK.CPT.4  God came down in a blood cell, not through a man, but by the Holy Ghost, and in that virgin womb a tabernacle for the purpose of death was built. The Seed of the woman came in order that He be bruised to bring us our salvation. When the Holy Ghost came upon Mary, He created within her womb the cell that would multiply and become the body of our Lord. That cell was created. It was the Beginning of the Creation of God. That is Who Jesus is. And that Holy One was filled with Holy blood, even the blood of God. That tabernacle came to birth. He grew to be a man.


 He went to Jordan and there that Sacrifice was washed of John in the river called Jordan. When that Acceptable Sacrifice rose out of the water, God came and in-dwelt Him, filling Him with the Spirit without measure. And when He died and shed His blood, the perfect life of God was liberated to come back upon the sinner who would accept the Christ as his Saviour.


E-22 LIFE -- JEFF.IN -- 57-0602   Let's close our eyes to our imaginations for a few moments and go way back into the... before there was anything. The great fountain of all Eternity was that spirit of love, joy, that spirit of honesty, that spirit of trueness in this perfection.  And then out of the existence of the Father went the Logos which was the Son, which was the theophany, which was the body of the great Jehovah God went forth in a celestial Body. That's the Logos. The Word spoke out of them great Fountains of Life and went forth. And there was the theophany, which was God made into Word.


E-18 ATTITUDE.AND.WHO.IS.GOD? -- CLEVELAND.OH -- 50-0815  I can see this little Light go out. Now, we got two now. The Father, and out of the Father came the Light, the Son. And I can see that Light moving over here and pulled the earth over near the sun to dry it off.


129 HEBREWS.CHAPTER.1 -- JEFF.IN -- HEB 1-32 -- 57-0821   Now, here's what happened. Oh! (excuse me), I--I--I just get on this... This just gets me right where I love it. See? The Logos, and this Great Fountain; this Great Fountain of Spirit which had no beginning or no end. This Great Spirit began to form in the creation, and the Logos that went out from It was the Son of God. It was the only visible form that the Spirit had. And It was a theophany, which means a body, and the body was like a man.


282 PARADOX -- BAKF.CA -- V-22 N-5 -- 64-0206.1M   And this little Boy, twelve-year-old Child, no wisdom at all, why, but just a twelve-year-old Boy. The Father didn't dwell in Him at that time; because He come on the day when He baptized Him, "He saw the Spirit of God coming down, see, and went in Him."


43 Q.A.ON.GENESIS -- JEFF.IN -- COD 11-58 -- 53-0729  He got all those things together, made...?... Made all the other things, all the animal life, the birds, the bees, the monkeys, and whatever it was, put all of it here on earth. And then He asked this question now. "Let us" (Who? Father and Son) "make man in Our Own image."


E-12 BLIND.BARTIMAEUS -- COLUMBIA.SC -- 56-0414  Now, Jesus--that I might speak to you this way, when He was on earth, He did not claim to be a Healer, He claimed He only did as the Father showed Him to do. Is that right? How many ever read that in the Bible? You know, Saint John 5:19. That Jesus Christ Himself, never healed anybody, no. He said, "I do nothing till the Father shows Me first what to do." He saw a vision of what to do, and then He did what the Father told Him. He said that, and His Words, of course, is true, isn't it? Saint John 5:19, when He said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise."  Now, He had to tell the truth, because He was infallible; He was the Son of God. And God Himself, was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. The Body, the Man was Jesus, the Son of God; but the Spirit in Him, was Jehovah Itself, tabernacled here in human flesh, in order to take away sin.


131 HEBREWS.CPT.4 -- JEFF.IN -- HEB 121-164 -- 57-0901.2E  Jesus was a house that God lived in, the Bible said that--that, I Timothy 3:16, "Without controversy" (that's argument) "great is the mystery of godliness. For God was manifested in the flesh, seen of angels, received on... preached, believed on, and received up into Glory." God was! The Bible said, "His Name shall be called Emmanuel," which is by interpretation, "God with us." The Bible said that, "Jesus, in Him dwelt the fullness of the Godhead bodily."


