Knowing there is need among us

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Rev. Brian Kocourek


Isaiah 1:18 Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.


Let us pray, Dear Loving and Merciful Father, we have come here today not to be seen, but to approach Thy Great Throne of Mercy knowing that the doors to your mercy are still open for we have a promise of an advocate with the Father and we acknowledge that role that your Son is now on your great throne performing as our mediator. For there is one mediator between you God and we as men, and that is the man Jesus, Your only Begotten, full of Grace and truth, and we know we have an advocate with you Father because your Word has told us so. And we know that you are not a man that you could lie, therefore we have a most blessed assurance of our Hope has been secured to bring us an entrance into you Great Presence which you have shown to us in this hour. Be with us dear Father as we open your word this morning, and may it not be our own doing, but may we say only what you have given us to say, for we ask it in Jesus Christ’s precious name, that name which you bestowed on your Son, amen.


Now, this morning we will take our sixth message from brother Branham’s sermon THE MASTERPIECE  64-0705 and we are still going to focus our thoughts on his opening prayer again because there is so much in this prayer. Now, in his opening prayer he said, 2 Lord Jesus, Thou the Fountain, inexhaustible Fountain of Life, flow through us today, Lord, and cleanse us from all unbelief and all sin, that we might stand in Thy Presence now, knowing that there is need among us, that... We know that we are sinners and not worthy of any blessing.


Now, this morning I would like to focus our thoughts on just a few words that Brother Branham said. “knowing that there is need among us.”


Now, this might not seem to be something that is worth examining, but I believe it tells a whole lot of the condition of the elect at that time. He is praying that the Great God who is the Fountain of Life may flow that Life through us and cleanse us from all sin and unbelief that we might be able to stand in the Presence This Holy God who is here, and then he adds,  “knowing that there is need among us.”


Now, these words, knowing there is need among us, I believe are worth our time to take a few minutes this morning and reflect on just what he is saying here, because he adds to that the following words. “We know that we are sinners and not worthy of any blessing. But then when we think of Him Who came and took our sins, then when His Blood's there, it's not us in the Presence of God, it's Him, just our voice through His Blood; His Blood's speaking. Oh, God, then cleanse our hearts from sin and unbelief.


Now, brother Branham is acknowledging the need for us to have a blood atonement that is still efficacious to us. Now, this is contrary to what some people believe who claim to be following this message. There are some who believe there is no more mercy, and that the lamb has left the mercy seat. For those who believe such I feel sorry for them because if that is what their revelation is, then they will be the first to be doomed because they have turned down mercy. And when you turn down mercy, there is only one thing that remains and that is judgment.


But I believe what we were told in  1 John 1: 7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.


Therefore as long as you are walking in the light there is a blood that still applies.


Now, as I said there are those who believe that there is no more mercy. They believe when the seals were revealed that the Lamb left the Mercy seat and is now on the judgment seat. They believe there is no more mercy. And yet we find brother Branham right up until his last sermon letting us know that the doors of mercy were still open.


On November 26, 1965 he said in the sermon, Works is Faith Expressed, May those who are not saved, above all things,  be ready. Get ready now, while the doors of mercy are still opened “


And of course in January 19, 1965 brother Branham preached a message called, God who is rich in mercy 65-0119 P:10 Now, why would he preach such a message almost 3 years after the seals were opened if there was no more mercy. And in this message he said,  Dear Jesus, we are approaching now the great throne of mercy, through this all-sufficient Name. "For there's no other Name given among men whereby we must be saved, but only this Name of the Lord Jesus." And we're coming in His Name. And we pray, heavenly Father, that You will receive us tonight as Your believing children. And forgive our unbelief, Lord. Help it tonight, that it may be that we will completely believe every Word of God tonight, for all the things that we have need of.”


Now, I do not think I need say anything else, because that doctrine is so foolish that one has to be void of any common sense to believe that there is no more mercy.


You see what they do not understand is that just because the Seven Seals were opened (which means they were revealed), that does not necessarily mean that they have been entirely fulfilled at this time. There is a big difference between revealed and fulfilled, because revealed simply means they have been opened to our understanding. When the seals were opened it was very apparent that many of the Seals had already taken place hundreds of years before 1963. And further more, the Seven Seals are not a chronological order of events. The Sixth Seal and the Seventh Seal actually overlap.




