Thy Great Power and Revelation

Brian Kocourek

June 28, 2000



Last Sunday we again examined a statement from Brother Branham's Message, WHO IS THIS MELCHISEDEC.   So far We have focused our thoughts on his opening prayer.


We thank Thee for Thy great power, Thy great revelation of Thyself to us in this last days.


Hebrews 5:5-6:14 Notice verses 11-14 again.. Notice that it is not milk, but only a people of full age will be able to handle this revelation which Paul calls strong meat.


VS 11: These people have an inability to grasp it. They hear but do not hear, therefore it is not for these people. 


(Matt 13: 10-17) MATT 13:11 HE ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO THEM, BECAUSE IT IS GIVEN FOR YOU TO GINOSKO THE MYSTERIES OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, BUT TO THEM IT IS  NOT GIVEN. ( The disciples had just asked Jesus why He spoke in parables to them <the great multitudes> and He answered that His message was not for everyone. Only for a certain type of person. A chosen Elect person. Notice in verse  12 he says that His Words are only for Whosoever HATH. That word Hath is the Greek Word ECHO which means that He that is able to reflect back Gods Word. Did not Jesus say, HE WHO CONFESSES ME BEFORE MEN, I SHALL CON­FESS HIM BEFORE MY FATHER Brother Branham said, " TO CONFESS MEANS TO SAY THE SAME THING."  The Word CONFESS is the Greek words: HOMO and LOGOS. The SAME LOGOS.) 


MARK 4:11 AND HE SAID UNTO  THEM,  UNTO YOU  IT IS  GIVEN  TO  GINOSKO  THE  MYSTERIES OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD: BUT UNTO THEM THAT ARE WITHOUT,  ALL THESE THINGS ARE DONE IN PARABLES: ( We spoke of this in MATTHEW 13 earlier, but you will notice here that Jesus refers to the great multitude as those that are without. This is a Greek word EXO which denotes strangers, or they who do not have the same origin as the "EX" denotes origin and the "O" ending means away from. So these were not of Him,  nor did they have their source in God as Jesus made so clear in JOHN 8.)


1 Corinthians 13: 9-12


Ephesians 4: 12-15  A mature man - full age


JOHN 7:17 IF ANY MAN WILL DO HIS WILL HE SHALL GINOSKO OF THE DOCTRINE WHETHER IT BE OF GOD OR WHETHER I SPEAK OF MYSELF. ( Here we see that "GINOSKO" let's you see the origin. It shows a discerning. Once you see where the Revealed Word comes from you will be as Peter, who said those notable words,  " TO  WHOM  SHALL WE GO, FOR THOU ALONE HAS THE WORDS OF ETERNAL LIFE." "NOTHING OUTSIDE THE REVEALED WORD CAN COME TO LIFE.")


JOHN 13:7 JESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO HIM, WHAT I DO THOU GINOSKO NOT NOW; BUT THOU SHALT GINOSKO HEREAFTER. (It is very apparent here that there was a certain knowledge about Him that was to be held back from them and that was to revealed in another time. Then Peter got into an argument with Jesus because he was not willing to wait as Jesus told him to. How much like the believers today who are not just laying in the presence of the SON as we were in­structed by brother Branham  just a month before he died. The people need to learn to wait upon God. HE WHICH HAS BEGUN THE GOOD WORK IN YOU SHALL PERFORM IT UNTO THE END.)


This is the time of the once and for all enlightenment of Hebrews 6: 1-7


Hebrews 6:1 Someone's got to fit this group. Vs 3 these are not ready yet. But notice, it is at this time there will be a wresting of the scriptures.


JOHN 14:20 AT THAT DAY YE SHALL GINOSKO THAT I AM IN MY FATHER, AND YE IN ME  AND I IN YOU. ( First of all we must ask ourselves, what day? Then we must also examine what it is that we shall know. Now how was Christ in he Father except the Word was in Him as a thought first, then it begin to come forth into fulfillment. How were we in Him except it be the same thing. We were in Him as a thought as we see in EPHESIANS 1. And How is He in us except it be the same Word reflected into us as recipients of the very MIND of God. That is How we enter His Glory which is His Opinion. That is how He can be Glorified in the saints. The Eternal Mind of God coming into His Bride.)


