Masterpiece 53

End-Time Conditions

March 12th, 2006

Pastor, Brian Kocourek


1. This morning we will continue again with this series from Br. Branham’s sermon called the Masterpiece. Last week we examine paragraph 77 where brother Branham spoke about the condition of time, the condition of the people, the condition of politics, and the condition of the world.


2. In this paragraph he spoke of how all these different groups; the people, the politics, the world etc. are falling apart. The mental condition of the people is falling apart.  Civility of the people is falling apart. Decency and order is falling apart, but all this is only a sign  that God has another Kingdom, an eternal Kingdom which can never fall and that Kingdom is coming more and mo9re into view Since He has come down with a Shout to introduce us to that Kingdom.


3. Brother Branham then spoke of how one kingdom must fall in order for another kingdom to rise up. He then quoted the Apostle Paul from the Book of Hebrews 12:28 who said, Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear:


4. Last week we spoke of that coming Kingdom, which is an Eternal Kingdom with an Eternal King, who is an Immortal King, One that could never have an end, and since This King can never have an end, then neither shall His Kingdom have an end. The Apostle Paul said in,  1 Timothy 1:17 Now unto the King eternal, (Who is) immortal, (which means this King could never die, and who also is) invisible (That means that this King is a Spirit, and if invisible, then He can not be seen by the natural Eye, and this King is ), the only wise God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen.


5. So we see that God is The King, and He is here establishing His Kingdom in righteousness and Holiness, and without Holiness no man can see the Lord. Then that means He is invisible to those who are not Holy, but very visible to those who are holy.  But we do not see Him with our eyes natural, but we see Him with the eyes of our heart, which means the eyes of our understanding. And so we examined this coming Kingdom that is now in the process of coming into Manifestation by the personal Presence of this Eternal King.


6. And Brother Branham told us that the Holy Spirit who is now in our midst will take us up in the rapture and we shall then meet His Son in the Heir and when we do, at that time this Holy Spirit will then incarnate the Son of God once again, and at that Time this Invisible King will become visible to all and we shall crown Him King of Kings and Lord of Lords.


7. First seal the 63-0318 P:135 Notice, and when this Holy Spirit that we have, becomes incarnate to us, the One that's in our midst now in the form of the Holy Ghost, becomes incarnate to us in the Person of Jesus Christ, we'll crown Him King of kings.


8. So we see what this Message is all about. God the Great eternal King has come down in this hour and has given us a Message of His Soon coming kingdom which is to be established in the hearts of Men. And this Message with is bringing forth a Kingdom, and a Kingdom is not a land, but rather it is a King with His People. That is what makes up a kingdom.


9. In the Book of Luke we see a situation when the Christ rejecting Pharisees asked Him when the Kingdom of God should come, and He said “the Kingdom of God is within you.


10. Luke 17:20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.


11. Now, Notice that Jesus said the kingdom of God comes not any an observable form. Therefore it is invisible, just as the Eternal King is also the invisible King. Now, I know that many speak of the Kingdom of God as being in the hearts of men, but that is not altogether True. Not just any man. Because the Kingdom of God cometh without observation which means it Is a Spiritual Kingdom with a Spirit as King, Who is the Only Eternal, Invisible, and Immortal King, the Only Wise God.


12. Jesus would never have said that anything as precious as the kingdom of God would be found in the hearts of those Christ rejecting, word of God rejecting Pharisees, The word “Within” was translated from the Greek word “entos” which means, “in the midst of”. Therefore that translation that says “within” gives a wrong perception of how it actually will come. And the churches have preached for the past 2,000 years that the Kingdom of God comes into the hearts of man and this has given a false perception because preached that way it does not appear that there is a real kingdom, but only a philosophical one.


13. But this Kingdom that Jesus was speaking consists of a King and His People, and this King was standing in the midst of these Christ Rejecting Pharisees and they did not even know it. As I already said, a Kingdom is not a land, nor is it a geography, but a Kingdom must have two things to be a Kingdom. It must have a King and it must have a people. As Israel roamed across deserts it was being led by the King of Glory, God Himself in the form of the Pillar of Fire. He was their King, and yet Israel did not even have a land of their own at the time, so you see it is not real estate that makes a kingdom, but a King and His people make up a Kingdom.  Israel had a king but they did not want an invisible King do they cried out to have a fleshly king, and so they chose Saul to be king.


