Oneness by Seed

                                    AUGUST 30, 1992

                                    Brian Kocourek



JOHN.17:11 And  now I am no more in the world, but these are in the

 world, and  I  come to thee. Holy Father, keep through  thine  own  name
those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we [are].




This  morning  I would like to examine further  this  thought  we
picked  up  on last week in reading PP. 17 - 21. But  instead  of
reading  right through, I think it would be better if  we  should
read  it a bit more slowly, to savor the juices so to  speak.  So
let's begin at PP. 17 and read.


17 ONENESS 62-0211

 "  Now,  Jesus prayed, in John, the 17th chapter  and  the  11th
verse, to you who put down these Sunday school texts. I have many
of  them this morning. John 17:11, Jesus prayed that  the  Church
and  He  would be one like He and the Father were one.  That  the
Church,  we  as  members of the Body of  Christ,  would  be  one,
together, just like He and the Father are one. And at that day we
would know that He was in the Father... Father in Him, and He  in
us, that together we were one. What a union, a oneness that would
be, to see God in His Church till every member is just  perfectly
in harmony with each other and God. That's the Church that  Jesus
is  coming for. That's when His prayer will be answered, that  we
will be one."


Now,  I would like to break this down a bit, point by  point.  So
point number One, is this: Brother Branham's hope was the same as
Jesus  expressed in His prayer; He wanted the Church or His  Body
of Believers, The Elect, to be ONE together with each other. Now,
that is point number ONE, Do you agree.


 So we must then ask ourselves this simple question. How can  the
Bride of Christ, God's Elect be one together. What will bring her
together in a real ONENESS, A ONENESS that she is lacking even as
we  read  these  Words today. Now, remember,  ONENESS  means  the
quality  or state of being ONE. So we must ask ourselves what  it
means  to be ONE: simply put, it is being a single unit, not  two
or  more  and characterized by unity, undivided. In  fact  VINE's
says:  A single, (One) to the "exclusion" of others.


 Now,  how  could  we  have  this  ONENESS  since  we  are   many
individuals who are as different one from another as  snowflakes.
No two individuals is exactly alike. And yet Jesus prayed here in
JOHN 17:11 that we might all be ONE.


 Now,  I  would like you to hold that thought for a while  as  we
examine  point  number  two which is this: He  prayed  that  this
ONENESS of the people together would be the same ONENESS, that He
had with His Father.


So  we  see  that in order for the Elect to  have  this  ONENESS
together,  to actually become one unit, a single Unit,  exclusive
of  others, there is a prerequisite. It must be the same  ONENESS
that  He had with the Father. So in order to find out  what  will
bring  us  together in such a harmony as to become ONE,  we  must
know what brought Jesus and the Father together as ONE. What made
Jesus  and the Father One. Now that could take us light years  to
answer because we would have to touch on each and every attribute
that God possesses because all that He was He poured into  Christ
Jesus the Lord.


 So  instead of taking on a task that would perhaps take us  into
Eternity, let's just ask the same question in another way to  get
the  same  result.  You know in math, when you  have  many  digit
multiplication  or  divisions to perform, it could take  you  for
ever  to find the right answer and then to check out your  answer
to see if it is true. So the great mathematicians came up with  a
quick   way   of  proofing  your  answer  and  they   called   it
canceling  out  nines. I'll explain it at our  fellowship  picnic
this        afternoon for you students who are curious and  would
like  to  save time in your math problems. But to make  a  point,
when  the  problem is so exhaustive, it is good to  have  a  time
saver available. 


 So maybe instead of asking what is the same about Jesus and  the
Father, we should ask the question in another way, such as,  what
is different between Jesus and the Father. Kind of like canceling
out nines. If we know what is different, then we know that every­¨
thing else is the same, Right?


 So,  what  is the difference between the Father and  Jesus?  One
Thing. The Body. The body is what made Him man. Yet The  fullness
of  the Father dwelt in that Body, making Him God  manifested  in
flesh.  But God Himself is Spirit and they that Worship Him  must
worship Him in Spirit and Truth. That's what Jesus said.


So Point number three is this: The Oneness of the people together
can  only come by the Father coming into each ONE of them  as  He
came  into  Jesus. Outside of this there will never  be  ONENESS.
That is why He said, "At that day ye shall know that I am in  the
Father, And the Father in Me, I in you and You in Me."


 And  as  I  said, last week: You can not  have  the  same  exact 
mindset unless you have the same exact mind. And how can you have
the  same mind if you don't have the same physical makeup in  the
brain.  In  other words, the same mass, the same  chemistry,  the
same attributes and characteristics and everything. Then you  can
insure that you will have the same mindset. You see it takes  the
gene  of God in you to be able to think as He thinks. You've  got
to be His seed, His offspring in order to come into His image. No
matter  how  hard Stephen Gray tried, He'll never  come  into  my
image  because he is not my son. He's Steve's son. Therefore,  He
will come into Steve's image. You see? Notice how Brother Branham
brings this out Himself.