55 HEBREWS.CPT.5.&.6.PT.1 - JEFF.IN - HEB 165-201 - 57-0908.1M  What did we find Him to be? We found Him to be the Great Jehovah God made manifest in flesh. We found Him to--to be not a prophet, but the fullness of the Godhead bodily. He was Jehovah made flesh. And the body, Jesus, only tabernacled Him. God dwelling in man! God being reconciled to man, through man, by the virgin birth of His own Son. And Jehovah, the Spirit, dwelt in Him.


197 QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS - JEFF.IN - COD 361-406 - 59-0628.2E  Now somebody Brother Branham is a "oneness." No, sir, I am not a oneness. I do not believe that Jesus could be His own father. I believe that Jesus had a Father, and that was God. But God dwelled and tabernacled in this body called Jesus, and He was Immanuel, God with us. And there's no other God besides this God. He is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. And the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost... Father: the Lord, Son: Jesus, Holy Ghost: Logos, Spirit of God. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Lord Jesus Christ; that's Him. And in Him dwelled the fullness of the Godhead bodily.



...the Spirit of God that's among us, is the same God that met Moses in the wilderness, was in Jesus Christ on earth, because the life of It proves It's the same Spirit. It's doing the same thing. It's a promise of Christ. Oh, how... There's just no place to stop.


85 MANIFESTED.SONS.OF.GOD -- JEFF.IN -- AD.2 -- 60-0518 If Jesus could take another person and make Him go and die to redeem this person here, He would be an unjust being. There's only one way that God could ever do it, would be take the place Himself! And God became flesh that He might taste the pains of death, to take the sting and death away from us, that we might be redeemed by His Own. That's why He will be so worshipped. Jesus was a man, sure He was. He was a man, m-a-n, borned of the virgin Mary. But the Spirit that was in Him was God without measure, in Him dwelled the fulness of the Godhead bodily. He was Jehovah-Jireh, He was Jehovah-Rapha, He was Jehovah-Manasses, He was Jehovah; our Shield, our Buckler, our Healer; He was Alpha, Omega, the Beginning and the End; He was the First, the Last; He Was, Which Is, and Shall Come; the Root and Offspring of David, the Morning Star, why, He was All-in-all. In Him dwelt the fulness of the Godhead bodily!


E-57 SHOW.US.THE.FATHER.AND.IT.WILL.SATISFY -- YAKIMA.WA -- 60-0731   Notice. The Son of God, the Spirit of God, is in the man. So God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. God is a Spirit. He had no hands till He become Jesus. He had no feet, arms, legs, and so forth, till He become Jesus. He manifested... No man has seen the Father at any time, but the only Begotten has declared Him. He, God, dwelt in the body of Christ. It ought to be striking. It ought to make men wonder. He could've come down from heaven, right down the corridors of heaven, with a full Angel salute, if He wanted to. He could've been borned a full matured man. He could come down with all the pomp and glory of heaven, but He didn't choose that. He come to a stable, borned over a--a manure pile. And little Jehovah crying in a manger, little Jehovah playing as a boy, little Jehovah toiling as a man, He--He crossed His cast with us. God become human.   When Jesus Christ was borned, God was human in--on earth, manifesting God, what He was. He toiled and labored, and felt for the teen-ager. He--He went through every temptation that we go through. God did it, that He might do His own judgment justice. He--His judgment is got to be justice. If there's no justice, what good does it do to have judgment? And if there's no judgment without penalty, then it's not judgment yet. So he took the penalty of His own judgment, and died as a sinner, to condemn the sin of the world, that we, through His justice, might have reconciliation back to the throne of God in fellowship, like we did in the garden of Eden. If that's not the Gospel, I don't know it. That's exactly right. The precious Son of God. Sure God was in His Son.


E-76 THE.WAY.BACK -- SHREVEPORT.LA -- 62-1123  You are God. You was always God. You'll always be God. Your Words cannot fail. When You stood here incarnate on earth in Your own Son, a tabernacle that You built to dwell in, how that blinds people. Well, doesn't a carpenter build himself a house to live in? Did not God, the great builder, build Himself a house to live in?


