Masterpiece 75

The Pillar of Fire brings  Life

July 23th, 2006

Pastor, Brian Kocourek


This morning we will examine paragraph 150 of Brother Branham’s sermon “The Masterpiece” and we will exam the thoughts that brother Branham lays out for us in this paragraph and we shall again take them to the Word of God to show you just how perfectly they are with scripture.


THE MASTERPIECE 64-0705   150    Like in Israel, a perfect type. (If we had time... I just got a few minutes left.) But in the perfect type in the beginning, everywhere that Pillar of Fire went was Life; God was that Light. And I don't care if it was midnight or whether they was in a good selected place, when that Pillar of Fire moved, the trumpet sounded and Israel moved with It. Hallelujah. When the trumpet sounded, Martin Luther moved out with it. And he organized... Killed... Not he himself, the men after him. And then God took the Life out of that, brought It on, laid It down in the grave. Then out come Wesley. He saw that big organization, so he sounded a trumpet of sanctification, more of the Word. See? And when he did, out they moved, right out of, right out of Luther right into Methodist. And when Pentecost saw it, they sounded a trumpet. It's time for the return of the gifts. See what they did? They sounded a trumpet, and out they come; then they organized. But remember, after the husk (that's three stages we know of) there's nothing else left but the Grain. Oh, God. And then the Grain is put out of all of it. Amen and amen. Seed, Word begins to form itself, and Life is brought forth out of...


Now, I want you to notice what brother Branham is telling us here.  


Number 1) He is telling us that everywhere that Pillar of Fire went was Life;”


Now, let’s begin this morning by looking at point number 1. everywhere that Pillar of Fire went was Life.


Now we find in the Book of Genesis which is the Book of beginnings, The Seed Book of the Bible that the very first thing that happened when God spoke is that the pillar of Fire come forth, and God divided the light from darkness. The next time God spoke, he divided the waters from above from the waters from below. 


GENESIS 1:1    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. So there is no doubt about it, God did the creating, for God is the Creator.  2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness [was] upon the face of the deep.


Notice the scripture tells us the earth was without form. That means it had no form. The Hebrew word that the word form was translated from is “tohuw” and is pronounced to'-hoo. It means 1) formlessness, unreality, or emptiness.   It also means nothingness, or empty space and that which is empty or unreal. So this tells us that in the beginning when God created the Heavens and the earth and the earth was without form, that the world in this condition was still not material substance but rather in God’s thinking. It was Logos, word expressed. But still at this point it was not real in the sense that the word real means something that can be seen, tasted, felt, or heard. In other words, substance. It was not of substance at this point.


And notice right after Moses wrote said the earth was without form, he added the words, he scripture backs this up by using the saying without form, and void;  Now the word void was translated from the Hebrew word  bohuw    {bo'-hoo} and it means emptiness.. So the earth was tohuw and bohuw. In other words it was not there in the physical sense as we think being there. But in God’s mind it was there because the thoughts of God are more real than the three dimensions we live in.


Paul Told us in Hebrews 11: 1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.


So even though it was not yet seen, it was “tohuw” and “bohuw”, yet it was the substance of things hoped for, because God hoped for it. Now, if you and I hope for something our hope can be misguided, but God’s hope is a reality because when God earnestly expects something, (that is what Hope is, earnest expectation) and when God has an earnest expectation, that means He thought it, he said it, and it shall come to pass. Like the song that Christians sing, “God said, I believe it, that settles it for me.” And so it should.


And now to this point God has thought out His great plan to have a heaven and earth and to bring forth an expression of Himself in the creation of it.


Now, we have just read that the earth was “tohuw” and “bohuw”. It was not visible yet, it was not real yet, it was empty, without any form, and then the next thing he writes, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.


Now, this would seem a contradiction of scripture that the earth was without any form, and was simply an invisible place, not yet a reality and yet there were waters there.  So a closer examination of this is a must.


So we read, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. Now, this word darkness was translated from a Hebrew word, cho-shek which means obscurity. Obscurity means 1. Deficiency or absence of light; darkness. 2. a. The quality or condition of being unknown:


So we see that there was an absence of Light at this time, the Logos had not yet come forth at this time. There was only a condition of that which is not yet known. As Jesus said concerning the Second Coming, “No man knoweth the day or hour, not even the son, but the Father only.”  So we see here that only God knew what was going on here, because to this point in the Creation process, God was bringing about His creation in the way God always does everything, By His own purpose and plan which means His Own thoughts. God to this point was laying out His plan how that He would create the heavens and the earth. That is why when we read in verse 1, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Moses then went on to tell us how God created the Heaven’ and the earth. So we see in the following verses, the purpose of God and the plan of god, and how God unfolded his plan from thought to reality, from word, to expression and manifestation. And remember to this point we had not yet seen any evidence of light. No light yet. Only emptiness and obscurity which is absence of light.