18 ONENESS 62-0211

 "  And  it is the only grounds of fellowship that God  has  ever
laid  down for Himself and His Church, is the oneness of  Himself
in  the  people. That's the only grounds of fellowship.  And  the
only  way that you can have those grounds, is by a union,  to  be
united  with  Him  forever. Just like when you  unite  with  your
husband,  the woman to unite with her husband, it is a vow  until
death.  Now,  then when you unite with God, it's the  same  thing
that the church united with Christ, it's until death we part. And
then  if you never sin or do anything wrong, you'll be  Eternally
united  with God. And only death can take you away from God,  and
not physical death, but the sin of death. Sin is death, and  that
takes you away from God. So, to be united with Him in the  Spirit
of His power, is Eternal Life, you're Eternally united with  God.
Oh, I want to get to that after a bit. United Eternally with  the
Eternal  God,  perfectly in harmony with  Him,  perfectly  united
together,  a  Church that all, both God and His Church,  is  one,
united together."


19 ONENESS 62-0211

  "  And if you'll notice how that Eve was united with Adam,  she
become  part  of  him. God, did you notice in  Genesis  1:27,  He
created  man male and female, created He them. Now, the  man  was
a--a... both male and female when it come to being in the  spirit
of feminish and masculine. Then God took from his side a--a  rib.
Did  you  notice  the body part was a  by-product,  but  not  the
spirit?  The body part of the woman was a by-product,  after  the
creation had been finished, God took from the side of Adam a  rib
and  made  a woman. But not the spirit, the spirit  was  part  of
Adam, for he was both man and woman, fem... spiritually speaking,
both masculine and feminish."


20 ONENESS 62-0211

 "  Now,  don't  you see the great picture?  We,  in  flesh,  are 
different.  We're  like a by-product, a created  being,  by  holy
wedlock. But in Spirit we are sons and daughters, not some  other
spirit, but the Spirit of the living God. We are in His likeness,
in His unity, in the perfect image of the living God, because  we
become  sons and daughters. Not separated, but the  same  Spirit,
the  same  God,  the  same  Person,  joined  in  wedlock  to  the
Eternal.  See  how  God  planned  it that  we  should  be  not  a

different, but Him! Not some other being of some other tribe, but
a real union and offspring of the Almighty, done by a holy union.
Now,  the body comes from mother and father, but the Spirit  come
from God, God separating Himself as Adam was separated."


 Now, before we go any further, let's just dig into this  thought
here.  I don't want you to forget one important thing. If we  are
God's offspring, His seed, we are part of Him, Right? And What is
He? <John 1: 1> He is the Word. And when we are born again it  is
the  Word, God Himself, that does the begetting. You didn't  have
one thing to do with you natural birth, did you? How many of  you
pressured  your dad to get with it and start the process of  your
natural birth? Sound ridiculous doesn't it? Then why do you think
that there is anything you have to do with your spiritual birth.


I PETER 1:22 - 23

Seeing  ye have purified your souls in obeying the truth  through
the  Spirit  unto unfeigned love of the brethren, [see  that  ye]
love  one  another with a pure heart fervently: <23>  Being  born
again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word
of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.


 So it is the Word of God that causes us to be born again, right?


Blessed  [be] the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,  which
according  to  his abundant mercy hath begotten us again  unto  a
lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,


 So who does the begetting? God , The Word, Himself!


 Now,  remember,  brother  Branham  said  in  the  flesh  we  are
different, but in the Spirit we are to be the same. So how do our
spirit's all become the same. Didn't Jesus pray that we would all
be  the same as He and the Father were the same. And Even we  and
the Father are to be the same as He and the Father are the  same.
All in One. Right?  So How did God accomplish this.


 Well, if you follow Jesus entire prayer in JOHN 17 you will find
the answer.


JOHN.17:1 - 2

" These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven,  and
said,       Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son,  that  thy
Son also may glorify thee: <2> As thou hast given him power  over
all  flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many  as  thou
hast given him."


 Look at the responsibility Jesus had. To give forth Eternal Life
to all those that The Father had given Him.



And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true
God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.


 Now  what is Eternal Life, The revelation of the LIFE.  Ginosko,
to  know Him in a personal and intimate way. Remember, Mary  used
this word GINOSKO when she made reference to not having  received
seed  by any man. So GINOSKO makes reference to an intimate  Life
giving  relationship,  which  is what Revelation  is  all  about.
Tapping into the Life blood of God Himself.



