The Word is a Lamp that brings us into His Presence

Sunday morning, September 18, 2005

Rev. Brian Kocourek


This morning we will continue in our Study of Br. Branham’s sermon called THE MASTERPIECE  64-0705 and this will be number 23 in our series. We will pick up this morning at paragraph 25 and read.  


THE MASTERPIECE  64-0705  25   Father God, Thy Word is a Lamp, the Light that lights the path of every believer into the Presence of God, as It carries us like a lantern in our hand. You've not provided enough that we should see the end from the beginning, and I walk with faith. But as a man would travel through a dark forest at night (And that's where we are.), the light that he holds only provides step by step. But the path, though leading upward, just walk with the Light. And may The Light shine today upon the Word to lead us one step farther to the Kingdom of God. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. (Be seated.)


Now in this preamble to his message after reading the Scripture from Isaiah 53 for his text, brother Branham says some very interesting things here concerning the Word of God and how we are to walk in it.


Notice that he begins here by addressing God as our Father, and then acknowledges that the Word of God is a lamp. Now we know that is scriptural for we find it in Psalms 119:105 where David says, Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.


Now, I want you to notice that brother Branham does not stop here but goes on to give us a little more information as to How the Word of God is to be used as this lamp to guide us in the way.


Father God, Thy Word is a Lamp, the Light that lights the path of every believer into the Presence of God


Now this then tell us that without this Light to light the path into the Presence of God we will not have the necessary equipment to ensure our journey into that presence and without the light of that lamp we will not know when we have arrived at His Pre4sence or not.


Jesus tells us the same thing in Matthew 25:1-13 which deals with The Ten Virgins.


MATTHEW 25:1 ¶ Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.


Now I am not going to go into the same detail that I did when I preached on the Ten Virgins in our Parables series, but I will bring up some things that I did cover in that series, so bear with me if you do not like some repetition.  If you will recall the number ten is one of the perfect numbers and it is significant because it is the first decade and represents the entire numerical system coming to a completion. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, and 10 starts is all over again, because the fist two numbers 0, and 1 are both used in this first decade showing there are no more numbers to be used. And the number ten signifies that the whole cycle is now complete. 


Therefore in referring to the number ten concerning the virgins, Jesus is speaking of the conclusion of the church, and the time when the Groom comes to take out a portion of that number, Five to be exact, which number five represents “Grace”.


Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.


Notice also that Jesus was speaking of virgins which means they have not been with men, and have not been impregnated by mans dogmas and creeds.


156           Ten Virgins 60-1211M]  Now, watch, they, both of them were virgins. Now, let me get this Here, let's take these two right here. This is a virgin and this is a virgin. This was a foolish virgin and this was a wise virgin, but both of them are virgins.  Now, if you'll take that name "virgin" and run it down, it means  “holy, clean, sanctified.” The word “sanctify” comes from the word “sainted,” which means “clean.” Like the Hebrew word… Now, that’s a Greek word; “sanctify” means “clean.”


So then, these ten virgins which are virgins in Word and deed, have not been corrupted by man’s seed or man’s doctrine.


Now, that we have established a few details in order to understand this parable, let’s now get to the heart of what this parable is all about. Notice that all ten virgins have lamps. Now we have already read in Psalm 119:105 that The Word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, So we see that the ten virgins are Bible toting Virgins. Now remember, a woman in the Bible always types a church. Brother Branham taught us that.


WHY WE ARE NOT A DENOMINATION?  58-0927   31 Now, a woman, in the Bible, represents "church." How many knows that? We are a Bride; the Church is a Bride.


Now in getting back to brother Branham’s statement this morning in The Masterpiece, he said, Father God, Thy Word is a Lamp, the Light that lights the path of every believer into the Presence of God, as It carries us like a lantern in our hand.