We read, , and darkness (this emptiness and obscurity or absence of light) was upon the face of the deep.. and this word deep was translated from the Hebrew word,  means abyss, or Sheol. Now, the definition that we get from the dictionary concerning the word sheol is an Old Testament word that speaks of a place where the dead go. So it is speaking of another dimension that the living are not in. The word abyss means . An unfathomable chasm; a yawning gulf. 2. An immeasurably profound depth or void: a. The primeval chaos out of which it was believed that the earth and sky were formed.


So this deep was not the ocean as some would call it the deep, but rather it speaks of a place, a dimension, an immeasurable place where no space or time can measure it. A void, an empty place, or nothingness. Therefore darkness, obscurity, this lack of Light was in there and then God did something to change that scene.


3 ¶  And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.  4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.


Now, let’s look at what Brother Branham, vindicated Prophet of God said concerning this Light,


From his sermon called, Attitude and who is God? 50-0815 P:13 Now, let's look Who God is, just a little bit. I'm feeling for something tonight. I've asked God something. And I believe He's going to grant it to me. I believe it with all my heart. Now, you be in prayer. I can't speak until He speaks. Let's just take back and find out just a minute Who God is. Let's look back at the beginning of time. this is a little picture I want to draw so you can get some conception of Who this Being is in our midst tonight, that's moving among us. If you could only realize Who that is, healing would be a secondarily or minor thing to you. If you could just see Who He is.


Now, catch what he is saying here. He is saying that if you could only recognize that the God who created the universe is here, then you would have such a faith that nothing could stand in the way of your prayers. I don’t care what it is for. For your healing, as brother Branham says here, or for your Children to be saved and filled with the Holy Ghost. If you could only recognize Who is here, then You would have faith for a Rapture and change of your own body.


And from His sermon Presence of God unrecognized 64-0618 P:1 (you know that is quite a title for a sermon, and in this sermon he says, ) working for this one purpose, for you to recognize the Presence of Jesus Christ. See? If He is present, then, why, everything is settled. He made the Word. He is here to confirm It. He proves that He'll confirm It.


And again from his sermon  My Redeemer liveth 55-0410S P:13 Did you ever stop to think this morning, as far as returning, that is, to become visible? He's already here with us now. Now, today just imagine that His Presence being here today. The Lord Jesus is in another world, or another dimension, right here today in form of Spirit. His Spirit is blending in with our spirit. Our eyes can't see Him, because that they're physical yet, unless there would something happen that we could see vision. But He is here just as visible, just as real as He was the day that He spoke to Mary at the grave, or He met Cleopas on his road to Emmaus. His Presence is here. It can be feeled with that, felt with that inner charge that's on the inside of the human body, called the new birth. The soul has been magnetized unto Him. And once in a while, when you let your mind be concentrated on Him, believing on Him, after while something, a reality, you can feel something sweep over your being. That's the vindication of His resurrection. It's not a "guess so." It's not "I hope so." But to every person that's born again, it's a "know so." You know it.


And so as we continue with some things he said concerning this one that is in our midst he said, this is a little picture I want to draw so you can get some conception of Who this Being is in our midst tonight, that's moving among us. If you could only realize Who that is, healing would be a secondarily or minor thing to you. If you could just see Who He is.

14 Now, let's take back a hundred billion years ago, and then take back a hundred billion years before that. And just keep on going back. Here not long ago, I was in California. There's an observatory. They have a glass there. And they can see a hundred and twenty million years of light space when I...?... How fast light travels. And beyond that is still space. That's where we're hanging in that tonight. But let's think of before there ever was anything, there was God. He was in the beginning. And let's see Him, and picture Him out there in space. That's Jehovah we're speaking of….

Now, let’s pick up at paragraph 15 And there, that great space where no one can fathom in their mind beyond that, that space, eternity.  Now, that is what I was explaining earlier, that great void, without form, where there was not place or time. That great space or whatever you can call it where God dwelt alone, brother Branham says, …

That's Jehovah God out there. And we're taught in the beginning, that the Logos, or the Son of God went out of God. Now, I do not believe in eternal sonship. That's even radical to even mention such a thing, eternal sonship. How He had an eternal sonship? No way it's even eternal sonship, how could He be a Son? He had to have a beginning. See?

16 So He first was God, Jehovah. And out of Him... Let's just picture now as a little drama so you can get it. Let's see coming out of space where there's nothing, let's make it a little white Light, like a mystic Light, like a Halo. And that was the Logos that went out of God in the beginning. That was the Son of God that came out of the bosom of the Father. That was what was in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelled among us. In the beginning was God. And then out of God came the Logos, a part of God that went out of God. Let's notice this. Now, I have to make this before going back into it, just like a little picture drama here for you a moment, in order to get one point to you, Who... What is in our midst tonight.

