Substituting the Word

March 31, 1993

Brian Kocourek


Last Sunday we read pp. 168 where brother Branham said, "[1]Deny the Word of God, you haven't got the Word of God in you, you  haven't got  The Spirit.  You hear the Truth preached, look It up in  the Bible, see It's the Truth, then refuse to do what it says, that's not the Spirit of God[1].


Now,  that is quite a bold statement, but it is, "[1]Thus Saith  The Lord."  So  then we must ask ourselves, how is it  possible  that someone  could  be so brash as to hear the Word of God  and  then deny  it. No one in their right mind would do such. Yet  we  must answer this question with just one word. Substitution; which is a Perversion. It's not that people will outright deny the Word. All religious people claim to believe the Word of the Lord. It's just a  matter of what they call the Word verses what is actually  the Word  of the Lord. They don't outright deny it, they  just  can't take it for what it is so they alter it to fit their own thinking instead  of  altering their thinking to fir God's Word  and  away they go. Can't you see why I've hammered so hard on this subject. You have no thought coming.


  "You,  you say, "Well, I think..." You haven't got  no  thought
coming, brother. Let the mind that was in Christ be in you!" Now, that isn't my words. That's God's Words through the lips  of
His prophet fro his message   WORLD.AGAIN.FALLING.APART


151 INVESTMENTS  CHICAGO.IL  63-0803[1].

  "You  say, "I thought. I think. I..." You ain't got no  thought
or think coming. The Bible said, "Let the mind that was in Christ
be  in  you." And He always did that which  pleased  the  Father,
because  He was the Word. See? So we have no thought  coming.  We
must just believe what He says."



 "You say, "Well, I--I tell you, I--I--I believe I..." You  have­
n't got no... You ain't got no thought coming. And that's  right.
You  say, "I think this. And I..." You haven't got a  thought.  I
haven't either.

  The  Bible said, "Let the mind that was in Christ be  in  you."
And He was always about the Father's business. So that's the only
thought  you  ought  to have, what God said about  it,  not  what
somebody else said. But what God said, that's all there is to it.
He said, "Let every man's word be a lie, and Mine be the  Truth."


124 THE.TOKEN  SHP.LA  63-1128.2E

 " And you are not yourself no more. You are Christ's. You  don't
think  your thoughts. You don't think your thoughts, you say,  "I
think."  You have no thought coming. The Life that was in  Christ
is in you. The mind that was in Christ is in you. The works  that
was  in Christ is in you, and Christ Himself is in you.  You  are
dead; your life is hid in God through Christ, sealed in there  by
the Holy Ghost. You're not your own."


You have no thought coming. It's All God's Word or nothing.  It's
all His thoughts or nothing. Live, die sink or swim. It's all  or
nothing. No in between's. Either you are sold out for this  Word,
or you're still caught up in the world and your own opinion.



  "So when you come in, you have to stand on the strength of your
ministry.  That's  right.  And even the... everybody  is  like  a
politics  moving  in. It's on the strength of your  ministry,  to

draw from whatever the Lord will send. I like it that way. Broth­
er if Jesus Christ ain't my stay here, and my dependence, then  I
have nothing else to depend on. That's right. He... On Christ the

solid  Rock, I stand; all other grounds is sinking sands, to  me.
I'd rather preach to five people that I know God had sent to hear
the Message, than to preach to ten thousand that was  politically
pulled into it. That's right. I'd  rather see one old-fashion conversation, get down  to  the altar  and  cry and boo-hoo through, than to see a  ten  thousand stand, just say, "Well, I will try It." Try It? He's not a Christ to try. He's One to accept. Live or die, sink or drown, take  Him anyhow. That's right."



  "If I pray for five hundred people tonight and all five hundred
died  in the morning, tomorrow night I'd be praying for the  sick
again.  That's  right...?...  thinks,  that's  what  God's   Word

said.  ...I believe Him. He's my heart; He's my life; He's all  I
got." And I believe every believer in Christ, that's been  borned
again has the same attitude towards Jesus Christ. Amen.

