The Presence is the Message of Oneness

February 21, 1993

Brian Kocourek


Last  week we again examined pp. 143 where brother  Branham  used the  past  tense to bring out the present tense  reality  of  the risen Christ among us.


We  paralleled the 3 Exoduses and how in each of them the  people wanted to go backward from whence they came out.


In the 1st Exodus under the Pillar of fire with Moses, the people grew tired quickly of the "Light" bread or the "manna from  Heav­en" which is a type of the Word of God. They began to hunger  for their old and more exciting diet that they had back in Egypt.


In the 2nd Exodus under the Pillar of Fire with Paul, the  people grew  tired quickly of the Grace of Christ and wanted to go  back into  the law and Judaism. They began to dispute the law and  The Message of Grace and the law took over.


In  each  of  these Exoduses God's Word kept moving  on  and  the Pillar of Fire left those behind that didn't want to go  forward. In each age death set in. Spiritual death.


And  so we find in the 3rd Exodus under the Pillar of Fire,  with William Branham, the people are not satisfied with the Manna from heaven,  the  Spiritual Food in Due Season, the  Message  of  the hour, and so like their forefathers before them, they turn to  go backward  from whence they came. In this case it is Pentecost  as that was the last age from whence they came.


And  so the proverb Jesus spoke to the Pharisees in His  day  has been  repeated  in  this day. He said, " Woe unto  you,  for  you  garnish  the tombs of the Prophets, and you are the  children  of those who put them their."


Is  that  not  what has happened in this  Message?  They  garnish brother Branham's tomb, and yet they are the Pentecostal children of those who rejected the Message he brought to their fathers.




What  did he come for? Listen close now. To re-establish  Oneness between God and man.


Now  as we've said so many times before. You may think that  this was completed at Calvary, but that isn't what brother Branham  is saying here.


It wasn't Calvary. It's what took place after Calvary. Unless the corn  of wheat is planted in the ground, it abodes alone.  That's Calvary. The planting of the wheat. But the planting is only  the beginning.  When  He  hung there on the Cross and  said,  "It  is Finished"  people have taken that and run with it. Just like  the Pentecostals do with the baptism of the Holy Spirit.


They say, once you're born again. It's finished. you've  arrived. But that's so far from the Truth. The birth isn't the end of  the life,  it's the beginning of a life. When you're born that  means your  life  is only just beginning. And when you're  born  again, you've only just begun to live.


So too when Jesus said, it is finished, it didn't mean that's the all  of it and there is no more. When He said, "It is  finished," He was letting us know that all the blocks were now in place  and that the Spirit had been released from Him that It might now comeback  and  quicken  the other Seed of the Father. It  was  a  new beginning. Not the end of it all.


And  when  His Spirit came back on the day of Pentecost,  it  was only the beginning. Not the end. Pentecost and the Pillar of Fire coming  in among the people, began the first church age. And  The Pillar  of Fire coming in among God's Seed again closes  out  the church  ages. He is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and  the  end, the first and the last.


Brother  Branham asked the question pointing to what He did  back at  His  first coming. This shows us by type what He's  here  for now.  He asked the question, "what did He come for?" And He  gave us the answer, " To re-establish Oneness between God and Man."


So  if, " He is the same yesterday, today, and forever." And  if, "He  changes not!" Then brother Branham is letting us  know  that the  reason God is here now is to "re-establish  Oneness  between God and man, again."


Now  notice he didn't say to establish oneness. But he  said,  to "reestablish oneness between God and man." And the  prefix  means "again or anew."  


Now an interesting note is that this word “re” by meaning again  or anew actually means backwards. Going back to a former  condition. Now  notice how this condition God wants to take us back into  is so  different  to the condition that the devil wants to  take  us
back into. Did you ever stop to think of that.


Let's look at the first Exodus again as an example. God came down to  bring the People out of Egypt, right? And what did the  devil do? He got them to want to go back to Egypt, right? But just stop to  think  for  a moment. Where did God want to  take  them.  The Promised  land. Right? And where was that? Wasn't it back to  the and they had already inhabited 400 years earlier? The land  that Abraham roamed and Isaac and Jacob dwelt.


So we see going backwards of itself, is not wrong. But the  ques­tion we must always ask ourselves in our journey is this, "  From whence  came  I and to whence shall I return."  That's  the  key. Where  do I have my roots. In the world? or in Him who spoke  the world into existence.

ESTABLISH:  to  make  stable, or firm. to settle.  To  order,  to ordain or enact permanently. To cause to be or cause to happen. Now  this  is very interesting in light of the fact he  says  the very thing God is here to do is to re-establish oneness with  God
and man.                   


Now  if  the word establish means to make happen or to  cause  to happen, then God had to come just to make sure it did happen.


UNRECOGNIZED PRESENCE 6-18-64" Working for this one purpose. For you to recognize the presence of  Jesus Christ, See? If He is present, then, why everything  is
settled. He made the Word, He's here to confirm it."


Now that is very scriptural. PHIL 1: 6 <read> ROM 4: 20-21 <read> And ISAIAH 14: 24 <read>


ONENESS pp. 144 <read>Now  I  would like to stop here and expound on this  paragraph  a little while.


First of all why does he mention the tower of Babel and all those other things didn't work. Now remember, He is speaking on Oneness with  God.  So  what did the tower of Babel have  to  do  with  a  oneness with God. And why did He say it didn't work.


GENESIS 11: 1 <read>    1 COR 1: 10 That we all speak the same thing. Not the same thing here.