Now from his sermon  Conflict Between God and Satan 62-0531 pp. 73 brother Branham said,  Fire is the confirmation of the Light coming from the Word. The smart virgin, the wise virgin, had oil in her lamp, and she trimmed her lamp and lit it. Now, what is it? Now, God is the Word; the Oil is the Spirit; and the Fire is the Gospel Light on that Oil. Amen. God said so. See? That's the vessel. All right. The Oil is in the vessel, and the Fire burning it, shows that it's reflecting the Light of what the Word said. See? That's the reflection. Now, that wise virgin could do that; but that other, foolish virgin, was on the outside, had no Oil. And they couldn't reflect nothing but just their church and their denomination. See? Now, "You say the Word... You said the Word was Spirit?" Yes, sir. God said, "My word is Spirit." That's right.  The true Bride must be unified by the Word. Now, remember, if she is a part of Christ, she has to be the Word of Christ. In order to be the Word of Christ, you have to be baptized into Christ. And when you're in Christ, you believe Christ and Christ is the Word.


So we see that these ten virgins represent the church in its purity, and within this called out group, there are not all these believers are the same. One has oil in their vessel which is the baptism of the Holy Spirit and therefore they can see the kingdom of God because Jesus told Nicodemus “unless you are born again you can not see the kingdom of God. And see means to understand. That is what we spoke on August 14, 2005 from the Masterpiece number 18, the Spirit of Adoption.

We showed you that brother Branham define4d the new birth evidence as being able to understand the Kingdom of God.


From the sermon Key to the door 62-1007 P: 68 Brother Branham said, No man can understand the Word outside the baptism of the Holy Ghost. And when a man says he's got the baptism of the Holy Ghost, and disputes the Word being right, there's something wrong.


And from his sermon called Calling of Abraham 55-1116 P:29 Brother Branham said, Jesus said to Nicodemus, "Except the man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God." See what the right translation that is, "cannot understand the Kingdom of God." Somebody be doing something, showing you. "I just can't see it." You're looking at it, but you don't understand it. And you'll never know what the Kingdom of God is until you're born again, then you'll understand what It is.


So you see the oil in the vessel tells us that those 5 virgins were born again and therefore were considered wise because they knew and could understand the Word of God. Therefore the wise virgin are born again and the five that are foolish are not. Because they can not see nor do they understand the word of God.


Now, the question came up while we were in Spain speaking to the brethren there, “who are the five foolish virgins, and are they in the Message or are they in denomination.


Well, if they are in denomination and abiding by their system they certainly could not be virgins. Also I want you to notice that all ten or in other words the full complete cycle of virgins at the end-time all hear the midnight cry which is come out of her my people, Behold I stand at the door and knock, if any man hear my Voice and open I will sup with Him and He with me.  


Now, from the sermon Handwriting on the wall 58-0618 P:3 brother Branham said, “You know there were virgins that went out to meet Him. And five were still virgins, but were foolish virgins that didn't keep oil in their lamps. And though they were virgins, just the same as the others, they were not permitted to the wedding supper. So far be it, from any people here tonight, to be included, so they'd be excluded from the Presence of the Lord, included in that group of the virgins with no oil in their lamps.


Now, hold that thought in your mind for a while. Brother Branham said “They are excluded from the Presence of the Lord”. Why? Because although they heard the midnight cry that said, “come out of her my people”, and they came out, yet because they could not see who was there on the outside, they did not focus on the One standing in their midst, but focused their thoughts on the other virgins and asked of them for some of their oil. So because they could not understand Who it was that His Presence was there, they reaped none of the benefits of His Presence. Yet they were standing in the very same presence of the Lord as the wise virgins but they did not know it.


Now, just think of that. The same One that called them out of darkness was standing there in their midst and because they had no oil in their lamp, meaning because they were not born again, they could not recognize the one who had made that midnight cry. The wise knew He was standing there, and they went in with Him into the wedding supper, but the Foolish did not know whose presence they had come out to see because they could not see anyone standing there. That midnight cry attracted their attention just like it did the wise virgins, but when they went out to see what it was about, they saw nothing.



