Follow Me #1

Sunday morning March 1, 1998

( Giving )

Rev. Brian Kocourek


Leadership (Follow Me) 65-1031A   PP 1.   [A group of children sing "The Old-Time Religion"--Ed.] If it's good enough for you all, it's good enough for us too. [A brother says, "Now, they give their present for you."--Ed.] My, that's sweet. [The children give Brother Branham a gift.] Thank you. [A sister says, "Just a little gift, Brother Branham, the children saved their pennies and nickels. And...?..."] Thank you. Thank you, my little brother. Thank you, children. I sure thank you, very, very much. God bless you. You know, Jesus said, "Insomuch as you give unto the least of these, you have done it to Me." You're the men and women of tomorrow. If there is a tomorrow, you'll be.


I wonder if we are overlooking many of the things that Jesus told us. For instance, what Brother Branham is saying here to these little children. He is quoting Jesus here in Matthew 25, So let’s go to Matthew 25 and read this for ourself.


[Matthew 25: 31-46] 


Did you know that the attitude we take toward others is so very important in God’s economy. we should be examining what it is that God looks at in these sheep and goats. It isn’t so much what they knew, or how great they could preach, or how many souls they could get saved. But He looked at their actions toward one another, and what they did to make their short time here on earth better for the brethren. And we aren’t any different. When someone treats our children good, we enjoy it almost as much as our children do. We appreciate the kindnesses that are shown to us and to our household, and God is no different. After all He’s our Father. And here we find Jesus telling us what the great white throne judgment is going to be like. There are basically two kinds of people that will be there.


One kind will be given eternal life based on their mercies that they showed to the brethren, while the other will be cast out for their lack of mercies for having not shown mercy to the brethren. And that is the key. We have been studying the Book of Romans for the past 17 sermons and the last couple we have focused on the Great judgment that God will judge the deeds that are done in the body. 


Now, certainly we are not legalistic and we do not believe that we could ever work our way into heaven. And as we pointed out last week the difference between our status and standing in Christ is that our Status is what has been given by law, in other words, through God’s Election and decree, we have a status as  joint heirs with Christ, and yet because God just doesn’t shove us through a tube, and say, “blessed is he that overcomes,” we then must have a path that takes us toward that divine decree, and that path is the vehicle that God has chosen for us to get there and that is called predestination. Now, there is no way that you can change your status in Christ. Either you are a Son or you are not. But our standing is another matter altogether. Our standing is where we are at this moment. It is what we are in this flesh, or as Paul would say, in the body of this death.”  And our standing tells us where along this path of predestination we have come, and how far along we are.


Now the reality of predestination is that God has called us to a certain position that is rightfully ours by the divine sovereignty and divine decree of God And yet This same One who called us to be Sons, also made us of the earth, earthy. And yet we know there is a prescribed way in which we must come and that is through the channel of His Word. The first step is by being justified by Faith. Then when our faith becomes focused and we begin to walk in the light, we begin to separate ourselves from the things of this world, and as we do, we become sanctified. Then this sanctification leads us further along God’s plan because it allows us to be considered fit vessels worthy of God’s own presence and Life to come in and indwell us. Thus becoming born again by the Living Word of God. In fact that is what sanctification is all about. It is a cleaning up and placing into service. Fit for service. And once we are cleaned up and ready for service, then God places within us His Word to be kept by us and to keep us. I say to be kept, in that we become stewards of His Divine promise, and I say to keep, in that by being good stewards the Word that we are keeping will also keep us.  


As we see in the beginning when God created the world by Jesus Christ, we find that it is also maintained by Him as well, and He is the Word.


[Col 1: 12-17]


Notice that He not only created the world , but the world which He created is also dependent upon Him for it’s keeping. And we are no different.


What we are looking at this morning is the attitude we take toward one another. We can say all the fine words we want, but words are cheap. Let me see your sermon because your actions speak louder than your words will ever do. And these two different types of people were given their rewards not based on how much they preached, but on what they did for others. And yet, look how surprised they were to find out.  Like I mentioned last night about the Jew and gentile that Paul spoke of in Romans 2. One thought they could justify their lack of kindness because they knew the law and felt that because they knew the law that God was obligated to overlook their shortcomings,  whereas the other group, the gentiles use their lack of knowing the law to justify themselves by saying, Hey, we didn’t know therefore we are not responsible.  And yet both were wrong. You are responsible, therefore you had better know. But Paul speaks here of a God who is not a respector of persons. He will judge you according to the works done in the body, period. Now then what judgment is this? The one which will come at the white throne. Actually we found last week that it is the Judge that hands out the rewards both good and bad. And we know that the Judge is here, as Jesus said the Word in the  last day. And we know that  the judgments are already in the earth and in fact will finally be fulfilled completely at the Rapture of the Bride and the tribulation for non Bride.