14. When this happened Samuel the Prophet had thought that the people were rejecting Him but God said they were not rejecting Saul the Messenger, but they were rejecting God Himself as their King.


15. I SAMUEL 8:1  And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he made his sons judges over Israel. 2 Now the name of his firstborn was Joel; and the name of his second, Abiah: [they were] judges in Beersheba. 3 And his sons walked not in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment. 4¶ Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel unto Ramah,  5 And said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. 6 But the thing displeased Samuel, when they said, Give us a king to judge us. And Samuel prayed unto the LORD. 7 And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not reign over them.


16. So we see the rejected King is the Lord of Glory, God Himself. Brother Branham said in his sermon,  A DECEIVED CHURCH "But as Israel was bound by their Kings that they could not follow the real King; and the real King, when He came, they didn't recognize Him. So is it today, oh, Lord. The King of Glory has appeared in the form of the Holy Ghost and Lord, They don't know it. They don't recognize it. They're so organized so tight, that they do not understand it, because It's not in their organization. Lord this is a work of the devil that's done this to the people. May the Samson of God, may the True in heart, those who are longing and crying and pleading and holding on, may they stay with It, Lord, until this new crop grows out. Until there comes forth again a joy in Zion, and there comes forth a group that can recognize and understand. That can see the Messiah and the hidden power that's hid from the world, that they will not understand now. Grant, Lord, that they'll see this, for we ask It in Jesus name, amen."


17. Notice that Brother Branham is telling us that just as it was with Jesus and the Pharisees back there, so is it today. Times may change and circumstances may change but people do not change. If he came to Israel in the Wilderness and they rejected Him from being their King, so today man has done the same thing again. And When God came forth in His Son and presented his Son as their King, they rejected His Kingship then as well. And so have they in this hour when he has come to set up His Kingdom. But that does not stop the fact that God is here setting up his Kingdom. Whether they wish to stop it or not, the Word of God endures forever and we know this is the season for His Kingdom to come forth in Glory and no one can stop it.


18. All the conditions are ripe because all Kingdoms are falling. Not just America, but there is no other earthly kingdom that is coming on strong as this nation is loosing its grip and falling. Over the ages when one kingdom fell another rose up to take over, but not so here, The only kingdom that is rising up will never fail, for it is the hour for the Kingdom of God to come. So the conditions are ripe for this oncoming Kingdom that shall never be shaken.


19. THE MASTERPIECE  64-0705  77  And we see (1) the condition of time. We see (2) the condition of people. We see(3) the condition of politics. We see (4) the condition of the world. (and then brother Branham’s speaks of all these conditions show one thing, that they,) It can't stand. (In speaking of these conditions, he says,)  It's got to sink like the Titanic. It must go down. For one nation gives room to another as it falls. And this kingdom must fall and every other kingdom to give room to that Kingdom that's coming which cannot fall. For we receive a Kingdom that cannot be moved through this perfect Image of God, the Masterpiece.


20. So we are looking at certain conditions that are falling and these conditions are an indicator that the kingdoms of this world are in a free spin and are falling, and that shows that another Kingdom is ready to come forth in power and Glory, and that is the Kingdom of our God and Savior.


21. End time evangelism 62-0603 P:80 The end-time messenger and message should meet with end-time conditions. Don't you think so? This message could not have been preached forty years ago. No, the end-time message and messenger has got to meet. Back there in them days they had, it probably wouldn't have worked. But it's got to cope with end-time conditions. Be converted; believe the Gospel signs. That's the message of today. Wash your souls in the Blood of the Lamb and believe the Gospel, that the end-time signs are here, the seed of the Gospel has been taking place.


22. So we see that there are definitely end-time conditions that we must look at to understand that this Kingdom that can not be shaken is well on its way, and the King of Glory being here in the fullness of His personal Presence is our greatest indicator that this soon coming Kingdom is here to stay.


23. Rapture the 65-1204 P:80 The church can't receive Christ. The Pentecostals, we can't carry this Message on in the condition the church is in today. How we going to carry out the end time in the condition they're in today, when every one against the other, and everything else, and ecclesiastically? Oh, mercy. It's a mess. It's done gone into denominations. And any time, I ask any historian to say different. Every time that a message went forth in the earth and when they organized it, it died right there. And Pentecost done the same thing as they all... The Pentecost that come out...


