The Great Fountain of Life

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Rev. Brian Kocourek


I JOHN 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.


Now, many do not understand this verse of scripture and try to attribute this to speaking of the Son of God as though He is not the Son of God, but in actuality they speak this verse as though he is indeed God the Son. They read it as thus…


I JOHN 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know the son who  is true, and we are in that son who  is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. And This Jesus Christ  is the true God, and eternal life.


But that reading is in error, and It does not say anything even close to that. The Scripture should be read as follows,


 I JOHN 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know the true God, and we are in the true God, in the same way as we are in his Son Jesus Christ. This God of Jesus Christ is the true God, and eternal life.


Now, if you read it any other way you are reading it in error. For God is the One and only true God, and there are not two Gods nor are there three Gods. And to make the “Son of God”, “God the Son” you must have at least two Gods because The Father of Jesus is also said to be the God of Jesus by none other than Jesus Himself.


When God raised up Jesus from the dead, He said in John chapter 20“go tell my brethren that I must ascend unto My Father and Your Father, to my God and your God,”  So we see here that Jesus Himself says he has a God, who also is His Father.  We also find Jesus while on the cross in both the accounts given by Matthew and by Mark that Jesus last few words proclaimed He had a God when he cried out, “My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me.”   And to be forsaken means that His God totally abandoned Him there to die on that cross.


Now, in the mouth of two witnesses we have heard the Words of Jesus from His own Mouth identifying God as His God and Father. Therefore, Jesus had a God. Therefore if you make Jesus Himself God then you are making two Gods. For there is only One God, for God Himself said in the Book of DEUTERONOMY 5:6  I am the LORD thy God, and in verse 7  he saith,  “Thou shalt have none other gods before me”.


So we see that in 1 John 5: 20 there is only One True God and that is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In fact this same John that wrote this Epistle also wrote the Gospel of John in which he says in chapter 3 and verse 31 the following:   JOHN 3:31 He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all. 2 And what he hath seen and heard, that he testifieth; and no man receiveth his testimony.


If your ministry is rejected by men, you should not think it strange that no man wants your ministry because no one wanted the Son of God’s ministry either. While He was preaching they didn’t want William Branham’s ministry but after he went off the scene, then they flock to it. Have you ever wonder why? And they didn’t want brother Vayle’s ministry while he was preaching, but now that he doesn’t preach anymore, they are flocking to it through the internet. You ever wonder why they didn’t want it when he was preaching it? I’ll tell you why. Because as long as the man is around they look at his flesh, but after the flesh is no longer around they flock to the ministry. And do you know why they wait until he is off the scene to do so? Because then they can make him say what they want his words to say. But while he is alive, they wouldn’t dare, because he might just speak up and call their bluff.  But after the servant of God goes off the scene, they flock to their ministry because they can feel free to twist their words to say whatever they want to, and the man is no longer around to defend whether these people are quoting Him correctly or not.


That is why they will not come to the light when the servant is alive. John said walk ye while ye have the light, and he also said, they will not come to the light lest their deeds will become manifested, so they wait until the light from that man is gone and then they come to it, but God moves on and He changes His mask again and again, and further elucidates His presence from one vessel to another vessel, and each time he changes His mask,  the new vessel He uses is rejected in the same manner as the previous vessel before.


John said in I JOHN 5:10  He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.


And he also said, I JOHN 4:5 They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. 6 We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error.


Now, I have already read from 1 John 5: 20 where John said that God is the true God. He said, in

I JOHN 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know the God who is true, and we are in The God that is true, even or with the same way as we are in his Son Jesus Christ. This God of Jesus Christ is the true God, and eternal life.


Now, this same John tells us in the Gospel of  JOHN 3:33  He that hath received his testimony hath set to his seal that God is true.


And in JOHN 17:3  Jesus in his prayer to the Father tells us that God is the only True God.  And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.”


And the Apostle Paul tells us in ROMANS 3:4 Let God be true, but every man a liar…


So we see the Scriptural evidence that God is the True God that John speaks of in 1 John 5:20.




