God’s Only Provided Place of Worship # 84             

Brian Kocourek, October 8, 1995

Our Source In God


Wednesday night we spoke from pp. 251 where brother Branham said, "you become a new creation,  to the Word. and   You're a creation of the Word.


We found  that if we are a new creation, it is to the Word and of The Word. And remember, the word "of" means, having it's source from. Just as we read [Galatians 2: 20] where Paul says, That he lives by the faith of Jesus Christ. Then it is not his faith, but Jesus' Faith that He is living by. We also see in [1 John 3:9]  Whosoever is born of God, doth not initiate sin; for God's seed remains in Him: and he can not Sin, Because he is born of God.  Again you'll notice this word "of " let's you know that this birth being spoken of here, has it's source in God, or shall we say God is the source of this birth. So then if we are a new creation which is a creation of the Word, then we see the Word is the Source of this new creation.


With this in mind, we read again [Ephesians 4: 23 & 24]  " Be renewed in the Spirit of your mind: and put on the new man, which after God is created in Righteousness and True Holiness."


We then broke this Scripture down into 5 basic points which are as follows:


POINT # I.     Be renewed in the Spirit of your mind

POINT # II.    Then you put on the new man

POINT # III.   which after God is created

POINT # IV.   In Righteousness

POINT # IV.   True Holiness


We  began by examining POINT # I.  Paul said,    "Be renewed in the Spirit of your mind" The word [renewed]  is a Greek word that means "to be recently born, or young again". What we found here is an element of innocence and cleanness and freshness. Just thinking of a newborn or even a young child and you automatically picture in your mind a certain innocence involved, and remember it is this renewing, or bringing forth of a certain innocence in the spirit of your mind which allows for the Word to come forth and change your thinking first, and then the body will follow.


So we see that Paul wanting the Bride to be renewed in the attitude of her mind. He wanted her to create within her an atmosphere that is conducive to walking in the Spirit. In [Phillipians 3: 15] Paul says,  Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded: and so we must ask ourselves, 'Thus minded about what?" And the answer is in verse 13 where he said "forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. Then he tells us in chapter 4: how we can create this atmosphere.


[ Phil 4: 8]  Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, if there be any praise, think on these things. That's how you create that atmosphere! Didn't brother Branham say that you create an atmosphere by the things you talk about and the things you think about?


 [James 3: 17] The wisdom that is from above is pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy, and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace and of them that make peace.


We also saw that when he said, "Be renewed in the Spirit of your mind," the word for [spirit] here, is a Greek word,  [pneuma], which means "the disposition or influence that governs the soul,  the vital principal by which the human body is animated, the rational spirit" So we see that Paul is telling us that we must bring forth a certain innocence to the governing influence of our Soul. 


In other words, we are to create a certain atmosphere that will become an influence in the way we perceive things, and view things, or in other words, we create an atmosphere or right attitude. So we see it begins by putting on a new attitude toward God and His Word. Now let's examine this further.  We find the word for mind, here is a Greek word, which also means understanding. So then he is telling us to be made innocent again in the attitude of our understanding. In other words, we are to create an atmosphere within us of  that which is pure, and peaceable.  Brother Branham said, "The right mental attitude toward any Divine promise of God will bring it to pass."  So this renewing is actually a creation of the Word, doing some thing in us that brings about an atmosphere that animates and governs our Soul.  An expectation of sorts. We see the same word used for the mind is also used in scripture for our understanding.


[Luke 24: 45] Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures.  Now we might say, open up your mind, and that is what he is saying here. But the word understanding is used because that is actually what you are doing when you open up your mind. Now, let's face it, if our understanding is wrong, then the wrong understanding will have a wrong influence upon us. A wrong understanding is a deadly understanding, especially when we are dealing with Life, Eternal Life.


