Masterpiece 74

When it turns to organization the Life has Left it.

July 16th, 2006

Pastor, Brian Kocourek


Last week we spoke from paragraph 136 and we took the subject Organization unto death. This morning I would like to continue with this thought as we pick up at paragraph 136 again and continue to read brother Branham’s sermon, The Masterpiece. We will read several paragraph’s and this central theme keeps coming out as He continues to speak. As we read brother Branham speaks those much quoted words where he addresses the life in Luther’s Message making a way for Wesley’s Message and then Wesley’s Message making a way for the Pentecostal Message of the Restoration of the Gifts, and then finally the restoration of the Gifts makes a for the Giver Himself to come down in perfection.  Let’s read…   


PP.  136    Notice here. The life that was in the husk, in the stalk, and in the tassel, in the husk, all gathers in the seed. And the life that was in the stalk, went--one went to make the other. Justification made a way for sanctification. Sanctification made a way for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The baptism of the Holy Ghost made a way for the Holy Ghost Itself to come right down in perfection, back to the Word again to manifest Itself. 


Notice how he differentiates between the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and the Holy Ghost Himself. Now, this is the one thing that the Oneness among us do not understand. Christ in you the Hope of Glory is not the Presence that Brother Branham spoke of more than 4,400 times over his 1299 sermons. And the reason they do not understand this difference is because they do not understand God Life. The Holy Ghost is God. And God is the fountain of Life. There is only one source of eternal Life and that is God, the author of that Life. Eternal Life is God Life. And they do not understand the difference between a person having God Life in them and God Himself in them.


The Fullness of God dwelt in His Son, not in you and I. we have God Life in a portion, Jesus had it without Measure, because God indwelt Him. So when he says, Justification made a way for sanctification. Sanctification made a way for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The baptism of the Holy Ghost made a way for the Holy Ghost Itself to come right down in perfection, back to the Word again to manifest Itself, we see the difference between the Appearing and Coming right there. We see the Parousia of Christ in perfection, back to the Word again.


Now, listen what brother Branham says next. But what denominated, dies. Like Life in Luther went to make Wesley. And from the Wesley It went to Pentecost, and from Pentecost to make the original seed. On to... Pentecost comes out of the Wesley until that time. The reason that Pentecost come out of Wesley, because it was no denomination, Pentecost was. Then Pentecost went to denominate. And what did it do? It turned to the husk. It looked like the real thing.”


Notice how he is showing us the Life coming up in a sort of resurrection like the sap that comes up in the spring time, is a sort of resurrection, and the tree comes back to life again after remaining dormant throughout the winter burial. He says this life begin to come up in Luther, then on into Wesley’s Message and then on into Pentecost’s Message and now it comes back to Seed again Word again at the end-time. But then he contrasts the cycle of Life with death showing that when the life leaves anything it must die. And he tells us the clue that it is dead is that it denominates or organizes. 


THE MASTERPIECE 64-0705  138    How many ever seen a seed of wheat start to grow? What's the first little thing? It's just exactly like the seed, but it's the husk. See the three stages? Stalk, tassel or the pollen, then the husk. And then, out of the husk comes the original seed. Not a seed, it was the Life of the seed growing through this to come to the seed. Amen, amen. Do you see it? What is it? A resurrection, coming back to a Masterpiece again, like the one that went in. Pentecost came out of the Wesley, because Wesley was an organization. Pentecost come out as no organization and then turned to one. It had to, to make the husk. The true Word of Life on it was on its way then to the original grain through these stages: through the stalk, then into the pollen; from the pollen into the husk; and from the husk it made seed. No... Stalk, tassel, husk.


Again we find him carrying this thought of God Life as it comes up through the different stages of the church. And each stage of this planting of the Lord is identified with a Message that swept the world. That was the Life of God sweeping up all the predestinated seeds of God laying out there.


Now in this next paragraph I do not know how you could make it any more plain than what brother Branham is telling us here.


140 Living, they produced in their early revival a holder of a certain portion of the seed Life; but when they organized, the Life moved out of it. That's proved by all history. Never an organization ever done a thing after it organized. It was dead. That's right. Watch, the life's traveling on now. It's moving on. Notice. What they have done, all these have done, is proved by history just exactly the way the church has come, never to be useful to Him again. Organization is laid on the shelf. There never has been in all the history of church after it organized, but what it died. And the organization died and never did raise again. Can't you see it? Men who are blind, open your eyes. Nature and the Word coordinating together and proving it right here that this is the Truth, that it is the Truth: That Life leaves the stalk to make the tassel; from the tassel it makes the husk; and from the husk it goes into the original again. Notice, never again to be useful to Him.