I JOHN 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, (and we know that the Son of God came to declare the Father, that was His job. He said the Son can do nothing but what the Father shows Him to do, and He said the Son can speak nothing but whatsoever the father commanded Him to Speak, and he said it is written in the volume of the Book, I have come to do Thy Will o God. Therefore, His declaration to mankind was what the Father declared through Him, and this reflecting the Father in every detail is what gave us the correct understanding.) that we may know God who is true, and we are in God that is true, even as we are in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.


Now, what does He mean by this? We are in God even as we are in His Son. Because by One Spirit all are baptized into One body. The same God-Life that dwelt in the Son dwells also in us, unless we be reprobates.


And in JOHN 17:21 Jesus continues in His Prayer, “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. 22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:


Now, this morning I would like to begin a new study of Brother Branham’s Message concerning the Masterpiece. I believe this study deals with the Son of God and how that God created a Masterpiece when he brought forth His Son.


Webster tells us that the word masterpiece means: The Greatest Work as an Artist. And in common English it is the greatest piece of the Master.


Now this message was given to us that we might focus upon how God Brought forth His Masterpiece in His Son through, that He The Son of God might be the pattern by which all sons will come forth into the same Image.


Brother Branham tells us early on in this Message that we are yet in a negative form, but there must be a positive from which that negative was taken from. The Positive was Christ,  the Son of God, and we are only the reflection.


Therefore as we study this Message on The Masterpiece, I want you to continually be willing and ready in your mind to be able to move back and forth between the positive Masterpiece which was Christ, the First born Son of God, and then be able to see how he is tying the pattern of the Son of God to the Elect in this hour who come forth in the image of that first born Son.


This is the essence of this sermon, and I have no clue at this time as to what we shall discover as we begin to probe the depths of this wonderful Message, but as certain as I am of my calling to serve Gods End-Time Elect, I am certain that it was ordained for us to study this Sermon of William Branham’s concerning the “Masterpiece.” Now,  as we study this sermon, we will find ourselves coming to a fuller understanding of what our role is as sons, and the means whereby God purges us as sons from our own wills even as He purged His Son of His own will, until we come as Jesus came and as Paul wrote in HEBREWS 10:7    Then said I, Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,) to do thy will, O God.


For this also I am most certain,  that, as God sent forth His Son into the World to give us an understanding, He has given us an end-time Message through the lips of His Vindicated Prophet that has given us an even greater understanding in order to prepare us to receive our roles of Sonship. And with these thoughts and with prayer, I would like to begin our study of this marvelous Sermon, “The Masterpiece.”


Therefore let’s begin now by reading from the sermon, THE  MASTERPIECE  64-0705 and let’s begin with paragraph 1


Brother Branham begins by saying,   1    Let's bow our heads now for prayer. While our heads and hearts are bowed before God, I wonder how many in here has a request that they'd like God to remember by just lifting up your hands? That's...?... Now, hold your request in your heart now as we pray.

  2    Lord Jesus, Thou the Fountain, inexhaustible Fountain of Life, (1) flow through us today, Lord, and (2) cleanse us from all unbelief and all sin, (3) that we might stand in Thy Presence now, (4)knowing that there is need among us, that... We know that we are sinners and not worthy of any blessing. But then when we think of Him Who came and took our sins, then when His Blood's there, it's not us in the Presence of God, it's Him, just our voice through His Blood; His Blood's speaking. Oh, God, then cleanse our hearts from sin and unbelief.

3. Give to us the desires of our heart, for we truly have these desires to serve You. And in these weakening conditions and afflictions and things of the world that's put upon us sometime to perfect us... We've been told that, that He said, "Think it not strange that these trials come." They're only working out for our good and to perfect us and bring us into that place. These great deserts of experience, where righteous men are molded into saints, we thank Thee for these experiences, Lord. We would by no mean, no wise want to do anything contrary to Your will; but we pray, Father, that in this we'll be brought closer to You.

