Masterpiece 55

Two Natures, Not Two Souls

March 26th, 2006

Pastor, Brian Kocourek


1. Again this morning we will review paragraph 78 where brother Branham said the following concerning how God used the body of His Son Jesus to take on the penalty for sin in HIS own Body. THE MASTERPIECE 64-0705 78 God, when He looked upon Him, He was so inspired, To see Him the way He looked and to see the form of Him, He was so inspired that it would be the perfect Masterpiece of a Redeemer: Jesus the Redeemer. So God, in order to be smitten Himself, because to pay His own penalty, God and Christ became One, so God could be smote in the image, He could be scarred. And that's why Isaiah said, "We did esteem Him smitten and afflicted of God. Yet He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquity. The chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes we were healed."


2. Now, that Body belonged to God, and he loaned it to His Son. God is a Spirit, ansd therefore as such he has no body, but the body of His Son. Jesus said in John 4: 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.


3. We know that a spirit is not a physical entity, but a spiritual entity. There is a difference between the body and the spirit. And we see that here that God used the body of His Son to take on the punishment for sin.


4. It is I be not afraid 62-0726 P:93 Now, the Holy Ghost is here, and Jesus said, "If I do not the works of My Father, then don't believe Me." Is that right? They couldn't believe Him, being, a man being God. They just couldn't see it, that, that could be anything. Said, "You make Yourself equal to God, being the Son of God." Now, we know Jesus was Son. He said, "The Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doeth." Thomas said, "Show us the Father and it sufficeth us." He said, "I've been so long with you, and you don't know Me? He that seen Me hath seen the Father. It's not Me that doeth the works. It's My Father that dwelleth in Me." God is a Spirit, Jesus was the man. He was a Tabernacle that God dwelt in. See? Now, He had the Spirit without measure, like all that water out there in the sea. That was what was in Him. But in us, it's just a spoonful out of it. We got it by measure. But remember, the same chemicals that's in the whole sea is in the spoon, not as much of it, but the same kind.


5. Notice that God was in Christ doing the works, Jesus the Son of God was just the tabernacle  in which God worked and performed while here on earth. And so we see brother Branham tells us the reason that Jesus and God were One is that God was indwelling His Son. Now, what we are looking at today is the difference between our body and our Soul and spirit. God is Spirit and as such no man can see God. So God uses the bodies of man to manifest Himself to the world in order for man to have a better understanding of what God wants to tell us.


6. From the message, Show us the Father and it will satisfy 60-0731 P:62 brother Branham said,  God is a Spirit, and He's always used man to manifest Himself on earth. He did it in His Son. He was God was in David. Did you know that? God was in His people. David, when he was rejected king, went up to the top of the hill, looked back weeping as a rejected king. Five hundred years later, the son of David set on the same hill as a rejected King and wept over Jerusalem. That right? Joseph had Christ in him, when he was born a spiritual brother. His other brothers hated him. Watch that church today. The other brothers hated him without a cause. He was loved of his father, hated by his brethren. Now, they hated him without a cause. He couldn't help because he was born to see visions and interpret dreams. But they hated him. They do it today, the same thing.


7. Show us the Father and it will satisfy 60-0731 P:57 Notice. The Son of God, the Spirit of God is in the man. So God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. God is a Spirit. He had no hands till He become Jesus. He had no feet, arms, legs, and so forth, till He become Jesus. He manifested... No man has seen the Father at any time, but the only Begotten has declared Him. He, God, dwelt in the body of Christ. It ought to be striking. It ought to make men wonder. He could've come down from heaven, right down the corridors of heaven, with a full Angel salute, if He wanted to. He could've been born a full matured man. He could come down with all the pomp and glory of heaven, but He didn't choose that. He come to a stable, born over a manure pile. And little Jehovah crying in a manger, little Jehovah playing as a boy, little Jehovah toiling as a man, He crossed His cast with us. God become human when Jesus Christ was born. God was human on earth, manifesting God, what He was. He toiled and labored, and felt for the teen-ager. He went through every temptation that we go through. God did it, that He might do His own judgment justice. His judgment is got to be justice. If there's no justice, what good does it do to have judgment? And if there's no judgment without penalty, then it's not judgment yet. So he took the penalty of His own judgment, and died as a sinner, to condemn the sin of the world, that we, through His justice, might have reconciliation back to the throne of God in fellowship, like we did in the garden of Eden. If that's not the Gospel, I don't know it. That's exactly right. The precious Son of God. Sure God was in His Son.


