Satan shines, the Gospel Glows

                 OCTOBER 4, 1992

                  Brian Kocourek


For  those  of  you  who missed Wednesday  night  we  spoke  from
PP. 36 - 44 where  brother Branham emphasized fellowship or shall
we say, he spoke on how one becomes dis-fellowshipped from God.


         36 ONENESS -- JEFF.IN -- V-10 N-2 -- 62-0211

 "  Now, the first human beings dis-fellowshipped  themself  from
believing God, by disbelieving His Word and listening to a lie of
the  Devil.  Now, that's the first thing  that  dis-fellowshipped
this  wonderful  union. Now look, Adam and Eve in a  position  to
never  die, in a position to never be old, to never be  sick,  to
never have a worry.

  You  say, "I sure wish I could be like that." Let me...  I  got
news  for you, you are in the same position. God places  that  to
every creature on the earth, in the same position."


          38 ONENESS -- JEFF.IN -- V-10 N-2 -- 62-0211

 " What was the agreement? "If you'll keep my Words! If, My Word,
if  you'll  keep It, believe It and act upon It!"  But  the  very
first time that Eve disbelieved, took one Word away from what God
said,  it  broke off fellowship with that great  union.  And  the
minute  that the church disbelieves any one Word of God's  Bible,
and places It somewhere else, then they break off that  wonderful
fellowship that's offered to them, and to be separated. "


"  As  soon as she did that, death set in her mortal  being.  Not
only her mortal, but her spiritual being. She broke off relation­
ship  with  God, the minute she disbelieved. And no man  can  be
lieve...  Here it is! No man, no woman can--can believe the  Dev
il's  lie  until they have disbelieved God's Truth.  No  one  can
believe the Devil's lie until they have disbelieved God's  Truth.
So, you see, Eve, Adam, where it places us this morning."


 40 ONENESS -- JEFF.IN -- V-10 N-2 -- 62-0211

 "  Well, you say, "How do you know about the Bible?"  I  believe
that  my God has guided this Bible, He watches over His Word.  He
knowed that atheists and infidels would rise in the last days, so
He's watched over It. This is exactly the way God meant It.  It's
the  way It's to us now. Now we must believe It. One Word off  of
It,  and we lose our fellowship, go off into--to  death,  Eternal
separation  from God, just as Adam and Eve did. We  must  believe
God's Truth."


We  examined in the scriptures this fellowship, and what  it  is,
and  what  it is to do for us and how we enter into  it  and  all
those good and wonderful things.


I  don't have time to go into it further this morning as I  would
like to press ahead in this message of ONENESS. So if you'll open
to PP.45 let's continue on.


45 ONENESS -- JEFF.IN -- V-10 N-2 -- 62-0211

 "  Satan,  as I have said many time, he shines, but  the  Gospel
glows.  Oh,  there's  quite  a  difference  between  shining  and
glowing.  Hollywood shines, but the Church glows with  the  power
and  love  of God. Hollywood shines. Quite a  difference  between
glowing and shining. We do not want to shine. We want to glow."


Now  I  would  like to stop here and focus  down  to  this  short    
paragraph  here because this paragraph really packs within  it  a
mighty message.


He said the difference between God and Satan is that Satan shines
while  God's  Word glows. Notice he said that there  is  quite  a
difference between the two. Then he gives you an example,  naming
hollywood  as  his  example of what shining  is  and  the  Gospel
glowing was his other example.


So what does the Word shine mean or even suggest to us?


According  to WEBSTERS < SHINE >: to be eminent,  conspicuous  or
brilliant.  to stand out; to excel. to exhibit itself clearly  or
conspicuously. To polish!


All  polished up and ready to put on a show or  exhibit.  There's
your false anointed. Boasting to the world what great things they
have done so every one will look to them. Hollywood  showmanship.
Who can sell the people the most useless junk and get the  people
to believe that they need it.


You  know a good salesman can go into a home and get  people  who
are  gullible  to  buy whatever they want them to.  Money  is  no
object. In fact they won't even talk money until they have baited
you and have you one the hook.


People  are  gullible today more than ever before. Did  you  know
that the scripture says they will be that way?