 7 SHALOM -- SIERRA.VISTA.AZ -- V-13 N-5 -- 64-0112  Jesus. "No Man has seen God at any time, but the only begotten of the Father has declared Him." See? In other words, God was identified. The--the Person of God was identified in the Body, the Lord Jesus Christ, so He was the expressed image of God. Or, God expressing Himself through an image, see, through an image, Man. God expressed Himself to us, and He was God. Not a third person or second person; He was the Person, God. He was God Himself, identifying Himself, so we could feel Him.


 101 THE.UNVEILING.OF.GOD -- JEFF.IN -- V-9 N-1 -- 64-0614.1M  He's veiled in a man, as He always was veiled. But He was veiled unto them, He was in His human temple. God was in a human temple. Be real careful, now He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. See, God veiled, hiding Himself from the world, veiled in human being. See?


236 PROVING.HIS.WORD -- JEFF.IN -- V-9 N-6 -- 64-0816  Now, remember, that was not Jesus talking to Abraham there, that could discern the thoughts in Sarah's mind behind him. That was not Jesus, He had not yet been born. But it was a man in human flesh, that Abraham called "Elohim, the great Almighty."


 237 QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS -- JEFF.IN -- COD 993-1060 - 64-0823.2E  On top of Mount Zion will set the Lamb. And the City will need no light, for the Lamb is the Light thereof. And above the Lamb will be the Father, which is the Logos, God, the great Light, the Eternal Light that'll shine just above the Throne. And Jesus will not be on His Father's Throne, He will be on His Throne. And the Father will hover over the Son, which the Father and Son will be One. "And while they are yet speaking, I will answer. Before they can think, I'm thinking for them." That's right.


 98 WHY.IT.HAD.TO.BE.SHEPHERDS -- TUCS.AZ - V-6 N-15 -- 64-1221   He had started a new creation. What was it? A creation of Himself. God was made flesh and dwelt among us. That's... The Bible said, "In the beginning of the creation of God." God was created in human form; in Jesus Christ, His Son, God dwelt. He built His tabernacle of flesh and bones, and lived in that tabernacle; God, Emmanuel, "God with us." He built Himself a house, to live in it, so He could reflect His Word to His subjects through that. You know what God is, when you see Christ.


332-3 LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE -- CHURCH.AGE.BOOK.CPT.9 Here is Jehovah of the Old Testament, "the God of the Amen". Here is Jesus of the New Testament, "the God of the Amen". Hear, Oh Israel, the Lord thy God is ONE God. There it is again, the Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New. "Hear, Oh, Israel the Lord thy God is ONE God." The New Testament does not reveal ANOTHER God, it is a further revelation of the ONE AND SAME GOD. Christ did not come down to make Himself  known. He did not come to reveal the Son. He came to reveal and make known the Father. HE NEVER TALKED ABOUT TWO GODS; HE TALKED ABOUT ONE GOD. And now in this last age, we have come back to the capstone revelation, the most important revelation of Godhead in the whole Bible, that is, JESUS IS GOD, HE AND THE FATHER ARE ONE: THERE IS ONE GOD, AND HIS NAME IS THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.


E-82 TESTIMONY -- W.P.BEACH.FL -- 53-1129.2E   Come, sir. You believing with all your heart? Be reverent. God's Eternal power and godhead is moving through this building. I don't know what you're going to think about it, but God knows all things.


217 Q.A.IMAGE.OF.THE.BEAST - JEFF.IN - COD 149-207 - 54-0515   Now look, let's get the baptisms here. The first time baptism was ever mentioned in the New Testament, was John the Baptist. Is that right? (I will place this up here.) You see, you have to get your Godhead straightened out before you can get baptism straightened out. That's John the Baptist, first baptism.