And so too today, we see this scene unfolding all over the world.  All ten virgins had only one thing in mind, and that was to meet the Bride Groom. They were all waiting for Him to come, and  Jesus speaks nothing of these ten having eyes for another man. These are not adulterous women. They are pure and have eyes only for the Groom. And yet when they came out of denomination to come into the presence of the One who came down with a Shout, or a midnight cry, the wise saw him because they had oil in their vessels. They saw His presence and they understood what they saw, for they went with Him into the wedding supper. But the others saw nothing. No Presence, just darkness and thus absence. They had no understanding of the one who was in their midst.


Now, according to Matthew 13: 10-17 and Mark 4: 10-12 there is a certain Group of predestinated people who are ordained to know, to understand, and to perceive. And we know by the same parables that all others are not ordained to know and to understand, and therefore will get nothing because of their blindness.


And we know also by what Jesus told us in those two scriptures that no one outside of those ordained individuals is capable of knowing, and understanding the Word.  If you want to know whether you are born again or not, you will know you are born again when the Word of God comes alive to you. Paul said, “Ephesians 2: 1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins; and again in  Colossians 2: 13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; And the word quickened means to come alive.


And that is your key, together with Him, for if His Life is living and abiding in you, then you are alive to His word and can see it as it comes to pass. Colossians 3:4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.


Audio letter to Lee Vayle 64-0500 P:2 Because if they only see it in the hour past, then there's no hope for the church. The church must see it in the present tense. So God sends His prophet to manifest, present tense of it. You see? And then, after it's over, then history is.


Anointed ones at end time 65-0725M P:158 Said, "I AM sent me." I AM, not I was, or will be, I AM, present tense, the Word now. Not the Word that was, the Word that will come, the Word that's now. See? You get it?


Anointed ones at end time 65-0725M P:168  "For it is impossible for those which were once enlightened and didn't move on with the Word as it come to pass..." They're dead, gone.


Now this word "wise" that Jesus uses here  is a Greek word Phronimos which means to be prudent or sensible in a practical sense.  We see Him use the same word in  Matthew 7:24-27 where he says,   Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them,( in other words, puts them into practice)  I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded ( it's foundation ) was upon a rock.( and we know that this rock is Revelation, and Paul told us that no other foundation can be laid than what is already laid and that is Christ.)


And so we read on, And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, (does not put them into practice) shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: (You'll notice here that he has no foundation) And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. 

The Wise are those who not only hear but put into action what they hear. This is considered the prudent or sensible thing to do. And of course we see the foolish are those who also hear, but they do not do, and because they do not put into action what they hear, they are not considered wise or prudent, but foolish, because they could have taken action and saved their home, but they did not, and therefore their homes were destroyed. Oh, how many believers today are watching their own children going down the wrong road and are headed for destruction only because they did not apply the Token. Brother Branham said it won't do you any good unless you apply it, it must be applied!, and that means it has got to be put into use or it won't do you any good. Now the only difference between the Wise and Foolish is that One had their foundation built on The Revelation of Jesus Christ, while the other didn't. The same winds of doctrine blew down upon them both, they were both  subjected to the same rain and wind and flooding  which [ Isaiah 59: 19 ]  warns us that "when the enemy comes in like a flood  the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him".  But the thing I want you to notice is that the same trials will come upon both the wise and foolish alike, but the wise won't falter during this testing time because they have a foundation built upon a rock which is revelation.


But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. In other words, the Word was anointed to them which makes all the difference in the world, because to those whom the Word is anointed, it becomes a living Word, whereas to the others it is not a living Word, but a set of rules and regulations in which they must follow.  In Isaiah 28: 9-13 NIV we see what happens to them who hear this Message but understand it not. Who is He trying to teach? To whom is He explaining His Message? To children weaned from their milk, to those just taken from the breast? For it is: Do and do, do and do, rule on rule, rule on rule; a little here, a little there. Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people, to whom He said, "This is the resting place, let the weary rest"; and "This is the place of repose"- but they would not listen. So then, the Word of the Lord to them will become: Do and do, do and do, rule on rule, rule on rule; as little here, and a little there- so then they will go and fall backward, be injured and snared and captured."  