"  I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished  the  work
which  thou gavest me to do. <5> And now, O Father, glorify  thou
me  with  thine  own self with the glory which I  had  with  thee
before the world was.


 Now, stop just a moment and ask. What work did He finish. He  at
this point had not been crucified, right? So he can't be speaking
of the crucifixion then right? So what other work  did He come to
do  before  His  crucifixion? What did He finish  in  that  hour.


 "  I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest  me
out  of the world: thine they were, and thou gavest them me;  and
they have kept thy word."


 So  we  see the work that He finished had something to  do  with
Manifesting His Father's name before men and their responding  by
keeping the Father's Word.


 Why did these that He is speaking of Keep the Fathers Word?



" Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast  given
me are of thee."



For  I have given unto them the words which thou gavest  me;  and
they have received [them], and have known surely that I came  out
from thee, and they have believed that thou didst send me.



I  pray  for them: I pray not for the world, but for  them  which
thou hast given me; for they are thine.



And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in


 Now, I would like to stop here and reflect upon these great  and
notable  Words  of Jesus here. How many believe  these  Words  of
Jesus were infallible?  Now, by the sound of His prayer here,  it
really sounds like the brethren that He is speaking to the Father
about  in prayer, were sold out to His Word, or shall we say  the
Father's Word. Live, die, sink or swim they were sold out, right?


 Well?  Before,  we go further into this prayer, let's  just  see
what kind of condition these great warriors of the faith were in.
Shortly after He spoke these Words while praying to His Father He

entered  into Gethsemanae. Notice how Jesus was  extolling  these
whom  the Father had given to Him and How they believed  and  had
received  the Fathers Word. But let's see now what  strength  and
virtue these men displayed themselves.



And  he cometh, and findeth them sleeping, and saith unto  Peter,
Simon, sleepest thou? couldest not thou watch one hour?


 Real heroes of the faith, right?



"Watch  ye  and pray, lest ye enter into temptation.  The  spirit
truly [is] ready, but the flesh [is] weak."


 Boy, if that isn't an understatement. Not only of them, but what
about us. Alpha is Omega. Right?



And again he went away, and prayed, and spake the same words.



And when he returned, he found them asleep again, (for their eyes
were  heavy,) neither wist they what to answer him. <41>  And  he
cometh  the  third time, and saith unto them, Sleep on  now,  and
take [your] rest: it is enough, the hour is come; behold, the Son
of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.


 So let's go back to His prayer to the Father about this  ONENESS
we are studying.



"And  now I am no more in the world, but these are in the  world,
and  I  come to thee. Holy Father, keep through  thine  own  name
those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we [are].



While  I  was with them in the world, I kept them  in  thy  name:
those that thou gavest me I have kept, ( who kept them?) and none
of  them  is lost, but the son of perdition; that  the  scripture
might be fulfilled.



And  now come I to thee; and these things I speak in  the  world,
that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves.


 So how will His joy be fulfilled in them? Keep listening to  His



"  I  have given them thy word; and the world  hath  hated  them,
because they are not of the world, even as
I am not of the world.


Notice,  I have given them THY Word! That's why the world  hates

 Now, we are speaking of ONENESS. He's praying of ONENESS.



I  pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the  world,  but
that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. <16> They are not of
the  world,  even as I am not of the world.  <17>  Sanctify  them
through thy truth: thy word is truth.


 Now,  Jesus knew that they still needed cleansing, and  He  knew
the way of cleansing must come by the Word. God's revealed Word.



As  thou  hast sent me into the world, even so have I  also  sent
them into the world. <19> And for their sakes I sanctify  myself,
that they also might be sanctified through the truth.


As you sent me so send I these into the world? For what Purpose?
To spread the Fathers Word! and notice, what brings the  ONENESS?
The  Fathers  Word which is Life, which is a seed,  which  brings
forth Life giving Revelation.


JOHN 17: 20

"  Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which  shall
believe on me through their word; <21> That they all may be  one;
as  thou, Father, [art] in me, and I in thee, that they also  may
be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me."



And  the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that  they
may be one, even as we are one:


 And  how was He and the Father ONE? " In the beginning  was  the
Word,  and  the Word was with God and the Word was God,  and  the
Word was made flesh.



"  I  in them, and thou in me, that they may be made  perfect  in
one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast
loved them, as thou hast loved me."


 And  what  brings forth this love into manifestation?  The  Word



"Father, I will that they also, whom thou hast given me, be  with
me  where  I am; that they may behold my glory, which  thou  hast
given me: for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.
<25>  O  righteous Father, the world hath not known thee:  but  I
have  known  thee, and these have known that thou hast  sent  me.
<26>  And  I have declared unto them thy name, and  will  declare
[it]: that the love wherewith thou hast loved me may be in  them,
and I in them.