20 LAW.OR.GRACE --54-1006   And then, God wrote three Bibles. God does everything in threes. He wrote three Bibles. He had three comings of Christ. There is three dispensations of grace. There is three persons in the Godhead... three manifestations of the one Person in the Godhead, rather. And all those things. See?  Now, like Jesus came the first time, He has been here once hasn't He? He come to redeem His Bride. He comes the second time to receive His Bride, catch her up, meeting in the air. And comes the third time with His Bride as King and Queen.   See? So then, then, there is three also, the three in the manifestations of God. God manifested Hisself once in the Fatherhood as He led the children of Israel. The next time God manifested Hisself was in the Sonship, the Lord Jesus Christ. The third time God manifested Hisself is with us now, the Holy Spirit. See, three manifestations. Everything in the threes.


E-37 FUNDAMENTAL.FOUNDATION.FOR.FAITH -- 55-0113  When He was here on earth, we... I say this maybe out of repetition. I don't mean it to be that way, but I've said it before. But, let's look at His life just a few moments and see what type of person He was. Then we can have an idea on what He should be today.   Now, when He was here on earth, He was a perfect example of everything of the godhead. He was the fullness of the godhead bodily. In Christ was God. The body of Jesus was only the tabernacle of God. It's where Almighty God Himself lived and dwelt in a human being. You believe that, don't you? You have to to be saved. You have to believe that.


E-25 THE.WATERS.OF.SEPARATION -- 55-0606  Many people said Christ died on a dogwood cross. Wish we had time to go into it. Oh, and the hyssop, where they'd always sprinkle the blood, was a live root, they pulled up, a sagebrush, pulled up root and all. And was put with it. All of it speaking of the offices of God. Cedar, scarlet, and hyssop; just like Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the offices of the Godhead. How that the same God lived in the Fatherhood, in the Sonship, and in the Holy Spirit dispensation. All the same Father, same God. And how that each one of those woods represented the same thing, the same God.


64 HEBREWS.CPT.5.&.6.PT.1 - - 57-0908.1M   God didn't have three people up there and He sent one of them, His Son, It was God, Himself, come in the form of a Son, a Son has a beginning, and the Son had a beginning. That's some of you dear Catholic people, I got your book, Facts Of Our Faith, said, "The Eternal sonship of God." How you going to express that word? How you going to make it have sense? How can it be Eternal? That's not the Bible, that's your book. Eternal sonship, they don't... that word's not right, for anything that's a son had a beginning, and Eternal has no beginning. So it isn't Eternal sonship. Christ become flesh and dwelt among us. He had a beginning. Wasn't no Eternal sonship, it's the Eternal Godhead, not sonship. Now He came to redeem us, and He did redeem us.


526.HEBREWS.CPT.6.PT.3. --57-0915.1M  The Great Jehovah came down and was made tangible by living in the body of His Own Son, declaring and reconciling the world to Himself. God was nothing... Christ was nothing short of God, and--and God was nothing short of Christ. The two together made the Godhead bodily, made a little lower than Angels so that He could suffer. Angels cannot suffer. Jesus was the Tabernacle that God dwelt in.


E-23 LIFE -- BANGOR.ME -- 58-0519    Now, what are you getting at, Brother Branham? Here's what it is: When Jesus was on earth, He was God manifested in the flesh. We have the Spirit by portions. He had it without any certain portion. All the fullness of the Godhead bodily dwelt in Him. He was not just only a Man, He was God.


E-66 AS.I.THOUGHT.ON.MY.WAY -- CHATAUQUA.OH -- 59-0814   Now, Jesus, one time in His ministry... Now, He had the fullness of the Godhead bodily dwelt in Him. How many knows that, the Spirit without measure? We have the Spirit by measure.


146 PALMERWORM.LOCUST.CATERPILLAR - V-14 N-1 - 59-0823  The right hand of God, where the Bible said, "I looked up and seen Jesus standing at the right hand of God," Philip, or Stephen when he was stoned. Don't mean that God has got a right hand, and Jesus is standing up on top of His right hand. It means that He's in the right hand of Power and authority. "All powers in Heavens and earth is given unto Me," said Jesus. He was in authority. God was in Christ. He's in, in Him. The Bible said, "In Him dwells the fulness of the Godhead bodily." When you try to make three individual Gods, you're just pagan as pagan can be.


