Oneness with God is agreeing with His Word

March 28, 1993

Brian Kocourek


Oneness pp. 168 - 169 <read>


168 ONENESS -- JEFF.IN -- V-10 N-2 -- 62-0211

deny the Word of God, you haven't got the Word of God in you, you
haven't got The Spirit.  You hear the Truth preached, look It  up
in the Bible, see It's the Truth, then refuse to do what it says,
that's  not  the Spirit of God
[1]. Then he says, I don't  care  what
you've  substituted  for  the  Word,  whether  it's  speaking  in
tongues, getting so excited you shout, How many churches you have
attended  or  how many times you've been baptized, or  any  other
substitute. [1]The Word is Truth. That's what vindicates the  truth
These other things are fine along with the Word but mean  nothing
apart from the Word.


In  PP. 169 he says, "How can the very God that wrote  the  Bible
turn around and substitute something else for His Word?" Then  at
the end of the paragraph,  he calls those that think God would do
so,  just "ignorant", then he clarifies it with saying  they  are
"spiritually ignorant".


This  morning  I would like to examine these two things  he  says


#1)  "How can the very God that wrote the Bible turn  around  and
substitute something else for His Word?"


#2)"Those that would think so or do so are Spiritually Ignorant."


Now,  let's examine first the word he uses here,  to  Substitute.
What  does it mean to substitute? What does the  word  substitute


SUBSTITUTE: Something serving or used in the place of another.


You know, according to catholic theology,  the pope is the  Vicar
of Christ. The word vicar comes from vicarious which means in the
place  of. A substitute. And we know that because of that  he  is
actually  antichrist. So that ought to tell you  how  blasphemous
and  antiChrist  it  is to substitute anything in  the  place  of


And yet brother Branham takes that one step further and let's you
know that all these things man does are only substitutes and will
never and can never take the place of the Word of God.


Now,  the  message is ONENESS with God and he  is  attempting  to
teach  us how we have oneness with God. It is by the Word of  God
and through the Word of God and in no other way can we come  into
Oneness with God except by His Word and through His Word, For  He
is the Word. And when you accept His Word you accept Him. "For as
a  man  thinketh  in  his heart so is He.
"So  then  God  [1]is[1]  His thoughts and so to you are your thoughts


So, when we read here, that brother Branham is telling us that we
can not substitute one thing for the Word of God. It doesn't even
matter  if that thing is scriptural substitute. One Word  off  or
out of season won't work, for it's Satan's Kingdom. Period.


He said, "The Word is Truth, That's what vindicates the Truth.”


What Vindicates Truth. The Word. Now, most people think the power
of God in manifestation is what vindicates His Truth. But Brother

Branham  makes a strong point here when he says that the Word  is
what Vindicates Truth.


So  people will argue this point and say, The Prophet comes  with
the  Word of the Lord and then God backs that up with His  power.
And  that sounds real good, but I'd like to ask you, what is  the
Power of God?


Romans 1: 16 says "The Word of God is the Power of God."



Hebrews 1: 3 <read> NIV "His powerful Word"  Or shall we say "His Word full of Power".


In  many places brother Branham quotes 1Cor 4:20 and  says,  "The
kingdom of God is His Word made Power."                   


Let's  just skip a few pages ahead and read what brother  Branham
says beginning in pp. 214 through 216. <read>


214 ONENESS -- JEFF.IN -- V-10 N-2 -- 62-0211

This is God's oneness, when[1] the spirit that you got agrees with
this  Word, and manifests this Word and makes this Word power  to

act the same way It did there.


Now,  notice,  he never said, When your spirit  makes  this  Word
power to act the same way but he said When the Spirit that is  in
you makes "This Word Power to act the same way it did there?"


So we must ask ourselves what Spirit in us?