8. So you see it is always the body that man has a difficulty with. But God uses men, and when God uses a man to do His bidding and His work, His teaching and preaching of the Gospel, men look at the flesh that God uses and say, “huh! There’s nothing to it. If God were using someone it would not be THAT man, it would have to be someone else, and so they reject God by rejecting the vessel God chooses to use. 


9. And so we see in our text today that Brother Branham is telling us here that God was so inspired by the Son that God stepped into that Son so that God Himself could taste the punishment for sin. Now, as a Spirit you could hardly feel any punishment, but you can in the flesh. The Spirit does not feel like the flesh has feeling. And so God took on the form of a man in His Son Jesus to taste it all, and therefore God was in Christ and what He was doing in Christ was reconciling the world back to Himself. That is what Paul told us, God was IN Christ Reconciling the world unto Himself.


10. Now, it was the body that God chose that caused man to reject Him. Had God stayed invisible and did the healing and miracles, they would not have had trouble believing it was God doing it. But when a man by the name of Jesus came froth and did these things, and then said he was doing them because God was indwelling Him, they could hardly stomach the fact that the Great and Holy Creator would inhabit the earthly body of any man much less this man who came from Nazareth. And they said, what good comes out of Nazareth? They couldn’t figure it out, but God works in man and uses the bodies of men to do His bidding, and He used His Son.


11. The body is made up of earth, and minerals, and chemicals and can not be alive without a spirit and soul. The Soul is who you are, the spirit person that you are. Two thirds of your makeup is spirit being, and one third is the flesh part. But your flesh is not what you are, nor is your flesh who you are. Your flesh is just a cloak, or a house in which your soul lives. Your body is just a tabernacle for your soul and spirit to dwell in here on earth in these three dimensions that we currently live in. Your soul is who you are, and reflects the nature of your life.


12. Brother Branham taught us that when you are born to earthly parents your spirit that you receive at birth is only allowed by God, but if you are a predestinated child of God, the spirit that you are born with is not the spirit that God ordained to govern your body. That spirit that you are born with only reflects the nature of your flesh. But when you are born again you receive another spirit. You receive the Spirit of God, and then your body begins to reflect the nature of this New spirit.


13. There is a problem in understanding these two words “soul” and “spirit” from a study of the Greek words because of the difficulty in that language. But the best way to differentiate between them is in their usage in the Scriptures. According to the Vines Expository Dictionary of the Greek, the word “soul” or Greek word “Psuche” means, “breath or breath of Life, and speaks of the nature of that life, the natural life of the body, the immaterial, invisible part of man, the disembodied, the seat of personality, which speaks of self, or own self, the sentient element or part of man in which he perceives, reflects, feels, desires. The seat of will and purpose, and it also speaks of the person or individual.”


14. In contrast the word “spirit” which in the Greek is “pneuma” refers to the invisible, immaterial part of man, the life force, but also speaks of perceiving, reflecting, feeling, desiring, and the seat of will and purpose, the moral qualities, etc.” So you see it is quite hard to distinguish between these two words and their definitions.


15. Therefore, in the English language both words “soul” and “spirit” are very close in their meanings and are hardly distinguishable from one another, because they are hardly separable in the human being. The word soul means, “the animating and vital principle in human beings, credited with the faculties of thought, action, and emotion and often conceived as an immaterial entity. 2. The spiritual nature of human beings, regarded as immortal, separable from the body at death, and susceptible to happiness or misery in a future state.”


16. Now, the word “spirit in the English language means  The vital principle or animating force within living beings. b. Incorporeal consciousness.


17. One is considered the animating principle while the other is considered the animating force. One then is the nature of the other. One is the life and the other is the nature of that life.


18. Now, the problem comes in that man is born with one nature which is the nature of his flesh, or the world, but when he is born again his nature begins to change to the nature of the Giver of that New Life that has taken over.


19. The Apostle Paul said, Ephesians 2:1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;


20. And in Colossians 2: 13 he said,  And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;


21. So we see that we were born dead to begin with concerning our soul. We were dead in sin which is unbelief. We might have thought we were alive to the alive to the world in this flesh, but Paul said we were dead to the Word of God because of our unbelief. But when God quickened us by His Word we became alive to Him, and to His Word. We were thus born again by the Word of God.


22. In 1 Peter 1:23 we read, Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.


23. And then in John 3:3 Jesus said, Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.


24. And we know that to see the Kingdom of God it means to be able to understand it.


25. It shall be even as it was told me 50-0818 P:23 Anyhow, "to see" doesn't mean "to look at." The word "see" means "to understand." Jesus said, "Except a man be born of water and Spirit, he cannot see the Kingdom of God." In other words, he can't understand the Kingdom of God until he's born again. See?