  Whether  we live, die, sink, or drown, we still  believe  Jesus
Christ; His Word is real. No matter whether I can make it come to
pass or not, or whether my faith is strong enough or not,  Jesus'
Words is always right."


207 HE.SWORE.BY.HIMSELF  JEFF.IN  54-1212[1]

 "God, by sovereign election, has called Abraham's Seed. Then, if that  type of Life that was on the inside of that blood cell  was upon  Abraham,  who called the impossibles possible,  called  the impossibles that they would be, because God said so, what kind of people  are the Seed of Abraham? [Brother Branham knocks  on  the pulpit  three  times--Ed.]  Oh, don't--don't  miss  this.  Please don't. I feel it coming from the top of my head. Looky. Look.

  Then  if  you are Abraham's Seed, you can't dispute  with  God.
Abraham's  Seed is a part of this Spirit. For God gave Abraham  a
sign of circumcision, cutting off the flesh, for a witness He had
received  him.  In this last days, has took the  Holy  Ghost  and
circumcised  every believer, of cutting off all doubts and  unbe
lief, to believe God's Word is pure and holy, and It's the Truth.
Circumcision--cutting  away  all  unbelief,  everything,  cutting
loose every shore line. Saying, "God, I believe You, live or die,
sink  or drown. It's Your Word. I believe It." Then, see  what  I




 " Lust  for money. Lust for big things. Lust  for  popularity.
These things are dead to the believer! We don't care--a tent or a
cottage!  Why should I care? Live or die; sink or drown; this  is
the  thing that I'm interested in: the Kingdom of God! Whether  I
maintain  my  home;  whether  I maintain  my  family;  whether  I       

maintain  whatever  it is; let me maintain Christ,  the  hope  of


        E-39 VICTORY.DAY  SIERRA.VISTA.AZ  63-0421[1]

  "We've got to get ourselves focused to whether we live or  die,
sink  or drown, it's
Calvary, Christ. That's the thing  that  God
wants us to come back to. And man, in the focus of God's  word...
Instead of bringing it together, and making it say the one  thing
that God makes it say, we look at the natural side."


What we need is an absolute in this life. And without the Word of
God what else could there be


Even Satan never denied the Word outright to Eve. He just changed
it a little bit. He kept the same Words but added his own word to
it  and it changed the entire meaning. He said, "what is it  that

God  told  you about me? And Eve said, "God said in the  day  you
partake  and  enter into oneness with him, in that day  you  will
surely  die." And the Serpent said to her, just one little  word.
"NOT!" But in doing so, he substituted something and changed  the

meaning altogether. Substitution, what a dangerous game to play.


ONENESS pp. 169 <read>

Last  Sunday  we  spoke from this  paragraph  about  substituting      
something else for the Word. Now the word substitute means to use

something or to take something else in the place of the real one.
And  that is exactly what Satan has offered man for ages.  He  is
the  king  of bluff's. And a bluff is not a real  thing.  It's  a

phony,  just  like it' author. He has no Word of His own,  so  He
will take and pervert God's Word for his own purpose and his  own


REVELATION 22: 18 - 19 <read>

Add to the word and you get the plagues. Aid, herpes,  syphallis,
gonorhea, you name it. And what does it mean to add to the Word.

What  is the Word. God's thoughts expressed right? And so if  His
Word  is His thoughts expressed, then what is adding to it?  It's
adding your thoughts right? Doesn't the scripture teach us, "As a

man  thinketh in his heart, so is he." Doesn't it also say,  "for
out  of  the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh."  So  in
order to add to the word you've got to speak it, and in order  to
speak  it,  the  heart must think it. So in order  to  avoid  the

plagues, you've got to stop the thought back in the recess of the
heart before it comes forth from the mouth.


Martin  Luther, said, "Satan will come to you like a little  bird  and  you  can't stop him from coming, but you can keep  him  from building a nest."


We also read that "he that takes away his name is taken from  the book  of  life."  That means they are lost. And how  is  it  that  their name taken off the book of life? They take away. And how do they  take away from the Word? They make it to say  something  it doesn't say. They say, oh, it don't mean that. But God means what He says, and He says what He means.


