Follow Me #4 

(False Shepherds and the Spirit of Destruction #2)

Sunday morning March 22, 1998

Rev Brian Kocourek


Last Sunday we continued looking into Brother Branham’s Message  (Follow Me), and we read where Brother Branham said, “God created man to follow like a sheep, and they are supposed to follow a shepherd, but in this day when everything is so corrupted and perverted, the ones who are leading are goats which is actually a  wrong leader. Now if a goat is a wrong leader, then we can say he is a false leader, And that is what we spoke on last week. Those false leaders or false shepherds and how they are ordained to bring the Spirit of destruction on those who are ordained to receive the spirit of destruction. Because after all, brother Branham told us in the Message Preparation, that “God can not send destruction before the people are  in the spirit for destruction. God never did destroy anything. Man always destroys himself.” Therefore we see that if man is created to follow, then someone has to lead them to this destruction or this spirit for destruction. someone has to lead man into this condition, and remember, judgment begins where? At the House of the Lord.


Now, to further elucidate upon this thought of how the spirit of destruction is to come upon and overtake the unbeliever, I want you to once again notice brother Branham’s words, where he said,  we're living in another day; everything's changed and perverted. You know what man has to lead sheep today? A goat. And you know where that goat leads them? Right into the slaughter. The little sheep don't know where they're going, so the goat goes up a pen, up at the slaughter, and the sheep don't know no more than to follow a leader, so it leads them right up into this slaughter. And then the goat jumps over the track, and the sheep goes in and gets killed. See, the goat, a wrong leader.


So we see the example that he shows us of how the slaughter is brought about by the sheep blindly following as wrong leader. He said, the sheep don’t have any clue to where they are being taken. they don’t know where they are going,” He said.  But they are going to the slaughter, and it is because they are following a wrong leader. Therefore, if God can not send them destruction until they are in the spirit for destruction, then someone has to get them to enter into this spirit of destruction just as those goats get them to enter into the slaughter pen.


Now, I said, this spirit of destruction will come upon them and over take them. And remember, a spirit is an anointing. It is a life. Jesus, when speaking of His Word, said, “The Words which I speak, they are spirit and they are Life.” And since the word is a seed which the sower sowed. Then according to Matthew 13, it takes the sowing of the seed before that seed can bring forth and manifest it’s life. [Matt 13:36-43] Now, what is this seed that was sown?                


[Mark 4:10-14] The seed that is sown is the Word of God. But if the Seed  sown is the Word of God and in Matthew it brings forth children of the kingdom, then what about the other sowing that took place where the devil sowed seed as well and brought forth his children. What Word was that?  I believe it is also the Word of God, but with a twist to it. In other words, the Devil has no word of his own, so he takes God’s word and twists it. That is how death entered into the garden, and into man. Remember, he first had to twist the word, and Eve listened to that false word and then she was anointed by it and opened herself up to receive another seed which produced in her a Cain child.


Now in the Book of Deuteronomy we have the Book of two laws. Blessings and cursings. Now, how do you suppose these blessings are given and the curse as well? Let’s read [Deut 28:1-2, and 15] You will notice the blessing and the curse are both dependent upon our response to the Word of the Lord. What we do with it is what result we shall reap. If we plant it in our heart we shall reap all the blessings from it. But if we say no to it, then we shall not only  not receive the blessings, but we shall receive the curse as well. And if you follow through and read the blessings, for each blessing listed, there is a curse to match which is just the opposite of the Blessing.  Now, I believe that this both the blessing and the curse is an anointing upon which you enter, and not only do you enter into this anointing, but the anointing actually takes you over as we see in these scriptures. The Blessings speak of life and growth and abundance while the curse speaks of what life is there being drained out, dying off and decaying, rotting, death. In fact we read in  [Deut 28:45] That they curse will overtake thee until you are destroyed which is destruction taking place. Now the word curse is a word which means to treat with contempt. And it comes from a root word which means to be consecrated to. Therefore, anointed to a certain thing. And that thing is destruction as we see in verse 45.

Follow Me #4  (False Shepherds and the Spirit of Destruction #2)


Now, this morning I want you to once again notice  the words brother Branham said concerning this age that we live. He said,  Everything is changed and perverted”. Everything has been changed, changed from what? From the way it was meant to be. And what is the result? It is all, everything, is perverted.


He said, EVERYTHING is PERVERTED. Now, what do you suppose the word PERVERTED means? Can anyone tell me? _______  Webster tells us that the word perverted means: To deviate from what is considered right, good, or true; misdirected; corrupted. Then when we hear a vindicated Prophet tell us that EVERYTHING is perverted, that tells us that we are living in a time when EVERYTHING that was considered at one time to be right, and good, and wholesome, and true, has now become twisted and made to seem wrong, no good, and  a lie.