26. Questions and answers COD 59-1223 P:60 Now, Jesus said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, except a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God."…and then brother Branham added, So "see" means "to understand." Have you ever looked at anything, looking right at it, say, "Well, I just don't see it." See? "I just don't see it." You mean you don't understand it. See, see? You don't understand it. To see is "to understand." But with your eyes you look at anything. But with what's inside of you, you understand with, you see with that. See? With the eyes of God you look...


27. So we see from these quote that Brother Branham is showing us that when a person is born again something enters into that person, the very Life of God comes into them and they begin to see what others can not see.  In John 1:12 we are told, But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Now, the word power was translated from the Greek word Exousia which means “an ability, power or ability to become or manifest oneself” And we see what that manifestation is to entail. We are to come into manifestation as Sons of God. This does not read “as many as received him to them gave he the ability to change from what they are not to what they would like to be.” But it reads, “as many as were of such a nature as to be able to receive Him and hold onto Him who is the Word, the same gave He an innate ability or authority to exercise what they were ordained to be, and that is sons of God. That is why this same apostle later wrote, “Beloved, You are already sons but you just don’t see it manifested in yourselves that you are sons, but when He shall Appear, then you will see Him as He truly is, and when you see Him as He truly is, then you too will manifest what you truly are.” So we are dealing with something that is in your nature deep in the recesses of your soul to begin with. What Paul calls the inner man.



28. Brother Branham also said from his sermon called, Mary's belief 61-0121 P:30 "Except a man be born again he cannot even see the kingdom of God." Now, "see" means "to understand." There's a lot of people that say they're born again and can't understand the Message of God, can't see the Angel of the Lord. Their eyes are blinded, brother. Except a man be born of the Holy Ghost, the same Holy Ghost that wrote the Word will confirm the Word, and the same confirmation of the Holy Ghost in you... You see what I mean? It will bear record of Itself. Then our spirit bears record with His Spirit, because His Spirit bears recorded of His Word. "The Word of God is sharper, more powerful (Hebrews 4) than any two-edged sword, even piercing to the... asunder... and the marrow of the bone, and a discerner of the thought and the intents of the heart." That's "Thus saith the Lord," the Lord's Word, just exactly, Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever, appearing in His elected church.


29. So you see it is not what we have in this flesh that counts, but what is in our soul that matters. And if you did not have that nature to accept the Word of God in you to begin with, then you did not also have that nature to respond to the Life that is in that Word. In other words, if there was not that germ of Life in your soul to begin with then when the Light of the glorious Gospel struck your soul, it struck a soul incapable of coming to life. Twice dead so to speak.


30. Brother Branham in talking about this predestinated germ of Life in you used a story of the eagle in the chicken yard to describe how it works. said, INVISIBLE UNION OF THE BRIDE 65-1125   33-4    So one day the mother knowed that she'd laid two eggs. So she begin to hunt for that other one. Flying around, searching, like the great Holy Spirit, one day it flew over the barnyard, that denomination. She looked down there, and she seen her baby. She screamed. It was the voice of something that echoed from the inside of him. "Oh, that sounds right." Oh, let a real predestinated born germ, predestinated by God; hear the Word of God, it's music to him. He knows it's the Truth. He's tired of that denominational stuff anyhow: "Join us. Come, go with us. We got a social party. We got this, we got..." It just didn't sound right to the little fellow. She said, "Son, you don't belong in that group anyhow. You belong to me; you're mine." He said, "Mama, that sounds real. How am I going to get out of this?" "Just make a jump; I'll catch you. That's all you have to do." The anointed Word of God being vindicated before any man that's born to be a son of God with the predestinated germ into him for this hour, he'll see God's message as sure as there's a God in heaven.


31. And the beautiful thing of it is, is that you don’t have to fuss with them whether its right or not, they will know because it will echo down inside of them. Jesus said, He that echoes the son echoes life. And he that echoes God echoes Life. See if that is not what the Bible says.