184 REV.OF.JESUS.CHRIST ROJC 9-67 -- 60-1204.1M  "God was in Christ." The body was Jesus. Jesus, in Him dwelt the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Can't make Him three people, now.


36-7 IS.THIS.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR - 62-1230.2E   The Book that is written within is then completed when this angel ceases. Now please understand this! When the Seventh Angel's message is completed: the godhead mystery, the serpent's seed mystery, all the other mysteries of all these things, eternal sonship, as they talk about. How can He be an eternal son, when eternity never began or never ends? And a son is something that is begotten of. How can it make sense?


 74-1 THE.BREACH 63-0317.2E   Now, but it is a Book, a mysterious Book. It's a Book of Redemption. (We will get into that in a little while.) And now, we know that this Book of Redemption will not be thoroughly understood--it's probed at through six church ages, but at the end, when the Seventh Angel begins to sound his mystery, he winds up all of the loose ends that these fellows probed at, and the mysteries comes down from God as the Word of God and reveals the entire revelation of God. Then the Godhead and everything else is settled. All the mysteries: serpent's seed and whatever more is to be revealed.


 23-5 THE.INDICTMENT -- 63-0707   Now, compare that with the Calvary today. When God (it so pleased the Father, God, the Spirit, to raise up His own Son) overshadowed the--Mary by the Holy Spirit and brought forth a body that could serve Him and serve His purpose to... He--He... The--God was in Christ, the fulness of the Godhead bodily, in Him reflecting what God was to the people, letting the--letting the whole world know what God wanted each individual to be: a son and daughter. He took one Man and did it. And because that He didn't join with their organizational ranks, they condemned Him and crucified Him.


332-3 LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE -- CPT.9 Here is Jehovah of the Old Testament, "the God of the Amen". Here is Jesus of the New Testament, "the God of the Amen". Hear, Oh Israel, the Lord thy God is ONE God. There it is again, the Jehovah of the Old Testament is the Jesus of the New. "Hear, Oh, Israel the Lord thy God is ONE God." The New Testament does not reveal ANOTHER God, it is a further revelation of the ONE AND SAME GOD. Christ did not come down to make Himself known. He did not come to reveal the Son. He came to reveal and make known the Father. He never talked about two Gods; He talked about ONE God. And now in this last age, we have come back to the capstone revelation, the most important revelation of Godhead in the whole Bible, that is, JESUS IS GOD, HE AND THE FATHER ARE ONE: THERE IS ONE GOD, AND HIS NAME IS THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.


25 HEBREWS.CPT.7.PT.1 - 57-0915.2E    Now, the reason that there's a difference between God and Jesus: Jesus had a beginning, God had no beginning; Melchisedec had no beginning, and Jesus had a beginning. But Jesus was made liken unto Him. A priest abideth forever.


E-9 OBEY.THE.VOICE.OF.THE.ANGEL --  50-0713 Moses never performed one miracle. It was the Angel of God that went before Moses. It was a Pillar of Fire at night, and a cloud by day. And when you see the picture that we're going to show you, shortly, if we haven't. I believe you'll feel that it's the same Pillar of Fire. It's leading the people today, the Angel of God. Which we know the Angel that led Moses was the Angel of the covenant, which was Christ, the Son of God. And now... Or, the Logos that came out of God, was the Son of God.


E-15 ATTITUDE.AND.WHO.IS.GOD? --  50-0815  And we're taught in the beginning, that the Logos, or the Son of God went out of God.  Now, I do not believe in eternal sonship. That's even radical to even mention such a thing, eternal sonship. How... He had a eternal sonship...?... way, it's even eternal sonship, how could He be a Son? He had to have a beginning. See?


