Loosing the Flame in your Life

June 6, 1993

Brian Kocourek


Before  we  begin this morning, I just want to say to  those  who were not here Wednesday night, get the tape. If ever there was  a message for this church to hear I think it was that one. Brothers and  sisters, we must never let this Word become common to us.  I see  a lethargy sweeping in on people and a  complacency.  People are  letting things get to them like I've never seen  it  before. Everybodies on edge. Nerves are shot.


I've  already  seen one church ripped apart because  people  keep looking at the flesh instead of the promises of God. And I'll not stand by and see another.


It's as if we've reached the end of our rope and there isn't  any more  rope to hold us. But that is only a lie of the devil.  Your rope  never will hold you. So don't even try.  Neither will  any­thing you do ever merit anything with God. So don't, don't, don't let this Word become common to you.


LUKE 17: 20 - 30

Now Jesus Himself tells us here that as the setting was in Noah's day  and  also in Lot's day, so will it be when the  Son  of  Man comes.  People  ate and drank and got married and were  given  in marriage and they were so engrossed in those earthly things  that they  missed what God was doing spiritually. They were so  caught up  into everyday living that they soon lost preeminence  in  the Living Word of the Living God.


Now Satan will bring along something that will take you  out if  you're meant to be taken out.  Some disagree with one thing while others feel that thing is perfectly right.  And both  use  the same scriptures and quotes to validate  their  own  opinions.  And  I say, what if both positions are wrong. "Shall not  the Judge of all the earth do right." We are all standing before  the  Greatest Judge in all the earth who can  only  Judge righteous  judgment.   But if  we honestly lay ourselves bare before the people and before God,  and God has shown the brethren their situation in light of the Message of Grace,  then  to oppose it, will be found  in  opposition  to something ordained of God. So my advise is to just let  be what  will  be.  Neither bless nor curse. But If  there  are  any blessings  to  come, God will do the blessing. If  there  is  any cursing,  God  will do that as well.


Brother  Branham told us the reason we have these  situations  is because  of  wrong teaching. So if wrong teaching  brought  about error then it will take true teaching to correct the error.


Now, don't  ever try  to force conviction on any one just because they  don't  see things your way. I've seen shunning take place here recently  and I  despise  it. Over what. Something that is out  of  your  hands anyway.  I'm  not going to  let it cause  division without taking a stand against it.


Now the Christian thing to do is to give them each other the benefit  of the  doubt.  Don't  pass judgment upon them. Let  God  be  their Judge. Jesus said, "The Word that I speak , it shall Judge in the Last days". And our Father Abraham said, "Shall not the Judge  of all  the earth do right". And if there be any of you  that  would still want to fuss over this afterwards, then it shows you have a dictating  spirit,  that won't rest until you  have  changed  the minds of others.


Just  because we are in the message together does not mean that  every one  will see every thing the same. That is the beauty of  Grace. We are still in the body of this death and although we have  been given by God's very descent, a perfect revelation, yet we do  not have  a perfect understanding of that perfect revelation  and  we will not have as long as we are in an imperfect body.


Look at the Apostles. They fussed with each other and Paul  stood against  them all, and yet when the chips were down, he  had  his churches  in Asia Minor send food and supplies to the  church  in Jerusalem that had shunned him and his efforts.


Brother Branham said, "if we can not bitterly disagree and  still love each other their is something wrong with our spirit".       


Now,  we  are to receive communion tonight and I am  looking  for healing  to take place sometime today. And I believe we  have  the correct healing balm in this Word of Life. So pay close attention to the message this morning and if you so desire healing in  your hearts, then God is obligated to heal you.


Now, actually, it does not disturb me that I see a little tension and a little warfare going on even though it is has been somewhat mild and subtle.


Because if I saw nothing happening over this I would wonder  what kind  of a group I had here that no one was willing  to  question anything.  It shows Life. It shows that you people have got  some conviction in you. That's good. Now let's focus it down and  keep moving forward.


89 HEBREWS.CPT.7.PT.1  JEFF.IN  HEB 287-330  57-0915  "Now,  "All wars," as I say, "are fought for principles."  Now, if you have a little war in church, it must be the right  princi­ple. You must be fighting for the right thing. And [1]each member of the church is supposed to do that. Now, this teaching is for the church. That's what we're here for, that's what I'm standing here for, that's what God's Word is for, is for the church."


But  let's just be sure we still love each other through it.  And let's leave the out come up to God Himself.


Now,  this morning I want you to pay close attention to what  br. Branham and the scripture is telling us. It is very important for us to get our heads cleared, and back on track with God.


Now in getting to our message this morning. Listen close  now.


Oneness PP. 202  "The  Bible says, in the last days there'd be  churches,  another tower of Babel like".