[Proverbs  16: 25 ] There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, at the end thereof is the ways of death. So we see the importance of this renewing in the attitude of the mind. Paul wants us to have an attitude that is Live, Die, Sink or Drown!  A Christ centered attitude that becomes so influential to our Spirit which Governs our minds that it actually causes us to forsake everything but the Pearl of Great Price, which is the Word of God for your day.


[Romans 12: 2]  And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.  Then if our mind is not renewed correctly, with the Word of God which is Life, then what transformation we do receive will only be from bad to worse, and end in total corruption.  So you see the renewal of the mind is not the end in itself, but the beginning, a new beginning, a new creation or a bringing forth into being our Glorified condition.


[2 Thessalonians 1: 10] that Christ is  to be glorified in the minds of His saints. We are to receive the mind of God in this hour, and this mind change will set off our change in the body.


So we move from point number 1 "to Be renewed in the Spirit of your mind" to  Point number II.    "put on the new man".    We asked the question, "how do we put on this new man?"  And "who is this new man?"


[Romans 8: 29]  " For whom he did foreknow, He did predestinate to be conformed to the image of His son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Now we also know that Jesus Himself, this eldest Son, also according to [Hebrews 1] came forth in the Image of the Father. So then the image we actually come forth in is that of our Father, and Who is He?


[John 1: 1] Tells us, in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word  was God. So then what is this new man that we are to put on? It is the Word! Brother Branham said, "when Word is piled upon Word upon Word, it will take a hold of every fiber of your body." We are actually talking about a new creation of the Word by the Word.


[Colossians 3: 10]   And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after ( or according to)  the Image of Him that created him:  So we see that this new man that we are to put on is the Word which then takes hold on every fiber of our bodies and  we thus are transformed by the renewing of our minds.


Now  point  # III.  In speaking about this new man, Paul said,  "and put on the new man, which after God is created"  And we know that this word after means "in the image of".  So he is telling us that we shall put on  the new man which is created in the image of God.  The Weymouth translation says, " clothe yourselves with that new and better self which has been created to resemble God in the Righteousness and Holiness which comes from the Truth."  And what did brother Branham tell us we are to be clothed in? "The Word of God!"   We also find in the Amplified version, " Be constantly renewed in the Spirit of your mind - having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude; And put on the new nature created in God's Image, Godlike in True righteousness and holiness. Now I would like to ask this question, How can we put on any nature that is not our own. Brother Branham always talked about make believers as those who were crows but they put on peacock feathers trying to be what they ain't.


[ 2 Peter 1: 3-4]   According as His Divine Power ( which we know is the Word according to [Romans 1: 16] ) hath given unto us all things that pertain unto Life and Godliness ( which is God likeness, and how does this come?) through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to Glory and Virtue.  Now notice what else Paul says, here in verse 4...Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: ( OK! So what are these promises that are so exceedingly great? ) That by these, ye might be partakers of the Divine Nature,...  So how is it possible to receive a nature other than what we already possess, ... and when did we receive these Divine Promises? Ephesians One tells us we received them while we were yet in Him before the World was even framed. Just like a seed we received these promises which contain the very Life of God. And what is a nature, but attributes of  Life. And what is a Promise, but someone's, word. When I say, I give you my word, I am making you a promise. And when God gave us a Promise He gave us His Word.  And when did He do this? Before the world was even framed!


So there we have it. 5 Steps toward our Glorified condition.  Step one), we must have a mind change, this mind change then brings forth step two), a body change  which step #3) mind and body must both bear the image of the Word of God which alone is Life. Then this Image will reflect Step #4) True Righteousness which we know is right wise ness, and this right wise ness will be called by God step #5) True Holiness which we know is a correct attitude and relationship toward God. Now let's see if we have this right! Let's go to the Book of Ephesians and read the first chapter.