E-16 ATTITUDE.AND.WHO.IS.GOD? --50-0815  So He first was God, Jehovah. And out of Him... Let's just picture now as a little drama so you can get it. Let's see coming out of space where there's nothing, let's make it a little white Light, like a mystic Light, like a Halo. And that was the Logos that went out of God in the beginning. That was the Son of God that came out of the bosom of the Father.  ...   In the beginning was God. And then out of God came the Logos, a part of God that went out of God.


E-17 ATTITUDE.AND.WHO.IS.GOD? -- 50-0815  And in there... Now, see, this is just like a child playing before the door. It was the Son of God, the Logos. And I can see Him out there, and He spake, and said, "Let there be light." And there was nothing. But there was something happened, and an atom turned there, there begin to whirl around this a way. The sun begin to come into existence, because He said, "Let there be." There's the authority.


E-31 RESURRECTION.OF.LAZARUS --51-0729.1A    His Son. Son has to be borned of. So the Logos, which was the Son of God that went out of God, ... Now, let's just picture that as being a white halo coming out of that space. That was the Son of God, the Logos. And there It was in space moving around, like a little child playing before the door of its parent. And He drawed in His mind what should be.


38 CRUELTY.OF.SIN -- JEFF.IN -- V-25 N-4 -- 53-0403 And now we will watch coming into existence a little white Light. We will call it, like, a Halo. And that was the Son of God, the Logos that went out of God, in the beginning.


E-61 SHOW.US.THE.FATHER.IT'LL.SATISFY -- -- 53-0610  Back yonder, beginning... Let's take a little trip to see Who He was, and you can find out whether God was in His Son or not. Let's close our eyes as it was, and take a trip a hundred million years before there was ever a star in the sky, there was God. God was there then.  And now look in the beginning now. I see that great space yonder. And then the Logos went out of God, which was the--the Christ, the anointing that went out.


E-62 SHOW.US.THE.FATHER.IT'LL.SATISFY -- 53-0610 There was nothing. And then here come the Logos. That looked like a halo hanging yonder. No man has seen God at anytime now, eye to eye. And here's the Logos. Looks like It's a supernatural Being. It's a Halo. That's the Son of God. NOT ETERNAL SONSHIP, 'cause the words don't go good together. That's Catholic doctrine. But Eternal. How could it be a Sonship and be Eternal? If He's a Son, he'd had to have a beginning of time. Eternal's forever. See? So Eternal Sonship, there's no such a word to make that sensible.  But it was the Logos that went out of God. And there He was playing out there in space just like a child before the door. I can see Him draw the whole picture in His mind of the Kingdom and what it might be.


E-65 SHOW.US.THE.FATHER.IT'LL.SATISFY  53-0610  And when He made everything that looked nice and good to Him, now He said, "Let us," plural, "make man," plural, "in our own image." What was He? There is a supernatural Being. There's the One that could not be seen. God the Father never was seen, never will be seen. He's all nature. And there He is. And now here's the Son, which is the Logos that went out of Him, made in His image, a supernatural Being that went out in the beginning.


22 Q.A.ON.GENESIS -- COD 11-58 -- 53-0729  He was, in other words, Adam, the first man in the lower creations of God. The first creation was God Himself; then out of God came the Logos, which was the Son of God; then out of the Logos, which was the Word ("In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us."), out of the Logos came forth the--the man.


33 Q.A.ON.GENESIS COD 11-58 -- 53-0729  Now, back there, then, when this little halo comes. Now, we can't see nothing yet, but just by eyes of just supernatural we see a halo standing there. Now, that's the Son of God, the Logos, Now, I can see Him playing around like a little child, before the Father's door, with all Eternity. See? And, now, then in His imaginary make-up He begin to think of what things would be, and I can hear Him say, "Let there be light."


E-97 SHOW.US.THE.FATHER -- 53-0907.1A  God was in His Son, and now I've unfolded to you also, God is in His people. Do you believe that? Then when God that same God, that lived back yonder in the days when the... Moses seen the Pillar of Fire, was that right? How many believes that was the Angel of the Covenant, say, "Amen." [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.] Well the Angel of the Covenant was Jesus Christ.