And so we see the foolish virgin did not have the Word of God anointed to them and so when they realized how late it was they went to those who did understand the Midnight Cry or Shout and they began to seek this anointing so they might understand but it was too late. And so when they realized they did not have it they went into a works program and tried everything they could to work themselves up into a condition of anointing but it was to no avail. So let's read on and see what happens to them.


3 They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: Now, here is the scene He is building up in our minds.  These ten virgins, all of them are on their way to meet the Bride Groom with lamps in hand, but five of them have no oil in their lamps to keep the lamps lit.  Thus the lamps or the Word of God has become useless to them. Now, the significance of this is that the lamp is used to light the path before you so you don’t loose your way. But it’s got to be lit or it becomes of no use to you, just a bunch of extra weight which represents extra burden to carry which is legalism. 


Now, in the same manner as the lamp without oil, if the Word of God is not lit up in our heart it will do you no good. And so we see these Bible toting young ladies out in the dark with no light. They are carrying a lamp, but apparently they do not know how to use it, or what it is for? Otherwise they would have made sure it had oil in it. And how many people profess to have the Message, they have all the sermons on MP3 or on their computer and yet because they have no oil, they do not know how to utilize this great Lamp of God. And thus they still walk in darkness and the lamp, or Message does them no good, for they do not know how to use it to see clearly the one who is Present.


25:4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. Notice the significance of the words Jesus says and how he says it. The wise took oil in their vessels. That means that they had a vessel that was separate from the Lamp. Now, the vessel represents their person. The Apostle Paul told us in I THESSALONIANS 4:3 For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication: 4 That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour.


In other words, we should know how to keep our vessel sanctified. And the vessel represent your body, your person. And again we read in ACTS 9:15 when God spoke to Ananias about Paul,  But the Lord said unto him, (God is speaking to Ananias here,) Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:


So we see that the five wise took oil in their vessel and we know that oil represents the Holy Spirit or the anointing of God. I SAMUEL 16:13 Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward.


Now, let me show you further that this oil represents not only the Holy Spirit in the believer, but an ability given to the believer by the Holy spirit to know and to understand the Word of God, because the anointing is for that very purpose of shining forth the light of God just as the oil in the lamp is to shine forth light from the lamp.


In I JOHN 2:20 we read,   But ye have an unction (that means anointing,) from the Holy One, and ye know all things. Then John makes it clear when he says,  21  I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth. And notice how specific John becomes concerning what this anointing will do for you, and also what a lack of it will not do. He says, 22 Who is a liar? but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ. (is the Anointed,) then notice how John becomes very, very specific as to what that lie is.  He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.


So John is very specific about what that antichrist spirit is. Then John makes it more clear what He is driving at, when he says, 1 John 2:23  Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: But he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. You see because if you deny that Jesus is the Son of God, then you make Him God the Son, and now you have two Gods. And further if you deny that He is the Son of God, then how can God be a Father? A Father has at least one child or he isn’t a father.  And without a Son God is just God, but He could not be a Father. Then to say Jesus is his own Father denies that He is a son, and thus denies that God is a Father and you see where it leads to? Confusion!   And John says, if you do not have the son you do not have the Father, but if you acknowledge the son then you by definition also acknowledge the Father. Notice also that he says, Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (and that word hath is the Greek word echo, and thus you can not echo or reflect the Father if He doesn’t have children.) But he that acknowledgeth the Son hath (echoes or reflects the son, reflects) the Father also. Oh how beautiful the Scriptures come together.

Matthew 25: 6 And at midnight there was a cry made, and at the very end of the day, when there is no more time left it is midnight… and don’t we see that same implication in Revelations 10:7 when time shall be no more?