But, now, let’s continue at this time looking at what Brother Branham says about these little children that showed him this kindness.


2   [A group sings another song--Ed.] I believe I could preach four hours now, after all that. I was begin to think I was getting tired. No wonder you little girls can sing so well, you little girls and little boys; listen how your big sisters sing, and your mothers, wonderful singers. That's really pretty. Who's this little girl that led that song, aren't you the little girl I met across there? Sure have a beautiful voice; all of you. You just... I believe the best singing I have ever heard is right here. You all practice that all the time? [A brother says, "No. That's how we sing."] Well, I tell you, you--you certainly are blessed with some real good singing.


3   I like good singing. I just love real good singing. I've always said, when I get to heaven I want to get where they're singing, listen. I never could get my fill of singing. You know, singing gives courage. You know that, don't you? The soldiers, when they're going to battle, you know what they do? They play music and sing, and things to give them courage. And when we're going to battle, we sing, and--and it gives us courage to go on. I thank you little fellows for that nice gift. And it's... Mrs. Branham, and from Rebekah, and Joseph, and Sarah, and all of us, we thank you very much. It's hard to say, how to tell them little fellows, knowing you saved your pennies. I--I don't want to take it. You know how I feel; I don't want to take it. But yet I looked in here and they had a ten-dollar bill in this card; I thought, "Can I take that?" I thought, "How can I do it?"


Isn’t that wonderful what he said here. Did you realize that your songs that you sing as specials give others courage in the fight we must all fight.  You know, I look around and it seems that when you go to Texas you have a pastor that plays an instrument and the church is filled with people that can play an instrument. You go to New Zealand and the pastor can play classical piano, very talented, so can his wife, and others in the congregation can play beautifully. Very talented people.  And then I look at our abilities here and there are so few that can play and even fewer who will play and I think, what are we missing.


I hear Brother Joe play his music and sing those specials and they do so much for me I have asked him to sing every service. why? Because I like his music? No! That would be the wrong motive. But because He dedicates His music to God and  because he does that it is bound to help you and I in our fight that we must fight. And Paul said that we should fight a good fight, and so we must. Then what about this little church. Where do we sit this morning. Your pastor likes to sing and so God has given us singers in this congregation.  Why? Because like seed with like seed. Just like we spoke about last night.


You look at a congregation and you see a reflection of the pastor in the people that are attracted to that ministry. Brother Vayle attracts very smart and intelligent people because that is what he is.  Jack bell has very gifted musicians in his church because that is what he is. well, if I can say this without sounding like I’m bragging, I think I can sing a note or two and not be ashamed of it.  Then where are my back ups? I hear you out their in the pew, but what about your singing specials for your brothers and sisters. I would love to have at least one or two specials every service.  That’s one way of serving your brothers in need.


When I was in New Zealand, one sister said that for years they were in the back side of the dessert so to speak and they would have surely perished had it not been for brother Vayles tapes feeding them the bread of life. And when she said that I suddenly realized that this scripture in Matthew 25 doesn’t necessarily have to mean physical food, but it could mean spiritual as well. When Brother Joe sings from his heart it is like a drink of refreshing water that energizes me and give me strength. And I appreciate that. Patty used to do that as well. And some of you others, have beautiful voices but you are missing the whole meaning of  Christianity by holding back from your brethren.


I know the devil puts little thoughts in your mind and so you hold back, but that is wrong. God gave you a gifted voice, then you should use it. After all it is a gift that you are given a stewardship over. It wasn’t intended for the bathroom shower alone, or for when the car windows are all turned up. God gave you that voice to bless others. And so you must. Whatsoever you have done unto the least of these my brethren, you have done so unto me.”  do you realize the significance of those words?  Do you realize that God is more than wanting to give you credit for your singing, and your giving to one another? Oh, don’t let the moment pass you by. You might be thinking, “Who would want to hear my voice.” Well for starters, I would. Don’t sell yourself short. Give what you have back to God and watch what He does with your gift.