EZEK 36: 26 - 27 <read>


  215 ONENESS 62-0211

  Let's say it together. Oneness[1].  Congregation says, "Oneness" with God[1] "with God" is to have "is to  have" God's Spirit God's Spirit" in you "in you" agreeing  "agree­ing" with  the Word "with the Word" all the  Word  "all  the Word" [1]the whole Word "the whole Word" and to make It"and to make It" manifested "manifested" in power "in power".


He says, "Oneness with God is to have His Spirit in you  agreeing
with  All  His  Word and that will cause His  Word   to  manifest
Itself in you which is the Word made Power."


          216 ONENESS -- JEFF.IN -- V-10 N-2 -- 62-0211

  There  you are, that's oneness with God. When that power  works
in  me,  works in you, we are one. Amen! Brother Kidd,  when  the

power  of  the  Holy  Ghost  in  me  works  in  you,  there's  no 
disagreement, [1]the Word's there[1]. It works. Amen. It makes It  what
It  is,  God made flesh in you
[1]by His Word[1]. [1]The Word  made  power
among you, every Word[1]!


Now,  getting back to PP. 169, we were looking at  his  statement
where  he  said, "How can the very God Who wrote the  Bible  turn
around and substitute something else for His Word."


Now,  then, notice how he says this just after he says, "I  don't
care how much you spoke n tongues, How much you shouted, How many
churches you've attended, how many times you've been baptized  or


These  things he lists here are the main things people  who  rely
upon experience always go to. All of these things have to do with
having an experience, or experiences.


Is speaking in tongues a scriptural experience? Certainly it is.


                    1 COR 12: 29 - 31 <read>

Was  Cain's  sacrifice a scriptural one? Certainly it  was.  


                    HEB 11: 4 <read>


                    DEUT 26: 1-2, 4, 10-11. <read>

So, was Cain's sacrifice a scriptural one? Certainly it was.

Does  that  necessarily make it right? No! Not unless  it  is  in
season and in God's Divine order.


What  about shouting. We sure heard a few the other night. Is  it
scriptural? You bet.


                    PSALM 32: 11 <read>

The  Bible even prophesied that when the Headstone comes it  will
come  with  Shoutings of Grace, Grace unto it. ZECH 4:7  "
And  he
shall  bring forth the Headstone thereof with  shoutings,  Crying
Grace, Grace unto It.


Even God Himself, when He descends with a shout, Cries out Grace,
Grace,  and  the people echoing back His Shout  cry  out  "
Grace unto it!" as He who is the Capstone and the Headstone comes
down.  That's  what this Message is all about. The Grace  of  God
shed  abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost Himself  descending.

God in our midst. That could cause anybody to shout. They did  it
back  in  Moses day under the Pillar of Fire, we ought to  do  so


                    NUMBERS 23:21b NIV      " The Lord their  God
is with them; [1]the shout of The King is among them[1]."


I Love that translation because it doesn't say that the shout  of
praise for the King, as if it is the people who are shouting, but
it says [1]the shout of The king is among them."[1] Not our shout,  His

shout. Oh, we might be rejoicing in it and even shouting too. But
we can only reflect of echo what he has said.


So  we see that shouting is very scriptural. He said, as long  as
these things go along with the rest of the Word then they are ok!


So the emphasis must be on all the Word. Not just a portion,  but
the complete unadulterated Word of God in it's entirety.


He  said,  I don't care how many churches you been to.  Now  that
involves  me,  see. I've been to around 54 and have  preached  in

nearly thirty and have sang or participated in opening in  prayer
or some sort in quite a few more since I've come in this message.
But that don't mean one thing to God. That's ok if it is in  line

with His Word, but it doesn't meanly diddly squat if it isn't.


I see the young men canvassing the churches and I think most  are
just  there looking to put on a show to impress the people or  to
perhaps feather their own position some.


I  had  a  talk with a young minister a while  back  who  was  at  
another  church.  he  was really excited and has  the  people  so
pumped up they didn't even catch a thing he was saying. And  that
was too bad because he preached a fine message as far as  staying

right with the Word goes. He wondered why the people didn't  seem
to catch what he was trying to tell them. I told him they were so
caught up into his own emotion that they were missing the subject
matter.  So the last service he toned it down and began to  teach

and you know what? They actually caught something. Maybe some  of
the young ones will have benefited from his visit. "Shall not the
Judge of all the earth do right?"