24. Now, that ought to tell us right there that all this fussing and trying to organize this Message is not of God.


25. Satan's Eden 65-0829 P:56 Man mustn't establish their self. We find it amongst... Let God do something for a person, send him out, you find every man trying to impersonate it. See, they're trying to establish themselves. Every man, "I did this, me, I, mine, my denomination, me this," establish themselves. What are we preaching about, ourselves, or the Kingdom of God? Establish the Word of God. Take out the unbelief and establish the Kingdom of God in a man's heart. And the Kingdom of God cannot be established in a man's heart, 'less God made that man thus. He cannot be established in a... And remember, the deceitful part, that men think that it's right. See? "There is a way that seemeth right unto a man." Every intellectual being seems right.


26. So we see everywhere, men are trying to establish themselves as God’s man, or as the church with the biggest membership, or the biggest mission program, or the biggest printing presses, or the biggest outreach, or the ministry that produces the most CD’s or cassettes, or you name it. But Brother Branham said we must not try to establish ourselves. We must establish the kingdom of God in the peoples hearts. And instead of working together for one purpose and that is to point the people to Christ, we have groups spring up and each wants to be the leader of all and if you don’t belong to that group then you are a non person, and if you don’t belong to one of those groups then no one will fellowship with you. And all that is, is a big pile of human pride.


27. But if the people who claim to follow this Message would ever get a glimpse of a Sovereign God Who is here as the Supreme Judge they would not be nearly so proud. They would hold their heads in humility and shake in their boots to think at any time they could have their life hauled into court to stand before the Supreme Judge and have to give an account for their life, for their finances, for their tongue, and for there attitude towards God’s Word, and His servants that He has entrusted with his Word with.


28. What the People of this Message need more than anything else is to understand that the Supreme Judge is here. That would break their pride if anything could break it.


29. Birth pains 65-0124 P:53 Notice, oh, my, how that that church must've been in an awful mess again. It surely must've been in that day. But it rocked the little remnant, as I said. Now, let's be honest. If we see that church in that condition today, haven't we arrived at that time again? Now, just look at the things of promise of the Bible that would be going on in the church at this time. We see what's going on in the world and we see it's at its end.


30. World is falling apart 63-1115 P:31 The world is just about the same condition it was two thousand years ago, when He come on earth on His first advent. When He came to the earth, the earth had met its time. Every so often the world gets in such a chaotic condition until there's nothing can help it. We've had this several times, these preludes. And we find that each time when it meets this condition, and it causes people to start praying. And they feel that everything's played itself out, as all of our systems and everything that we have, play itself to the end. It did that in the antediluvian world, and so forth. Politics and other things just comes to its end; there's no more to it. And I think all that's done by God for a purpose, to kind of rejuvenate, to kind of bring back. It has a way of renewing itself. And I think it's just a law of God, that these things comes to that place.


31. But this time, what is it going to bring back when we are at the end of time. Time itself has run out. Decency and morality have run out. Civility and brotherly love have run out.  Honesty and integrity has run out. Kindness and helpfulness has run out.


32. The Apostle Paul said in, Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, (now word “finally” means “the last thing” is this)whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.


33. And I am sure that there are still some that live true in this world, but true to what?  And I am sure there are some that are honest in this world, but are they honest concerning the Word of God? And I am sure there are some that are just and perhaps some that are pure, but are they pure in their doctrine? And I am sure there are some that are lovely, and some that are of good report, but where are they? You won’t hear of them in your newspapers. You won’t here of them on the radio. You won’t here of them on television or in magazines. And you won’t hear of them from the pulpits either. And if you won’t hear of trueness and honesty and justice and purity and loveliness and good reports from the pulpits, then how do you expect the people to manifest those qualities.


34. He said, “if” there be any virtue, “if there be any praise, he said, “If there be”. Then if there is we are to think on these things.


35. But you won’t find praise on the radio, all you get is conspiracy after conspiracy theories. And you won’t hear any praise on the television or in the newspapers. All they want to do is sell gossip, and innuendoes and falsehood and deceit. We have a lot of good things happening in Iraq but the establishment doesn’t want the people to know it, so to them it’s not newsworthy. And they don’t want the people to know the good things that are happening. It doesn’t sell newsprint. And we have a lot of good things taking place right here in this Message but the establishment don’t want you to hear about the good things, only the bad.