I think some day we ought to begin a series called, “understanding the Seven Seals”, because so many people have their minds twisted to think that the seals all took place when they were opened. So too they think the Seventh Seal was complete when it was opened but it is not complete. They also get mixed up statements where brother Branham says the Seventh seal brings Him back to earth and think that since the Seventh Seal has been revealed that he (The literal Body of Jesus Christ is back on earth) when the One Who has descended is the Angel of Revelation Chapter 10 which is The angel of the Covenant Which is God Himself, the father of Glory. He told us The Seventh Seal is Christ, but we must ask ourselves what He means by using the Word Christ since Christ means three things; The Anointer, The one being anointed, and the anointing itself. But we must also know that the Seventh Seal  is also concerned not only with the Appearing but with the Second Coming, and that has to do with the literal Body of the Son of God coming down to meet us in the air.


Brother Branham told us there’s a difference between the Appearing and the Coming, and not knowing this is where many have erred and gone into false doctrine.


From that time 62-0713 P:102 How many knows there's a difference between the appearing of Christ and the coming of Christ? It's two different words. Now's the appearing, the coming will soon be. He's appearing in the midst of us, doing the works that He once did, in His church. Now, you're a part of that church, and by grace you believe. I am a member of that church.


It is I be not afraid 62-0611 P:81 You know, there's a difference between the appearing of Christ and the coming of Christ. That's two different words altogether. He's appearing now in His church. We see Him; we know it's Him. It's the Holy Spirit. See? We know it is. Now. We believe that the Holy Spirit is God. All of us know that.


Jehovah Jireh part 2 62-0706 P:74 This is the close of the royal Seed's waiting. He's here, the appearing of Christ. Did you ever try to divide... There's a place in the Bible, you know, I ain't got time to go into it, says, the appearing of Christ, and then the coming of Christ. That's two different things altogether, the appearing and the coming. He's appearing now, working with us in the form of the Holy Spirit, making it just perfect, the Church; It has to.


Now, the other foolish thing being taught is that the Bride is now God. There are those who teach that God is in His church, therefore the Church or Bride is now God. And that comes because of a total lack of understanding the Godhead.


Brother Branham said from his sermon, We would see Jesus 62-0704 P:9 Now, we was told as Catholics that God is in His church, and that's where God is, in His church... So then if God is in His church, which one of them is His church? Each one of them says it's the church. So I knowed one thing... Now, that's just what the priest said, "God is in His church."But the Bible said God is in His Word. And He said that whosoever shall add anything to This, or take anything out of It, the same will be taken out of the Book of Life, for him. So I believe with all my heart that this Word is God in print form.


And let’s face it, in John 1:1, tells us, “In the beginning was the word and the Word is God”.


And we know that God is Sovereign. Brother Branham said we are a needy people, but God is not a needy person. He is Sovereign and He needs no one and no thing. He is a Solitary God and nothing good that we do can add to what He is nor can anything bad that we do can take away from what He is. He said, “I am that I am”. Now, that does not mean that He is what you think He is. He didn’t say “I am what you think I am”. He said, “I am that I Am, period, and there is nothing you, nor anyone else, can do to change that. And God is not a needy person, but brother Branham said here that we are a needy people.


Now, the word needy means “to be in need, and it actually means  impoverished, which means to be  poor.”  In other words if we are in need, then we are in need of something. And God is not in need of anything. But we are in need because we are a needy people. Therefore there must be something that is required that we don’t have. So we are talking about requirements when we speak of being needy. Therefore something required is missing. we are missing a requirement.


Now, we are getting somewhere. You see when language ceases to mean what it says then the language is of no more use. Therefore, if a Vindicated prophet of God said “we are a needy people” then it is a certainty that we are missing something that is required for us.


Now, then the question is what are we in need of? What is it that we are lacking? What requirement are we lacking, for if we have a need then it is expedient that there must be something that is required that we are in need of because we do not have it.


And in his prayer Brother Branham tells us what that requirement is. He says we need what it takes to bring us into the presence of  a holy God.


He said, we are a needy people, and in need of an advocate with the Father, and the blood to completely cover our disbelief.