Now,  really there is nothing wrong with churches. The church  of God  just simply means called out ones. But what he is  referring to here is "CHURCH". Churchy, churchianity. People who have  made the  church their all in all. And I'm afraid we could  easily  do the  same but by the Grace of God. Because when you come the  way of  the Truth, your family and friends all fore sake you  and  all you  have left is the group of people who come together  to  hear the same Word you do. So then you begin to look to this group  as your  family and they soon replace it. Now, that is not all  bad, but  what  happens is we become so intertwined that we  begin  to conform  to a group behavior instead of a Word  behavior.  


Now, actually those that follow this message have more of a Word behavior  than any other groups that call  themselves  churches. But if we are not careful, we come to a place of expectation that everyone must conform to our way of thinking and that's when the Spirit of Christ leaves right then.


The church is a necessary instrument in the hands of God to give us a place in common where we can come and hear the Word. But  it is not a place of social activity. Brother Branham even told  the tabernacle  to do their fellowshipping at home. Very rare was it that  the whole church did activities together outside of  Sunday and Wednesday Worship.


Yes, there was the occasional picnic, but it was never a routine thing. I think we have gotten into a place where we have come to expect the church to satisfy our social obligations. And that is wrong. The church is a house of Prayer. We come to worship God in Spirit and Truth. It is not the local pub, nor is it the local entertainment hall. It is here to function as a lighthouse for our souls. And that is it. 


ACTS 2: 42 - 47 <read>

 Now, in the reading of the scripture here it sounds as if all the people lived continuously together, but that is not what the scripture teaches us. In verse 44 it says and all who believed were together. Now, this word means they were united as one.  But notice also what took place. The Holy Ghost put it upon the hearts  of  the people to be together, because as we have  found here that their is something special about fellowshipping togeth­er around the Word that beats any other kind of fellowship.


But  this  act  of selling all and coming together  was  not  the ultimate  desire the Holy Ghost wanted for the  people.  Because, notice how the Lord gave them a period where everything was going just great. Verse 47 says they had favor with all men.


You  know,  we  see the same thing happened in  Goshen  when  the Hebrew children were leaving.


EXODUS 12: 36 <read>

They  found favor with the people and they even gave  their  gold and silver to them as gifts in departing.


But  what  was  the result. When they were gone  the  people  and Pharoah changed their minds and wanted the Hebrew children dead. So too we see here in the book of ACTS that what God had in  mind was  not to see the people cloister together, but He  wanted  the Gospel  spread  abroad as He had commanded them  before  He  left them.


MATT 27: 19 - 20 <read>

So we see the function of the church is not to be a final resting place, but one which is a tie post for worship even as the  early temple had been.


Once the people were in a condition where they were not tied down with  property,  then the persecutions began in  Jerusalem.  Even famine came into the city. So they had to leave. God forced  them to  leave. In order to spread forth and proclaim the  Message  of Grace.


Brother  Branham was commenting on Moody's church in Chicago  and he  said  there was nearly 5,000 people who considered  it  their church  home.  When he was asked how he could draw  so  many   he replied,  It's not me, It's Christ.


He  said,  "I  preach the sermon once and the men  in  my  church preach  it  another 100 times over and the people  come  in  from every where." But what has happened to the churches. The church has become  the ultimate.  The  people begin by spreading the  message  of  Jesus Christ,  and then soon they get their focus off the spreading  of  the Gospel and they begin to settle into a flock, or little group and  after  a while they become complacent. After all,  in  their early  zeal to share the New found truth, they tell all to  every one  and soon after get burned out because the rejection rate  is so  high. You run out of friends and acquaintances after a  while anyhow.


But Jesus never said go into all the world and tell your  friends and acquaintances only. He said every creature.


And so what takes place is the people give up and soon settle  in for  the long hard winter and then complacency sets in. Then  the church  becomes  center stage for every thing. Our  worship,  our social life, our physical recreation, you name it.


Instead  of our hearts being so filled with a  divine  revelation because the very God from Heaven, The Author and Finisher of  our Faith  has come down to meet with us in service. But  instead  of our total focus being His divine Word which brings a  transforma­tion, we soon get caught up in the cares of life and the  church has become a caretaker of our daily bread.


Even Jesus had to fight this attitude.


John 6: 26 <read>


I  had  a  very good friend turn on me a few years  back  and  he started to draw the people into skating parties in his church and other  social  reforms, and when I went to talk to him  about  it because  I just hated to see the people being swallowed up  in  a social  Gospel, he said, "well, people are coming back  to  church because of it." I could hardly believe what I heard.


Loaves and fishes attract the crowds, but what happened when they found out Jesus was the bread of Life.


