Gathering through Separation

June 2, 1993

Brian Kocourek


ONENESS pp. 199 <read> A gathering. How? By separating first.


A gathering shows: 1) Movement


                             2) Focus


Notice              Matt 3: 11 - 12 Direction, into a definitive place.


Luke 3: 17 <read>

Now, gathering means a coming together. It doesn't mean everybody does their own thing. Gathering shows cohesion. Oneness, like the sermon title.


Luke 17: 37

Matt 24: 28  gather together  -  in ONE.

Eph 1: 10 In One. So who is this One?

2 Thes 2: 1 In Him!     How?

2 Thes 1: 7 - 10 <read>


This is actually a continuation of  1 Thes 4: 16 - 18 <read>


Mark 13: 37

Matt 24: 31


So we see this gathering shows that those who are being  gathered are becoming focused. And once our focus is one, it draws us  to that single focus.


How many eyes does a person have? 2 right?  Yet why don't we  see 2 of every thing?  Because our eyes are focused together to  see one.  So  our eyes must focus and work together to see just a single  object. If you see double, you are not focused  on  one.  You see more than one.


Matt  6:  19 - 21 Now,  notice,  His  parable doesn't end here. Let's keep reading.


Matt 6: 22 - focussed

           23 - evil - poneros - diseased.


Now,  what happens when your eye become diseased? You loose  your sight? Right? Your vision becomes dimmed.  filmed over. corrupted. And that's what happened to Cain!


1 John 3: 12 evil - diseased. And what hapens when you loose sight of the promises of God?  You  begin to separate yourself from God and His gathering.


Gen 4: 6 - 7, 16 Cain went from the presence of God.

Heb 3: 12  In departing from the living God. Soon  this Word which He is the Living Word, becomes nothing  too  you.  No more than just attending church. And there you are  lost.
When  that happens - you're gone. The Life has left you. The  oil is gone out of your lamp. You've sprung a leak.


Matt 25: 1 - 3, 4-7, 8 Our lamps are gone out

Matt  6:  22 - 23 Notice  Schofield's  marking here- the light is a lamp.


Matt  6:  23 But if your  lamp  is  diseased, dying,  then  it  becomes darkened and separation  set's  in  and death.


Eph 4: 17 - 18 Separated from the Life of God


Now, remember, the lamp represent the Word of God.


Ps 199: 105


Proverbs  6: 23 Notice here the  tie  between lamp and light. Light and life.


John 1: 1, 4-5 So  when we see the lamp went out for the foolish Virgins, it  is  because  the  Life of the Word left them. Therefore,  God's  very Life became only  a work effort to them. Go to church. do this. Don't do this.


Isa 62: 1-2

2 Sam 22: 29

Rev  4:  5  He is  our  lamp.  The  gathering together is unto Him.


And by our rejecting Him, or let's just say by our setting  aside His  lamp, His Word, His Life we thus cut ourselves off from  the Light and the Life that only His Presence can bring.


Proverbs 13: 9

2 Peter 2: 1 Denying the One that bought them

This is not an outright denial of Christ, but they are saying  "I  can do it!"


PP.  199 separating from the tares but  gath­ered together unto Him. The Word.


Matt 3: 11 - 12

Why does the lamp go out and therefore a separation from the Word which is life take place?


PP. 200 because they are too headstrong!


1 John 1: 7

But we also know that in the end-time the spirit of men will  be so headstrong.


2 Tim 3: 1-4    

Matt 6: 22 - 24 you can't serve 2 masters.

James 1: 6-8  it won't work.

Matt 6: 25, 27, 28 take no thought, 31, 34 You have no thought coming.

Luke 12; 11, 22, 25, 26

Mark 13: 11


PP.  201 not our thoughts. They have no  life of their own. Only His Life will do, therefore only His thoughts will do for only His Word can bring life.