32. Communion 65-1212 P:16 Like in the book here, and the spot there we was talking about the two Books being one, the Book of Life. The first Book of life coming up, was when you were born, that was your natural birth. See? But then one time, way back down in there, there was a little grain of Life as I've explained to some of the young sisters at the house this afternoon. See, there's a little grain of Life laying there which you'd wonder, "Where did It come from? What these strange things?" I was saying this, taking for myself, like you was going to say, "William Branham, well, forty years ago, the William Branham, this and the same one tonight." And somebody back there would say, "We're, very... He was a rank rascal." See? Because I was born of Charles and Ella Branham. In their nature I was a sinner; I came to the world, a liar, and all the habits of the world laid right in me. But down in there too, was another nature present (See?), predestinated, was in there by God. In this same body (See?) two natures in there. Well, I only catered to one. As it grew, I gooed as a baby, "Da-da." First thing you know, I become a liar, become everything else that's a sinner, because I raised up that way. But down in there was a little speck of Life all the time.


33. Now, here is where the hard part comes. Brother Branham is telling us that when you are born you are born with two natures to begin with, You have a nature of the world, the flesh in which you are born. And the nature of the flesh is born by sexual desire so it must come forth in the nature of the seed that gave it birth which is a carnal nature. So we are born in sin, shaped in iniquity and come to the world speaking lies like brother Branham tells us.


34. Again we hear brother Branham tell us that there can be two natures in us at the same time. Questions and answers COD 64-0830E P:35 This is a dying spirit in a dying body; but now, you can't be in two bodies at one time, but there can be two natures in you at one time. Now, the nature of the Spirit of the Lord... When you're born again, you're not born of physical, like the baby was; but what's happened, the spiritual birth has come to you. And while this spiritual birth is growing into your heart, of God, there is a physical or a celestial body growing to receive that spirit. And when the life leaves this body, it goes to that body. Just as when the body is presented to the earth, the spirit comes in, and when the spirit goes out of the body, there is a body waiting. "For we know that after this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." See? That's it, the spiritual body of the people.


35. Now, the problem with our natural birth is when the person is born his soul is not alive to God. He is born with a body, and a spirit or life force that is commensurate with his body. Therefore if that one born is human his spirit is that of human, and he will do as humans do and therefore his nature will express human. As we said before, when we are born into this world we are born in sin and come to the world speaking lies. But when you are born again by the Spirit of God, then your soul comes alive by the new birth. God’s Spirit sparks off your soul, and your soul comes alive within you. Then the nature of your soul changes from carnal and earthbound to the nature that reflects the Spirit of God that sparked off your Soul to Life, God-Life.      


36. Now, there is a teaching amongst some Message believers that you have two souls, because you have two natures. They take a few quotes from brother Branham where he speaks of you having two natures, and then they take other quotes where he speaks of the soul as the nature of the spirit, and through a bad manipulation of the word of God they come up with two souls.


37. Now, remember, by definition the spirit is the life force and the souls is the principle of that life force or the nature of that Life. But when you are born into this world your soul is dead. It is not alive. It only comes alive when you are born again. Those who are never born again have never come alive in Christ. They are dead and remain dead even while they are alive in the body.


38. Souls in prison now 63-1110M P:18 Now, this, "Souls that are now in prison." Now, the soul of man is not the body of man; it's the soul (See?); and the soul is something that's the nature of the spirit, and then when the nature of a man... When He said, "We are dead," the Scripture plainly tells us that we are dead, and our lives are hid in God through Christ, sealed there by the Holy Spirit. Now, it wasn't that your body died. It wasn't your spirit died. It was the nature of your spirit died. See? The nature, which is the soul. The nature of your soul is God, if you're born again. If it's not, it's of the world.


39. So we see that the two natures are defined by brother Branham here. He said if you are born again the nature is of God, but if you are not the nature is of the world. But he is not saying you have two souls. He is saying that the nature of the world is dead, so there is a nature that is dead and a nature that is alive. Not two souls, but two conditions of the same soul. It was dead to begin with and then made alive through the Instrument of God’s Word.


40. Questions and answers COD 64-0830E P:35 This is a dying spirit in a dying body; but now, you can't be in two bodies at one time, but there can be two natures in you at one time. Now, the nature of the Spirit of the Lord... When you're borned again, you're not borned of physical, like the baby was; but what's happened, the spiritual birth has come to you. And while this spiritual birth is growing into your heart, of God, there is a physical or a celestial body growing to receive that spirit. And when the life leaves this body, it goes to that body. Just as when the body is presented to the earth, the spirit comes in, and when the spirit goes out of the body, there is a body waiting. "For we know that after this earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have one already waiting." See? That's it, the spiritual body of the people.


