God’s Only Provided Place of Worship # 74

Brian Kocourek, August 30, 1995

Character Creates and Atmosphere


2 Corinthians 2: 14- 17    

Philippians 2: 5 Let this attitude that was in Christ    Prayer


Sunday morning,  we spoke from pp. 238 & 239 and our subject was Home and the house of God. Brother Branham said,  (1) We live in our home like Branhams live. (2) And in the House of God we live by the Word of God and every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God," I pointed out to you that brother Branham was not telling  us  that there is supposed to be a difference between his house and the house of God. But what He is telling us is  that there is a certain way we should conduct our homes. Brother Branham kept the same atmosphere of Christ centeredness in his home as he did in church.


Now, remember, Jesus said, "My house shall be called a house of prayer." And if we have the same nature and life as Jesus Christ, then won't our homes be called a house of prayer as well?  In       Collosians  3: 4 we read, "When Christ who is our Life shall appear, then shall we appear with Him in Glory."  So if we appear when He appears, and our appearing is in the same Glory, or Doxa or mindset. Then won't our homes appear as His home also should be. We also read in 1 John 4 at His Appearing , "as He is, so are we in this world." Then, if we believe this,  shouldn't we have the same atmosphere in our homes as we do in this church which is His house, of prayer? 


Again, we read in the book of  Deuteronomy 6. "Hear, O Royal Seed of God, the Lord God is One Lord, - the Only Lord. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your mind and heart, and with your entire being, and with all your might. And these words, which I am commanding you this day, shall be first in your mind and heart; then you shall whet and sharpen them, so as to make them penetrate, and teach and impress them diligently upon the minds and hearts of your children, and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you  drive down the road, and when you lie down and when you rise up.   And you shall tie them as a symbol on your hands ( In other words, they are tied to your actions, what you do)  and you shall bind them upon your forehead." ( which means that they encompass your mind or mindset). And, remember, your forehead is where your frontal lobe is and that is where your memory is resident. When a person has a lobotomy they lose there memory. But here we see that they are to take the preeminent place of our thinking. Even as frontlets between our eyes, that all we see is the word of God. As phylacteries that go "boing, boing, boing" as we walk along, and they bounce off our head. A constant reminder.  And then He continues, " "And you shall write them upon the door posts of your house and on your gates."  Why? So that whether you are coming or whether you are going, there will always be a constant reminder set before you of God's promises to you in this hour.


We examined many scriptures and quotes and we found that God is indeed calling a Bride out who has applied the Token for their loved ones and I believe the closer we come to the resurrection, the more we will become of the atmosphere and presence of our loved ones who have gone on before us.


We also spoke on the three principals needed for marriages which are for the husbands to Love, Even as: To render due benevolence which is to  show forth good will and acts of kindness toward our wife and thirdly for the men the scripture tells us to have no bitterness toward our wives. In other words, we are not to get hot and angry towards them.


We also saw that the sisters, or wives are to Submit themselves to their own husbands. Not to be questioning their every move but to submit their will to his will just as the bride of Christ submits her own thinking to her Grooms, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Secondly, the wife is to reverence her husband. That means she is to reverently fear him and this fear may begin by her being afraid but soon move to veneration or a deep rooted love which brings respect. Thirdly, she is to also render due benevolence to her husband. Now if she really loves her and she him, there will never be petty jealousies in the marriage.


Now, always remember this, Her submission and reverence and due benevolence is all said to be "as unto  the Lord" whereas, his Loving her "even as," and His never being bitter against her and his render acts of goodness and kindness are not said to be "as unto the Lord, but are said to be As the Lord Himself would do". So, if you note carefully how this is presented in the scriptures, you notice he is to act as Christ would act and she is to act as though what she is doing is to Christ. Then what a Marriage and what a blessing.


You see, it is all in the approach we take. Our approach is what either gets us upset with one another or is the very thing that paves the way for our due benevolence to come forth into manifestation.


From Sirs, we would see Jesus Brother Branham said, "Remember friends, your approach to any Divine gift  will determine what you receive from it."


Matthew 15: 26 - 28 Notice her response, he just got done putting her to the test and look at her response. She didn't throw her nose up and walk out and call him a jerk or something to get even, she said, yes, Lord, that may be true, but even the dogs lick the crumbs up from the masters table. Then notice what He said,  " I haven't seen this kind of faith anywhere, so be it unto thee even as you would want to have it." In other words, "what ever you want, just ask and I'll give it to you." This sounds just like what Hatty Wright was granted.


2 Kings 4: 8 - 26 ' and she answered, "All is well!" Why? "He that receives a prophet in the name of a prophet, receives a prophets reward."  She knew that the One who gives Life can also restore Life and she had come to the conduit.


From Door to the Heart, He said, " It's your approach to a gift, How many knows that? If you approach it reverently, you get what you ask. If you don't, you do not."


From, Hear ye Him, he said, 'It's your approach to anything."


            And From Proving His Word, he said, "It your approach, the attitude is what it takes, and

            that's what it is tonight dear friends, it takes the attitude. We are, and believe that we are in

            the presence of Jesus Christ, but it's your attitude that brings the results. The mechanics is

            here and so is the dynamics. If you can just get started, God will do the rest."  And if this is so

            essential with our heavenly Mate, how much more with our earthly mate.


THE TOKEN 63-0901  pg. 49 pp. 5 Apply it, create that atmosphere around you, that they will just drop right into it. Oh, you are , if you've got the Token, you create an atmosphere around you of power, that when you walk, people know that you are a Christian. In love for you to say something to them. They believe your word, what you say, they hold onto it. See? That is it. Apply the Token, then walk in it. Claim your household. You must do it, now. This is the evening time.