[ Ephesians 1: 3 - 5 ]  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,( Now, if we are reading this correctly we see that God is both God and Father of Jesus Christ. So we shall understand Godhead correctly. Now let's continue) ... Who hath blessed us (Now, notice he says, hath which means He has already done this because hath is in the past tense)  with all Spiritual blessing ( Now, when He says all spiritual blessing, He means al Spiritual blessing. Not some, not a few, but all. Every Blessing that God has for His Elect He has already  given to us to receive, even while we were yet in Him as we shall read here,) in Heavenly places in Christ. ( so you see we have already received these blessings. Then why would we look outside what has already been given to us for any fulfillment. We are already possessors of  every Divine Promise of God as brother Branham put it when he said, "God placed the Foundation stone in us before the world was ever even framed. So as you see, the Word which is Christ,  was laid in us even before the world was even formed. And we know that if God spoke the world into existence, then it had to be in His Word for it to come forth from His Word, and become manifested or visible.  And the blessing or the Promise came to us when we were still in Him, in Word form even before the world was even framed. 


In [Deuteronomy 29:29] Moses said, " The secret things belong unto the Lord our God, but those things which have been revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the Words of this Law."   And brother Branham said, God reveals His Word or interprets His Own Word by doing what? By bringing it to pass! So once the Word which was in God becomes manifested, and thus revealed, then it is at this point that we may possess it.


So we see that we were blessed with all spiritual blessings while still in Him before any manifestation ever came forth of what those blessing were. But then when the manifestation of His Blessing begin to come forth, it is at this point that we may possess them. Then it is no longer a blessing, as in promise, but it then becomes reality as in possession.  As long as the Word is not revealed, it still lays in the realm of a promise, but once it has been manifested, it then becomes reality. So what we are looking for is the materialization of these promises and blessings.


Now let's continue..."According as He hath Chosen us  in Him before the foundations of the world,  ( Now this is important for us to see, because it speaks of our beginning and our outcome.  We see that we were actually chosen before the world was ever framed. And this word chosen is a Greek word, EKLEGOMAI which means to select out for oneself  with the idea of favor and kindness and love may be bestowed upon them. Now, we know that the Blessing were a kindness, and show forth His favor and His Love, but what are some of these Spiritual Blessing which He said, He already  had us in mind to receive even before He began to manifest any of His thoughts. Well, in order to look at a few of them, let's just continue with where we left off in the First chapter of Ephesians


"that we should be Holy and Blameless before Him" (Now this is a tremendous thing here, because we see that two of the Spiritual Blessing that He already promised us while we were yet in Him were these two mentioned here. That we should be Holy for One, and that we should be blameless, or shall we say without blame for the second one. Holy, And without Blame. Now this is very nice, because I get blamed for a lot of things, that I never did. It's hard enough when you make a mistake and you know it, but it's even harder when you make a mistake and others know that you made it. But the real killer is when you didn't make a mistake but you get blamed for someone else's mistake. That's the ones that really hurt. But here He tells us that it makes no difference whether you make one or a thousand, you won't be blamed for any. Now, that's True Holiness.


[Romans 4: 5 - 8]  But to him that worketh not, but believeth on Him that justifieth the ungodly, His Faith is counted for righteousness. Even David also describeth the Blessedness, ( One of those spiritual Blessings) of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins ( which is unbelief) are covered. Blessed ( Here's those Spiritual Blessings again) Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin. ( And the word impute here is a Greek word which means to take into account or reckon with, so if He will not even take your sins into account or even consider them worthy of account and will not even consider them in His reckoning with you, then it is as though you never did do them to begin with. Because it doesn't say you didn't do them, it only says, that God doesn't even consider what you did. It has nothing to do with His Selection of you to shed His favor, and Love and goodness upon. Not one thing, He will not even look at it in His reckoning of you. Now, to me, that's a real blessing. And so then if He will not even consider one of your mistakes and sins, then  what other Holiness could make you any purer in His own eyes.   And when does this occur? 


He said, "that we should be Holy and Blameless before Him". Now, this word before is a Greek word KATENOPION which means "in the Presence of" and of Course this is speaking of HIM! So we see here that this condition where the Spiritual Blessings that were promised to us  while we were yet in Him are to become manifested to us when we come into His Presence. And we know that we are now standing in His Presence, so we see that these blessings have got to become manifested to us in this hour.  Now, let's see how He brings this to pass as we read on.