41. Token the 64-0308 P:15 Now, the animal life could not come back in the human, because they wouldn't match; the animal life has no soul in it. The human life has a soul. The animal doesn't know he's naked. He doesn't know right from wrong. He’s just... He has a spirit, but not a soul. Now remember, now the soul is the nature of the spirit, of course.


42. Thinking man's filter 65-0822E P: 29 Now, to follow that in with the continuity of the message "The God Of This World," "The Anointed Ones In The Last Days" That outside, that middle circle... First circle is the human senses; the second circle is the spirit senses: Will, self will, desire, and so forth. But the inside is the soul. That soul was predestinated. So they can anoint this spirit to make the outside body come in subject to the spirit. "But the soul that sinneth, that soul shall die." The soul that rejects in unbelief, the Word of God, which it is a part of, that soul shall eternally, has, always...I believe in an eternal death, same as I believe in an eternal heaven, but not an eternal hell. There's no such a thing as eternal hell. There is an eternal death for the people that are...Many of them religious in the world today has always been dead. The woman that liveth in pleasure with her bobbed hair, and painted face is dead while she is alive. (1 Timothy 5:6) The Bible said so. See? See, she may be religious, but she never was saved. She's got a outward motion. She might sing in the choir, or she might dance in the Spirit; she might speak in tongues and have all the manifestations of the Spirit; but unless that soul on the inside is God's daughter (See?), she's gone no matter what she does.


43. So what we see brother Branham telling us here, is that unless that soul had a germ of life in it, then it makes no difference what happens in the spirit, that soul is dead and will remain dead.


44. Souls in prison now 63-1110M P:19 Anything that begin, has to end. So therefore the only way that you can have Eternal Life is to have a life that never did begin. And then your life did begin when you were born. When God breathed the breath of life into your nostrils and you became a living soul, then you begin then. But that nature that was in you, by nature you was of the world, alienated from God. You were actually an animal. That's exactly right. Anyone knows that we're mammal. How many knows that, that we're mammal? We are a warm-blooded animal, but that is what we are by our earthly creation, but you see, what made us different from other mammals was that, and God put a soul upon us. (See?)


45. So we see here that the person born into the world is just animal as brother Branham put it unless they are ordained to Eternal Life. You know the serpent had no soul, and the serpent seed because they are hybrid with humans, have a place for the soul, but you have to wonder if they even have a soul. Well then have a soul, but that soul is dead in sin and trespass, so what’s the difference between having no soul and having a soul that is dead in sin. Both creatures act like animals and just follow their instinct and survival skills that they learn. 


46. Jude and Peter called them brute beats made to be taken and destroyed. Jude 1:10 But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.


47. 2 Peter 2:12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;


48. Hear ye Him 60-0712 P:51 Man ain't measured by muscles; that's beast. Man's measured by character. I seen men that weighted two hundred pounds and all muscle and didn't have an ounce of man in him. Throw a baby out of a mother's arms and ravish her, that ain't a man; that's a beast. That's brute.


49. Now, here area few more quotes brother Branham said to give us some light as to the soul and it coming alive or not.


50. Jesus Christ the same 55-0806 P:17 Now, there is two elements, just for a few moments on this subject. There's two elements that make up the human being. And one of them is your mind, and the other is your soul. And the mind is your mental thinking, your intellectual. And your soul is a part of God that's in you. Now, now a man can... When you are borned in this world you be... As a child, you grow into be a living soul and at the age of choice, you hear the Gospel in some way, and something way down inside you tells you to receive Christ. You'll say, "Well, I'm too young now. I'll wait a little longer." Now, there's where you make your first mistake right there, for you grieved this person inside. God's not going to judge you by this man up here, your intellect. He's going judge you by your soul.


51. So we see he defines the beginnings of the soul coming alive or what he calls a living soul to the hearing of the word and it coming alive to the person.


52. The Comforter 52 When a little baby is conceived in the mother's womb, it's just flesh and blood, jumping, quivering. But as soon as it's born, you don't see it, but there's a spirit and soul hanging near that mother to come into that baby just as soon as it's born. Just as soon as that baby is born, God has created a soul and created a spirit to be in that baby just as soon as it's born into this world. That little baby becomes matured, and it begins to learn; then it becomes a living soul when it knows what's right and wrong.

53. I will restore 54-0809A P:17 The difference between the animal and the man, he made him a soul, a living soul. Because the Spirit of God was in the man.


54. Again here we see that it is the Spirit of God in the person that makes them a living soul. Then if they are not a living soul they must be a soul that is dead yet while it liveth. The Living dead, so to speak. Now, the following quotes are those which brother Branham speaks of the separating of the soul from Life and eventually separating down and down until there is nothing left of it. This is the alienation from Life, which goes into death.