  Moses esteemed the riches of Christ greater treasures than that of Egypt, and he forsook Egypt following Jesus Christ. He followed Christ through the wilderness which was the Logos. All right.


E-23 PREPARATION --53-1111 Setting way back in eternity, that was God. And then going out of God, or God unfolding Himself, come the Logos, which was the Son of God or the Word of God. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us. The Logos.  Now, watch, we're seeing God unfold Himself.


E-12 THE.RESURRECTION.OF.LAZARUS -- 53-1122 I wish I had time to get into it, I talk on it this afternoon, how that He unfolded, and then folds right back again. How that God unfolded Him before the beginning of time, how He--He unfolded Himself out of great something that you see nothing, brought it into the Logos, and then  into man. And then how, last night I was talking, how He unfolds Hisself down through man. Out of the Pillar of Fire, into the Son, out into man. How wonderful. Then how that man was brought from death, the penalty of death, how he come down. Now coming on his road back through justification, through the baptism of the Holy Spirit, then back into the... From this mortal back into the immortal like He was in the beginning, and then back in the flesh again. Just like God brought Him in the beginning, to eat, drink. Oh, wonderful, see.


E-31 GOD.KEEPS.HIS.WORD -57-0120.2E  "I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. I believe that in His body He was a man. He was borned of a woman, just like I was. But His Blood was not of a woman, It was of God. I believe in a body He was man. I believe in His soul He was God. He was God's manifestation here on earth. God was in Christ, reconciling Him... the world to Himself.


E-22 LIFE -- 57-0602  And then out of the existence of the Father went the Logos which was the Son, which was the theophany, which was the body of the great Jehovah God went forth in a celestial Body. That's the Logos. The Word spoke out of them great Fountains of Life and went forth. And there was the theophany, which was God made into Word.


E-12 THIRSTING.FOR.LIFE -- 57-0630  And I have the--the Catholic people here, the book called "Facts of Our Faith." And they use the word of eternal sonship of God. The word don't even make sense to me. The word e--eternal means "eternity" which had no begin or has no end. And son means "had a beginning." So how could it... It could be a eternal God-ship, but never an eternal sonship. A son is one that's begotten of. So it had a beginning.


129 HEBREWS.CHAPTER.1 -- JEFF.IN -- HEB 1-32 -- 57-0821

  Now, here's what happened. Oh! (excuse me), I--I--I just get on this... This just gets me right where I love it. See? The Logos, and this Great Fountain; this Great Fountain of Spirit which had no beginning or no end. This Great Spirit began to form in the creation, and the Logos that went out from It was the Son of God. It was the only visible form that the Spirit had. And It was a theophany, which means a body, and the body was like a man.


130 HEBREWS.CHAPTER.1 -- JEFF.IN -- HEB 1-32 -- 57-0821   Moses saw It when It passed through the... by--by the rock. And he looked at It, and said, "It looked like the hind part of a man." It's the same type of body that we receive when we die here, "If this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." That was It. And that was the Theophany which was the Son of God. That Son, that Logos, became flesh because we were put in flesh. And the Theophany, the Logos, became flesh here among us, and It was nothing else but the dwelling place, for that entire Fountain dwelt in Him. Oh, do you see it? There He is! That was the One that in...


132 HEBREWS.CPT.4 -- JEFF.IN -- HEB 121-164 -- 57-0901.2E   As we had it the other night, God in the beginning was Spirit. And then from God went out the Logos, or the Theophany which was a form of a man called the Son of God (prefigured). He came in earth, in a body of flesh, even before He came in Jesus Christ. Now swallow that one once, brother. I will prove it to you.


386 Q.&.A.HEBREWS.PART.2 COD.HEB -- 57-1002   Or, as I have went through it, the Catholic call It, "the Eternal sonship of God." Which, as I have said before, the word doesn't even make sense, See, there cannot be an Eternal son, because a son had to have a beginning. And so Jesus had a beginning, God had no beginning. See? But the Son was the... not Eternal sonship, but the Son that was with the Father in the beginning was the Logos that went out of God.