Now, I don’t know how much more clear any person could say it than what Brother Branham is telling us right here. ONCE a Move of God Organizes it is NEVER AGAIN USEFUL TO GOD!!!  Every denomination began with some truth, but when they begin to organize that truth that is the minute the life went out of it. He said, they produced in their early revival a holder of a certain portion of the seed Life; but when they organized, the Life moved out of it.


I hope that you people who hear this sermon or read it on the internet catch what brother Branham is saying here. Do not try to organize this Message. The minute you do, the Life of God will move out of what you are trying to organize.


Now, what does it mean to organize the Message? Because that is really what we do not want to do. I do not believe there is anyone who wishes to organize themselves right out of the Life of the Word. But they do it any how, not really understanding what they are doing.


In order to better understand what it means to organize let’s read what the dictionary tells us:


Organize: 1. To put together into an orderly, functional, structured whole.


Now, there is nothing wrong with structure or with order, or with making things functional. Therefore, so far what we read concerning to organize does not sound like anything that would be too awful that God would be displeased with it. But let’s read on, because the definitions become a little more definitive.


2. a. To arrange in a coherent form; systematize: organized her thoughts before speaking.


Now, again there is nothing wrong with presenting the doctrine of the Message in a coherent fashion. And to do that you must systematize or place it together in an orderly fashion in order to make the presentation of it more easily understood.


b. To arrange in a desired pattern or structure:  again there is nothing here that would cause the life of God to take flight, because even Jesus own Life was ordered a right, and set the pattern for all other sons to follow.  But this next definition begins to give some clarity on the danger of organizing.


3. To arrange systematically for harmonious or united action: then it gives some examples of this organizing to form a union:  organize a strike.  


4. a. To establish as an organization: organize a club. b. To induce (employees) to form or join a labor union. c. To induce the employees of (a business or an industry) to form or join a union: organize a factory. To develop into or assume an organic structure.


So what we see here is an evolution from a harmless attempt to present the Message in an orderly fashion so that people can better understand it, to a place that where it actually organizes the people into an harmonious union that at binds the people to a core value of beliefs and excludes others who do not hold to those beliefs.


That is what every false doctrine has done that has crept up in any move of God. And that is what has even happened in this message with movements like the Thunders group, and the Two Souls Group, the Tapes only group, etc.  And notice when they do that the Life of the word leaves them and they begin to establish among themselves a hierarchy of men in which if you do not listen to them you are considered out of it altogether. And when the people reach that state they are on their way into organization.

That is why brother Vayle said, “you do not have to hear this from me, but you’ve got to stand with this Truth”. It does not matter who you hear the doctrine from, but you had better hear it, for “He that does not have the doctrine of Christ does not have God.”


You do not have to hear it from brother Vayle, nor do you have to hear it from me or any other person, but you had better hear it and believe it if you wish to echo God?


So you see there is a real danger anytime you try to improve on what God has given by inspiration. The danger comes when people try to organize any move of God. And the reason they organize a move of God is because they are not satisfied with the way God presented it to begin with? And they try to then fashion it into what they feel is a better way of presenting it. They end up taking a Life altering word, and make it into a works oriented Word.


Just look at any place where God has had a truly anointed pastor or teacher, and when that man leaves the scene, the people try to hold to what He brought them, and pretty soon they begin to organize it into a set of rules taught by the sleight of man. And then the word becomes to them rule on rule, rule on rule, precept on precept, precept on precept, a little here and a little there and then they fall back into what they came out of which was works. And if you think I am wrong in saying this just read the NIV translation of Isaiah chapter 28.


ISAIAH 28:8 All the tables are covered with vomit and there is not a spot without filth. Now, what is vomit but food from another day that has become mixed up in man, and then regurgitated.


9 "Who is it he is trying to teach? To whom is he explaining his Message? To children weaned from their milk, to those just taken from the breast? No, I don’t think so, because the Apostle Paul said when you should be teachers you have need of milk. No, those on milk see things a little differently. Paul said when I was a child I thought as a Child therefore I spoke as a child and acted in a childish manner, but when I became a man I must put away childish thinking which results in childish talk and childish actions.  So the word of the Lord to them becomes,

10 For it is: Do and do, do and do, rule on rule, rule on rule; a little here, a little there."

Notice their perception of the Word reverts to legalism, does and don’t.


11 Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people, So if God will speak to this people, then what they will hear will be “Thus Saith the Lord”, and this is the rest that God has for His Elect. The elect rests on “Thus Saith the Lord”.