But  it's  not  how popular you can become.  It's  not  how  many
churches you are invited too. What about those guys who  followed
Paul and tried to undo everything Paul did. They went to a  bunch
of  churches, but they were just as lost as lost could  be.  It's
not how many churches you've gone to. It's whether you stay  with

the Word of God or not. And if you stay with God's Word you won't
get too many invites back.


He  said,  "I don't care how many times you been  baptized".  You
know  he  also said, you could be baptized with  the  Holy  Ghost

every hour of your life and still go to hell. It's that Seed that

                    ACTS 2: 16 - 18 <read>                   

It's not how many times you've even been anointed by the Word  or
by  His Spirit. It's Word upon Word upon Word. Live or die,  sink

or swim. You know, there are even people who have a problem  with
that  expression  and yet I can take and show you  where  brother
Branham said it at least a dozen times.

 Finally  he said, I don't care what experience you've had. If  it

denies  this Word it's of the Devil. Even if it's scriptural  and
out  of season, it's of the devil. Even if it is  scriptural  and
it's out of God's order, it's of the Devil.


He  said, "How can the very God Who wrote the Bible  turn  around
and  substitute  something else for this  Word?  It's  ignorance,
spiritual ignorance."


Substitution and ignorance. The Bible predicted the people  would
be  that way in the last days. And it's not just an ignorance  as
if  they  just  were not aware. It's a  willful  ignorance.  They
willfully do not want to know. As We read in !JOHN 4: 6 <read>.


                    1 JOHN 4: 6 <read>

Thus  the  scripture reads, "We are of God: he that  knoweth  God
Hears  and understands our message; he that is not of  God  won't
even listen that he might understand."


Now  there was a time that God winked at our ignorance, but  that
is well past.


                    ACTS 17: 22-34 <read>

Now, it said there was a time when God winked at their ignorance,
but when the Word is presented and you do not move with it,  then
what? It becomes a willful rejection of the Word. What happens to
them then?

                    NUMBERS 15: 28 - 36<read>

Now,  in  that day the people enacted the judgment. But  in  this
hour  God will do the stoning Himself. Rev 16 says he will  stone
them with hailstones that weigh about a talent which is a  basket

containing about 6,000 denarii or drachmas and equal to about 240
lbs. ea.


It's a dreadful thing to stand before the Judge of all the  earth
and not receive His Mercy. But if you spurn His Word, your  Mercy
is over. In the Ark of the Covenant the Word or Law was kept. The

box  that  it was kept in was the Mercy seat. And  as  1JOHN  1:7
says,  "If you walk in the light as He is in the Light, you  have
fellowship  one  with  another  and the  Blood  of  Jesus  Christ
cleanses you from [1]all[1] sin."


So, to spurn His Word means no more mercy.   Now, as long as  you
are  ignorant of His Word you stood a slight chance of  receiving
Mercy.  But What happened to those who knowingly  were  willfully
ignorant? There is no mercy to be had.


                    HEB 5: 1-4 <read>

That's why Moses and brother Branham could make an atonement  for
the  sins of the people as he said when he preached Marriage  and
Divorce. But what about now. We know better.


There was a time when men did things out of pure ignorance.  That
is what happened with Israel.



ROMANS 10: 1 -3[1] <read>

And  what did they do in their ignorance. They turned down  their

opportunity for redemption through the blood.



2 PETER 3: 1-11[1] <read>

They are ordained to be ignorant in this hour. But this time  God
won't wink at their ignorance. They have had ample opportunity to
hear,  but they have willfully turned it down and  therefore  are

willfully ignorant. That's why 1 JOHN 4: 6 reads as thus...