E-43 SHOW.US.THE.FATHER -- 59-0419.2E  What is Messiah? Well, it's the--the Logos, the Spirit of God. Messiah is the Spirit of God, the Christ, the Anointed.....  The only one that ever will be able to say, "I'm he that speaks to you." What was that? That was God speaking through His Son.


197 QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS COD 361-406 - 59-0628.2E  Now somebody Brother Branham is a "oneness." No, sir, I am not a oneness. I do not believe that Jesus could be His own father. I believe that Jesus had a Father, and that was God.  But God dwelled and tabernacled in this body called Jesus, and He was Immanuel, God with us. And there's no other God besides this God. He is Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. And the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Ghost... Father: the Lord, Son: Jesus, Holy Ghost: Logos, Spirit of God. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Lord Jesus Christ; that's Him. And in Him dwelled the fullness of the Godhead bodily.


212 PALMERWORM.LOCUST.CATERPILLAR - V-14 N-1 - 59-0823 "The Lord said unto My Lord, `Sit on the right hand'"; Son, Jesus; Christ, Logos that went out of God in the beginning. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. There you are.


E-21 WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS -- 61-0409 Now everyone believes, and knows that the corporal body of the Lord Jesus sits at the right hand of God Almighty at the Throne of God, making intercessions upon our confession. You all believe that? And the Holy Spirit is here, which was upon Him, which was God in Christ.  Now this is God in His Church. God was in a Pillar of Fire, once, the Logos that went out of God, that was the Angel of the covenant that went with the children of Israel through the wilderness.  Then He was manifested the same God, in the flesh, which was His Son, that He overshadowed a virgin, created a Blood cell, and lived in that Body of flesh, the Son of God.


484-4 Q.AND.A.ON.THE.SEALS --63-0324.1M   But, there's supposed to be an Eagle time come. See. That's the time it's to straighten all those mysteries out. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is titles of the Lord Jesus Christ. Watch all three of them.  Matthew said: Father, Son, Holy Ghost. Peter said: Lord Jesus Christ. Who is the Father? The Lord said unto my Lord, "Sit thou on my right hand." Is that right? Father, Son--Jesus, Holy Ghost --the Logos that went out of God--Father, Son, Holy Ghost is absolutely three titles of the person of God manifested in three different ways or three attributes of Himself.


162-4 PERGAMEAN.CHURCH.AGE --CPT.5 Now we can see His association with the Word. HE IS THE WORD. That is Who He is. THE WORD IN HIS NAME.  In John 1:1 where it says "In the beginning was the Word," the root from which we get our translation for `Word' is `Logos' which means 'the thought or concept.' It has the double meaning of `thought' and 'speech.' Now a `thought expressed' is a `word', 'or words.' Isn't that wonderful and beautiful? John says the concept of God was expressed in Jesus.  And Paul says the very same thing in Hebrews 1:1-3, "God, Who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, (Logos) Whom He hath appointed heir of all things, by Whom also He made the worlds; Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His Person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high." God became expressed in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus was the Express Image of God. Again in John 1:14, "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us." The very substance of God was made flesh and dwelt amongst us. The great Spirit-God unto Which no man could approach, Which no man had seen or could behold was now tabernacled in flesh and dwelt among men, expressing the fullness of God to men. John 1:18, "No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, Which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him."


 God, Who on occasions would manifest His presence by the cloud or pillar of fire that struck fear in the hearts of men; this God, Whose heart characteristics were made known only by revelation of words through the prophets, now became Emmanuel (God with us) declaring Himself. The word, `declare,' is taken from the Greek root which we often interpret as exegesis, which means to thoroughly explain and make clear.


 That is what the Living WORD, Jesus, did. He brought God to us, for He was God. He revealed God to us with such perfect clarity that John could say about Him in I John 1:1-3 "That Which was from the beginning, Which we have heard, (Logos means speech) Which we have seen with our eyes, Which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of the Word of Life; (For the Life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that Eternal Life, Which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;) That Which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ." When God was truly revealed, He was manifested in the flesh. "He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father.