12 to whom he said, "This is the resting place, let the weary rest"; and, "This is the place of repose", but they would not listen.  Ah, so we have a prophet that knocked on the pulpit while He was preaching on the Seventh Seal and He said while knocking on that pulpit, “It’s relaxation time under the Seventh Seal.”  PP 83-84 seventh Seal. And notice what we are told here in Isaiah. This Foreign tongue will bring rest but the people will not listen, and thus if they do not listen they will not enter into this rest but will revert to works. And that is what we read in the next verse of Isaiah.

13 So then, the word of the LORD to them will become: Do and do, do and do, rule on rule, rule on rule; a little here, a little there, so that they will go and fall backward, be injured and snared and captured.


The wording could not be more clear and perfect here. We are told that because they will not listen to the Voice of the Lord, they then will refuse the rest and will enter into works. Do and do, and rule on top of rule. And so we see a very clear indication of a people who leave the Life of the word that sets a man free from works, and enters Him into rest, but when they leave that word, they always revert back to works. Now, it does not say that they knowingly leave the word of God for works. No one does that. But it says,  13 So then, the word of the LORD to them will become: Do and do, do and do, rule on rule, rule on rule; a little here, a little there, so that they will go and fall backward, be injured and snared and captured.


You see the Word of the Lord to them becomes works. In other words, they begin to try to do it for themselves because the Life of the Word is gone from them when they refuse the rest that God has given us by entering into Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever. 


Therefore just watch any move of God and when the ministry God was using goes off the scene many of those who followed that ministry will begin to try to hold onto what was taught but in doing so they will organizes it and when the Life goes out, and the rest is gone, the works will always follow.


Instead of preaching the Life that is in the Word, the sermons will become focused  on dress, and conduct and clothesline theology, and pretty soon the people will be eyeing one another and looking for fault in one another and then they will begin to separate into clicks and clans, and once that has happened that work is about gone spiritually. Oh, they may end up with more people than the ministry that stays with the word, but that is no surprise because the Apostle Paul said in Galatians 4:27 “many more  are the children of the desolate than she which has a husband”. And she which has a husband is a Bride.


You know I can’t read this verse of Scripture enough in warning you about what is happening in this Message even today.


9 "Who is it he is trying to teach? To whom is he explaining his Message? To children weaned from their milk, to those just taken from the breast? I don’t think so!!! 10 For (to them) it is: Do and do, do and do, rule on rule, rule on rule; a little here, a little there." 11 Very well then, with foreign lips and strange tongues God will speak to this people, 12 to whom he said, "This is the resting place, let the weary rest"; and, "This is the place of repose", but they would not listen. So then, the word of the LORD to them will become: Do and do, do and do, rule on rule, rule on rule; a little here, a little there, so that they will go and fall backward, be injured and snared and captured.


Now, in getting back to brother Branham sermon on the Masterpiece he says in pp. 143 How noticeable this life is in its travel in the corn of wheat than it is in the tree. God called His people like a tree. See? The life goes down in a tree and comes back up again, goes down and comes back up. See? It goes down and comes back up. But in the corn of wheat it goes up from the original stalk through the stalk, tassel, and husk; and the thing that it passed through dies so it can't get back through it again. What is it? It's no use any more. It goes on to its perfection. Amen. Don't you see why He never used an organization? He can't get back in it again. It's dead. But the Life passes on from one to the other. See? They put creeds and inject... "Whosoever shall add one word or take one word out..." See? He's blocked off from it. It must be the Life seed traveling on.


And in every age after every revival, once the people move away from the Light God sent to them, and move backwards into works programs, the Life leave s them and God moves on with His Light. Paul tells us in Ephesians chapter 4 and verse 17 that when they loose what understanding they have of the Word the Life of God leaves them as well. EPHESIANS 4:18 Having the understanding darkened, they become alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:


So because their hearts are blind, and they are willfully ignorant as they move away from what understanding they did have they actually are shutting off the Life of God from themselves. In essence they are waling away from the fountain of Life. There is never any reason to quit preaching the doctrine to revert to works, for Christ is the doctrine. If you preach Christ the hearts of the people will be filled with Life and there will be no need to preach a clothesline religion. Fill a person with God life and God will live through them.


And it does not matter what you do to clean up your life, if you are not born again it is not even acceptable to God any way. All that kind of righteousness is as filthy rags. That is what He said.


Now, in getting back to the Masterpiece, and pp. 144 brother Branham said, 


144 I'm using this in a parable now of the Bride, the Masterpiece that's coming forth. There's a Masterpiece fell; there's a Masterpiece rising. The Masterpiece fell at Nicaea, Rome. After Nicaea, Rome, She's come through a process; but She's coming right back again to that Masterpiece, perfected, 'cause She's a part of that Word that was spoken by Him. He'll have a Church without spot or wrinkle. It'll not be connected any way with any kind of an organization or a denomination (the cursed thing). It's passed through those such things, but it'll never be there.