"In Love He has predestinated us ( Now, what does the Love of God do for us? It says, In Love He has predestinated us. That is He has pre- set our destiny. Now in order to pre set our destiny, He had to set up everything in advance and make sure that we turn out the way He pre planned it. Now, let's face it. The best thing nature can show us is that a seed is the purest form of predestination, because after all, a seed contains every element in itself already to bring forth into manifestation it's nature and characteristics. In other words, the Life in the seed is invisible, yet it is real. But it takes certain things to happen to set the Life that is in the Seed into motion. It takes a dynamo, a catalyst. Which God made the Sun to do. So when the Light of the Sun strikes the Seed, then Predestination takes over. The Seed has a built in reaction to the Sun, and so when the Sun shines forth, the reaction says, "Life come forth and reach out for the Light!" And so too God has placed in each of Us His Word Gene Seed, that when the SON of God begins to Shine forth as we are told in [ Malachi 4 ] When God shall come forth as the SUN of Righteousness, we see at this time that we shall go forth and grow up. And when a child grew up in Biblical times, when He was ready to go about His Fathers business, he was then  ready for adoption. And that is exactly what we read here in [Ephesians  1] as we read on... "In Love He has predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself,  ( So we see here that predestination takes us all the way to adoption.  And we see that the Adoption of Children comes though the First born Son, but we are adopted TO God Himself who is our rightful Father. Now when we think in terms of adoption, do not think of it in terms of twentieth century terms. Today people who can't have children of their own adopt children who are not their own. But this is not so according to the Word of God.


[ Galatians 4: 1 - 2]  Now, I say, that the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant, though he be Lord of all; but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the Father. ( Notice Paul tells us here that a child must be trained up in the ways of His Father, until the appointed time, and when He has the mind of the father, He then is ready for the business of the Father. He is ready to be adopted as a Son!  And so we are told in Ephesians, ... "In Love He has predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself,  ( so then there must be something Paul is going to tell us about this predestinated plan and how we come tot he place where we have the mind of our Father, God and how we will come tot he place of Adoption. ) And he tells us this is  according to His own good pleasure of His own will.   And we find out in verse 13-14 that He must first quicken us to Life by the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and then in verse 17 He tells us that we will be ready once we have received the baptism in the Spirit, we shall be ready to receive the Father of Glory who shall give us the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation in the knowledge of the Father. So if He is the Father of Glory, and we know this word Glory is the Greek word DOXA which is the Opinion, Estimate or Judgment of God, then as the Father of Glory, He has come to give us His own Mindset, which we know is true because in [2 Thessalonians 1: 10 ] we see at this time that Christ comes to be glorified IN His Saints.  So the mind of the Father comes into Sons, plural. "Let this mind be in you which was also in the eldest Son, Jesus!"


So there you have it. This image is to be Holy and without Blame as it stands in His Presence. Now if we come to this end, then we had to be there to begin with, right?  And remember, we read in the book of [Job] the question that was asked, "where were you when I laid out the foundations of the world and the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?"  And I am here this morning to tell you that as you were there, so are you here this morning as a representation or manifestation of the Gene Seed that was placed in you to begin with. So then what were we before the foundations of the world.  Were we the sons of God shouting for Joy? And notice it uses the word shout which we know the Shout is a Message. Then our joy came forth as a shout then, right? The Shout was a reflection of our extreme joy, right? So, then if it was then, so shall it be now, for If we are in Him and He is the same yesterday, today and forever, then  is not His descent with a shout a manifestation of His extreme Joy? So then the shout is a message, and what is the message the shout is trying to portray?  That we are back in His Presence again. [ The Spoken Word is the Original See]. What we were in Him back then, we are now in Him again. The shout expressed our joy then, and our echoing the shout again reflects or expresses our great joy now.