When  Jesus  had  spoken  these words, he  went  forth  with  his
disciples  over  the brook Cedron, where was a garden,  into  the
which he entered, and his disciples.


 So  we  see that even though Jesus spoke of a finished  Work  in
those  who had followed Him and had believed on Him  through  the
Father's  Word, yet we see that it had not yet  fully  manifested
itself through them.


 Now the only way I know to reconcile this thought is to liken it
to  a husband who basically has finished His Work once  the  seed
has  been        transmitted  to His wife. What else  can  He  do
except trust in the natural laws of reproduction as God set  them
in order back in the beginning. He then can do one thing and that
is to rest in the laws of reproduction. God said it, it's got  to

 Now,  I don't know about you, but this example of Jesus  praying
for these men gives me great consolation for myself. He  believed
they were ONE and He believed that they had not only received the
Fathers  Word  but He Himself  was resting in the  finished  Work
knowing  the  seed had been planted and it was just a  matter  of
time for it to begin manifesting.


 Notice  how  everything  Jesus pointed to  in  regards  to  this
ONENESS  that He had with the Father and we with Him and we  also
with the Father all had to do with the receiving and believing of
the Father's Word. That's why I keep telling you, don't look  for
anything  outside this Word, because you will only be led  astray

and disappointed.


21 ONENESS 62-0211

  On the Day of Pentecost, we find the Holy Spirit, the Pillar of
Fire,  separating  Itself and setting upon each  member  of  that
Church,  God  putting Hisself together! Then with that  group  of
people together, what does it do? Brings back the unified Body of
the Lord Jesus. Coming together!


22 ONENESS 62-0211

  And  today  in  this great separation that we  are  living  in,
denominational  differences  and  things, what  a  pity,  what  a


 Brother, the only differences you are entitled to have with your
brother  are  those  things pertaining to  this  flesh.  Anything
pertaining to this Word we had better have the Mind of The Father
or we are lost.


23 ONENESS 62-0211

  Joined  in  Heavenly wedlock to the Eternal God, part  of  Him,
part  of  God. In flesh I become Branham because  of  my  father,
Branham. You become part of your father and mother, but in spirit
we  become in union with God, is part of God. That's  the  reason
that  the  spirit  cannot  die. "He  that  believeth  on  Me  has
everlasting Life. And in the image that he is here on earth,  and
in  his  likeness, I will raise him up in the last days."  Not  a
spirit  being, for we will have a body like God's glorious  Body,
the glorified Body of the Lord Jesus, raised up in That Image.


 You  see  what  I  have  been saying  for  years.  We  may  have
difference over personalities, but we had better not differ  over
this  Word.  I  don't  want my opinion, and  I  don't  want  your
opinion. I want God's Opinion and that only.


24 ONENESS 62-0211

  "  Jesus  said,  going  to the grave  of  Lazarus,  "I  am  the 
resurrection  and  Life. He that believeth in Me,  though  he  be

dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me
shall never die. Believeth in Me, not on Me, but in Me." Being in
Him, believing! "If ye abide in Me and My Words in you." In  Him,
believing! Oh, my! I hope the Holy Spirit gets that right down to


 Now,  you're  the  little flock, that's  why  through  the  week,
praying  and asking God, I chose this text, to show you where  we
stand. Believing in Him. You cannot believe in Him until you come
in  Him, or, He comes in you, then you're believing in Him,  then
you have Eternal Life. You're believing on Him until you  receive
Eternal Life, then Eternal Life is God's Life in you, then you're
believing in Him."


 That is exactly what I've been saying throughout the first  five
sermons we  have taken from this message ONENESS. I told you  all
along that brother Branham is telling us we can not have  ONENESS
with  God  unless we are a part of God. That Seed, which  is  His
Word,  must  be in you. Nothing else will do. I  don't  care  who
comes  to  you and tells you different. Paul said, "If  I  or  an
angel  from  heaven come and preach any other thing than  what  I
have     already preached, let him be accursed."


 Brother Branham said, " You cannot believe in Him until you come
in  Him, or, He comes in you, then you're believing in Him,  then
you have Eternal Life. You're believing on Him until you  receive
Eternal Life, then Eternal Life is God's Life in you, then you're
believing in Him."


 And  Who  is God? The Word. Then it must be Word  Life  in  you.
Jesus said, "My Words are spirit and they are Life."


25 ONENESS 62-0211

  "Ye  in Me, I in you. That they might be one, Father,  even  as
You  and  I are one." God in Christ, Christ in the  Church.  See?
"Just  as we are one, so they be One." Then how can you  be  one?
"If  ye abide in Me, My Words in you." See, abide! "My  Words  in
you, then ask what you will." For it isn't you no more, it's  the
Word that's in you, and the Word is God."