So we see, substituting anything for the genuine Word of God is a
horrible thing and is very costly to your Eternal destination. In
pp.  169 he hit's the Catholics pretty hard, but they aren't  the
only  ones  who  substitute other things for  the  Word  of  God.

They're   just less of a hypocrite about it. They come right  out
and  say that their church supersedes the Word. They  don't  deny
that.  But  the Protestants are far worse because they  hide  it.
Especially in this message. Churches denying the Word outright by

their own actions and all the while claiming to believe it.  Then
Who's worse off. The harlot or her daughters.


ONENESS pp. 170 <read>

So the whole thing stinks in God's nostrils. There's none  right­eous, no, not even one.


PSALM 14: 2-3 <read>

Did you understand before this message was made known to you?

As  Paul said in 1 Cor 14..."What, did the Word of God  come  out from you, did it originate with you? Or did it come to you only?"


                    ROMANS 3: 10 - 12 <read>

They've all become useless, worthless.


What a testimony we have in this hour. The bride of Christ  sit's
useless and worthless because she just will not submit her  Body,

Soul and Spirit to the author and finisher of her faith. So  here
she  sit's rotting away, day by day instead of becoming into  the
very image that the Word of God promised would be made  manifest.


Because we don't seem to be able to be taught. His great Presence
has been here now since 1933 and in It's fullness since 1963  and
here  we  sit still 30 years later still debating  if  we  should
believe every Word or not. No wonder he said the Laodicean Spirit
was  so  lukearm that He would spew them  out of His  mouth.  And

what is the mouth of God. His Word!


Now, I would like to read to you from the AMPLIFIES version but I
have  made the translation a little more appropriate to the  doc­
trine  as  we understand it by God's Messenger  Prophet  who  was

surely vindicated by God's own Presence Himself.



"For  all pulpits are full of filthy vomit, spiritual  food  from another  day,  so that there is no place clean. To whom  will  He teach  knowledge?  And  to whom will He make  to  understand  the Message, the shout?


"Those who are babies, just weaned from the milk of the Word  and taken from the nurturing breast's of the church? Is that what  we are in His thinking? It must seem to be so for It is His prophets repeating  over and over, "precept must be upon Precept,  precept upon  precept;  church  order upon order, Word  order  upon  Word order, here a little and there a little. Indeed, He will speak to this people, but not as you think, for with a foreign tongue  and strange  grammar shall He speak to this people, to whom He  said, This  is  my resting place, where My presence shall  remain,  the place I have come to rest, yet they will not listen.


Therefore the Word of the Lord will be to them merely  monotonous
repeating  of  stories  and  doctrinal  precepts,  precept   upon     
precept, and rules upon rules, and church order full of does  and

don'ts,  a little here and a little there until they  shall  fall
backward,  and  be  broken,  snared and  become  souls  that  are      


Is  that where it's all headed for? Is that our lot? Is that  not
the  result of so many substitutes for the Word of God.  Did  not
brother  Branham say that the Bride would find herself  preaching
to the totally lost? Is that not what God's prophet said the  3rd
pull  would be? Are we there and don't know it? Is it later  than

we  think?  May God Help us. Even Brother Branham,  when  he  had
thoughts of escaping His responsibility of preaching the  Gospel,
he had a vision of Himself as a bum along some dirty, grungy dump
trying to warn himself before a smoldering, stinking, fire.


Have we so neglected our responsibilities in this hour that we've
become so insensitive to the Light shining forth in this hour? Or
is  this  a  picture  of the foolish virgin  and  the  church  in
America? You remember the vision of the church going up and  over
the hill dressed with only newspapers covering her forefront  and
leaving  her  backside exposed? Is that the condition we  see  in
this  message  all around us? Or can we by the Grace of  God  see

ourselves among that very small group of little girls dressed  in
the  robes  of the Word for this hour walking up to the  tune  of
Onward Christian soldiers, Marching off to war. Are we ready  for
battle or have we gotten so out of shape spiritually that we  are

only  weekend warriors. May God grant us the Grace to  be  marked
out  and  set apart for service by our King Himself who  is  Here
tonight in the form of the Pillar of Fire.