36. Therefore, we see the same End-Time conditions that we see in the world are on display right here among us in the Message, and the condition of time, and the conditions of the people,  and the conditions of politics are no different right in this message than they are in the rest of the world.


37. But if we are supposed to have the Holy Spirit, then why aren’t we any different than the rest of the world when it comes to these conditions brother Branham mentioned, “the condition of time”, “the condition of the people”,  and “the condition of politics”, or church politics rather.


38. Evening messenger 63-0116 P:81 Here we are, end time, red light down, flashing, coming of the Lord is at hand. Yes, sir. Listen. The end-time Message should meet end-time conditions. Where they've got off, the Message ought to bring it back. Always, end-time Message meets end-time conditions. All the way through the Scripture. It'll have to do it this time, a call back to the original Word. Oh, my. Like other messengers did in the day, this Message will have to be the same. We're promised that. God promised it in His Word. Malachi 4, said it would happen, "And restore the faith of the children back to the fathers." Promised it, and we're living in that day. Oh, it's been always, each time, a group of leaders that gets the people all mixed up. It's not so much the people; it's the leaders that get them mixed up.


39. Let us pray. Dear Father we see the condition of the church in this hour and it is not in a very good condition to receive a change of the body because it is not willing to receive a change of the heart first. And therefore your church is a needy people, reflecting the same conditions that the world is reflecting in its people and politics and time.


40. Yet Father, you have given us so much in this Message to reflect upon that should change our condition to expectancy of bodies receiving a change. And the opportunity to go home soon, because Father, we see and we understand this wonderful Message you have given us and we know You have come down in this hour to receive us unto yourself, and to change our minds and our bodies to commensurate with the change of the mind, for we know your word is Life, and not only Life but eternal Life in every way, and that Eternal Life lays in those tapes and sermons that you yourself spoke to us. 


41. We know it was your prophets vocal chords that moved but we believe it was your voice to us. And we know that since it was your Message then it is Life and he that drinks that water of Life shall never thirst again. We know this is true because we have tasted that the Lord is Good and we have feasted from your table and you have manifested to us the depth of those sermons in that we have taken complete series that have lasted for 155 sermons from just one sermon of Brother Branham’s called “Who is This Melchisedec”, and when we finished with that series we felt that with what we had  learned in that series that we could have preached another 155 sermons more and not even reproached the same material again. We found that this water of Life that we are freely drinking from is so wonderful that we preached 146 sermons from your Message “Christ Revealed in His Own Word”, and 126 from your Message “God’s Only provided place of Worship” and 75 from Your Message called “Oneness” and on and on in these wonderful series that we have taken until we realize that this Word is alive and living. Even in this sermon Father of the Masterpiece, we have preached 53 sermons so far and we have not even gotten one third of the way through it. Truly when your prophet said the little wash women would have enough from just one tape that she would enter in we have seen the fruits of those words come alive here in this little church.


42. And then to see the hundreds of ministers around the world that are feeding their flocks on these sermons and these series, and to see the number of these sermons and studies being translated in 8 languages so far and to know that this is not the work of man because no man sought out to do this and no man’s efforts have reached out to find translators, but of their own will and spirit men have begun to translate these sermons because they too have tapped into this same fountain and are freely drinking in fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with you Father and with your Son Jesus. And therefore, seeing these things transpire over the past few years it brings us to a place of true humility knowing that there is only one way that this could be possible, and that is because we have tapped into Thy Great fountain of Life and we are freely drawing Life itself out from each thought that you expressed through your Servant William Branham, and for this we are grateful.


43. As you said in Your own Word, Father, “The Spirit, (Your Spirit) and the Bride say come and drink, and so we drink, and in drinking this water we shall never thirst for it is Living Water from the River of Life that has come down from Heaven and we are being filled with your Spirit as drink from your word, and as we open ourselves to the study of each and every thought that was expressed through the lips of your faithful prophet William Branham, we are drawn more and more into your Presence and are being changed into the Image of Your firstborn Son who came forth in your Image, Oh God.  Therefore, Father help us to walk in the example that you gave us through your dear Son Jesus. Help us to step aside from our own thoughts and receive only your thoughts. Help us to do thy will Oh, God and to have the attitude of Your Only Begotten Son, when He said, My Meat is to do the will of My Father which is in Heaven. Grant to us Father that the Mind that was in Christ might be in us, for we ask it in Jesus Christ name.