Now I want you to notice, they all heard the midnight cry, right? So it had to be pretty loud, and this word cry here means to speak loudly or with a loud voice, which is called a shout. So we can say that all the virgins both wise and foolish heard this Midnight Shout? And what was the Shout? "Behold," which means "Look and See”, The Bridegroom cometh, He’s on His way… And who was standing there knocking at the door? "Behold I stand at the door and knock," That’s Revelation chapter 3, and  "Behold the Judge standeth at the door." That’s James chapter 5.  We see the same thing in Revelations Chapter 10: where the same root word is used to express this great cry in verse 3. In verse 1 The Lord Himself comes down and in verse 3 He cried with a loud voice, (which is a shout) as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.  And we know the Loud voice like a lion represents a prophetic voice, or that of a prophet. God speaking through His Prophet as we see in AMOS 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets. 8 The lion hath roared, Not squeaked, but roared,) who will not fear? the Lord GOD hath spoken, who can but prophesy? Look the prophet couldn’t even help it. 


…Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him. Now, notice what that shout was…Not, behold the Bride Groom is here, but that word cometh is the word erchomai which means “yet to come”, not Parousia which means present already. No, that midnight cry is speaking of the Coming of the Bride Groom, Then if it speaks of the coming of the Bride Groom, then the Bride Groom is not here yet at this time. Then who gave the midnight cry? Certainly it is not the Bride Groom, but another declaring his soon arrival. And when the king called forth a wedding for His Son, notice He is the One who called forth the wedding, it was Him calling forth, it was Him, the king that gave forth the Shout. And brother Branham said in his sermon,  DIVINE HEALING 54-1219M   283  I'm so happy today to know that God is in our midst; the shout of the King is here,… WAY OF A TRUE PROPHET 63-0119  E-66  There was a shout of the king in the camp. God was with them


HEAR YE HIM 57-0125  E-78    O God, how we love You. How we worship You. You are in our midst. The shout of the King is here. The great Jehovah


UNITED UNDER ONE HEAD  58-0326  E-50 I believe that His Presence is here. The King, there's a shout of the King.


TIME OF DECISION 59-0418  E-44    But what did he fail to see? He failed to hear the shout of the King in the camp down there. They had a smitten rock. They had a Pillar of Fire, a supernatural sign. They failed to see that. That's what's the matter with the world today, they fail to see It.


CONDEMNATION BY REPRESENTATION  60-1113  35-2 And we believe that there is to be a church in these last days, that will receive both former and latter rain. It'll be scattered throughout the world in this Laodicean Age. It'll be a church that's called back to the original faith in God. It'll be a church that'll have Jesus Christ walking in it, manifesting Himself; the shout of the King will be in it.   




Matthew 25: 6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom; come out to meet him. And in 2 Corinthians 6: 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you, 18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.  


We see the same thing in Revelations 18: 4 where God says, “Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her plagues. He is the same and changes not. God said, I am that I am, and if he changes not, then every time we see the Scripture proclaim come out we know that it is the Father calling for us to come, just as we saw the Father King calling for the people to come to the wedding of the Bridegroom.


25:7 Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps. It’s lamp trimming time.  Now, remember the lamp is the Word of God. So what does it mean to trim the lamp? Notice when they all began to trim their lamps, which I believe they began to search the Word for an understanding of what this Midnight Shout was all about, it is then that the real difference between them comes into view. The Wise, were made ready, while the foolish realized they did not have the oil which we know always in scripture, oil represents the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit. And this is the difference between them. And this is also the reason why the Wise knew who it was at the door and the Foolish did not.  I think this also speaks of the Wise having an understanding of the Headstone returning with shouting of Grace, Grace unto it.  Because the foolish were not aware of this grace. And remember as we studied the Grace of God at the time of the revelation of Jesus Christ is a special anointing upon the believer making them to know and understand.  


E-35  Sudden Secret Going Away of the Church  58-1012 They were ready to go meet Him, but some of them let their oil go out. Don't let that be your case. Keep oil in your lamp. Oil is the Spirit, the Holy Spirit. Never let it drain from you. When you feel your love dying away, your sincerity to Christ, and to the cause, quickly go to Him Who has the Fountain of Oil and buy for yourself a filling of the Holy Spirit.