4. And when the burdens are so heavy we can't go no farther, then we raise our hands and scream for our Father. Then hear from heaven, Lord. Heal us. Make us well for the Kingdom of God's sake.

  5    Bless Thy Word this morning, Lord. Thy Word is the Truth And we assemble here now in the church. We pray for Brother Neville, and for Brother Capps, and Brother Collins, and all the rest of the ministers, and the trustees, deacons, and all the laity, and the strangers in our gates. May this be a day that we'll long remember because of Your Presence. We're here under great expectation this morning, Lord. Just momentarily notice, called together... We feel that it's for a purpose. May Your purpose be achieved, Lord. For we ask it in Jesus' Name, as we submit ourselves. Amen.


Now, I would like to begin our study of this Sermon of Brother Branham’s this morning by focusing on just the first thought that comes forth in this opening prayer. Now, there is enough thought here in this prayer that we could be studying this prayer for weeks to come. But let’s begin by looking once more at this opening thought here, as we read again paragraph number one.


  1    Let's bow our heads now for prayer. While our heads and hearts are bowed before God, I wonder how many in here has a request that they'd like God to remember by just lifting up your hands? That's...?... Now, hold your request in your heart now as we pray.

  2    Lord Jesus, Thou the Fountain, inexhaustible Fountain of Life, (1) flow through us today, Lord, and (2) cleanse us from all unbelief and all sin, (3) that we might stand in Thy Presence now, (4)knowing that there is need among us,…


Now, lets focus our thought to begin with on what he says as he enters into prayer with God. He says, Lord Jesus, Thou the Fountain, inexhaustible Fountain of Life, (1) flow through us today, Lord, and (2) cleanse us from all unbelief and all sin, (3) that we might stand in Thy Presence now, (4)knowing that there is need among us,…


Now, As I see it there are 4 thoughts here.: He is acknowledging that God is the great fountain of Life, we must ask ourselves why would his mind go to a description of God as the Great fountain of Life as he is beginning this message on the Masterpiece unless he wants us to become focused on why this Great masterpiece was brought forth and from Whom it was brought forth. Now, as he begins his prayer he mentions four things to God, and  number one: he asks for God to send this great fountain that was in Him in the beginning to us that it might flow through us. That is the first thing he asks of God who is this Great Fountain of Life. Then he asks God acknowledging Him as the Great Fountain of Life, that which flows through us, that this God-Life might also cleanse us from all unbelief and sin. Then the third thing he asks God before beginning this sermon is he requests from God that we might stand in His Presence , and finally he acknowledges in this prayer that God, this Great Fountain of Life knows the things we have need of.


And so with this understanding of the first part of this prayer, I would like to begin with speaking about this Great Fountain of Life that William Branham is praying to, the Great God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Now, while we are looking at this prayer, I do not want you to forget that the subject of this sermon is concerning the “Masterpiece”. And I want you to understand that while he opens in prayer calling God by this wonderful title of “the Great fountain of Life”, there is a purpose for this description as you will see later in this sermon of Br. Branham’s. Because he will liken this Great Fountain of Life to the Great Sculptor artist Creator who had within Him a design for the Masterpiece.  But for now, Let us look at this thought that has been addressed to us concerning the Great Fountain of Life, and let us study that for a while because after all the Masterpiece was taken from the mind of this Great Fountain of Life.


In Genesis 1:1 we read, “In the Beginning God”…And we know that the word for God here was taken from the Hebrew word “Elohim” which means “the self existent one”.  So we see then that there was a time that God dwelt all alone. In fact for an eternity in the past God dwelt alone in a solitary existence. But in God was a great fountain of Life. For God is Life.


And in St. John 1: 1 we also read, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God”…Therefore we understand that God is the Word, and out of God came also the logos which was the Word also and this word is a carrier of Life, and this life was also the first light. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

God was alone and in Him was Life. And as He began to bring forth this Life, it first went into His Son, which is His Offspring, and the word offspring means to spring off from. So we see, God, the great Fountain of Life, began to bring forth His great plan to fulfill Himself, and He began this fulfillment by bringing forth first a Son. We find in JOHN 5:26 "For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself;"

Therefore we can see what David meant when He described God as the Great Fountain of Life. PSALMS 36:9 "For with thee [is] the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light.'

