God desires our ambition (His way)

January 31, 1993

Brian Kocourek


Wednesday  night I really believe that God met with us in a  very  special  way.  I believe He let us know the reason why  His  very  own  Presence is here, and that is because He has brought us  His
very Life.  He wants so much to give of Himself that He has  come  down in this hour in order to impart to us of His Divine Nature.


We read PP. 136 to 146 and we saw the emphasis here that  Brother  Branham  keeps talking about Life.  Now remember, his  topic  is  ONENESS  and yet he is focusing here on Life.  Not just Life  in
general,  but  His  life.  The very Life of  God  Himself.   He's  telling  us of this ONENESS coming only by the very Life  of  God coming back into the believer, His Elect.


In these paragraphs we see Brother Branham telling us to get  our focus off the way He comes, and he says in one place, "He  didn't have to borrow any timber," Then in another, he said, "He  didn't have to borrow an egg or a sperm".  In other words, he's  letting us  know it is not so much the form in which God came  down,  but the fact that the very Life of God Himself has come to bring this oneness back again.  To "RE-ESTABLISH" oneness with man again.


Today, I would like to, by the Grace of the Almighty God continue with  this  thought.  I believe as we proceed  we  shall  further understand  what it is to be His Seed, and what it means  to  re­ceive the new birth.  To be "BORN AGAIN"


PP. 143 ONENESS (read) Notice  here he asks us two questions. #1) What was He?  and  #2 What  did He come for?  I know there is no way we can cover  this in one morning.


That  sounds  an  awful lot like another statement  that  we  are familiar with that we quote Brother Branham often:


"This is my ministry, see, to declare Him, that He is here!" (FROM THAT TIME PP. 227)


But let's examine this first question first.  #1) What is He?


Does  anybody notice something a little strange about this  Ques­tion?  What  is the question? What was He?  WHAT, He  didn't  say WHO?  He said, what!  Now there is a big difference here  between
what  and  who.  If I were to ask you Who was He, You  could  say without reservation, God manifested in flesh, right?  But that is not the question He asked.  He said, what was He?


Now  if I am asking about a person, I would say who was He?   Now you  may  think I am making a mountain out of a molehill,  but  I believe every Word is perfectly spoken and God had a purpose  for
those things being said the way he said them.  I do not for one minute believe the Prophet spoke here in vain.


I think sometimes when we hear Brother Branham speak, or when  we read one of His messages, we have a tendency to immediately refer to our educational upbringing and we thus make our own assessment what  he is saying or we make our judgments of what he is  saying based upon our own knowledge of the language.  But if God is here to  renew our mind, to change our opinions to His opinions,  then we must never approach this Holy Message with just our own under­standing whether it be our understanding of language or theology.  We  must come totally dependent upon Him to reveal to us what  is being said.


I  learned years ago not to look at this Message through  my  own thinking  when I began to see the real true meaning of this  Mes­sage  in the light of Christ's descent and presence.   Because  I realized right then that based upon what you want it to say,  you can take it and twist it to say, you can take it and twist it  to say  what you want.  Just like all the denominations do the  Word of God to their own destruction.


For example, let me give you a couple quotes to illustrate.


In the message PAUL A PRISONER OF CHRIST Brother Branham said, "And  there is where so many people today bring a  reproach  upon the Word.  They get out with an ambition."


Now  if  you  just stop there with that quote  you  make  Brother Branham  say that you shouldn't have ambition.  That if you  have ambition  you are actually bringing a reproach to the Word.   But He goes on to say, "How many revivals have been left flat because of a thing like that?  Because the evangelist doesn't wait to see what the Lord's got to say".


The  illustrations Brother Branham used in this message  were  of Paul and Moses.  Two men who had great ambition to serve God  but who  both  found themselves going out and hindering His  Work  by their ambition because they really were not in the conduit of His Word.   They wanted to serve God and were zealous to  serve  Him. Now that was a noble thing.  Brother Branham was not putting down their  zeal  and ambition but he was just telling the  people  to make sure their ambitions are in God's will.  God later used both of these men's ambition to spread His Glorious Gospel.  He  never took away their ambition, He only channeled it.


Let's just see what else He said about ambition.


WHAT IT TAKES TO OVERCOME ALL UNBELIEF 60-0729 "When God speaks to a man, he has faith, and he has ambition, and he  has  a  purpose.  When God speaks to a man, He  gives  him  a purpose.  When God speaks to a man, He gives him ambition.   When God speaks to a man, He gives him faith to do it, to  accomplish, or  achieve what his purpose in life is, what God called  him  to do."


Now, that sounds completely contrary to the other thought doesn't it?


AS THE EAGLE STIRRETH HER NEST 60-0804  "  I haven't got much hopes for a pastor's church  that  hasn't got ambitions to better themselves day by day, and year by  year.  A  church  that's really a church of the living  God  will  never stop,  say, "Well, I just come in, I guess it's all  right  now."  That ain't the church of God.  He's got an ambition to press on. "Well,  I've done my part; I brought one sinner in  this  year, and  he  got  saved."  Brother, that's not the  ambition  of  the church  of  God."  If he brings one, he wants  another,  another, another, another.  There's no end to it.  It just keeps on climb­ing up.  See?  We want to have an ambition and expectations.  God wants us to be that way.