LAMB'S BOOK  OF LIFE 56-0603 E-28   028  Noah was a type  that was carried over like the sleeping virgin. But Enoch was translated just before the tribulation struck. And Enoch was took up, and was found not, because God took him: the type of the going forth of the going forth of the church. And Noah watched him. When he seen Enoch go, he knew it was time to enter the ark, for to be carried through the tribulation. The Bible said there was ten virgins went out to meet the bridegroom, and five were wise; five were foolish. And they were all virgins, every one of them. But five was wise. And they had oil in their lamp. And they went out to meet the bridegroom. And the bridegroom came. And the ones that had oil, went in. See, the translation, going with the Bridegroom. But those who were left behind, they come and wanted in too just like those who come and knocked on the door of the ark. "Noah, let us in." But God closed the door. No, friend of mine, one of these days God's going to give you your final call, then the door's going to be closed between mercy, and judgment. Don't be left out. Get in now while you can. Don't pay no attention to what the world says. Get into Christ, for those that are in Christ will God bring with Him. See?


Now, I want you to notice something here. While the others who were considered foolish went out looking to try and find some understanding of this Midnight Shout, the others went into the Marriage in the Presence of the Bridegroom as it says, They went in with Him.)

Matthew 25:11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. Afterwards, the others realized who it was that was knocking and who it was that was Present, but it was too late then, they missed Him because they had not been ready. The Word had not been anointed to them and they missed the Revelation of Jesus Christ. They were left behind for the tribulation period.) 12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. This word know here is a Greek word which means to fully know but in the context that Jesus is using it, it would suggest that He's saying, "I never really had a consummate relationship with you" and therefore,  (as Doctor Hoyer from Wheaton Illinois who was at one time considered the greatest U.S. student of the Greek said,  "this should be translated as " I used to know you as my wife, but I do not know you as my wife any longer. "In other words, we never consummated our relationship together and therefore I really never knew you in a conjugal sense of the word.


And what is the evidence that He has filled you with His Spirit, that you have been baptized in the Spirit of the Living God? ,  "when you have been truly baptized by the Holy Spirit, then the Message is no longer a mystery to you, it is no longer a secret to you, you know it!" "It's all lit up before you". 


1032-Q-306  QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS   64-0823E 306. After the Bride is raptured will any of the foolish virgin be saved or will they all be lost? No. See, everything will be finished for the Gentile church when the Bride is taken from the earth. The Spirit of God leaves the earth: "He that's filthy is filthy still; he that's righteous is righteous still; he that's holy is holy still." In other words the sanctuary becomes smoky, where the Attorney stands to plead the case. Christ leaves the sanctuary; His day of mediatorial is over. The rapture comes; He leaves from the sanctuary, goes forth and takes the Book of Redemption, and claims everything He redeemed. There's no more mediatorial work. How many understands that? I got it on one of the Seals--or one of the... Yeah, the Seals, I believe it was, that Christ comes forth to claim His mediatorial work., just a minute. "Will the foolish virgin be saved." No. Whatever happens, happens now. After that time she's in the state... Now, she will have to go through the tribulation period. And the reason of it is, is because she has rejected the Atonement in Its fullness. She is a believer, a professed believer, but she will have to go through the tribulation period.


Notice brother Branham said, THE MASTERPIECE  64-0705  25   Father God, Thy Word is a Lamp, the Light that lights the path of every believer into the Presence of God, as It carries us like a lantern in our hand. You've not provided enough that we should see the end from the beginning, and I walk with faith. But as a man would travel through a dark forest at night (And that's where we are.), the light that he holds only provides step by step. But the path, though leading upward, just walk with the Light. And may The Light shine today upon the Word to lead us one step farther to the Kingdom of God. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen.


Next week, Lord willing, we will look at this next thought here that he says, You've not provided enough that we should see the end from the beginning, and he added  the light that he holds only provides step by step. So we will examine the progressive way in which the Lord reveals himself to us, word by word, and attribute by attribute, step by step. Amen.