II THES 2: 8 - 12 WUEST

" And then shall the lawless one be disclosed in his true identi­
ty,  whom the Lord Jesus shall slay with the breath of His  mouth
and  render inoperative by the sudden appearance of His  personal
presence,  the coming and presence of whom the man of  lawlesness
is according to the operation of Satan in the sphere of  miracles
demonstrating power and attesting miracles and miracles of  star­
tling, imposing, amazement-wakening character which deceive,  and
whose  coming  and  presence is in the sphere of  every  kind  of
wicked  deception  geared  to the gullibility of  those  who  are
perishing,  this gullibility being caused by the fact  that  they
did not accept the love for the Truth to the end that they  might
be saved. And because of this God sends them a deluding influence
resulting  in  their believing the lie, in order  that  they  all
might  be judged who did not know the Truth but took  delight  in


You  know a good salesman can go into a home and get  people  who
are  gullible  to  buy whatever they want them to.  Money  is  no
object. In fact they won't even talk money until they have baited
you and have you one the hook.


What  do  you think a fisherman does. Why does he  use  a  bright
shining  lure.  It's  called  a lure  because  it   attracts  the
interest  of  the fish. Then, in addition to the lure he  uses  a
worm or a scented piece of bait on the end so that when the  fish
becomes  attracted by the light or shining object, and  comes  to
investigate  it,  it then becomes enticed into getting  a  closer
look.  It  then  comes up and smells the bait  and  because  it's
senses tell him that the lure looks appealing and it even  smells
appealing, he then puts his mouth on it to taste it.


Now,  any  good fisherman will tell you that when you  feel  that
first  little tug, that the fish isn't hooked yet. He's just  got
his  mouth around that bait. But when you feel that  little  tug,
then  you know that you must pull the line and set the  hook  and
keep  the  tension tight. And as long as you do  this,  pull  the
line, set the hook and keep the tension tight, then you have your
fish. And Bingo! There's your false anointed.


I  feel so sorry for that little fish. He went up because he  was
attracted  to  the lure. He was lured into it.  He  then  becomes
attracted further by the smell of the bait, and when he thinks he
will  just taste of it a little then he gets the surprise of  his
life  and loses complete control over his situation. And that  is
exactly  what  the false anointed have done to the  people.  They
have  something that is bright and shiny that attracts. And  when
the people get close enough to the man, they get hooked. It looks
right,  it  smells right, and they try to taste  for  themselves.
Then  the  hook  is  set and they like the  little  fish  get  so


Why that little fish only wanted a little taste. He never thought
his whole world would cave in on him like it did. But the man  at
the  other  end of the line keeps the pressure on, he  keeps  the
line  taught, the tension tight and slowly reels  in  his  catch.
That's how Satan snares the gullible every time. They don't  love
the Word of God enough to call satans bluff.


So  we see that satan shines, and we see the purpose  behind  the
shining  is to attract the attention of the gullible. Let's  look
now at what he means by the Gospel Glows:


WEBSTER says GLOW: 1)light given off as the result of great heat.                               

                   2) steady, even light without flame or blaze.  


Steady and even light given off as a result of great heat.


You  ever here the old expression, if you can't stand  the  heat,
you had better get out of the kitchen. Well, I say, "If you can't
stand the heat you had better get away from this message," except
for  one thing, if you try to escape this heat which is meant  to
sanctify  your  character, you will end up in that  other  heated
furnace  which  no one wants to go to. The lake of fire.  So  you
haven't got much of a choice now do you.



WEBSTER says GLOW: 1)light given off as the result of great heat.                               

                   2) steady, even light without flame or blaze.  


I PETER 1: 3 - 13 <read>

Notice  the  fire testing is to purify and bring into  a  quality
that is pure of all other materials.


So we see the importance of the Gospel glow. It is a heat that is
transforming your character into His character.


Notice in 1 JOHN 3: 2 - 3  <read>

It tells you that when you see Him you shall be like Him for  you
shall see Him as He really is. and this seeing Him will bring  on
a transformation. Then notice in verse 3 it tells you that if you
have this hope in your heart, you will purify yourself. What does
it mean to purify yourself?


Now  first  of all, the scripture tells us that those  that  have
this hope, what hope? To be like Him when we see Him as He really
is. So those who have the earnest expectation of coming into  His
image  will purify themselves. Now we are not talking about  some
ceremonial  washing  or  cleansing. But we are  talking  about  a
purification.  So  in order to come into His image what  must  be
purified?It says those who have this hope will purify themselves.
And the scripture tells us that  " as a man thinketh in his heart
so  is he" . so if he is to purify himself what will  he  purify?
His thoughts of Course.


JAMES 4: 8 <read>

So we see that we are to purify our hearts or minds from a double
minded ness. We can not have our own thoughts about this Word and
His  as well. We can not take two positions on where we stand  on
this word. We must accept God's provided way and kill off our own
way.  " Let every man's word be a lie and Mine be True saith  the


So then how does a man purify himself from being double minded?


