Oneness with God is having His Mind

May 12, 1993

Brian Kocourek



ONENESS pp. 210 - 211 <read>


What is oneness with God? "Let the mind that was in Christ be  in you."


"His own mind in you will recognize every Word that He wrote."


You  must  recognize in order to be able to  rightly  divide  the Word.  The reason people can't rightly divide the  Word  is that they can't recognize.


2 TIM 2:12-15 (correctly)

Rightly  dividing  -  Then how do  you  wrongly  divide?  Rightly (correctly) divide - make a straight cut. To dissect,  breakdown, expound correctly the divine Message, rightly divide.


Now when he says you've got to have Christ's own mind in order to recognize what is His Word and what is not His Word.


Therefore,  to me , I believe that unless you have the very  mind of Christ there is no way you can recognize. So here we see  that the word "recognize" is the key. What does it mean to  recognize? What does this word even suggest to us.


WEBSTER:  RECOGNIZE - to experience or appreciate, but  I'm  sure brother  Branham was speaking to the Apostles as more  than  just appreciating the Words of Jesus.


Now,  if  we take our language at face value, then  what  brother Branham  is  telling us, is that Oneness is to have the  mind  of Christ.  And once you have His mind, it will bring back  with  it your memory. Because memory has to do with the mind.


To recognize according to Webster, is to experience or to identify someone or something as to having known it previously.


Let's face it, as I said Sunday - how can you rightly divide what you  are unsure about. You'd just be stabbing at it in the  dark. Just  guessing  at it or presuming. And brother Branham  said  to presume is to venture without authority.


So  we  see here, that we can not have Oneness with  God  without understanding God.


Now,  I am getting ready to fly over to Japan in the next  couple days. Fortunately, many people in Japan take English as a  second language. Otherwise, could you imagine trying to communicate over there? Now, when I went over to England I had no problem with a language barrier,  we could understand each other  because  even though the accent is different, we have the basic language is the same.


Once  in  a while you hear a slang word or expression  that  will throw you off - like - "I'll be back in a fort night." Unless you know what a fortnight is you don't understand what is being said.


A  fort  night is 2 weeks. But you must know that to be  able  to understand what is being said.


Now,  when  I was in Norway and Sweden, the languages  were  very different but having grown up in Minnesota where there is a  high percentage of Scandinavians from Sweden and Norway, I was used to hearing at least the sing song fashion in which they speak.  Also
many of the words in their language have a basis in English, ie:God  is Gud, goods are God(e). Out is ut, and sale is  salge.  so when we see words that we can recognize, even parts of the words, we  sort of pice together a communication through  identification and piecing enough of them together to make out a thought.


                    1 COR 13: 9 - 12 root GINOSKO to understand.

Known = epi -  ginosko. to know upon some mark. to recognize.


Matt 24: 32 <read>


MATT 13: 10 - 11 it is given to you to recognize, to understand.


ACTS 22: 1 - 15 esp. vs 14 <read>Why? Because this "know", this "ginosko" means that there is more than  a  mere  ability to intellectually be able to  know  or  by reason of mental prowess. It has to do with Seed. Notice vs.  12. Those  who are made to echo will be able to understand  the  Word and thus echo it.


Luke 1: 18 - 34 Know no man. This has to do with Seed.


2 COR 5: 16 Not after the flesh. So what Mark?

Eph 3: 19

Phil 3: 10

Luke 10: 22 - 24

John 10: 14 - 27 - 38 esp. (14, 15, 27)

John 14: 7, 20, 31  17: 3, 23

1 John 2: 3 - 5

1 John 5: 20


Let's just bow our heads in prayer.