It's the atmosphere that they've got around them, the way they live; they create an atmosphere that you like to be into. That's lovely people to be with.


E-18  DIVINE.LOVE  JEFF.IN  56-0826

 Now, what you want to do is be lifted up by Christ into a--an atmosphere to where you are happy, peaceful, and then in there you create a situation.... In the atmosphere that you live in, you project to your associates what you are.


Hebrews 10 : 22 - 25 Provoke to love, to an outward display of their revelation.


-23  LOVE  SHREVEPORT.LA  56-0726

 And when Divine love has been projected and comes to Its end, then sovereign grace will take its place.  Now, that's my text. When Divine love has been projected... Project Divine love and it comes to its end, till it can't go no farther, then sovereign grace will come in and take its place.  Now, do you realize, being a son or daughter of God, that you are a minor creator? Do you know you create the atmosphere that you live in? Do you realize that the atmosphere that you dwell in, you influence somebody else? What makes people act the way they do? Is because... What makes the drunks like to be with drunks. As my mother used to say the old proverb, and I think it's southern here too: "Birds of a feather flock together," because they have things in common.



They create that atmosphere. And there's some kind of people that you just love to be around. They create that atmosphere that they live in.  Now, it's a supernatural thing. Now, when the Presence of the Lord comes down, it creates an atmosphere for faith. And when... I thought, "Now, Lord God, You help me."


  Now, you've got to create an atmosphere, and your faith will do it. They were all in the upper room with one accord, when suddenly there came from heaven as a sound of a rushing mighty wind; the atmosphere was right. It takes a atmosphere to do anything.  You know, the regular procedure to hatch chickens is to put them under the hen. But get the egg in the right atmosphere, it'll hatch anyhow. Listen, brother, if a man loves God, and the right kind of an atmosphere he could get into, it'll produce a new born babe just as certain as I am here. It's the atmosphere that counts. Let this little handful of people setting here tonight, get in the perfect atmosphere, watch what takes place. There will not be a feeble among a--one in our midst. The cripples will walk; the blind will see; the deaf will hear; the dumb will speak without prayer or anything. It's the atmosphere.  That's how twenty-five thousand was healed at one prayer in Africa. When they seen the Lord do something, it created a atmosphere, and they stepped into it. That's the pool when the waters in running right.



They create that atmosphere  by the way they live and the way they think. It's a little atmosphere you live in.



 I know it's the truth, that man create in himself the atmosphere that he lives in. And around him he's anointed with a spirit.  I have seen people that you just couldn't get away from them; you just loved them. There's something drawing about them. It's because they live in that atmosphere, they live under the--the power of the Holy Spirit.



  And it's come down home to the Pentecostals, acting, and dressing, fashioning, looking, talking, blaspheming, making fun, indifferent. That's rough, but it's good for you. It's the truth. But that's the reason the world can't see nothing genuine. When the people comes to a place that they'll forget all their little differences, and the love of God will shed abroad in our heart by the real Teacher, the Holy Ghost, you'll become salty, and the world will want to be like you.  You create a creation around you. You've seen people you couldn't stand to be around, yet they were nice people. They create that within themselves. You've seen people you love to be with, because they create that atmosphere around them. Your spirit's your soul. You can't hide it; you can't make believe. That's what's the matter today. There is too much make belief in Christianity.



they create that atmosphere by their--their life, the way they live, and the things they think about, and the love they have for you.... You create an atmosphere, and that's the atmosphere you have to be in to pray for the sick. See? It's the same thing. It's love that casts out evil spirits.



 Now, but we find out that as we go along through life that our character molds the image that we are. Each one knows that. As you live, Your character molds you to what you are.... Because each person is a little dynamo of their own, and you put out an atmosphere.


51  IS.YOUR.LIFE.WORTHY  JEFF.IN  V-5 N-5  63-0630E

 They create that atmosphere by the life they live, the way they talk, their conversation..... And the things that you think on, the things that you do, the actions, the things you talk about creates an atmosphere...

9-1  TOKEN.THE  JEFF.IN.  V-2 N-19  63-0901M

 They was applying the token. Amen. That's it.  Get ready. Apply it. Believe it. Clean up. Let your children, let your family, let your loved ones see it in you. That's right. It'll take effect. Yes, sir.  Then apply the Token in prayer with--with--with consideration, with believing. Apply it with such love and so forth, you know it's--it's going to take place. That's all. Apply it in confidence, believing it's going to help. When you talk to that child, when you talk to your husband, talk to your wife, talk to this loved one, believe that it's going to help, and stand there and say, "Lord, I've claimed them; they're mine. I'm getting them for You, Lord."

49-5  TOKEN.THE  JEFF.IN.  V-2 N-19  63-0901M

  Apply it, create that atmosphere around you, that they'll just drop right into it. See? Oh, you are--you are--if you've got the Token, you create a spirit around you of power, that when you walk, people know that you're a Christian. They love for you to say something to them. They believe your word; what you say, they hold on to it. See? That is it.  Apply the Token; then walk with it. Claim your household. You must do it now. This is evening time.


MALACHI 3:16 - 18 & 4:              


And we create our atmosphere around us, each one of us.... oh, wouldn't you have loved to have been around Jesus just a little? Wonderful! See what that atmosphere He created would have been. I imagine it was just one great big bundle of Love, and Respects, and Godly Fear.



that atmosphere they're in. And their character creates whatever they are, makes them what they are.                                    


Þ    PHILIPPIANS 4:4 - 9 Rejoice in the Lord alway: [and] again I say, Rejoice. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand.  Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.