Now, Both David and John saw two main characteristics in God. They both saw this great fountain of Life,  and William Branham believed the same thing as we see in the following quotation from ….

21-129 Hebrews Chapter 57-0821 "This Great Fountain of Spirit which had no beginning or no end. This Great Spirit began to form in the creation, and the Logos that went out from It was the Son of God. It was the only visible form that the Spirit had. And It was a theophany, which means a body, and the body was like a man.

Now, William Branham believed this Life was represented as a great Light. And when we see the first expression of this fountain come forth, it is when God begins to speak. What do we see first? Light is spoken, and what does that Light bring forth? It brings forth the Life that was in it. The Father giving birth to His Son.

Now, we must not confuse God with His Son. John tells us that God is the Word. Some men would tell you that Jesus, the Son of God is the Word, but that is not entirely accurate. God is the Word. God is the Logos, and out of this great fountain of Logos or Word came forth a Little Logos, or Word expressed, and that was the Son. Brother Branham called Him Little Jehovah.

Smyrnaean Church Age 60-1206 147 "Now, if there's only one form of Eternal Life, and you get it and we're seeking for it through Jesus Christ; that's God's Life, then when that blood cell was broke on the Son of God, and that little Jehovah that was bottled up on the inside of this man called Jesus…

This is why brother Branham taught us that there are differences between God the Father and His Son because all sons have beginnings.

From the Message ATTITUDE AND WHO IS GOD? 50-0815 015 brother Branham said, "And we're taught in the beginning, that the Logos, or the Son of God went out of God. Now, I do not believe in eternal Sonship. That's even radical to even mention such a thing, eternal Sonship. How could He had an eternal Sonship...?... He had to have a beginning. See? 016 So He first was God, Jehovah. And out of Him... Let's just picture now as a little drama so you can get it. Let's see coming out of space where there's nothing, let's make it a little white Light, like a mystic Light, like a Halo. And that was the Logos that went out of God in the beginning. That was the Son of God that came out of the bosom of the Father. That was what was in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us. In the beginning was God. And then out of God came the Logos, a part of God that went out of God.

Notice, brother Branham told us it was only a part of God that went out of God. And we know as with any child born, it is a part of the father in him. Brother Branham said from the Message, GO TELL MY DISCIPLES 53-0405S 170, he is a part of God, (if)  he's an offspring of God. 

Hebrews 1: 1-5God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 2) Hath in these last days spoken unto us in Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; Who being the brightness of [his] glory, and the express image of his person, (The expressed image... or the out-raying or etching of God.) and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high; 4) ¶ Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they. 5) For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?

AMPLIFIED = Hebrews 1:1-5, In Many separate revelations, - each of which set forth a portion of the truth, - and in different ways God spoke of old to our forefathers in and by the prophets. But in the last of these days, He has spoken to us in the person of His Son, Whom he appointed heir and lawful Owner of all things, also by, and through Whom, He created the worlds, and the reaches of space, and the ages of time, - that is, He made, produced, built, operated, and arranged them in order. He is the sole expression of the Glory of God, - the Light-being, the out-raying of the Divine, - and He is the perfect imprint and very image of God's nature, upholding, maintaining, guiding, and propelling the universe by His mighty word of power. When He had, by offering Himself, accomplished our cleansing of sins and riddance of guilt, he sat down at the right hand of the Divine Majesty on High. Taking a place and rank by which He, Himself, became as much superior to angels as the glorious Name which He has inherited is different from and more excellent than theirs. For which of the angels did God ever say, "You are My Son, today I have begotten you, And Again, I will be to Him a Father, and he will be to Me a Son."

HEBREWS 1:6  And again, when he bringeth in the first begotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him.