As brother Branham so often said, we have hardly enough Faith for healing much less a Rapture and change of the Body. So we are a needy people, and we are a sinful people saved by the Blood of the innocent One. And to believe otherwise, we are only deceiving ourselves.


In fact that is what the Apostle John said in, 1 John 1: 8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.


Now, if you read this carefully, it does not say that we are deceiving others. It says we deceive only ourselves. The Wuest translation says, If we say that (indwelling) sin we are not having, ourselves we are leading astray, (nobody else) and the truth is not in us.


In other words, if we say we have no sin, we are deceiving only our selves. I haven’t met a sinner  yet that I have thought was sinless. And I am sure you all have the same experience as well. The legalist wants to pretend that they are sinless.

So they go around with their nose in the air but they don’t fool anyone except themselves. Look, I know you are all a bunch of rank heathens saved by the blood of the Lamb. How do I know that? Because that’s what I am. A rank heathen come out of Catholicism, which is nothing but a bunch of Creeds and superstitions, and if I thought any different about myself then I would only be deceiving myself. But I’ve been saved by His Grace, and by Faith I am walking in the Light of His Glorious Presence.


Therefore as the Apostle Paul said in  Ephesians 2: 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:


And he also taught us that through Faith which is Revelation we have access to God.


Romans 5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: 2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.


And this access we have to the Father is not by our Faith that we have in Him but by receiving the same faith Jesus Had, His Faith in the Father is what gives us access to the Father.


Ephesians 3: 12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.


That is why the Apostle Paul could tell us Galatians  2: 20I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.


And again in Ephesians 2: 18 he said,  For through him (the Son of God) we both (The Son of God and us) have access by one Spirit (That is the Spirit which has come froth from the Father), For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.


Romans 3: 22 Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe: for there is no difference: 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; 24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 25 Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;


William Branham was every bit in need of the blood of the innocent One as any other human being. And we all look and admire William Branham for the character he displayed in his life before God, but if it were not for the grace of God he would have been a murderer in his youth, and perhaps a drunkard like his father because it’s not as though he didn’t try to take a drink, and it’s not as though  he didn’t try to smoke that cigarette, but God just wouldn’t let him do it.




And that is because God wanted him sanctified and set aside for service. Now, you and me we didn’t have God blow out that match, or come down in a whirlwind to keep us from doing what we should not have done. But He did send His Son to die on our behalf just the same, and by a once for all sacrifice He met the payment of all our sins, past, present and future.


Therefore, as David said, Psalms 32: 2 Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.


Romans 4: 6 Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works, 7 Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered. 8 Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin.


Now, Paul is not saying here that you never did it. he is saying you did it but you just are not being given credit for what you did. And that is a good thing, because if you are not given credit for doing it, then you don’t have to pay the price for having done it. why? Because Jesus paid the price with a once for all sacrifice.


That is why brother Branham could say in his opening prayer, THE MASTERPIECE  64-0705 2 Lord Jesus, Thou the Fountain, inexhaustible Fountain of Life, flow through us today, Lord, and cleanse us from all unbelief and all sin, that we might stand in Thy Presence now, knowing that there is need among us, that... We know that we are sinners and not worthy of any blessing, But then when we think of Him Who came and took our sins, then when His Blood's there, it's not us in the Presence of God, it's Him, just our voice through His Blood; His Blood's speaking. Oh, God, then cleanse our hearts from sin and unbelief.


This new  Pope recently made a comment when being interviewed by the Zenit News Agency. They asked him if believers of other religions are saved, and he replied, “we are in agreement that a Jew, and this is true for believers of other religions, does not need to know or acknowledge Christ as the Son of God in order to be saved.”


There is only one mediator between God and man, the man Jesus.


John, told us that in order to have God you must have the Doctrine of Christ. And if you do not have the doctrine of Christ you do not have God. Then how can you be saved without the Doctrine of Christ.


Brother Branham said in his sermon, E-37 FUNDAMENTAL FOUNDATION FOR FAITH 55-0113 Now, when He was here on earth, He was a perfect example of everything of the godhead. He was the fullness of the godhead bodily. In Christ dwelt God. The body of Jesus was only the tabernacle of God. It's where Almighty God Himself lived and dwelt in a human being. You believe that, don't you? You have to, to be saved. You have to believe that.


1 John Chapter  2  Verse 23 Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.