Going Backwards

December 31, 93

Brian Kocourek


ONENESS PP. 124 - 146 <read


They wanted to go backward at the time of the first Exodus.


So let's look at the second Exodus.


ACTS 15: 1 - 11 <read>


GAL 1: 6 - 13 <read> Paul is letting you know it is not his word but God's - therefore It is vindicated by God Himself.


GAL 2: 1 - 5, 18 - 20 <read>


GAL 3: 1 - 5 <read> Evidently set forth, in other words "Vindicated".  So here we sit  today,  approaching 193. 28 years since God's  prophet  Messenger went  away and have we gone forward or have we gone  backward  or just stagnated.


I believe people today are going either backward or forward,  but as  Paul said, they can't just stay in the same spot.  I  believe  the people are going backward in numbers.


Now,  we  believe that there are certain promises  that  God  has given us for this hour. We are all aware of Mal 4:5-6, Luke 17:30  and Revelations 10: 1-7. But what does it all mean? Where have we gone  with these? We can hardly believe enough for  healing  much less for a rapture.


So,  tonight  by the Grace of God, I would like to look  at  this great promise of God and see where we are at and what must happen in order for us to move forward.


EPH 1: 13 - 18 <read> Beyond Baptism.


1 COR 1: 4 - 10 <read>


2 THES 1: 7 - 12 <read> Glorified  in His saints! Now we do know by nay  many  scriptures that God not only wants to Glorify us but He also wants to  bring us into His divine Image: The word. <1 JN 3: 1-3, COL 3:4, 2  COR 3:18, ROM 12: 1-2 etc.>


So what is there about this hour that's pulling so many backward. In the desert of Sinai, it was a remembrance of the types of  food they  had  been fond of, the garlic ad the leaks.  Notice,  food they would eat. Their diet. Isn't it the same thing today?


God calls us His Elect. He tells us that He has chosen us in Him.


EPH 1: 3- 4 <read> We were in Him. Who is He? The Word! JOHN 1: 1.


EK  LEKTOS    EK = a primary preposition  denoting  origin.  (the point from whence motion or action proceeds) from, - out from.


LEKTOS   =  legos  or logos.  It is something that is said,  more specifically it is a systematic discourse or a set discourse.  It is not a disjointed word but Word that is systematic  which means it  comes  forth out from order and in order. There  must  be   a pattern that it comes forth from.


EPH 1: 5 - 12 <read> That we should be to the praise of His Glory, His Doxa. What then is the Doxa? It is not just the Word as if it is a mere  compila­tion of thoughts, because even satan came to Jesus with the Word. But  it  is the expressed Assessment or the very Opinion  of  God that He holds of His own Divine purpose and being.


ISA 28: 8 <read> Why?

ISA  28: 9 - 13 <read> because they go  back­wards.

EX  16: 14 - 40 <read>This was the Word.  The manna was Christ, the Word. He is the bread from Heaven.               


2 PETER 2: 21 - 22 <read>

So  we  see  what God thinks of even His own word  taken  out  of season.


Even  Paul  had commanded those who had been baptized  in  John's baptism  to be baptized over again, yet that was God's  word  for John's time only some thirty or less years earlier.


In  his message "ANOINTED ONES AT THE END TIME"  brother  Branham said,  "The buzzards don't come to the word until it is  old  and rotten. They can't smell it til it's rotten."


Now, let's see what God says about our moving on with the Word.


HEB 6: 1 <read> Leaving  means leaving. AP= off or away from and as a  prefix  it usually denotes a separation or a departure.  HEINI means to go. Together  it means to forsake or lay aside, to let go of  or  to put away, to leave.


REPENTANCE is a change of the mind.


DEAD WORKS = dead, no life in them.


You  must be able to move with the Word of God as  He  vindicates it.


1 PETER 1: 13 <read>


HEB 4: 1 - 11 <read> Now,  only those who are the ELECT are also predestined  to  come full circle with the Word. Others can't.


JOHN 8: 37 - 38, 44 - 45 <read>


MATT 7 : 15 <read> a group who can't  compre­hend. Look at their nature. Outwardly they have every thing  just right. But inwardly they are raveing wolves. Not just wolves  but ravening wolves. Mad - fierce!


Everything  that you can visually observe on the outside  is  OK! But  it  is what is on the inside that really  tells.  Just  like Jesus  said of the whited sepulcres. Clean and white on the  out­side but inside are full of dead men’s bones and dead, dead,  dead to the Word.


You do not visually observe the word, you inwardly apprehend it, or comprehend it and know by revelation, the Word.


The  scripture  says, for out of the abundance of the  heart  the mouth shall speak.


 MATT 7: 15 - 23 <read>  wolves, fruit? He's speaking in parables and omly the Elect will understand.


MATT 13: 10 - 17 <read> Echo = hath = reflect


MATT 7: 17 - 18 <read> Corrupt = SAPROS rotten, to degenerate from the original value.


EX 16: The manna turned to worms


MATT 12: 30 - 39 <read> your word will justi­fy you or condemn you.


MATT  7  : 18 <read> Good tree  cannot  bring forth evil fruit.


EVIL  = PONEROS hurtful, evil influence, diseased. The same  used in ...


1 JOHN 3: 12 <read>


JOHN 3: 19 <read>


MATT 7: 23 <read> Depart, I never knew you.You that work iniquity. They knew better but refused. Heb 6.


MATT 23: 13 <read>


ROM 1: 18 <read>


Keep from entering what?  2 PETER 1: 10 -11 <read>


MATT 24: 24 <raed> Arise = egeiro, to awaken.  applies  only to the sleeping. In 1 JOHN 4 he  tells  us that this antichrist spirit was around, but it was not yet  awak­ened  til  the end time. Notice how MATT 25  follows  immediately after and let's you know also that the virgins were also  asleep. Then what awakens everyone? The midnight cry! It awakens all.


This false prophet spirit comes to test all but the very elect.


2 PETER 1 <read> More sure word than visions

2 PETER 2: 1 - 3 <read>