1 JOHN 4: 6[1] <read>

"   he  that  is  not of God won't  even  listen  that  he  might       


2  PETER  said they were willfully ignorant of the fact  that  if
God's  Word  created the World, then by His Word the  end  of  it
shall come. He is here as the Judge and He said in [1]JOHN 12:48 "My
Words that I speak, they will judge in the last days."   


                    ISAIAH 55: 10 -11 <read>

But what about those who are willingly ignorant? Let's read on in

                    ISAIAH 56: 1 - 2, 6 - 12 <read>

Notice,  it says they all look to their own way, every one  seeks
his own gain from his own corner.


                    2TIM 3: 1-2 <read> Amplified

"  But understand this, that in the last days there will  set  in
perilous times of great stress and trouble-hard to deal with  and

hard  to  bear. For people will be lovers of their own  self  and
utterly self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an  inordi­
nate greedy desire for wealth,..."


I  wonder  sometimes if those spirits aren't hanging  around  the
churches, even message churches. Notice what verse 5 says.


                    2 TIM 3: 5 <read> Amplified

"  For although they hold a form of true religion, they deny  and
reject and are strangers to the power of It-their conduct  belies
the genuine-ness of their profession."


In  this Message, we still have our secret sins. The people  hide
our  televisions  like  Achan hid his wedge. But  you  know  what
happened  to  Achan and his family. They were stoned.  That's  in
Joshua  chapter 7. Read it. Joshua was called the Judgment  angel

of  God  and brother Branham said our Joshua is  the  Lord  Jesus
Christ. And we know that He is here as Judge. And brother Branham
said  those lights they see in the skies are not UFO's. They  are

investigation  judgment angels. I wonder what they see when  they
look  into your homes at night. And I wonder what the Lord  see's
when He discerns the thoughts and intents of our hearts.



                    MALACHI 3: 5 - 7 <read>

Notice  what He will come as. He said, "in that day I  will  come
near to you to Judgment."


To  judge what? To judge how you are responding to the  Word  for
your  hour. Are you making ready for getting out of here  or  are

you  still trying to squeeze out what you can out while there  is
still time. Are you preparing your children for a rapture or  for
the blast.


                    MALACHI 3: 6 - 7 <read>

They  play ignorant. But they are willfully ignorant.  They  say,
"Wherein shall we return."


Now let's see if this doesn't hit home. Verse 8 <read>


You  say,  I pay my tithe. He said tithe and  offerings.  Brother
Branham  said  the  tithe  are to go to  the  ministry,  for  the

ministry  of the Word. Not for buildings and phone bills and  gas
payments  and electric and garbage hauling and building  projects
etc.  etc. etc. He said that is to come from the  offerings.  yet
this  church  is negligent in contributing to the  offerings  for

support of the building and upkeep.  I hold myself responsible up
until today, because I have not held you accountable, and because
I  have  never made it an issue before. But I will  not  shun  to
declare unto you the full Gospel of Christ. 


I  have  never made a pull for money and you all know  that.  But
this  church continues to be negligent in it's desire to  support
Christ's ministry here  beyond the tithe which is God's to  begin



It  takes  about $15 per family per week just to keep  the  doors
open. You spend that much on junk food each week and yet time and
time  again  their will only be $6 to $9 dollars  come  into  the
offering plate each week beyond the $60.00 I put in from my Job.

That  is what is the problem with this nation. That's why she  is
so  in-debt.  How  can you people  get  anywhere  spiritually  or 


I've been packing this group of people to long. I want the church
to  stand on it's own. I want it off my mortgage. I want  to  see

you  dedicated. You only get out what you put into it.  The  ones
who make the most sacrifice are the ones who are reaping all  the


                    MAL 3: 8 - 9 <read>

What curse? Blessings and cursings. Deut 28: 15 - 68 <read>

But  all these curses would be blessing if we only live for  him.
We  hold our wallets and pocket books more reverently than we  do
our bibles.      

                    DEUT 28 : 1- 14 <read>

The head and not the tail, we will lend and not need to borrow.