Now, lets just stop for a moment and think about this Scripture. It speaks of when the Son of God came forth and then tells us he saith, let all the angels of God worship Him. Now, I would like to ask who is saying what here. This is where I think because the men who translated the Scriptures had a hard time in their translations because their minds were already made up concerning their doctrine of Trinity, that they believe that there are three persons in the Godhead and these three persons are three individuals and therefore would have to be three Gods.


But in the beginning God.  And we are told that there are no other Gods besides this Ione God, so we must take God at His Word. God did not create the angels to worship and make another being God. He created the angels to worship Himself. So we must not read this Scripture in a way that makes another God or else we will end up with two Gods.


Now, I believe what this Scripture tells us here is that God brought forth His Son, and then His son saith, Let all the angels of God worship God. For we have a vindicated Prophet of God who told us that in the beginning Christ was Michael and in that form he led the angels in the Worship of God.


Beginning ending gentile dispensation 55-0109E P:36 "And at that time Michael shall stand, the great prince." Michael was Christ, of course, Who fought the angelic wars in heaven with the devil. Satan and Michael fought together, or fought against each other, rather.


FIVE IDENTIFICATIONS  60-0911E  177    So the first thing He created... Now, some of you want to know about my Genesis story; God said, "Let us make man." The first thing He created was angels to worship Him, then He become God.


IDENTIFIED CHRIST OF ALL AGES  64-0409  E-25    "In the beginning was the Word." Before It was even expressed, It was a thought, attribute. In this thinking He was to be God. Probably created angels first, then He was worshipped, He was God.


Now, I believe the first thing created was Lucifer, because he was called son of the morning, and we know the morning or morning star is the Son of God.


INFLUENCE 64-0315 E-37 Note the heavenly Seraphims with coverings over their faces. Now, the Seraphims is the burners of the sacrifice, which is one of the highest orders of angels. They're next to the cherubims. There is angels, and then Seraphims, and then cherubims. And Seraphims is actually the burner of the sacrifice, making the way for the sinners' approach, a real high order of holiness in the temple of God.


REV CHAP 4.PT.3 THRONE MERCY  61-0108   291    You notice, these--these Cherubims that John saw here must've been interested in keeping the Tree of Life, so they must be interested in human beings. Or read Genesis, getting back to Genesis again; They kept the Tree of Life, guarded it, the Way of Life, the Way of Life.


REV CHAP 4.PT.3THRONE MERCY   61-0108  298    Guarding this gate... Cain and Abel come up here to worship. So it must've been an altar that they guard (Is that right?), these Cherubims.


REV CHAP.4.PT.3 THRONE MERCY  61-0108   301    Moses was taken up into heaven: Moses, taken from the earth up into heaven and saw the altar of God. Is that right? I'm trying to prove my point here. You know what I'm trying to do, don't you? All right. He went up in the Presence of God. And when he descended from the Presence of God, he said... God told Moses, "Make everything on earth as patterned after heaven." Is that right? All right. Now, then when he did, when he made the ark of the covenant, he put two Cherubims to guard the ark. See what it is? It was the temple... It was the altar, the throne guards. The two Cherubims, He said, "Mold them out of brass and put their wings a touching like this," because that's exactly what he saw in heaven. That's exactly what John saw in heaven, these four Cherubims on the four sides of the ark of the throne in heaven. They were the guards of the ark. Cherubims, guards at the mercy seat. If you want to read that Scripture (We ain't got time to go to it.), put down Exodus 25:10 to 22. Now, they guard the mercy seat when God is in His Shekinah Glory. Where was the Shekinah Glory? At the mercy seat. Is that right? They guard that Shekinah Glory. Um. Whew.


Now, to this point I believe we can establish that Lucifer was a co-partner leading in the worship of God.  He taught, He was a teacher. He knows the Word of God, but where he went off was when he added his own thoughts to what God said.  He was perfect in all his ways until iniquity was found in him. He perverted the Word, He twisted it for his own self interest. He was not satifisifed with being a good steward of the Word of God and he wanted a bigger kingdom than Michael (Christ) had.