55. The Apostle Paul says, Ephesians 4:18 Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart: So we see that they become alienated from the Life of God. Well, to be alienated from the Life of God means to cut themselves off or be separated from the Life of God, which is death. Death is a separation.


56. Pergamean church age 60-1207 P:26 Now, if there's one death, and we know about it, then there's got to be another death somewhere; 'cause one death we die it here in the flesh; the second death we died it in the spirit, the soul. It's, "And the soul that sinneth, it shall surely die." Die is just absolutely go out from everything (See?), Death means to be taken away; it's carried away, hid away. Then when our loved ones die, they're out of existence as far as we know. We call that death. But a Christian does not die. There's no Scripture that a Christian dies, because he's got Eternal Life. When a sinner dies, he's finished, and his soul will finally die. But when a Christian dies, he's just waiting with Jesus to return back again.


57. Smyrnaean church age 60-1206 P:78 We can take the cell, and break the cell to one cell, to another cell, till you'd come down to the first cell; break into that cell, then you got the chemistry of the blood; you come into different chemistries of the blood, and then you come down to a little part in that cell that's life. They can't find that. They know nothing about it. Now, that life will finally come to a spot till it is no more. What are the chemistry of that life? I don't believe it has any chemistry. It'd be spiritual. And then, in that, finally it'll completely separate and be no more. That's what the Bible says. "The soul that sinneth, it shall die." And they that overcome in these church ages here shall not be hurt by the second death. The body dies first; the soul dies next; and it will be no more. See? Now, do you believe that's the Bible that said that?


58. Smyrnaean church age 60-1206 P:77 Here's what the Bible said. See, see? He that overcometh shall not be hurt by the second death. The first death is separating from our loved ones. We'll go in the Presence of God, never out of His Presence. See? Now, if there's a second death, then it has to be the death of the soul. And then he that overcomes the world, or overcomes the things of the world, has Eternal Life and shall not be touched by the second death. There you are: Eternal Life. But the sinner... The Bible said, "The woman that lives in pleasure is dead while she is alive." That right? "The soul that sinneth, it shall surely die." What is die? Completely separate, no more. See? Now, it's cut off, is right. It's cut off; there's no more to it. How long will it be to take that? It'll go down through the same process it come in, and it'll come to a place till there will neither be nothing left of it. It'll just go back from ever what it's made out of.


59. That is why you can watch the life of those who leave the Church and watch their lives, and bit by bit they loose what light they had until that light goers completely out and all they have left is the nature of their flesh, and then they resort only to intellect, because there is no direction from the soul any more. Brother Branham said it just keeps separating and separating until there is not more to it.


60. Smyrnaean church age 60-1206 P:66 The soul that sinneth, that soul shall be separated. That right? Then it will be no more. Now, look. Anything that had a beginning has an end, because anything that had a beginning is a creation.


61. Jehovah Jireh 57-0810 P:64 The word "death" mean "separated." "And the soul that sinneth, it shall die." It shall be separated from the Presence of God forever.


62. Show us the Father it'll satisfy 56-0422 P:67 But you know, the Bible said, "The soul that sinneth, that soul shall die." "Death" means "separate." She just kept getting away from it farther, and farther, farther, just getting away from her. See? The first time that she started smoking, she ought to know. The soul says, "That's wrong." Reasoning said, "But the rest of them can do it, why can't I?" When she put on those little ungodly clothes, nature itself would tell her that's wrong. But she said, "If the rest of them do it, why can't I?" See where our American women's got to?


63. Ezekiel 18: 4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die. But here is the key in the next verse… 21 ¶  But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die. 22 All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live. 23 Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD: [and] not that he should return from his ways, and live? 24 But when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, [and] doeth according to all the abominations that the wicked [man] doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall he die. 25 Yet ye say, The way of the Lord is not equal. Hear now, O house of Israel; Is not my way equal? are not your ways unequal? 26 When a righteous [man] turneth away from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and dieth in them; for his iniquity that he hath done shall he die. 27 Again, when the wicked [man] turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive. 28 Because he considereth, and turneth away from all his transgressions that he hath committed, he shall surely live, he shall not die.