ISA 6 : 5 - 8 <read>


Now,  let's  bow our heads in prayer and pray  like  we've  never
prayed before.


HEBREWS.CHAPTER.3 - JEFF.IN - HEB 87-120 - 57-0901.1M

" There's no more Gospel that America will receive. Oh, you get a
few stragglings now and then; but just as the Gospel, it's  over.

And you can't even preach to them, can't talk to them. They won't
believe nothing. See? They just got their own hard-headed  ideas,
and  they're  set,  and  the next  thing's  for  this  nation  is

judgment.  She's  going  to  have it,  too.  It  may  be  through 
depression, it may be through an atomic bomb, it may be through a
great  plague,  a  disease or something; but  she's  ready.  It's
a-coming; thousands times thousands will fall."


      E-93 FIVE.JUNCTIONS.OF.TIME -- STURGIS.MI -- 56-0122

 "One day, the Bible says, that things will break out  on  this earth  and  diseases  and  things, and all  the  people  will  be   plagued,  till the flesh shall rot on them and so forth. But  the Bible says, "Don't you come near any of those who has the Seal of God in their forehead. And the Seal of God is the baptism of  the Holy Ghost."


     134 THE.ONCOMING.STORM -- PHX.AZ -- V-15 N-2 -- 60-0229

  "We see the newspapers and the oncoming storm! When you go home tonight,  do  me  one  favor,  don't go  to  bed  till  you  read 
Revelations  the  8th chapter. You see the oncoming  plagues  and
storms,  that they'll hit the earth, and thunders and  lightning
are  going to shake the heavens. Woes are going to pass over  the

nation.  Man will rot in their flesh. Diseases will strike  them,
the doctors knows nothing about."


    88 ADOPTION.OR.PLACING -- JEFF.IN -- AD.PT.4 -- 60-0522.2E

  "You think cancer's something? The Bible said there's coming a time  when  men will rot right in their flesh, and the buzzards will eat off of carcasses before they even die. Cancer's a toothache to what's a coming. But, remember, that horrible  thing was forbidden in that day to touch those who had the Seal of God. That's what we're striving for now, to get in and be positionally placed  into  the Kingdom of God before  these  horrible  plagues strike. Oh, how good! The dispensation of time, fullness of  time, the inheritance." " How was our inheritance given to us,through what? Predestina­tion. Predestination is foreknowledge. How did God know He could trust you to be a preacher? His foreknowledge.  Not  he  that willeth  or  he  that runneth, or he... It's God that showeth mercy." That's right. Predestination, He knew what was in you. Heknowed  what  was in you before you even come on  the  earth.  He knowed what was in you before there was an earth for you to  come on.  That's--that's Him. That's the infinite God,  the  infinite. We're finite; we can only think finite."



 " How  we thank Thee, that in this great hour,  that  when  all
hopes  of mortal life has finished... Atomic bombs are laying  in      
hangers, hydrogen bombs, sickness and diseases, germ warfare... O
God,  and everything the way it is, knowing that the  Bible  said

that man would actually rot in their flesh... But that Angel  was
given  commission, "Don't you touch any of those! Don't you  come
near  those who has the wine and the oil. Don't touch  those  who
has the seal of God upon their forehead."

  And  we realize that the baptism of the Holy Ghost is the  seal
of God. For it is written in Ephesians 4:30 "Grieve not the  holy
Spirit of God whereby you're sealed until the day of your redemp­
tion." Lord God, seal this church tonight. Those who are  wanting

the seal of the Holy Spirit, kiss away every fear, Lord, and seal
them  with Thy Seal of the Spirit in their hearts,  that  they'll
come  forth as newborn babes, crying, "Abba, Father".  Grant  it,
Lord. I commit them to Thee in the Name of Jesus, Thy Son."