I PETER 1: 22 -23 <read> skip to 25


Now,  notice  what it says here. You purify your souls  by  what?
Something  you do? Some great sacrifice that you make?  Having  a
private  visitation? No! It says "seeing that you  have  purified
your  souls in obeying the Truth. There you are. The Truth  which
is  what? The Word. Then He says, you are born again by what,  by
the Word of God.

Now  getting  back to verse 22 he says, you  purify  yourself  by
obeying the Truth that will bring you up to what? Unfeigned  Love
of the brethren. let's read it again.


I PETER 1: 22 <read>

So  we  see here that this purifying of your soul which  is  your
nature, is not the final product but that it actually is meant to
produce an unpretentious love for the brethren. See that ye  love
one another with a PURE heart. How can it be a pure heart? It has
been  purified. By what? The Word of God, The Truth. And  because
the  gullible  do not love this truth, God sends  them  a  strong
delusion,  not a weak delusion, but something that is  so  strong
they can't get away from it, and they believe THE lie.


Now in examining PP. 45 let's read it again.


             45 ONENESS -- JEFF.IN -- V-10 N-2 -- 62-0211

 "  Satan,  as I have said many time, he shines, but  the  Gospel
glows.  Oh,  there's  quite  a  difference  between  shining  and
glowing.  Hollywood shines, but the Church glows with  the  power
and  love  of God. Hollywood shines. Quite a  difference  between
glowing and shining. We do not want to shine. We want to glow."


Now  there is something which he says here that I want to  expand
upon  if we may. We already read to you from the scripture  where
it says that when we purify our souls by obeying the truth,  that
it will produce a love unfeigned.


Now  here in this paragraph we see brother Branham tell  us  that
The Gospel glows with the power and Love of God. So then what  is
the  power of God? I know we've hit this scripture  enough  times
that  some one should be able to tell me what scripture tells  us
what the power of God is. [ anybody?]


So  we  see that the Gospel of Christ which is the  Word  of  God
revealed, it is the POWER of God. The Dunamis of God. Now  notice
what  brother  Branham said in this paragraph. he said  not  only
does the Gospel glow with the power of God which is His Word, but
it also GLOWS with The love of GOD. It has two heating  elements.
Not just one. The power of the Gospel and the Love of God.


Now remember what the word Glow means. It is an extreme heat that
causes  a  steady and even light to come forth. So this  heat  is
produced  by your fervent stand for the truth, your standing  for
the  POWER of God produces the Trial of your faith, or the  trial
of your revelation. This trial is predestined for your glory. You
are ordained to pass the test. You are tested for the purpose  of
approval.  So this GLOW is the heat that comes from the test  and
your approval from God.


Now,  notice  what the other element that makes up  this  Glowing
Gospel.  It is God's Love. So we see the trial of your  faith  or
the trial of your revelation is the heat that causes you to  glow
in the power of that revelation or the Gospel, and it also causes
you to glow in the LOVE of GOD.


Now  What  is this Love of God. What is love anyway? We  hear  so
mush about it and yet people don't have the slightest idea.  They
say every time a man has a relations with his wife that they  are
making  love.  Well, even in the worlds own terms then,  what  is
making love. It is the act of the man sending forth His seed into
His  loved one which better be His wife. So love has to  do  with
producing life. A giving forth of seed. Life seed.


                      1 JOHN 3: 1a <read> lamsa

"  See how abundant the Love of the Father is toward us,  for  He
has called us sons and made us;"


                      1 JOHN 3:1a <read> weymouth

"See  what marvelous love the Father has bestowed upon us -  that
we should be called God's children: and that is what we are."


                      1 COR 8: 3 <read>


                      EPH 3: 4 - 5 <read>


So we see then that this LOVE of God is one of two vital elements
that  causes the GOSPEL to GLOW. # 1) It takes the POWER  of  God
which  is His Word revealed. And # 2) It takes that Gospel  Power
in the Seed of God to produce the Glow of that Gospel.


Now  if  what  I'm saying is true according  to  this  Gospel  of
Christ, then there is something about this Love of God that needs
to be examined further.


You have all heard me preach for years from 1 COR 13 about Love.


                     1 COR 13: 9 - 13 <read>

Here  we  see  that  we must begin with faith.  Now  faith  is  a
revelation.  Something is revealed to us. This revelation  begins
to work into us a hope which is an earnest expectation. We expect
this revelation to produce what it says it will. The this earnest
expectation  begins to build up steam so to speak and  it  brings
into motion what the revelation has revealed. That is Love.  Love
is faith expressed. Jesus said in st. JOHN 15: 23" If a man loves
me  he will keep my Word." So then we see that love not only  has
to  do  with the Word of God but that it is  actually  that  Word
revealed and expressed.