John 6: 27 - 41 <read>

People  don't want the simple Word of God any more. They  want  a social life. And the church has to easily bent to there whim.


But  Jesus  hated it. He told the woman at the well,  "They  that worship,  must worship in Spirit and Truth." Not with  bunco  and skating parties.


He  took a whip and drove the money changers out of the House  of God.  Now  those men were doing a service to the people  of  God. There  were many who lived in the city and couldn't  bring  their own lamb or turtle dove, so these full Gospel business men taught  that they could really be a service to the people and maybe  even make a buck at it too. They were a service to the people and  yet Jesus whipped them out of the Temple.


He  said, "My Father's House shall be called a House  of  Prayer, and you have made it a den of robbers and thieves".


We could take you through the scriptures but there is one  purpose to  gather together, and that is to either worship Him in  Spirit and Truth or as we have seen in Malachi and other scripture  that we  gather  together  to  talk the  Word. Outside of  that our  fellowship is in vain and need not be with only believers.


Brother  Branham  didn't just hunt and fish with  believers,  al­though  many followed him wherever he went. But He liked to  hunt with this fella Burt, who had eyes like a lizzard. But if  you'll notice,  brother  Branham led the man to Christ. The  same  thing happened  with Bud Southwick. I know because I've talked  to  Bud for hours back in 78'.


 1-2 WHY.CRY?.SPEAK  JEFF.IN  63-0714"Heavenly Father, we are indeed a privileged people this  morn­ing  to  be  assembled in the house of God,  when  we  know  that there's  so many that would want to be in the house of  God  this morning  and are in hospitals and beds of sickness, and Thou  has given us this privilege to be out here today. And we never  come, Lord, to be seen of each other, though we love our fellowship one with another, but we could do that at our homes; but we have come here to fellowship with He Who has brought us together as beloved children and brethren."


85 CHURCH.ORDER  JEFF.IN  COD 871-917 63-1226

"You  come  here  to worship, not even to visit.  This  is  not a--this  is not a picnic ground, this is not a visitation  place; this  is the visitation place of the Holy Spirit, listen to  what He  has  to say, not to one another. We don't  come  here  to fellowship  with  one another, we come here  to  fellowship  with Christ. This is the house of worship. And children must be disci­plined,  and  if they are... of their parents. Let it  be  known! That  if these deacons... If these parents of the  children  will not listen to what these deacons said, then this parent should be corrected themselves."


149 CHURCH.ORDER JEFF.IN COD 871-917 63-1226

 "Now,  deacons  of the church, and as I--as I  said,  are  the police  of the church. But the church is not a  general  meeting-house  for fellowship and friendship and frolic. The  church is  a sanctuary of God! We come here... Now, if we want  to  meet one another, let me come to your house or you come to my  house,

“or you go to one another's house and meet one another. But  just to frolic around through the church, and talking and things  like that,  it's not right, brethren; we come here, we get  the  whole thing off of our mind. If we would come here...


I'm  afraid that most everywhere we see the churches loosing  the flame  of  God  in their lives. You know how  you  can  tell  the condition  of  a church, or at least of the individuals  in  that church.  Listen  to what they talk about when  they  leave  those doors  back there. If they have the Word of God on their  hearts, then  it shows God is dealing with them and He is alive in  their hearts.  But  just  listen to the conversations that  go  on  out their.  And I ask you, what is on your mind when you  leave  this building.  It shows whether or not you are thoroughly  into  what God's  Word has for your life when you leave here. After-all,  if you  are made to echo, you'll echo. And to echo means to say  the same thing, with the same inflections. The same emphasis."


Oneness pp. 202 -203 <read>So  church isn't it. Then there's got to be something way  beyond church, and that's His presence. Let's keep reading.


ONENESS pp. 204 - 205 <read>Same sign every time.


 1st Exodus - God  in  the  form of the Pillar of fire on the  scene  with  His prophet Moses.


2nd Exodus - God  in  the  form of the Pillar of fire on the  scene  with  His prophet Paul.


 3rd Exodus - God  in  the  form of the Pillar of fire on the  scene  with  His prophet William Branham.


Oneness pp. 206 Notice he let's you know that no one else saw it, only Paul.  They had to take Paul's word for it. But God backed up that Word.  Yet in  this day He actually took His Picture with His  Prophet.  But will the people believe it? No they won't. They are predicted not to believe.


ACTS 13 40 - 41


Hebrews 12: 25 - 29 The Pillar of Fire.

Oneness pp. 206 - 208.

Amos 3: 7,

2 Thes 1: 7-2:1

1 Thes 4; 16 - 18                 

Matt 10: 32 - 42 <read>  Prayer