[Romans 12: 1- 21] read


Brother Branham goes on to say, 4   But I remember a little story I want you to know. One day there was a widow woman, she had a bunch of children, perhaps them little children's papa was gone. And she only had two pennies. And she come down the street, one time... And it was tithing money, just pennies like you all saved, and she threw it into the treasury of God. Jesus was standing there watching. And I have wondered, "What would I have done if I'd been standing there?" I'd probably run up and said, "No, no, sister, don't do that. We  don't, really don't need it. You need it for them children." See? Now, I wouldn't have let her done it. But Jesus let her do it. See? He let her do it. Why? He knows it's more blessed to give than it is to receive. He knowed what He would do for her. See? So I thank you little fellows with all my heart.


5   I want to thank each and every one of you, for this fine time of fellowship, Brother Leo and Gene. This has actually been three days of worship for me. Even out in the jungle, when I try to let myself go and think I was hunting, I somehow or another, I look at you and hear you talk. I had the privilege this afternoon to visit your homes. I never seen, walked into any, I'm going to call it a village, that I ever seen so many clean, neat homes, and people, and so much respect for Christ and the Gospel. I never seen it anywhere. And you're certainly started on the right road, just keep going and God will be with you. And I got to see some of you. I seen, the other day, these sisters; I didn't even know them, 'cause all I could see would just be about their eyes and nose, out from under one of those hoods. And  now I believe I know you better, through the courtesy of Brother Leo and Gene, who taken me around and visit your homes; and get to shake hands with the little children, the prophets and prophetesses of the age to come, if there is a age to come


6   You know, Jesus loves little children. You know, He does. And there was a little boy, one time, named Moses; we're going to talk about him in just a little bit. And he was a very fine... You know what made him, helped make him a fine boy? He had a good mother to raise him. See, that's what.  She taught him about the Lord. And you little boys and girls has got the same kind of mothers to raise you, teach you about the Lord. Just mind them. You know what, you know what the first commandment is in the Bible, the first commandment with promise, was a promise? May be a little hard for you to understand these commandments. The first commandment, is, "Not to have any other god but Him." But the great commandment... And the first commandment that has a promise to it (See?) is to the children. Did you know that? See, He said, "Children, obey your parents, which may lengthen the days upon the earth, that the Lord thy God has given thee." To mind your parents and do what you're doing, it may give you a longer life upon the earth, that the Lord's given you, more time to serve Him. I hope, today, that I'm looking at a bunch of preachers and singers and evangelists of the day that is to come, if there is a day after ours.


7 And there's only one thing up here, you--you kill a fellow with kindness. I eat till I couldn't eat, and I--and I never was treated so much. If I had been an Angel, dropped out of heaven, I couldn't have been treated any nicer. The only thing I can say to you, is, "Thank you." And when you're down Tucson way, I might not be able to treat you that nice, 'cause I don't know how; I haven't got the manners to do it, but I'll do the best I can. Come down. Brother and Sister Shantz, I want to certainly thank them. And I had the privilege of meeting your pretty, young daughter, and son, this afternoon. And--and for letting us have his home here open for worship... There was such things taking place in the Bible day, you know, that the Gospel was. I know it sounds very little. We would think it isn't. But this is just the same as God--to God, as them was in that day. Remember, if there would be another many years, they'd look back here and say, "If I'd have only lived in the days up there at Prescott. If I'd have only lived..." See? Now, we are living in that day. See? Then we come down to the end of the road, then we wait for our reward at the big day.


8   Now, we're going to open the Word of God and read. But just before we do, let us speak to Him just a moment. Dear Jesus, I cannot express my--my feelings and my gratitude towards Brother Mercier, Brother Goad, and all these fine people and their little children, of how kind they have showed us since we've been here. The kindness is beyond anything that we expected. And we know that they were lovely and sweet. But we didn't know that we'd be treated in such a real royal way. And, Lord, I pray that Your Presence will always be in this camp of people, the Holy Spirit will fill every heart here, and You will give them Eternal Life. And may we, as we enjoy today, may there be an endless day that when we'll meet in the Presence of Him Who we are worshipping and love, and give all praise for these things. Till that time, Lord, keep us loyal to Him and to His Word. In Jesus' Name we pray. Amen.


[Ephesians 4:32-5:2] Read  kind = chrestos , mild, pleasant, benevolent.


[Luke 6:20-38] Read


[1 Peter 3:8-17]       

[Hebrews 10:22-26]


[Eph 4: 8-16]


[1 Thess 1:3] notice here how our works have their source in our faith, and our love.


[2 Thess 1:3-12] notice how God rewards evil for evil but Glory for good


[Romans 13:8-10] the 11th commandment. [Gal 5:14]


[Phil 2: 1-10]


[Phil 4:8-9]