17 And in there... Now, see, this is just like a child playing before the door. It was the Son of God, the Logos. And I can see Him out there, and He spake, and said, "Let there be light." And there was nothing. But there was something happened, and an atom turned there, there begin to whirl around this a way. The sun begin to come into existence, because He said, "Let there be." There's the authority. Where did He make it from? I don't know. There was nothing to make it from. But He believed His own Word, and there was light. I can see a piece fly off of that; it's a meteor. After a few million years, or a hundred billions of years, if you want to call it, and it circled way out. I see Him standing there watching it. And it falls down in here. He stops it after falls a few million years, and let it hang there in orbit. Here's another one flying off the sun. It goes over here and hangs down, stops it there.


So you see it all began way back when God brought forth that Light from His Presence, to bring into a reality His very thoughts.


Now, in getting back to our subject, when Brother Branham said, everywhere that Pillar of Fire went was Life;” he is talking about God who is the fountain of Life and that Pillar of Fire represents His Shekinah Presence, and therefore everywhere that Pillar of Fire went was Life because that Shekinah Presence is a reflector of Life. God-Life.


And we saw in scripture that there was absolutely nothing in the beginning.  Everything was obscure and void and without form, and then God began to speak and when He spoke, the Light of God came forth from His Presence and scattered away darkness and brought forth Life. Notice the first time God speaks He brings forth Light. The next time God speaks His Word separates the waters from above from the waters from below. And Light and water are the essential ingredients to maintain Life. The third time God speaks in Genesis 1:11 he lays out the law of Life, or the Law of reproduction and says, “Every seed shall bring forth after its kind.”


So first Light, then water and then Life itself. Now, what good would it have been for God to speak forth seeds if there was nothing to sustain that Life. So he brought forth Light, then water and then Life.


And that is the principle property of Light that it scatters darkness from it’s presence, and once darkness has been scattered, then life can come forth, because in order for the seed, any seed to manifest what it is, it needs light. You keep any seed out of light and it will not germinate. They found some time back seeds that had been placed in the garner in the times of Joseph. And the garner or silos that he had erected kept out the Light and those seeds, stayed in seed form for all these thousands of years but when exposed to the light they were able to germinate. That is the law of Life and the law of Light which brings life.


Ephesians 5:13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light. 14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. 


Now the NIV translation read this way, Ephesians 5:13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible, 14 for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you."


Weymouth Ephesians 5:13 But everything can be tested by the light and thus be shown in its true colors; for whatever shines of itself is light.


Brother Branham said in his sermon, Man that can turn on light 63-1229M P:36 So life is only by the Word of God made manifest. Life comes only by the Word of God made manifest. As long as it is just in the Book like this, it still can be questioned; but when it's made manifest, then you see the product of what It spoke of being manifested; then that is Light on the Word. See? That's what brings... The Word said so, and then when it comes to pass, that is Life in Light, Light bringing Life. Light brings life. Plant the wheat out here, it'll... You put it in a basement, cover it all over, and it'll never bring forth anything, because it can't; there's no light there. But as soon as light strikes it, then it'll bring forth life if it's a germitized seed. That's the same thing it is in the Word. See, the Word is God, and when the Light strikes It, it brings the Word to life again. Every age has always been that.


Sow e see that it takes the presence of the Pillar of Fire to bring the Seed of God to life. Why? Because that seed is God’s word, but as brother Branham said, unless the light strikes it, it will stay dormant. No life expression as a result. But when the Light strikes it, that seed can not help but to come alive. Why? Because Light makes manifest.


Look, when the Pillar of Fire come into Moses presence, it sparked him to Life. He became a different man altogether. When the Light of God’s Glorious presence came into the Presence of the Apostle Paul, he became alive to the Word. And the word seed came alive in Him. When the Pillar of Fire came into the Presence of William Branham, what happened? He came alive to the Word, and the word Life came alive in Him. Up to that point when the pillar of fire came into the presence of these men, they all three would be murderers. Moses killed a man. Paul killed and persecuted the Christians, and William Branham had it not been for the sovereign Grace of God would have killed those three boys when he was beaten by them as a young child. 


And notice until the Pillar of Fire came into their presence, they were all just men, born in sin, shaped in iniquity, and come to the world speaking lies. But then the Light struck them and that predestinated seed that had laid dormant in them became quickened and made alive.  The Apostle Paul said, Ephesians 2: 1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;  and this same Apostle said in Colossians  3: 4 When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.


Notice, When Christ, who is our life, He is our Life. And brother Branham said in the sermon, My Redeemer liveth 55-0410S P:13 Did you ever stop to think this morning, as far as returning, that is, to become visible? He's already here with us now. Now, today just imagine that His Presence being here today. The Lord Jesus is in another world, or another dimension, right here today in form of Spirit. His Spirit is blending in with our spirit.  Yes, Christ Who is our Life, His Spirit is blending with our Spirit, and the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. 


Let us pray…