The Masterpiece 109

Without Going “IN” an Exodus is not Complete

January 28th, 2007

Brian Kocourek


For the last few weeks we have been focused on the thoughts of the word “IN”. we began by looking at brother Branham’s thoughts on being IN the Word, the Life. Then we focused on the word “IN” and the importance of that word concerning salvation and the Doctrine of Christ. We had mentioned how that those who were in the ark were saved. We also mentioned how that those who left Egypt but did not enter in the promised land, all perished. So we se the importance in an Exodus that there are two parts, a leaving behind and a going in. And to just leave but not enter “IN” you will never receive the promise of God. Now, this morning I would like to examine how this Word “IN” as it applies to this third Exodus we are in the process of going through.



Now, remember the Alpha must repeat in the Omega and we have already had two Exodus in the Scriptures, and we are now in the midst of the third.


The First exodus took place with a Prophet, “Moses” leading the people out of Egypt which brother Branham said Egypt was a type of the church. 


Token the 63-0901M P:91 Israel coming out of Egypt was a type of the antetype today. Egypt was the church, and Israel represented the Bride. And as Israel come out of Egypt, so does the Bride come out of the church. See? 'Cause there has to be something there for it to come out of, and it's got to come out of. So if it was the type... The--the church is down in Egypt, in the world, and in sin, and does not care a tinker about your Token. They don't even believe it. But Israel loved it, for it was salvation to them.


Now, in that hour and in that Exodus we had a prophet of God on the scene that led the people out of Egypt which represented the church. And brother Branham said that was an ante type of today. So we have had in this hour also a prophet of God under the pillar of Fire leading the people out of the church. This prophet introduced us to Christ the Word, on the outside of the church, and said, “Come out to meet Him.” And so the people have come out. But what is more important is how many of those who left Egypt actually completed the Exodus which they began under the prophet.


When the prophet went off the scene the Pillar of fire that was leading him still remained behind to continue to lead the people. But only two of those who had left in that hour that were over twenty at the time of Kadish Barnea entered in. The rest were a younger generation that knew not the mud pits of Egypt. And so the Pillar of Fire remained behind to lead them “IN”.


Now, in the second Exodus we had the Pillar of Fire in Christ leading the people out of Judaism and the Law, and when Jesus went off the scene, as Moses did, the Pillar of Fire remained with the people and took them into Grace under the ministry of the Pillar of Fire to the early church through Paul.


Now, once again that same Pillar of Fire has come in this hour and has led the people in a mass Exodus from the church and the prophet that led them under the Pillar of Fire went off the scene that Pillar of Fire has remained to continue to lead. So we are looking at three Exoduses and we see that the importance of those Exoduses is that there are two important parts to them. The exit and the entering “IN”. The problem with all three is that the majority of those who have left died off in the wilderness journey.  But there are those few who did continue to follow the Pillar of Fire as it continues to lead us in all Truth, and IN to the promises of God.


Deuteronomy 16:5-6 " Thou may not sacrifice the Passover within any of the gates, which the LORD thy God giveth thee: But at the place which the LORD thy God has chosen to place his name in, there thou shall sacrifice the Passover at evening, at the going down of the sun, at the season that thou comest forth out of Egypt."


Now, remember, we spoke on Sunday that this scripture points to God choosing both the place and the season  for worship.  Now, a season has earmarks which are certain characteristics that make it known.  Fall has certain things about it that spring does not. Summer is different from winter.  EXPLAIN: ==>


I). The First EXODUS.


Here we are looking at the season of the 1st EXODUS. What were the earmarks of the first EXODUS?


Ecclesiastes 3: 1 "To everything there is a season and a time  for everything under the



An exodus is not only a going out, but it is also an entering in. So there has to be something happen to build up to an exodus. No need for an exodus if everything is just great.


A.   People in bondage to a system ...there seems no way of escape.

B.    So God sends His prophet to deliver the people.

C.   God backs him up and vindicates him by showing His own presence.

D.   The prophet's message is rejected, and God sends judgment.

E.    Because the message is rejected, those who follow it are squeezed, pressure put upon them.

F.    This brings on an exodus.

G.   During the exodus the pressure remains in various ways called trials and testings.

H.   Attrition sets in for those who are not made for the journey.

I.       Finally an entering takes place under the Leadership and guidance of the Pillar of Fire.







II).  The 2nd EXODUS

Now then, what were the earmarks of the 2nd exodus in Jesus and Paul's day?


There were people also in bondage, this time to a Roman system. There seemed to be no way out. God again comes down on the scene and uses the body of a prophet. This time it is not Moses but the body of His own Son. This prophet ( Jesus ) has three stages of His Ministry just like Moses. There are three pulls.


1.     1st pull, miracles, acceptance, open doors.

2.     2nd pull, discernment, shows vindication of God's Presence

3.     3rd pull, the Word goes forth - rejection manifests itself among the make-believers.

4.     Finally they crucify the Word made flesh. To put away the Word from among them.

      As you see here they separate themselves then from the vary presence they say they

     are longing for.


Now, the exodus begins again. God remains as the Pillar of Fire, a teaching season begins. The people are positionally placed under the ministry of the Pillar of Fire. A testing season begins and attrition sets in once again. The make believers are once again worn down and fall away.


III).  The Third Exodus.


What then are the characteristics of the 3rd Exodus?  Or shall we say the end time ministry of God Himself?


1) Matt 16:3

10) Luke 17: 30

19) Acts 3: 19

2) 2Thes2:1=>falling away

11) Mal 4: 1 - 6

20) 1 Cor 4: 5

3) Hebrews 6: 1 - 7  depart

12) Rev 10: 1 - 7

21) 1 Cor 1: 4 - 10

4) 1 Tim 4: 1

13) Rev 22: 10

22) Eph 1: 10, 15 - 17

5) Jude 4

14) 1 Thes 4: 15 - 18

23) 2 Thes 2: 6

6) Acts 20: 28 - 32

15) 2 Thes 1: 7 - 12

24) 2 Cor 3: 18, 4: 1- 7

7) 2 Peter 2: 1 - 4

16) 2 Thes 2: 1 - 13

25) Thes 5: 1 - 5

8) 2 Tim 3: 1 - 9

17) 1 Peter 1: 5, 11, 13


9) 2 Tim 4: 1 - 8

18) Matt 13: 30