If you don't believe me, just open your Bibles to [ 1 Thessalonians 2: 19 ]  " For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at His Parousia?  So we see then the mere fact that we are in His Presence is to us a great joy just as it was before the world was even framed.  And notice what this signifies to us. For  in the book of [ Hebrews 12: 14 ] we read,  "follow peace with all men, and Holiness, without which no man can see the Lord:"  And so which Lord can be seen ?  The Lord said unto My Lord, sit thou down at my right hand. , The Lord Himself  has descended with a shout.  The very fact that you can see which Lord it is that came down and the very fact that you can discern the Godhead, and that you know who is here, let's you know something. That you see Him. And there is no way you could see Him without Holiness. So this ought to tell us something. We are at the end of our journey. Our manifestation has come upon us, and as the blessings are described in [Deuteronomy 28] They have come upon us and are overtaking us. The Word is taking a hold of every fiber of our body. The Word of God is being fulfilled in us. 


He said in, [ Ephesians 1: 3 - 5 ] According as He hath Chosen us, that we should be Holy and Blameless before Him (which means while in His Presence).  And how do we know that we are blameless, and Holy before Him while we are standing in His Presence? Is it by what we have done? Is it by some great effort we have been able to perform? No! I tell you it is because He said it would be that way.  In [ 1 John 1: 7 ] He said, "If we walk in the light as He is also in the Light, then the blood of His Son would apply on our behalf  and becomes efficacious for us, and through it we are Holy and Blameless." He  also told us in  [Jude 1: 24 ] "Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to preserve you faultless before The Presence of His Glory with exceeding joy. " So can you see why we have such great Joy at His Appearing. He says here, He will keep us from falling, He will preserve us as faultless in His Presence. And this is what brings great joy.


That is why  Paul again speaks of this condition of  Holiness that we shall possess  at the Parousia  of Christ. [ 1 Thessalonians 3: 13 ]  " to the end that He may establish your hearts unblameable in holiness before God" [That's in His very Presence], Then he says, "even our Father, [what identification]  and when does Paul tell us this will happen? "At the parousia of our Lord Jesus Christ with all His saints."   And notice [ 2 Thessalonians 1: 10] tells us, "He comes to be glorified in His saints" at the time of the Appearing. .... Let's just sing that song together, {Standing on Holy Ground] [We are standing, on Holy Ground, and I know that there are Angels all around;  Let us praise, Jesus now: We are standing in His Presence,  [ on what ground?]  on Holy Ground.]   As I walked through the Door, I sensed His Presence. And I know that this is the place, where Love abounds. For you are the temple that holds, the Lord God almighty. And we are standing in His Presence on Holy Ground.  [We are standing, on Holy Ground, and I know that there are Angels all around;  Let us praise, Jesus now: We are standing in His Presence,  [ on what ground?]  on Holy Ground.]


 [ Acts 17: 27] " For in Him we Live, and Move, and have our being; as certain also of your poets have said, for we are also His Offspring."  And Jesus said, " I have come that you might have Life, and that you might have it more abundantly." So then how can we be perfected in holiness? [ 1 John 4: 16 - 17 ]  "And we have known and have believed the Love that God hath to us. For God is Love; and he that dwelleth in Love, also dwelleth in God, and God in Him. And herein is our Love made perfect and complete, it is evidenced by the fact that in the day of judgment [ when the Judge is Here ] we shall have a confidence that brings rest and relaxation [ a parrhesia ], because as He is, so are we in this world." And if He is Love, then so are we.  


Let's us bow our hearts and our heads in a word of Prayer. Dear Gracious Father, we are so thankful today to know thy way of Holiness, and to know that there is no way that we could ever through our own efforts perfect anything much less holiness . But we know that You have said, our perfection comes by your presence that ripens us and brings us to our completion. And in this we place our hope and trust, in Jesus Christ name, your beloved Son. Amen!