A young boy gets a revelation about his girl, he begins to  hope,
or  he  begins to earnestly expect something to come out  of  his
revelation.  It  begins to build up within him until  it  finally
puts him into motion or action.


So  faith brings hope and hope brings action and that  action  is
the  faith  expressed.  Love then is  the  manifestation  of  the


Now  in  looking at this LOVE as one essential  element  of  this
Glowing  Gospel, let's look a bit further into what it is  to  do
for the Elect.

First  of all let's turn to JOHN 8: 42 <read> He says if you  are
God's  seed you can't help but to love Him. So do you  love  Him,
now  remember, we're not talking about some historical  Jesus  or
warm  fuzzy, we're talking about the one who is the Word. Do  you
Love His Word regardless of how much hide it takes off your back?


JOHN 14: 15, 23a <read> Do you desire to keep His Word?

2 JOHN 6: <read>  1 JOHN 5: 2 - 3


JOHN 15: 9 -10 If we love Him we will abide or remain in His                      



Now  in  order to keep His Word and abide in His  Word  which  is
Love, we must have faith first. And Faith is a revelation. There­
fore  you can not have this Love we are speaking about  with  out
having a revelation. And not just a revelation, but as the scrip­
ture  says in EPH 4, there is One Lord, and One Faith,  therefore
there is really only one revelation and that is The revelation of
Jesus Christ.


So  you must have this revelation before you can expres  it,  and
when you express it, that outward expression is called love.


GAL 5: 6, 13, 22 <read>


EPH 3: 17 - 19 <read>


It  is  this love which is the manifestation  of  our  revelation
which  gives us assurance that the working of faith is  operating
within  us. For what good is our revelation if it is  not  coming
into blossom. 1 JOHN 3: 16 <read> He was our example of how  LOVE
should be in operation. 17 - 24. <read> It gives assurance.


Notice what this love produces. 1 THES 1: 3 <read> Heb 6: 10 -12.


We  therefore are to provoke one another on to love according  to
HEB  10:24  <read>.  So how do you provoke unto  love.  The  word
provoke means to spur on or to excite to action. And how will you
excite  to action the Bride of Christ outside this  Word.  That's
the  only  thing she lives and breathes and anything  outside  of
that is only puff. Our stimulation comes by revelation.


Now we could go into the many attributes of love but I'm sure you
have all heard many sermons on what love is. Such as The love  of
God  constraineth  us amd love worketh no ill etc.  But  we  just
don't  have the time to move in that direction today, so  I  will
only give a brief outline of what this love is to produce in  us.
And that is a completed revelation. That's it.


The Love of God is not what we produce because the scripture says
the  Love of God is shed abroad IN our hearts BY the Holy  Ghost.
Nothing  can separate us fom this Love of GOD. For He is the  God
of  LOVE  and PEACE. In Love He predestinated us.  By  His  great
Love He loved us, and gave Himself for us. It is our Offering  to
God  <Eph 5:2>.

We  are to keep ourselves in the Love of God. And it is  for  the
edification  of the body of Christ. And in keeping God's Word  we
actually perfect this Love in ourselves <1 JOHN 2:5>.


Now, finaly in closing I want to read a couple scriptures.


1        JOHN  4;  17  -  19  <read>  no  fear,  fear  has  torment  or

2        punishment & we must not fear God in this sense; no slavish fear.


DIAGLOTT:  fear  has restraint. WUEST: This  aforementioned  love
which exists in it's completed state throws fear outside, because
this  fear  has  a penalty, and the one who fears  has  not  been
brought  to completion in the sphere of this love, and is not  in
that  state at present. 1> to throw fear aside you must first  be
able  to  recognize it. 2> fear brings restraint from a  lack  of
trust, unrest.


NIV: fear has to do with punishment.


weymouth:  Our love will be manifested in all it's perfection  by
our  having complete confidence on the day of  Judgment;  because
just  what He is, we are in the world. Love has in it no  element
of fear, but perfect love drives away fear, because fear involves
pain,  and  if  a  man gives way  to  fear,  there  is  something 
imperfect in his love. We love because God first loved us.


It has no fear. This fear is the word PHOBOS in which we get  our
word  phobia.  PHOBOS  is a fear which causes flight.  it  is  an
irrational,  excessive  and persistent fear of  some  particular
thing or situation and this always leads to hate.


But  we have not so learned Christ. For we love because He  first
loved us and gave Himself for us. This love then will produce the
oposite of fear and that is confidence.


# 5) Our Love is made perfect that we may have parrhesia.

     1 JOHN 4: 17 



                LET'S BOW OUR HEADS AND PRAY