145 Notice. The seed is coming up. That Life is coming up, not going back. There'll be no more resurrection after this. The Life is coming up to go to its perfection, a resurrection. Notice, the husk put forth... Notice, the husk puts the original seed out of itself. In Revelations the 3rd we find this. Now remember, no other church was He put out of in the Bible, of the Seven Church Ages. How many remembers it? He passed through the church age to go on to make something else. But this is it. There's nothing else. But the Sculptor has got back to perfection again, the Word. See? Don't go back. How different it is. Yes.

147 Oh, and notice. Then the husk when it comes forth looks just like the grain. But when the grain Life begins to leave the husk to go in to make the Grain (the Bride), the husk opens up and excommunicates the Grain. Is that right in nature? That's exactly what she did. In Revelations 3 we find out the Laodicea church age put Him out. Now, see, it didn't back in the other ages, because there was something else yet to be made. It just passed through and went on to another. I told you all along, there's no more denominations coming. We're at the end. And they put Him out, because why? He's the Word again. He's like the one that fell down there. He's the same doctrine that come forth from the beginning. And when the seed Word begins to grow forth, the husk puts It from itself. The Life leaves all the others to follow it; that's the true believers; they follow the Life, wherever the Life goes.


Now, notice once again that Brother Branham says that the true believers will never organize but they will follow that Life wherever it goes. Brother Vayle told me in his living room a few years ago, he said, “they are saying that when I am gone that teaching will be over, but they are wrong, because as long as the Holy Ghost is here there will be teachers, because the Holy Ghost is the Teacher.”


And notice what brother Branham said He's the Word again. He's like the one that fell down there. He's the same doctrine that come forth from the beginning


So it has to be doctrine. Because if you focus on the Doctrine of Christ you have God period. And John said, he that hath the son hath life. And the word hath was translated from the Greek word echo, and so He that echoes the son echoes Life, and He that echoes the doctrine of Christ echoes God Himself. So as the Life moves on the doctrine of Christ will continue to be taught by those that have been faithfully taught themselves. And When a church stops teaching the doctrine and begins to focus on rules and order and do and do, it has lost it’s first love and have left the doctrine of Christ and when they do that they no longer echo or reflect Life, nor do they echo or reflect God, and God is Life.


The Apostle Paul said in Colossians 3:4 “When Christ who is our Life shall phaneroo, (to manifest Himself in His True character), so shall we phaneroo (manifest in our true character) with him in glory (and we know this doxa is the opinion, judgment and  assessment of God.) Therefore, when Christ who is our Life appears, our life shall manifest in it’s true character as well, which we know was ordained to have the very mind of Christ in us.


From Anointed ones at end time 65-0725M P:168 Brother Branham said, Now, you go back and try to live again... What if that life took back down... You think that Life would ever talk--go back after that old shuck's dried up, ever go back and live in it again? It never does. "For it is impossible for those which were once enlightened and didn't move on with the Word as it come to pass..." They're dead, gone. "And the thorns and thistles which is nigh unto rejection, whose end is to be burned..." Is that right? Now, hurrying just as quick as I can.

1 John   1: 2 (For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)


Dead men don’t grow. They don’t manifest life either. And they certainly can not change either.


The apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.


 Now the apostle Paul told us here that when we look into the mirror of the Word we are changed into the Image that we see in the Word which is Christ Who is our light. And then he tells us we are changed from image to image and from glory to glory, from doxa to doxa, which is the opinion, assessment and Judgment of God.  So he tells us that we are changed into the image of Christ who is our light and we are changed from one opinion to another and to another and to another until we come into the mind of God.


Therefore the Life moves on and those walking in the light continue to walk in the Light as He is in the light. They don’t look back, because anyone driving while looking through a rear view mirror will crack up eventually.


Let’s bow our heads and our hearts in a word of prayer.


Dear Father we have seen much evidence today that your word will always continue to move on for all life must continue to move, for to stop is evidence that it is not more living but dead. Help us Father to never be caught in the trap of organization, for we know organization is the way of death. And we know that satan is the author of organization, for he tried to created a union in heaven and he tried to organize the angels against Your word Father, and for it he lost his position in heaven as a leader in the Worship of Thee Oh, Loving God and Father.


Therefore, Father we just ask that you would always keep your Word fresh upon our hearts and minds, and may the Life that is in Your Word for this Hour be always opened to us in our ears and hearts and minds. And may we receive our nourishment and strength from the Life that is in Your Word, for we ask it in Jesus Christy’s name and as He asked it in His prayer to Thee, may we Father be one with Thee as you are One with Your Son Jesus. Amen.