Then it is no wonder that Christianity today is the most persecuted religion on earth.  If you live by God’s standard, you are considered to be a fanatic. If you don’t have a television set in your home because you want to keep your children pure in heart, you are considered a child abuser. If you hold In fact we see in the scripture that this condition that brother Branham is speaking of here was spoken of by the Prophets of God many thousands of years ago, that this time would come.


Isaiah  5:1 20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!  21 Woe unto [them that are] wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight! 22 Woe unto [them that are] mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink: 23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!  24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, [so] their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.


Notice the judgment that is upon those who call evil good and good evil will be destruction and he says rottenness will enter into their roots, and they shall consume away like the chaff. Now, the word consume means to use up and isn’t it interesting that today people are not looked upon as carriers of life, but as consumers. Those who use up and waste away. And that is exactly what they are. They are like the chaff that will be burned and destroyed.


Now, we are talking about this spirit of destruction, which is an anointing o a life of death and destruction. The people have been anointed to the curse by a false word from false shepherds, who feed themselves instead of feeding their flock. And remember, where does judgment first begin? In the house of the Lord. And where has consumerism had it’s greatest success? Where is the greatest market for consumers? It’s in America, where the Most Light ever has come and has been rejected. It’s in America which is the only nation since ancient Israel to be formed because of believe in the Word of God. But what has happened to this nation? She began like Israel by following the Word of God. God was acknowledged during the early founding Fathers as they met together. While they met to sign the Constitution, they left a chair open for the presence of God to sit and oversee their work that was to honor Him for generations. But just as Israel, after many generations they left their first love and departed from the Word of the Living God to follow after the Spirit of the age which the other nations follow. And then what happened, The curse came upon her and has overtaken her. She is anointed to destruction and surely she will receive what she is anointed to. There are still bombs in Russia which are earmarked for this nation, and don’t ever forget that. In Deuteronomy God said, they would be cursed and destroyed and in Isaiah, he told us how that destruction will come... 23 Woe to them Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!  24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, [so] their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.


[2 Peter 3:9-18] And notice that in order to Grow in Grace the roots have to be healthy, and not full of rottenness as the curse will produce.



Follow Me #4  (False Shepherds and the Spirit of Destruction #2)


God did not send us His Prophet in this hour for your convenience. He did not send us His Word, And He did not come down Himself with a Shout which is a Message for no reason. He came with a purpose and that is to save the Righteous from perishing. But those who refuse to hear Him will perish. [Acts 3:19-23]


[Malachi 4: 1-5] Mercy for those who receive it and destruction for those who will not. Remember, we showed you before I went to New Zealand that at the end of each church age when the people turned down the light, death and destruction followed via a plague, and at this end-time all seven plagues will strike the earth.


Now, remember, the old testament is a type in the natural of the New testament, correct? And how many nations were destroyed by God during the Exodus of Israel? Now, remember and Exodus is not only a leaving behind, but it is also an entering in. So how many nations did God destroy during this Exodus? Let’s turn to the Book of Acts to find out.[Acts 13:17-21a] Now, were not these seven nations, gentile nations? And did not  brother Branham teach us that each nation has it’s own spirit? And therefore do not these seven nations represent seven spirits. Then could each nation here represent seven gentile ages? And did not each gentile age, or church age receive their judgment, and plagues for rejecting the light of their hour?


God knows what He is doing. Did not Abraham say when God went down to destroy Sodom, “Shall not the Judge of the earth do right?”  Did not God make the earth and all that is in it for His own pleasure and purpose. Did not  This same God, make some vessels unto honor and some unto dishonor?  Let’s turn now to [2 Peter 2:9-22] Notice how God allows a ministry to rise up to draw away those who are not in the Election.  [Jude 1:3-25]


Now, brother Branham told us here that “we're living in another day; everything's changed and perverted. But how did it get that way? By goats leading. And it all began back in the Alpha. Paul said back them that grievous wolves had already entered in to destroy the sheep.


[Acts 20:31] But this was not just something that Paul believed would happen. He was only saying what Jesus had already warned us about.


[Matt 10:16-28] Now He warned them that these things would come, and in [Matt 7:15-20] He tells us how to watch out for them. He says a good tree can not bring forth evil fruit and we know the fruit is the teaching of the season, according to a vindicated Prophet of God.


Paul told us that in his day the people had already opened themselves to this spirit of destruction which he called a perverted word. [Gal 1: 6-9] And notice the curse is placed upon them that would speak another Gospel. And notice that the Gospel they were already speaking was another Gospel, one of a different nature, a perverted one. {perverted = metastepho} to turn around or turn back again. a change of the mind going backwards from what one has come out from. And notice that these men had come out of Judaism and went right back into it. In [Gal 2:4] he calls them false brethren who came in. [Acts 15:4-5] Pharisees, they were and yet they claimed to be believers.


[Hebrews 6:4-8] Notice here that the curse is followed by destruction and burning.


[2 Cor 11:2-4, 13-15]

[2 Thess 2:10-12]