64. Uncertain sound 55-0731 P:31 The first time she grieved it back there, when she started out, running around on her husband... Here's her intellect here; here's her soul here. There's a separating line there, that if it ever crosses, it'll never cross back again. It'll never come again. Think of it. And she keeps on. And after while, when she sins against this thing on the inside of her, that speaks about the Word of God, the first thing you know, she will become all involved in this intellect, leaving the soul alone. The Bible said, "The soul that sinneth, that soul shall die." "Die" means to "separate." Then, the soul, the conscience that once condemns you, isn't there anymore, and you've gone altogether into intellectual. You go join some old, cold, formal church that don't believe in those things, on out into hog-eat-hog, and the first thing you know, the soul that condemns you for the first time you told a lie, the first time you put on those short clothes, the first time you did immoral acts, will become so dead to you, you won't feel it anymore. On and on you'll go. And after while death will catch up with you.


65. Listen, when you turn aside from the conscience you turn to your intellect and reasoning like Eve did. And then you begin to justify everything you do, and you try to reason out in your own mind that what you are doing is ok, because after all, you  are a son of God and surely God would not judge you, and then you are gone. When you have rules for everyone else but not for yourself, that is when you have turned fully into legalism, and your soul is dead yet while you live.


66. Believing God 52-0224 P:34 And that soul is the same way until the soul died and then was born again of God, then that soul can't die. "The soul that sinneth shall die. But he that believeth on Me has Everlasting Life," then there's an immortal Life living in that body. Now, that's like a string coming from heaven, like a core on the inside of a man. Now, that's the part that's godly; It operates this body. But before this body can ever become perfected, the Spirit will bring it in submission to God to make you... It'll war all the time, a constant. Paul said. We'll never get more than he. See? Paul said, "When I would do good, then evil is near me. See?" And there's a constant war, the flesh against the Spirit. And here you go looking to the flesh, "The doctor said, and I believe..." Look at how simple. Then you can't serve God.


67. Numbers 15: 28 And the priest shall make an atonement for the soul that sinneth ignorantly, when he sinneth by ignorance before the LORD, to make an atonement for him; and it shall be forgiven him.


68. My Redeemer liveth 55-0410S P:13 Did you ever stop to think this morning, as far as returning, that is, to become visible? He's already here with us now. Now, today just imagine that His Presence being here today. The Lord Jesus is in another world, or another dimension, right here today in form of Spirit. His Spirit is blending in with our spirit. Our eyes can't see Him, because that they're physical yet, unless there would something happen that we could see vision. But He is here just as visible, just as real as He was the day that He spoke to Mary at the grave, or He met Cleopas on his road to Emmaus. His Presence is here. It can be feeled with that, felt with that inner charge that's on the inside of the human body, called the new birth. The soul has been magnetized unto Him. And once in a while, when you let your mind be concentrated on Him, believing on Him, after while something, a reality, you can feel something sweep over your being. That's the vindication of His resurrection. It's not a "guess so." It's not "I hope so." But to every person that's born again, it's a "know so." You know it. It's right there. And when you become contact with Him...I've seen saints say, "Oh, can you... The Presence of the Lord is near." You say, "Why, there's something..." Why, certainly. He's right there, right up... He's rose from the dead, and He's standing right by you.


69. God of this evil age 65-0801M P:29 The outside man is a physical being which is controlled by five senses. The inside man is a spirit man which is controlled by five senses: Conscience, and love, and so forth. The outside man: see, taste, feel, smell, hear. But the inside of that spirit is a soul, and it's controlled by one thing: your free will. You can accept what the devil says or accept what God says. And that'll determine what spirit's in there. If it's a spirit of God, it'll feed on the things of God, and it won't feed on anything of the world. Jesus said, "If you love the world or the things of the world, it's because the love of God's not even entered this inner part." Satan's deceived you. "And man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God."


70. Hear His voice 58-1005M P:11 I was thinking just last night after I had went home, and laying down for a few minutes, I was thinking of when the soul has gone out of a man what is it? It's his inner being that has moved out. He's not dead; he's still alive. See, he lives forever. And our loved ones who have passed on beyond this veil is in a body that we don't know what it is. It isn't revealed.


71. God of this evil age 65-0801M P:28 God will judge you by what kind of a spirit you got in you, not judge you by your body, but by your spirit, that inner man.