GENESIS 11: 2-4 <read> They wanted the tower to reach unto or into  heaven. This was  to be  a human feat that was to bring them renown and a  great  name among  men.  Just  like the denominations today.  It's  the  same spirit  that motivated them back there that motivates men  today. They  wanted to be known for ascending into heaven  and  bringing Christ (The Word) down so to speak.


But Paul said it can't be done.


ROMANS 10: 2-21 <read> Who  can bring Christ (the Word) down. Then he let's us know,  it is not by yours or my efforts, but simply the grace of God. He is sovereign, and He descends upon whom He will.


But it was Lucifer that was behind the spirit that motivated  the sons of men that wanted to build the tower to ascend up into  the heavens. Notice the same Spirit, the same nature.


ISAIAH 14: 12-15 <read> Notice,  it was he that wanted first to ascend into heaven to  do
what? Exalt himself above the sons of God.  And what is it  today that  will  cause a man to come forth with doctrine that  is  not vindicated as "Thus saith the Lord" by God's Prophet?

It  is the same pride that said, " I will ascend into heaven,  to bring  down the Word." "I will make a name for myself."   I  hope you  can see why I stand behind this Prophet's message  and  will not preach my own message. I have none. But just as there is  One Faith,  One  Lord One Baptism. There is but one message  in  this hour.  And brother Branham said, My ministry is to  declare  Him, that He is here."


Now I hope you see what brother Branham is saying here PP. 144."All their towers of Babel and all their things back there didn't work."  Then He goes on to say, "All their fruits of the  gardens and  everything  else  displeased God, so God had  to  come  down
Himself.  He made Himself a body. No one has anything to do  with restoring this oneness with God but God Himself. No one. No  man, no woman, no preacher, no teacher, no five fold. No one. God  and God alone will do it.


ROMANS 10: 6-11, 20. <read>Now I want you to pay close attention to the next few  paragraphs that  brother Branham speaks because he puts a heavy emphasis  on LIFE. God's own Life coming back upon the believer.


PP. 145 - 146 <read>Notice  here  he  says, "He was the real sin  offering.  This  is        exactly what it speaks of in 1 PETER 1: 8-9 <read>


Now  when  is this to happen? Let's read the  few  verses  before this.  1 PETER 1: 3-7 then 8-9 but let's not stop here let's read on 10-13. Notice this Grace that the prophets looked for that  is to come when Christ is revealed.


And when does this come? 1 THES 4: 15-18. <read>But  who brought Him down? No one. He came on His own. So why  is it  that if He came with a shout which is a message,  that  every Tom, Dick and Harry who wants to be somebody, is claiming to have some great revelation fresh from Heaven. Why is it that they  try to ascend into heaven to bring down Christ? The anointed Word.


It's the same spirit or shall we say the same nature that was  in Lucifer in the beginning that would anoint a man to attempt to do the same thing today.


Brother  Branham  himself  never even claimed  to  have  his  own message.  In  False anointed Ones at the End time,  He  said,  "I wasn't the One Who appeared down on the river, I was only  stand­ing  there when He appeared. I'm not the one that performs  these
things and foretells these things that happens as perfect as they are, I'm only one that's near when He does it. I was only a voice that  He used to say it. It wasn't what I knew, it's what I  sur­rendered  myself to. That He spoke through. It isn't  me, isn't  a  man, it's God. The Son of man is Christ. He's  the  one your  feeding on. You're not feeding on a man. A man,  his  words will  fail, but you're feeding on the unfailing Body Word of  the
Son of


Paul came declaring the same thing.


GALATIANS 1: 8-12 <read>Now  why  did  Paul hit this so hard.


Because  men  had  come  in preaching  another Jesus, another Gospel, and  therefore  another Spirit  had taken over. He said look, the reason they don't  have
it right is that they are not staying with a vindicated message.


It's  just that simple. And so is it today. They've got  to  have there  own Pillar of Fire experience. They've got to  have  there own  ascent  into  the heavens. It wasn't enough  that  Paul  and Brother Branham had been caught up into the heavenlies, Paul into
the third heaven and brother Branham into the 6th dimension.    


But they've got to ascend up also. Why? Because they re of  their father the devil and the lusts he did they will do also. We don't need to have our own message. His message of His own Presence  is good enough for me.


ONENESS pp. 147


He's  saying  it takes God's very own Life to come  into  you  to bring  you back into Oneness with God. COL 3: 4 "When Christ  who is  our very own Life appears, we shall also appear with  Him  in the  same Doxa or opinion and assessment or mind set. And  you can't ascend up to bring Christ down, so it's strictly by His own choosing. He has come down in This hour to manifest His own  Life among  those  who are His,  that we might receive  the  engrafted Word and that the Word which is both spirit and Life may  quicken us and cause us to be restored back to the same mind set that was in Him before the foundations of the world.


ONENESS PP. 148 <read>Organization won't do it. Having correct doctrine won't do it. It comes  by Life. His Life in you. You in Him. And you can't be  in Him unless you always were in Him.


EPHESIANS 1: 3-4 in Him before vs 10. <read>


ONENESS PP. 149 <read>He paid the debt. But paying the debt isn’t what establishes Oneness. It is in Spirit that we are united. By One Spirit we are baptized  into one body. And Jesus said, My Words are Spirit  and they  are Life. So by one Word we are born again. That's 1  PETER 1: 22 & 23. Born again of incorruptible seed , by the Word of God that lives and abides forever. By One Spirit are we baptized into one Body. ONENESS by one Word. The same Word. A Vindicated Word.


ONENESS PP. 150-151


Let's just close here.


Let' just bow our heads and pray.