God’s word is His Power

April 28, 1993

Brian Kocourek


Matt 6: 33 <read>


1 Cor 4:20 <read

people  misquote  this  often. They say, you see,  not  word  but Power  which  is Spirit. And yet they don't understand  that  His Word is His Spirit. And as a man thinketh in His heart, so is He.


ONENESS PP. 186 <read>


Romans 1: 16 <read> The  Word  of  God is the Power of God. Now let's  look  at  this Kingdom of God.


2 Peter 1: 11 <read>

Notice  hw the entrance comes by a ministered Word.  The  Present day Truth.


Hebrew 12: 26 - 28 <read>A ministry will bring it, when?


2 Tim 4: 1 <read>At the Appearing and His Kingdom.


Luke 17: 20 - 21 <read> In their midst and don't even see it.


John 3: 3 <read>

You  can't  see it unless you are born again. You  must  be  born  again.


1 Thes 2: 12 <read>You are summoned to it!  Kaleo = a loud cal


1 Thes 4: 16 - 18 <read>


Revelations 10: 1 - 7 <read> "one who looks back is not even fit to enter the kingdom."


Matt 23: 13 <read> They try to shut up the kingdom or those who would want to  enter from entering.


Romans 1: 16 <read>


Matt 13: 11 - 19 <read Unto you are the kingdom mysteries given. Some won't  understand,
and therefore they won't prepare.


Matt 22: <read> Invited but not dressed, and therefore he was cast out.


Matt 13: 24 - 30 <read>  good seed and bad


Matt 13: 31 - 32 Becomes a tree


Psalm 1 and Psalm 53 Tree of Life  Both birds nest in it, Eagles and buzzards.


Matt 13: 33 <read> Leaven in J - S - B                   


Matt 16: 6 - 12 <read>


Matt 13: 34 - 49  enter only by new birth


Matt 3: 11 - 12 <read>