2 Peter 3: 10-17


Now, it wasn't given to Paul


Hebrews 6: 3 if God permit, but He didn't.


2 Corinthians 3: 1-4


Colossians 1:25 according to the dispensation given to me. What is that ? Grace!


See, he was waiting for something to happen.


Ephesians 1: 15-23  He was waiting for this to happen, he speaks of it is a future tense.


2 Thessalonians 1: 10 He says in that day it will happen.


His dispensational work was that of Grace , not of resurrection.


LUKE 10:22 ALL THINGS ARE DELIVERED  TO ME OF MY FATHER: AND NO MAN GINOSKO WHO THE SON IS, BUT THE FATHER; AND WHO THE FATHER IS, BUT THE SON, AND HE TO WHOM THE SON WILL REVEAL HIM. ( Here we see a special use of the GINOSKO that only a certain few may receive. The GINOSKO of the Father is not for everyone. Only those chosen to receive it shall receive it.  This  GINOSKO comes only by REVELATION, as Jesus tells us. )


JOHN 10:38 BUT IF I DO , THOUGH YE BELIEVE NOT ME, BELIEVE THE WORKS: THAT YE MAY GINOSKO, AND BELIEVE, THAT THE FATHER IS IN ME, AND I IN HIM. ( Not that the works will produce a belief, but the combina­tion of Word and Deed. Vindication is the Word following the sign. John 14:12 and Mark 16:17 are not the same thing. One is The Word following the sign, while the other is signs following, or, as a result of the Word.)


The vindication produces a certain knowledge. A knowing source.


JOHN 14:7 IF YE HAD GINOSKO ME, YE SHOULD HAVE GINOSKO MY FATHER ALSO: AND FROM HENCEFORTH YE GINOSKO HIM, AND HAVE SEEN HIM...JESUS SAITH UNTO HIM, HAVE I BEEN SO LONG TIME WITH YOU, AND YET HAST THOU NOT GINOSKO ME, PHILIP? HE THAT HATH SEEN ME HATH SEEN THE FA­THER: AND HOW SAYEST THOU THEN, SHOW US THE FATHER? ( This scrip­ture packs a mighty message about the importance of the GINOSKO and how it affects our relationship with the Father. It also keys us into the manner in which this knowledge is transferred from Father to Son. That is, via the Attributes and Characteristics  that came forth from the Father to the Son. We also see here that Vindication is so very important in identifying the source of these Attributes and Characteristics. For without Jesus being Vindicated as to Who He was, the disciples could have only made an assumption, but what would their assumption be based on what?)


JOHN 17:3 AND THIS IS LIFE ETERNAL, THAT THEY MIGHT GINOSKO THEE, THE ONLY  TRUE GOD, AND JESUS CHRIST, WHOM THOU HAST SENT. ( Eternal Life is to GINOSKO God. To GINOSKO GOD, our Father is the Evidence that we have been quickened to Eternal Life.)


JOHN 17:8 FOR I HAVE GIVEN UNTO THEM THE WORDS WHICH THOU GAVEST ME : AND THEY HAVE RECEIVED THEM, AND HAVE GINOSKO SURELY THAT I CAME OUT FROM THEE, AND THEY HAVE BELIEVED THAT THOU DIDST SEND ME. ( The Word of the Father which the SON passes onto us is that which brings us into this GINOSKO condition which is an assurance of  Eternal Life.


JOHN 17:25 O RIGHTEOUS FATHER, THE WORLD HATH NOT GINOSKO THEE, BUT I HAVE GINOSKO THEE, AND THESE HAVE GINOSKO  THAT  THOU  HAST  SENT  ME.( Jesus firmly establishes His relationship with the Father that the world could never have, except those of His Elect, who also GINOSKO the Father through the SON.)