72. Awakening Jesus 63-0117 P:33 Talking to a group of doctors the other day. He said, "I read your book on Divine healing."I said, "I guess you criticized it."Said, "No, sir. I admit that you're right."I said, "Thank you, Dr. Schoen."He said--he said, "Brother Branham, we have record that when we tell a person that's got a malignancy, or--or something's going to kill him, ulcer ready to burst, or tubercular, it depends on what attitude they take. If they get all tore up," said, "they die right away." But said, "If they take the attitude, 'Well, dying's just part of living. It's all right when I die,'" said, "You know, it almost retards that case?"Now, I just thought, "If that mental attitude, taken like that, what will it do when the Holy Spirit strikes that inner man? There it is." It's... I asked him that. He said, "Certainly, that's right. If you can move into a spot, move up into that..." One of the best surgeons and doctors there is in the southland. He said, "If it's... Mr. Branham, it can be proved. If a man will move--can move up into that spot until even his own mind don't even know he's got it, to think he's got it, and don't even pay any attention to it," said, "it would do it. See, if he can believe that."


73. Manifested sons of God 60-0518 P:10 Then did you notice Moses, that great miracle performer that brought down Israel down through the land, and brought them up to the promised land, but did not place their inheritance to them? He did not give them their inheritance; he led them up to the land, but Joshua divided the land to the people. Is that right? And Christ brought the church up to the place to where their possession was made to them, was given to them, just the Jordan to cross, but the Holy Spirit is the One Who sets the church in order, the Joshua of today puts the church in its order, giving to each one, gifts, places, position. And He is the Voice of God speaking to the inner man that Christ has saved: the Holy Spirit. Now, do you get that much of it? Now, we're getting over into the Book of Ephesians. Now, the same way, He's positionally placing the church where they belong. Now, Joshua placed them in the natural land. Now, the Holy Spirit is placing the church positionally, in the land that they--in the position that they belong in, their inheritance.


74. Looking at the unseen 58-1003 P:10 But a man is made like a sheep. And a sheep cannot find it's way back, I'm told; when it's lost, it's totally lost. And that's the way with man. When he is lost, he is absolutely helpless. He must have a shepherd to guide him. And man when he chooses, as the days go on, we find man continually getting worse, choosing rather to walk by sight, than stead of by faith, by the Unseen. And when we does that, he robs the inner man, which is the soul. And that's the eternal part of man.


75. Ephesians 3: 16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;


76. Revelation chapter 4 pt 2 24 elders 61-0101 P:114 You say, "I got to... Oh, I--I can tell dirty jokes; it don't condemn me." Why? You ain't got nothing to condemn. No one's there to take it out. No one's there to condemn you. "Well, I'll tell you," the women say, "I can have short hair; it don't condemn me." No wonder. See? "No, I can wear shorts, I can do this. I..." The man said, "It don't hurt me to smoke cigars." Said, "And it don't hurt me to play some cards and shoot some dice," and whatever they do. "It don't hurt me." And they still belong to the church. See? "Don't hurt me to do this." Why? Why? There's nothing there to judge you. But when Christ comes in, you've created an altar on your heart and your sins are taken daily. The great Saint Paul said, "I die daily. Nevertheless I live, but not me live, but Christ liveth in me." There's the inner veil.


77. The Ark 55-0522 P:54 You notice, every man come into that ark, had to come through, first, the outer court; the next he had to come through, was the inner veil; then into the holiest of holies. That was Christ as Prophet, as Priest, as King, crowned. First thing come, you see Him spoke of here, when He first come through, He was a Prophet.


78. Modern events made clear by prophecy 65-1206 P:42 I'm going to give you one that'll choke you. The baptism of the Holy Ghost don't mean you're going in, not at all, not on that, don't have anything to do with your soul. That's the baptism. See? Here's the inside soul in here, that has to come from God. But then on the outside you have five senses, and five out--inlets to your contact your earthly home. The inside, you have a spirit, and in there you have five outlets: your conscience, and love, and so forth, five outlets to that spirit. Remember, in that spirit you can be baptized with the genuine Spirit of God and still be lost. It's the soul that lives; that was ordained of God. Didn't Jesus say, "Many will come to Me in that day, and say, 'Lord, haven't I cast out devils, done great and mighty works, prophesied, the great gifts of God?' "He said, "Depart from me, you that work iniquity, I never even knew you.”


79. Rapture the 65-1204 P:54 I Corinthians 12:13: "And by one Spirit we are all baptized..." And the Spirit is the Life of Christ (is that right?), the Life of Christ. And the life of any seed, which He was the Word Seed, brings the seed to life. You get it? If  that life is laying in the seed and this baptism of the Holy Spirit comes upon it, it's bound to bring that seed life.


80. Rapture the 65-1204 P:85 Unless that was God's seed, His gene from the beginning, predestinated, you're finished. I don't care how much you shout, speak with tongues, run, shout; that has nothing to do with it.